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Adam Goodes

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The word ape was never used Pman.

Was much worse than that to the degree it is unrepeatable on here.

Goodes was obviously so shocked at what WAS said at the time that he made a spur of the moment instinctive reaction to point her out in the crowd.

What happened after they (and Goodes) realised how young she was resulted in a different version of said rant being fed to the media.

Everyone needs to relconsider any argument they are putting forward against Goodes using the Ape/Monkey line as this wasn't what he reacted to!

Anyone doing so needs to pull their head in a little and think again!!

So whats the link, you are quick to retort but slow to explain, come on, put me in my place and explain the link, my dumb brain needs to be righted.

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I don't doubt they claim it, but I doubt it happened. There was certainly no government policy to "steal children".

Children have been saved from terrible environments in some Aboriginal communities for decades. Perhaps they were from one of those.

Holy [censored].

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So whats the link, you are quick to retort but slow to explain, come on, put me in my place and explain the link, my dumb brain needs to be righted.

Ever heard of google?

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Great rebuff from you LG. I suspect Keith W has done quite a deal more research that you. But then again thats fairly typical of you Canberra lefties when they don't like something, they attack it with nonsense rather than a reasoned argument. That's all you have done in this thread. I suspect you also shout a lot and stamp your feet if your Milo isn't warm enough.

Wonder how you'd feel if your ancestral lands were stolen and your ancestors slaughtered. If it made you money you probably wouldn't care you small, shallow little peanut

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There's no doubt that the Left is alive and well on Demonland...

Pt 1.
You say it’s “public record” and you may be right, but please provide evidence. as I don’t remember there being any record of her saying she was parroting family members, or other supporters. I do remember however her saying she didn’t even know Goodes was Aboriginal and was merely referring to his appearance.
Link me to your evidence.
You talk of a “community gravy train” ? Half of the country is on welfare. Half of Australians families pay no net income tax. Australians have to rid themselves of the mentality that governments owe them a living.
You then speak of discrimination against Aboriginals. What discrimination are you referring to ? And when will this country be mature enough to end the racial divide so that all Australians embrace being Australian.
You say indigenous Australians are “massively excluded”. In what way ? Where is this deliberate “exclusion” you refer to ?
Pt 3.
The “stolen generations” are a myth perpetuated by politically motivated historians. Have a read of Keith Windschuttle's The Fabrication of Aboriginal History. Here’s an excerpt:
Yet recent historians and commentators have persisted in describing this proposal as "a massive exercise of social engineering" and an instrument of genocide. Robert Manne, professor of politics at La Trobe University, described it as commonwealth policy: "The officials in Canberra and the minister, J. A. Perkins, gave support to Cook's proposal for an extension of the Territory policy to Australia as a whole."
This is false. The truth is that Perkins, minister for the interior in the Joseph Lyons government, in a carefully worded statement to the House of Representatives on August 2, 1934, denounced the proposal. He said: "It can be stated definitely, that it is and always has been, contrary to policy to force half-caste women to marry anyone. The half-caste must be a perfectly free agent in the matter."
None of the historians of the Stolen Generations have ever reproduced Perkins's statement. Nor have they reported any of the other critical reactions made by Lyons to the press. On June 23, 1933, the Darwin newspaper, the Northern Standard, quoted Lyons government sources saying: "It is all a lot of rot." But you won't find that quoted in any of the academic literature on this topic. Manne is not the only offender here but, as a professor of politics, he had the greater public duty to tell the full story.
Seeing as you find Bolt an anathema, let’s also read his exchange with Stolen Generations Alliance co-patron Lowitja O’Donoghue in 2001,
(My father) didn’t want to be straddled with five kids,” the former Australian of the Year said, sobbing. “I haven’t forgiven him…
“I don’t like the word ‘stolen’ and it’s perhaps true that I’ve used the word loosely at times… I would see myself as a removed child, and not necessarily stolen.”
Asked whether it would be better to state clearly that she wasn’t a member of the stolen generation, Dr O’Donoghue said: “I am prepared to make that concession.”
I note you’re from Canberra Goffy. A great haven of the Left. I doubt you’d like our border protection policy either.
Here’s a link to Keith Windschuttle's The Fabrication of Aboriginal History
Pt 4.
My ancestors lived on their land in a young settled country. Settlement took place 60 odd years before their journey. I accept that you have personal guilt, but that’s your choice. I have none. I don’t have an ounce of guilt for something that had nothing to do with me. And I feel no guilt on behalf of my ancestors. Explorers discovered a new land on the other side of the world and established new lives. I’m bloody glad they did. You ? Not so much. My ancestors have nothing to feel ashamed about. I have no doubt Aborigines were treated appalling in many cases, but I take no ownership over that. Many indigenes also wish their brethren would leave their animosity behind, as it holds their community back.
People, such as you, don’t help their cause and nor do you help enrich their future. But rest assured fellow lefties will rejoice in slapping your back. For seeming is always far better than doing.

