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Mark Jackson on "Open Mike"

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20 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

Didn't Jacko take out Robbie at training once? Or am I confusing him with someone else? 

I remember Martin Pike took Robbie out and allegedly that was one of the reasons (in addition to his other indiscretions) why we got rid of Pike. Robbie's team mates then wanted to take out Pike. Although I have a vague idea that Jacko may also have had a crack at Robbie at training.

When Jacko was on his game he was a very effective FF of the old school. On most occasions when we kicked long to Jacko in the goal square he marked the footy. I will never forget standing in the outer at Windy Hill and watching Jacko take on Ronnie Andrews. Chasing Ronnie around the goal post and swinging punches with Rotten Ronnie continuing to goad him. Also watching Jacko run the length of the ground at the MCG to be involved in a fight at the other end of the ground. The pity is that if he had channeled his energies and his mind in a more effective manner he would have been remembered as one of the best FF of his day rather than being remembered for his eccentric antics. 

From discussion with others including an ex club doctor Jacko has two personas. The eccentric one and the other a more private and sensible one.

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9 minutes ago, hemingway said:

From discussion with others including an ex club doctor Jacko has two personas. The eccentric one and the other a more private and sensible one.

I've known people like that. One day, warm, generous, good company.  Next day: effin psycho. Sometimes next minute. Not a put on, just the way they were built.

A well regarded ex (in every sense of the word) Collingwood player was like that.

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43 minutes ago, hemingway said:

I remember Martin Pike took Robbie out and allegedly that was one of the reasons (in addition to his other indiscretions) why we got rid of Pike. Robbie's team mates then wanted to take out Pike. Although I have a vague idea that Jacko may also have had a crack at Robbie at training.

How old do you think Martin Pike is? He started at Melbourne at least five years after Robbie retired.

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45 minutes ago, hemingway said:

I remember Martin Pike took Robbie out and allegedly that was one of the reasons (in addition to his other indiscretions) why we got rid of Pike. Robbie's team mates then wanted to take out Pike. Although I have a vague idea that Jacko may also have had a crack at Robbie at training.

When Jacko was on his game he was a very effective FF of the old school. On most occasions when we kicked long to Jacko in the goal square he marked the footy. I will never forget standing in the outer at Windy Hill and watching Jacko take on Ronnie Andrews. Chasing Ronnie around the goal post and swinging punches with Rotten Ronnie continuing to goad him. Also watching Jacko run the length of the ground at the MCG to be involved in a fight at the other end of the ground. The pity is that if he had channeled his energies and his mind in a more effective manner he would have been remembered as one of the best FF of his day rather than being remembered for his eccentric antics. 

From discussion with others including an ex club doctor Jacko has two personas. The eccentric one and the other a more private and sensible one.

Pike put Jeff Hilton heads through a wall at Juice nightclub, Jacko was long retired when Pike was at Melbourne

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16 minutes ago, poita said:

How old do you think Martin Pike is? He started at Melbourne at least five years after Robbie retired.

Quite right Poita, a brain fade on my part, don't know where the hell that came from. Perhaps it was Jacko that took out Robbie and dear Martin had a go at someone else but clearly not Robbie!  Anyone who took out Robbie at training needs to be condemned to hell for ever!

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On 7/27/2016 at 6:39 AM, Colin B. Flaubert said:

Sounds like a train crash of epic proportions. However, if your read a recent AFL website interview with Jacko where every sentence had one F-bomb censored by replacing it with the word 'flamin', what did they expect?
Not to say Mike deserved that kind of treatment. By the sounds of it, they should have pulled the plug halfway through and just paid his fee. 
Postscript: Just saw the interview then and I was wondering by the end what his bloody point was. 

Well his point was that he ( Sheahan ) helped destroyed both the Swans and Fitzroy with the so called leaks etc from the VFL/AFL. And his point about the commission was spot on as well.

Sheahan sold his journalistic soul to his masters the corporate governors of what used to be our game. 

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Jacko is an interesting figure. Objectionable to some and clearly a person with a lot of grievances. However, the nature of his grievances are typical of an individual that has trouble fitting into a team or organization and has a distrust or hatred of authority. His family upbringing is important here. His father was State Secretary of the Slaters and Tilers Union (one of the many "trade" unions that were swallowed up by the Industry Unions), in this case, the union now known as the CFMEU. His father was a character much like his son, but had a deep distrust of employers which was both class based and had its core in a deep distrust of authority. I suspect Mark inherited this view and this rooted a deep distrust in his employer/club/coach etc.

Of course the class/union/employer divide is a whole belief system that often stays with people over their lifetime. Many of us support teams that our father supported. It is no different with our beliefs about society and class. 

Most employers and footy teams want harmony and a reality where all the workers/players fit into the cog or team and work for one another rather than against one another. Employees that work against this natural order usually don't last long and many end up drifting or working for themselves because they can't fit in.

