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On 7/5/2018 at 10:18 AM, stevethemanjordan said:

Give Frost a chance? 

He's been given a chance in almost every position possible on the football field. 

Unfortunately for him, (and fortunately for us watching) his weaknesses won't allow him to be a consistent AFL player. 

I might be alone on this, but I like Frost in our side in particular the way he spools up when there is some open paddock up ahead he goes for a run and launches the ball. Granted the ball often comes straight back but he is a sight to behold at full gallop. 

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3 minutes ago, chookrat said:

I might be alone on this, but I like Frost in our side in particular the way he spools up when there is some open paddock up ahead he goes for a run and launches the ball. Granted the ball often comes straight back but he is a sight to behold at full gallop. 

Probably half the time that's not really his fault.. per se. Quite often we ( players upfield ) don't get themselves I imagine where they ought to be. I.e we aren't a good spreading team ( yet ) . From where I sit ( sometimes ) it looks like he tries to put it to advantage...alas.

He does seem to try to lower his sights. He's not the only one who could do so ;)

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Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

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9 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

No just the continued inept and inconsistent arse about, make it up as you go along "Alice in Wonderland" MRP/TRIBUNAL, Medieval and scratch head philosophies!

Who would know what they will say when you have many "Too similar" incidents with widely varying interpretations.

Its about as confusing as a Martian Rubics cube!

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Somebody trying to make sense of the MRP !!!


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33 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

Surely any late hit, if fairly applied, is still a free kick downfield.

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41 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

This is fantastic news. 

This was always the rule of Australian football and had been overlooked in recent years. In this case Iagree,  because May's bump was designed to stop Curnow being involved in the next part of the play (ie a handball 1-2). The "late" rule applies to a kick where the ball has cleared the area and a) is no longer within 5m or b) because the player is now far enough away from the contest that he couldn't reasonably have expected contact. 

Long live the bump.

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49 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

15.12 FREE KICKS AFTER DISPOSAL (a) Subject to Law 15.12(b), a Free Kick will be paid against a player who makes Prohibited Contact to a Player who has disposed of the football or Prohibited Contact to a Player who is Shepherding a Player who has disposed of the football. The Free Kick shall be taken by the nearest Player to the location where the football touches the ground, or crosses the Boundary Line, as the case may be. If taking the Free Kick at this location will penalise the Team awarded the Free Kick, the Free Kick shall be taken by the Player against whom and at the location where Prohibited Contact was made.

15.4.5 Prohibited Contact and Payment of Free Kick A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player where they are satisfied that the Player has made Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player. Laws of Australian Football 2018 49 A Player makes Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player if the Player:
(a) makes contact or attempts to make contact with any part of their body with an opposition Player in a manner likely to cause injury; (i) above the shoulders (including the top of the shoulders); or (ii) below the knees.
(b) pushes an opposition Player in the back, unless such contact is incidental to a Marking contest and the Player is legitimately Marking, attempting to Mark or spoil the football;
(c) holds an opposition Player who is not in possession of the football;
(d) unduly pushes, bumps, blocks, holds an opposition Player or deliberately interferes with the arms of an opposition Player, who is in the act of Marking or attempting to Mark the football;
(e) pushes, bumps, holds or blocks an opposition Player when the football is further than 5 metres away from the opposition Player or is out of play;
(f) Charges an opposition Player;
(g) trips or attempts to trip an opposition Player, whether by the use of hand, arm, foot or leg;
(h) kicks or attempts to kick an opposition Player, unless contact is accidentally made whilst the Player is Kicking the football;
(i) strikes or attempts to strike an opposition Player, whether by hand, fist, arm, knee or head;
(j) holds or throws an opposition Player after that Player has disposed of the football;
(k) engages in rough conduct against an opposition Player which in the circumstances is unreasonable;
(l) Kicks or attempts to Kick the football in a manner likely to cause injury; or
(m) bumps or makes forceful contact to an opposition Player from front-on when that Player has their head down over the football.

15.4.4 Charge or Charging (a) A Charge means an act of a Player colliding with an opposition Player where the amount of physical force used is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances, irrespective of whether the Player is or is not in possession of the football or whether the Player is within 5 metres of the football. (b) Without limiting the general application of Law 15.4.4 (a), a Charge occurs when a Player unreasonably or unnecessarily collides with an opposition Player: (i) who is not within 5 metres of the football; (ii) who, although within 5 metres of the football, is not in the immediate contest for the football and would not reasonably expect such contact; (iii) who is attempting to Mark the football or who has Marked the football or been awarded a Free Kick; (iv) after that Player has disposed of the football; (v) who is Shepherding another Player on their Team; or (vi) before the football is brought into play.

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52 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?


You are missing the corruption and ineptitude of the MRP MRO position:  could not not suspend him but absolutely zero doubt had a Demon done the deed it would have been "inexcusable, dangerous- 3-4 weeks", but a franchise precious, despite having a poor record, gets a soft penalty.

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55 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Has anyone else seen the MRP decision on May? Suspended a week because he it Curnow in the head with his shoulder.