Wow, just wow.

You call for end to the racial divide and then spout this nonsense.

It's precisely because of views like yours that we have a racial divide.

maybe put yourself in their shoes and maybe your skewed opinion will change

Let me guess you work in Banking or are a stockbroker? A true leach on society

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Still going...and nothing new 'daisy'...

alas no Goode will come of this thread !

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When the government of the nation thinks its OK to send the military in to police indigenous communities, when people who live in remote communities on land their ancestors have lived for thousands of years are derided by the PM as making "lifestyle choices", when the PM and government deny the genocidal history such as occurred following the release of the Stolen Generations report, when the PM and government run scare campaigns against indigenous Australians stating that they'll claim peoples backyards following the Mabo/Wik decisions, when nothing is done to address the rampant poverty and racism in indigenous communities which leads to things like higher rates of abuse, imprisonment, suicide/self harm, preventable diseases etc etc - is it any wonder most otherwise "normal" Aussies react the way they do? These things flow down from the top.

Not to mention the government taking their land away from them, then using it for the purpose of mining, etc.

As far as 'lifestyle choices' go, it is a drop in the ocean compared to how much the governments have cashed on out mining over the years.

The imprisonment rate is also a disgrace, the rapid rise of imprisonment amongst indigenous females is something that is grossly overlooked.

For all the who-ha about other female related issues facing the country, advocates and campaigners seem to go missing when it comes to the injustices facing indigenous women. My guess is that there isn't any money in it for them.

Edited by KingDingAling
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I don't suppose ProDee and a few others were marching in Richmond yesterday with the United Patriots Front? Some scary insights into posters on this thread. I can't see us learning much more from it.

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Wow, you should tell someone at the ABC about that. Genocide still occurring??

Hey, maybe you work for the ABC?

Would you care to tell us where this geniocide is still occurring? Let me help you with a definition: "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

The crime of genocide is defined in international law in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

© Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

© Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.

The Genocide Convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948. The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951. More than 130 nations have ratified the Genocide Convention and over 70 nations have made provisions for the punishment of genocide in domestic criminal law. The text of Article II of the Genocide Convention was included as a crime in Article 6 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

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I wonder how JnrMac and Prodee would feel if they lived in a country dominated by a people who stole the land and racially abused them on a daily basis. Then one decides to stand up and show some passion and pride for his people and gets shot down for it. This level of hypocrisy can only be shown by uneducated, sheltered folk with little sense for the world as larger than their own postcode.

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Well perhaps if you had at least heard him speak, you would know. In the early 2000's he had plenty of publicity, when those that subscribe to the 'black armband" version of Australian history rebuttal were trumpeting their cause.

like i said i have never read him or heard him speak

of course i have browsed occasional media articles but that doesn't give me a critical understanding

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Wonder how you'd feel if your ancestral lands were stolen and your ancestors slaughtered. If it made you money you probably wouldn't care you small, shallow little peanut

Wow, just wow.

You call for end to the racial divide and then spout this nonsense.

It's precisely because of views like yours that we have a racial divide.

maybe put yourself in their shoes and maybe your skewed opinion will change

Let me guess you work in Banking or are a stockbroker? A true leach on society

I can't "like" these posts because apparently I've reached my daily quota but they certainly made me laugh.

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I don't suppose ProDee and a few others were marching in Richmond yesterday with the United Patriots Front? Some scary insights into posters on this thread. I can't see us learning much more from it.

No it's OK AF. It is the usual refuge of scoundrels to place epithets on those who disagree with them. It is easy call them "left", "politically correct" Chardonnay Socialists., "do-gooders". But if calling out racism is any of those things, then I am happy to wear them. Even if others ask about the view from my mythical "high-horse". I will continue to call out bigotry on any level.

Then as if to justify their banal criticisms they then seek to support their arguments by citing Andrew Bolt and Keith Windschuttle, when what they say has been shot down time and time again. These are the "flat earth" brigade - sorry for the name calling - of insular conservativism.

It may well be worth remembering that it was a socialist ideologue, Arthur Caldwell, that inspired the paper tiger white Australia Policy and uttered the immortal words "2 wongs, don't make a white"

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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Wow, just wow.

You call for end to the racial divide and then spout this nonsense.