Notwithstanding, Jacko was a talented footballer with a strong native intelligence. His views on his coaches, team mates, opponents, AFL, and journalists have an element of truth. Most people don't voice those views, or, if they do, voice them in a milder or less outspoken manner. However, Jacko voices those views. Some of those views may be exaggerated and pay no heed to political correctness. People who don't fit in are often labelled as ratbags, divisive and plain difficult. Also once labelled, more often than not, the labels stick and sometimes the myth, the truths and untruths stick. At the end of the day, footy is a team sport and cannot abide individuals who are not going to fit into that team ethos. The history of sport is littered with talented individuals whose talent is never fulfilled because they can't fit it. Our indigenous footballers are a case in point although coaches and clubs have now learnt how to manage and exploit those differences for the good of the team and the game.  However, life can be difficult for those individuals who are "different" and who don't conform. 

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8 hours ago, camillo said:

And his point about the commission was spot on as well.

Could not disagree with a point more than this one. Are you kidding. You think it would be better to have Eddie Everywhere running the competition along with a bunch of other people who's prime job is to further the interests of their own Club not the overall competitions.  Eddie Everywhere has been able to do massive damage to the Northern Clubs already. He's given the best draw in the Comp but does everything he can to stop equalisation. Give me a break. The Comp wouldn't exist now if it was run by Club Presidents.

I'm not saying I'm happy with a lot of what the Commission's been doing lately but it's still a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Eg anything and everything to do with their past and ongoing handling of the Essendrug saga. 

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4 hours ago, hemingway said:

Jacko is an interesting figure. Objectionable to some and clearly a person with a lot of grievances. However, the nature of his grievances are typical of an individual that has trouble fitting into a team or organization and has a distrust or hatred of authority. His family upbringing is important here. His father was State Secretary of the Slaters and Tilers Union (one of the many "trade" unions that were swallowed up by the Industry Unions), in this case, the union now known as the CFMEU. His father was a character much like his son, but had a deep distrust of employers which was both class based and had its core in a deep distrust of authority. I suspect Mark inherited this view and this rooted a deep distrust in his employer/club/coach etc.

Of course the class/union/employer divide is a whole belief system that often stays with people over their lifetime. Many of us support teams that our father supported. It is no different with our beliefs about society and class. 

Most employers and footy teams want harmony and a reality where all the workers/players fit into the cog or team and work for one another rather than against one another. Employees that work against this natural order usually don't last long and many end up drifting or working for themselves because they can't fit in.

Notwithstanding, Jacko was a talented footballer with a strong native intelligence. His views on his coaches, team mates, opponents, AFL, and journalists have an element of truth. Most people don't voice those views, or, if they do, voice them in a milder or less outspoken manner. However, Jacko voices those views. Some of those views may be exaggerated and pay no heed to political correctness. People who don't fit in are often labelled as ratbags, divisive and plain difficult. Also once labelled, more often than not, the labels stick and sometimes the myth, the truths and untruths stick. At the end of the day, footy is a team sport and cannot abide individuals who are not going to fit into that team ethos. The history of sport is littered with talented individuals whose talent is never fulfilled because they can't fit it. Our indigenous footballers are a case in point although coaches and clubs have now learnt how to manage and exploit those differences for the good of the team and the game.  However, life can be difficult for those individuals who are "different" and who don't conform. 

I think you're giving him a bit too much credit here Ernie. This is a guy who injured teammates at training because they had his spot in the team and got moved on from every club he played at. He belted Robbie, abused RDB and mocked Melbourne supporters. He said he hoped Mike Sheahan got cancer. He's not a precious, unique snowflake who couldn't fit in because he's an individual. He's just a [censored].

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12 minutes ago, special robert said:

'Melbourne will never go anywhere because they have no guts'......have I got that quote from him right? Dermott B makes a similar observation about us.

Hard to argue with them though

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1 hour ago, america de cali said:

Not surprised when he said he lives in Gympie or around there. Gympie would have to be the spiritual home fot redneck bogans in Australia.

It's a big country ADC.....

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2 hours ago, Ricky P said:

I think you're giving him a bit too much credit here Ernie. This is a guy who injured teammates at training because they had his spot in the team and got moved on from every club he played at. He belted Robbie, abused RDB and mocked Melbourne supporters. He said he hoped Mike Sheahan got cancer. He's not a precious, unique snowflake who couldn't fit in because he's an individual. He's just a [censored].

We had a sportsmanship lunch with Spud Frawley and Brian Lake in Mildura on Wednesday and Spud talked a bit about Jacko. He said there was no way it was staged and that he's a full lunatic. Also said that Sheahan was extremely shaken after it in which the producer and a couple others took him out for a few beers afterward to relax a little.

Spud told the story of why the saints kicked him out. Wasn't for the 'brick under the brake pedal' (although it was clearly a starting point) but it was for the damage he did to Lockett in what I think was a praccy match.