What really is bizarre is that Michael Christian when giving his reason said May was allowed to bump because the ball was within 5 meters. Curnow had disposed of the ball and the hit was absolutely late yet according to Christian if the bump had been lower he was well within his rights and would not have been sanctioned.

Am I missing something here?

So no direct rule that says you can't bump someone after they've handballed the ball. Comes down a grey area whether it's a reasonable bump or a 'charge'.

Charging itself has been largely removed from the game and replaced with rough conduct which is a pretty general catch all rule.

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Oscar McDonald the only regular starter yet to sign on for next year. 

Gold Coast potentially shopping May.

A future first rounder, Oscar and steak knives Tyson. Where do I sign? 

May at FB, Lever at CHB, Frost capable enough to play either role or as depth or taking an opponent to free one of those other two up, Joel Smith developing along, Hibberd, Hunt, Salem, Jetta. That sounds like a premiership backline.

Would be a lot of resources tied up in the backline but hey if you keep the opposition to 70 points each week we can find the small forwards and outside mid depth in the bargain bin.

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26 minutes ago, deanox said:

This is fantastic news. 

This was always the rule of Australian football and had been overlooked in recent years. In this case Iagree,  because May's bump was designed to stop Curnow being involved in the next part of the play (ie a handball 1-2). The "late" rule applies to a kick where the ball has cleared the area and a) is no longer within 5m or b) because the player is now far enough away from the contest that he couldn't reasonably have expected contact. 

Long live the bump.


17 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

15.12 FREE KICKS AFTER DISPOSAL (a) Subject to Law 15.12(b), a Free Kick will be paid against a player who makes Prohibited Contact to a Player who has disposed of the football or Prohibited Contact to a Player who is Shepherding a Player who has disposed of the football. The Free Kick shall be taken by the nearest Player to the location where the football touches the ground, or crosses the Boundary Line, as the case may be. If taking the Free Kick at this location will penalise the Team awarded the Free Kick, the Free Kick shall be taken by the Player against whom and at the location where Prohibited Contact was made.

15.4.5 Prohibited Contact and Payment of Free Kick A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player where they are satisfied that the Player has made Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player. Laws of Australian Football 2018 49 A Player makes Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player if the Player:
(a) makes contact or attempts to make contact with any part of their body with an opposition Player in a manner likely to cause injury; (i) above the shoulders (including the top of the shoulders); or (ii) below the knees.
(b) pushes an opposition Player in the back, unless such contact is incidental to a Marking contest and the Player is legitimately Marking, attempting to Mark or spoil the football;
(c) holds an opposition Player who is not in possession of the football;
(d) unduly pushes, bumps, blocks, holds an opposition Player or deliberately interferes with the arms of an opposition Player, who is in the act of Marking or attempting to Mark the football;
(e) pushes, bumps, holds or blocks an opposition Player when the football is further than 5 metres away from the opposition Player or is out of play;
(f) Charges an opposition Player;
(g) trips or attempts to trip an opposition Player, whether by the use of hand, arm, foot or leg;
(h) kicks or attempts to kick an opposition Player, unless contact is accidentally made whilst the Player is Kicking the football;
(i) strikes or attempts to strike an opposition Player, whether by hand, fist, arm, knee or head;
(j) holds or throws an opposition Player after that Player has disposed of the football;
(k) engages in rough conduct against an opposition Player which in the circumstances is unreasonable;
(l) Kicks or attempts to Kick the football in a manner likely to cause injury; or
(m) bumps or makes forceful contact to an opposition Player from front-on when that Player has their head down over the football.

15.4.4 Charge or Charging (a) A Charge means an act of a Player colliding with an opposition Player where the amount of physical force used is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances, irrespective of whether the Player is or is not in possession of the football or whether the Player is within 5 metres of the football. (b) Without limiting the general application of Law 15.4.4 (a), a Charge occurs when a Player unreasonably or unnecessarily collides with an opposition Player: (i) who is not within 5 metres of the football; (ii) who, although within 5 metres of the football, is not in the immediate contest for the football and would not reasonably expect such contact; (iii) who is attempting to Mark the football or who has Marked the football or been awarded a Free Kick; (iv) after that Player has disposed of the football; (v) who is Shepherding another Player on their Team; or (vi) before the football is brought into play.

Thanks DeeSpencer, looks like my description was a pretty good lay explanation of those detailed rules!

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When I first saw the footage on the weekend, I was actually very surprised at how Curnow left himself open,  which I feel contributed to the issue.  He should have braced protected himself from contact, instead it looks like he didn't even realise May was there...

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37 minutes ago, Demons11 said:

So May is looking for a trade.  

O Mac hasn’t signed.  

Very interesting. 

Where is this reported?

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44 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

15.12 FREE KICKS AFTER DISPOSAL (a) Subject to Law 15.12(b), a Free Kick will be paid against a player who makes Prohibited Contact to a Player who has disposed of the football or Prohibited Contact to a Player who is Shepherding a Player who has disposed of the football. The Free Kick shall be taken by the nearest Player to the location where the football touches the ground, or crosses the Boundary Line, as the case may be. If taking the Free Kick at this location will penalise the Team awarded the Free Kick, the Free Kick shall be taken by the Player against whom and at the location where Prohibited Contact was made.