It's precisely because of views like yours that we have a racial divide.

maybe put yourself in their shoes and maybe your skewed opinion will change

Let me guess you work in Banking or are a stockbroker? A true leach on society

i have a son who works in it for a bank, does that make him a "true leach(sic) on society"? :o

on the other hand, i have a brother in law who works for a stockbroker, who could be described as a leach(sic) :)

nice to see you are at least free of bigotry, ri

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Go [censored] yourself.

Now that adds to the substance of the debate; doesn't it???. There is always one way to know when bigotry exists. It is normally accompanied by a fair modicum of anger. By the way, for the record, I would if I could.

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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The word ape/monkey was never used Pman.

Was much worse than that to the degree to that the "words" used are unrepeatable on here.

Goodes was obviously so shocked at what WAS said at the time that he made a spur of the moment instinctive reaction to point her out in the crowd.

What happened after they (and Goodes) realised how young she was resulted in a different version of said rant being touted to the media.

Anyone putting forward an argument against Goodes using the Ape/Monkey line needs to think again as this wasn't what he reacted to!

Well this is literally the first I'm hearing of it. You'll forgive me RN for being slightly skeptical of your conspiracy theory. Every outlet reported that the word used was "ape". if you know otherwise then you should explain how you know, and stop speaking in tongues. IF she used much more overt language then that would have to be taken into consideration.

Gonz - I'm not just referring to Goodes. En masse I thought the handling of it was poor. My view is that Goodes' line of "racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl" was wholly unnecessary in the message he was trying to convey. The hysteria over name calling seemed to forget that this was a child, not an adult, that was under public trial.

This is all just a tiresome finger pointing exercise. An opportunity for those who condemn the loudest to put their "I'm a more compassionate person than you" hat on.

Productive discussions are ones that centre around what we're going to do as a nation to lessen the infant mortality rates and improve the education standards in our indigenous communities. Endlessly debating the merits of a war dance or whether people are booing Goodes cause he is black is, by comparison, fluff.

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i have a son who works in it for a bank, does that make him a "true leach(sic) on society"? :o

on the other hand, i have a brother in law who works for a stockbroker, who could be described as a leach(sic) :)

nice to see you are at least free of bigotry, ri

By banker I'm not talking customer banking. I'm talking the Morgan Stanley's of the world. Leaches is actually a kind word for such folk

I never said i wasn't a bigot It's just that my bigotry is aimed at folk who have been justifying genocide, environmental destruction and other such atrocities in the name of progress

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Ever heard of google?

Back it up, there is no link otherwise. Its just little ole me calling some guy a name based on his looks alone, has nothing to do with his culture, where he came from, who is brothers, sisters cousins are and least of all what colour they are. But you guys cant seem to see past that.

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So whats the link, you are quick to retort but slow to explain, come on, put me in my place and explain the link, my dumb brain needs to be righted.

Actually it needs to be lefted, just back to the centre. Right out there you start to believe your own dribble

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No it's OK AF. It is the usual refuge of scoundrels to place epithets on those who disagree with them. It is easy call them "left", "politically correct" Chardonnay Socialists., "do-gooders". But if calling out racism is any of those things, then I am happy to wear them. Even if others ask about the view from my mythical "high-horse". I will continue to call out bigotry on any level.

Then as if to justify their banal criticisms they then seek to support their arguments by citing Andrew Bolt and Keith Windschuttle, when what they say has been shot down time and time again. These are the "flat earth" brigade - sorry for the name calling - of insular conservativism.

It may well be worth remembering that it was a socialist ideologue, Arthur Caldwell, that inspired the paper tiger white Australia Policy and uttered the immortal words "2 wongs, don't make a white"

To quote the great philosopher, Chris Rock;

The whole country’s got a [censored] up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are [censored] idiots. Democrats are [censored] idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.

Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a [censored] fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I’m a conservative! I’m a liberal! I’m a conservative! It’s [censored]!

Be a [censored] person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion.

No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some [censored] I’m conservative about, I got some [censored] I’m liberal about. Crime – I’m conservative. Prostitution – I’m liberal.

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Try reading a bit harder. Keith W has done a good deal of research. For someone such as the shrill LG to attack the poster referring to his research is absurd as your entering this interlude with such stunning clarity.

Having stopped reading 3/4 of the way through his book as I was sick of tasting my own vomit I dare say following his words would take a strong stomach, not to mention an excellent revisionist view of Australia's poor and sorry history. i mean FFS we celebrate Australia Day and Anzac day. Senseless death and destruction in the name of progress. Go Figure!

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