Spuds story goes something like Jacko knew this Lockett kid was going to take his spot soon even though in this match Lockett was in the pocket and Jacko at FF. Apparently during the game a high ball was kicked into the forward line which Jacko could have went for but Lockett courageously slid in front taking a grab. Instead of stopping Jacko dove knees first into Locketts back and slid across him which prevented Lockett continuing and stuffed his back for a couple weeks. There was no need for it and about half a dozen Saints players had a go at him on the spot.

I think it was a practice match but I had a few pots in me for the exact details but after that playing group wouldn't have anything to do with him.

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3 hours ago, america de cali said:

Not surprised when he said he lives in Gympie or around there. Gympie would have to be the spiritual home fot redneck bogans in Australia.

Lots of meth up there too. I think we're noticing a pattern here..

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4 hours ago, Ricky P said:

I think you're giving him a bit too much credit here Ernie. This is a guy who injured teammates at training because they had his spot in the team and got moved on from every club he played at. He belted Robbie, abused RDB and mocked Melbourne supporters. He said he hoped Mike Sheahan got cancer. He's not a precious, unique snowflake who couldn't fit in because he's an individual. He's just a [censored].

Fair enough, everyone's opinion is  worthy. I understand your comments. I was trying to paint a broader picture of why he is what he is. Not defend his attitudes. He is what he is. 

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On 27/07/2016 at 8:38 PM, johndemons said:

Jacko illustrating why retro round is confined to one week of the year and not 25.

People think he made some good points because the common narrative is to bag out the afl instead of showing gratitude. 

We have a thriving 18 club competition model that lifts up the poorest and keeps them from folding that has eliminated thuggery and developed a social conscience. The complexity of Equalisation aside, its about time people showed some appreciation to the AFL instead of acting like they're the big enemy. To simplify, It reminds me of how everyone hated high school, and yet high school is responsible for socialising you and helping you develop into further studies and employment. The AFL is responsible for taking the game national and creating a sustainable and thriving business model. It's responsible for people like Peter Jackson and Paul Roos being delivered to us.

The VFL is still there for all the people like Jacko that want the "purist" form of footy, though you might have to start a brawl in the outer if you want to get the closest form.

Good riddance to people like him and as Gerard said on 360: I lasted about 8 minutes and decided I had something better to do than watch this.

The AFL destroyed the soul of Australian Football. Maybe it was inevitable but so much could have been done better and so much has been lost in the last 20-30 years.

As for a thriving 18 club competition, some clubs are kept on drip feed with little chance of success while rules are bent for others in the interest of "spreading the game" ie $$$ for the corporate bonuses.

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4 hours ago, Ricky P said:

I think you're giving him a bit too much credit here Ernie. This is a guy who injured teammates at training because they had his spot in the team and got moved on from every club he played at. He belted Robbie, abused RDB and mocked Melbourne supporters. He said he hoped Mike Sheahan got cancer. He's not a precious, unique snowflake who couldn't fit in because he's an individual. He's just a [censored].

The cancer comment is a bit of a beat up - it was a reference to something he wrote inside his locker (his "hit list") 30 years ago which he half heartedly defended (he's not the type to ever back down from anything is he?) It was also apparently in the context of Sheahan writing an article linking Jackson's suspension to his father's death on the same day?

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2 hours ago, deeko said:

We had a sportsmanship lunch with Spud Frawley and Brian Lake in Mildura on Wednesday and Spud talked a bit about Jacko. He said there was no way it was staged and that he's a full lunatic. Also said that Sheahan was extremely shaken after it in which the producer and a couple others took him out for a few beers afterward to relax a little.

Spud told the story of why the saints kicked him out. Wasn't for the 'brick under the brake pedal' (although it was clearly a starting point) but it was for the damage he did to Lockett in what I think was a praccy match.

Spuds story goes something like Jacko knew this Lockett kid was going to take his spot soon even though in this match Lockett was in the pocket and Jacko at FF. Apparently during the game a high ball was kicked into the forward line which Jacko could have went for but Lockett courageously slid in front taking a grab. Instead of stopping Jacko dove knees first into Locketts back and slid across him which prevented Lockett continuing and stuffed his back for a couple weeks. There was no need for it and about half a dozen Saints players had a go at him on the spot.

I think it was a practice match but I had a few pots in me for the exact details but after that playing group wouldn't have anything to do with him.

 I have no love for Jacko but this is pure fictional narrative

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6 hours ago, america de cali said:

Not surprised when he said he lives in Gympie or around there. Gympie would have to be the spiritual home fot redneck bogans in Australia.

Queensland is a beautiful place. It's only fault is it is full of Queenslanders.

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1 hour ago, hemingway said:

 I have no love for Jacko but this is pure fictional narrative

Well that's what Frawley said straight from his mouth. I've got no reason to post  bs on here. Just a story from Spud

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