15.4.5 Prohibited Contact and Payment of Free Kick A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player where they are satisfied that the Player has made Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player. Laws of Australian Football 2018 49 A Player makes Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player if the Player:
(a) makes contact or attempts to make contact with any part of their body with an opposition Player in a manner likely to cause injury; (i) above the shoulders (including the top of the shoulders); or (ii) below the knees.
(b) pushes an opposition Player in the back, unless such contact is incidental to a Marking contest and the Player is legitimately Marking, attempting to Mark or spoil the football;
(c) holds an opposition Player who is not in possession of the football;
(d) unduly pushes, bumps, blocks, holds an opposition Player or deliberately interferes with the arms of an opposition Player, who is in the act of Marking or attempting to Mark the football;
(e) pushes, bumps, holds or blocks an opposition Player when the football is further than 5 metres away from the opposition Player or is out of play;
(f) Charges an opposition Player;
(g) trips or attempts to trip an opposition Player, whether by the use of hand, arm, foot or leg;
(h) kicks or attempts to kick an opposition Player, unless contact is accidentally made whilst the Player is Kicking the football;
(i) strikes or attempts to strike an opposition Player, whether by hand, fist, arm, knee or head;
(j) holds or throws an opposition Player after that Player has disposed of the football;
(k) engages in rough conduct against an opposition Player which in the circumstances is unreasonable;
(l) Kicks or attempts to Kick the football in a manner likely to cause injury; or
(m) bumps or makes forceful contact to an opposition Player from front-on when that Player has their head down over the football.

15.4.4 Charge or Charging (a) A Charge means an act of a Player colliding with an opposition Player where the amount of physical force used is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances, irrespective of whether the Player is or is not in possession of the football or whether the Player is within 5 metres of the football. (b) Without limiting the general application of Law 15.4.4 (a), a Charge occurs when a Player unreasonably or unnecessarily collides with an opposition Player: (i) who is not within 5 metres of the football; (ii) who, although within 5 metres of the football, is not in the immediate contest for the football and would not reasonably expect such contact; (iii) who is attempting to Mark the football or who has Marked the football or been awarded a Free Kick; (iv) after that Player has disposed of the football; (v) who is Shepherding another Player on their Team; or (vi) before the football is brought into play.

Good lord that is a hard read. Layer of layer upon layer of rules added to suit each new direct from the AFL.

Insert Tony Abbot onion eating gif. 

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On 7/6/2018 at 8:58 AM, Watts Jurrah Dunn? said:

We gave up two first rounders for him and they say this years top 20 is exceptional.

We have gaping holes in the midfield, which is where games are won and lost.

Lever nominated the Dees so we held the power.

We massively overpaid for a guy that does not fix our problems.  He is a 'nice to have'.  Midfielders that can run and kick are a 'need'.

2017 - Jack Higgins

2018 - ????

3 hours ago, CatFishPig said:

So would this bloke be on our radar? 


oh, you mean May?

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3 hours ago, chookrat said:

I might be alone on this, but I like Frost in our side in particular the way he spools up when there is some open paddock up ahead he goes for a run and launches the ball. Granted the ball often comes straight back but he is a sight to behold at full gallop. 

He's a bit similar to Hunt, taking off fast and furious, and leaving their heads back in defence.

composure required, bigtime.

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On 7/6/2018 at 8:58 AM, Watts Jurrah Dunn? said:

We gave up two first rounders for him and they say this years top 20 is exceptional.

We have gaping holes in the midfield, which is where games are won and lost.

Lever nominated the Dees so we held the power.

We massively overpaid for a guy that does not fix our problems.  He is a 'nice to have'.  Midfielders that can run and kick are a 'need'.

I actually think we spent big on a guy who covered our biggest hole. 

The hole was not personnel but strategic positional. We want to defend up the ground and play the backline as a zone. We know that means defenders will be caught out with fast out the back ball coming at them.  We spent the equivalent of pick 5 on the best reader of the play, zone defender and intercept marker in the competition who was also only 21. 

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2 hours ago, deanox said:

I actually think we spent big on a guy who covered our biggest hole. 

The hole was not personnel but strategic positional. We want to defend up the ground and play the backline as a zone. We know that means defenders will be caught out with fast out the back ball coming at them.  We spent the equivalent of pick 5 on the best reader of the play, zone defender and intercept marker in the competition who was also only 21. 

2 knee reco's already, in under 22 yrs.


Lets not put all our eggs in that basket, justin case.   We need another stop-gap key back.  No saying what will be for Petty, Keilty, or Lever for that mater.

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11 hours ago, old dee said:

Right now we did Wiseblood he cannot play till mid next year.

old dee, cast your mind back to the Melksham trade. He got rubbed out for the season a few short weeks after the trade was done. The outrage and frustration at trading a valuable second rounder for a player who couldn’t play was palpable.

Now nobody gives a toss, because he’s playing good footy again. When you recruit a player with a huge amount of footy ahead, the value plays out over their entire career, not just year 1. Lever will more than repay the cost. He had already started before the injury.

If short term success was the measure of success for a trade, Mitch Clark was the greatest trade in history.

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