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Jordie McKenzie

Harry Plopper

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1. McKenzie happened to be the beneficiary of a ball that spilt off Stanton as he was trying to mark the ball unbalanced. The ball landed at the fall of the feet of McKenzie and he picked it up to fire off a handball. Haha. Are we serious here? Stanton lost his feet, Hurley left Watts to impact the marking contest which he didn't do leaving Watts free for the handball receive from McKenzie. Two mistakes by Essendon players gift us a goal. McKenzie was the beneficiary. There's your unbiased view of the scenario.

You want to throw you own spin so here's mine. Jordie was lucky to not give away a free for running back with flight ( courage to do this in itself) - but lets now look at what the two Essendon players did and what McKenzie did. Stanton didn't mark, became unbalanced and went to ground. Hurley went to impact the contest and missed everything. Yup two basic mistakes from Essendon as you rightly pointed out. Now lets look at what McKenzie did - he bravely went back with flight and impacted the contest and importantly he did NOT go to ground - he did not lose his feet - he was the only one to stay in the contest.

You recognised that McKenzie was the recipient of what Essendon did wrong - can you not also acknowledge that he was the recipient of what he did right ???

Edit - you said it was an unbiased view - it is almost a biased Essendon view !! - pointing out everything they did wrong instead of pointing what we also did right.

Edited by nutbean
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What, the example that Jones has been trying to set for how many years now? Clearly rubbed off didn't it..

Obviously in the meantime he'll be getting a gig here and there providing he 'plays his role'.

But the point I'm making is that it seems Melbourne supporters have been used to shite for so long that they start to applaud passages of play and fundamentals of the game that should be expected.

We need more than one player setting the example.

It's my opinion that Jones is playing better football this year because he's had the pressure of being our midfield taken off him, there's no reason to think that Jordie won't be a better player with Cross, Vince and Tyson taking some of the pressure of him as well.

I'm not applauding him for getting a handball or two away, I'm applauding him for being in the right position to be able to.

Let's just see how the rest of the year pans out before we write him off, you might be pleasantly surprised, there has been plenty of improvement in Pederson, Matt Jones and Jetta so why not Jordie. I appreciate you don't like him but just give him a few more games before you make a judgment,

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Adam you're not doing very well. Craig was never their recruiter and in fact hasn't worked there for over a year.

I'm starting to think you don't know much after your Yze blunder and now this.

Apparently, I'm wrong about Cameron. I stand corrected.

And I take it, the 'blunder' is my failed recollection of who we played in 1995, when Yze kicked 5? Apologies. I clearly know very little.

BB you only just realised that Mr Farr talks from somewhere other than his mouth

Haha, nice. Didn't like the Jesus comment, Saty? ;)

Edited by AdamFarr
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I spoke to Jordie at training, complimented him on his score involvements, laughed that they were handballs AGAIN......as from club website article as well, told me he has to keep improving each week on the offensive side of his game, to hold his spot

Isn't it great that our playesr now realise that they need to keep improving to get a gig. What a welcome change.

I would have laughed if I were Jordie also.

Scoring involvements ? Like the one where he happened to be at the fall of the ball when Frawley went up for the mark on the wing and he gave off a one-two handball to Frawley and then off to McDonald?

Are we watching junior footy or something? Are these aspects and fundamental skills of our game not expected? I'm so confused...

I'm sorry but if a couple of handballs during passages of play that happen to result in goals are congratulated by supporters, it really shows how shite a footy team we have really been over the last near decade.

In two years, McKenzie will not be getting a gig, and we won't congratulating players who happened to get a couple of handballs off during passages of play resulting in goals. And it's going to be brilliant.

Mods - we have a "like" button: can we please get a "dislike" button.

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I can't be bothered replying to the many rebuttals there have been to my posts regarding McKenzie.

I don't mean to be harsh. I don't have a personal issue with either McKenzie or Frawley as some have said, (even if jokingly).

I am happy for McKenzie to get a gig providing he is pleasing the coaches at the grade below which clearly, he had done. He did well to limit Stanton's influence last week which was well done and something that everyone already knows he can do. A run with role as a player.

I don't believe he will be playing for us within two years, and I look forward to the day where we have a strong midfield mix of players who can play inside/outside and also mind opposition players. It will mean we're progressing as a footy club.

I won't applaud efforts that in my eyes aren't worth applauding. Like handballing in the dying seconds of a match or being at the fall of a ball etc. I do appreciate his desire to play his role and limit the influence of opposition mids which generally, he does well. I hope he does a job on one of North's over the weekend.

What I don't hope however is that he keeps getting games next year and the year after.. I don't believe he has the ability to improve the other aspects of his game enough to cement a place in a top 8 or top 4 side's midfield.

Last post.

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I can't be bothered replying to the many rebuttals there have been to my posts regarding McKenzie.

I don't mean to be harsh. I don't have a personal issue with either McKenzie or Frawley as some have said, (even if jokingly).

I am happy for McKenzie to get a gig providing he is pleasing the coaches at the grade below which clearly, he had done. He did well to limit Stanton's influence last week which was well done and something that everyone already knows he can do. A run with role as a player.

I don't believe he will be playing for us within two years, and I look forward to the day where we have a strong midfield mix of players who can play inside/outside and also mind opposition players. It will mean we're progressing as a footy club.

I won't applaud efforts that in my eyes aren't worth applauding. Like handballing in the dying seconds of a match or being at the fall of a ball etc. I do appreciate his desire to play his role and limit the influence of opposition mids which generally, he does well. I hope he does a job on one of North's over the weekend.

What I don't hope however is that he keeps getting games next year and the year after.. I don't believe he has the ability to improve the other aspects of his game enough to cement a place in a top 8 or top 4 side's midfield.

Last post.

You are entitled to have opinions on players and to post them. Everyone has that right.

I thought Pedo was gone in the TAC cup. I was wrong. I thought Jetta was gone last year, I was wrong. I thought Jordie would struggle when we got our new mids due to his poor foot diposal. I may be right on that but he can improve it. He played a very good game last week and that sort of game will keep him in the side and good luck to him. He is the perfect 1% player a real team man, with probably one flaw, poor foot disposal, that can be improved.

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I can't be bothered replying to the many rebuttals there have been to my posts regarding McKenzie.

I don't mean to be harsh. I don't have a personal issue with either McKenzie or Frawley as some have said, (even if jokingly).

I am happy for McKenzie to get a gig providing he is pleasing the coaches at the grade below which clearly, he had done. He did well to limit Stanton's influence last week which was well done and something that everyone already knows he can do. A run with role as a player.

I don't believe he will be playing for us within two years, and I look forward to the day where we have a strong midfield mix of players who can play inside/outside and also mind opposition players. It will mean we're progressing as a footy club.

I won't applaud efforts that in my eyes aren't worth applauding. Like handballing in the dying seconds of a match or being at the fall of a ball etc. I do appreciate his desire to play his role and limit the influence of opposition mids which generally, he does well. I hope he does a job on one of North's over the weekend.

What I don't hope however is that he keeps getting games next year and the year after.. I don't believe he has the ability to improve the other aspects of his game enough to cement a place in a top 8 or top 4 side's midfield.

Last post.

See, I reckon that someone who comes back about a dozen times to continue to slam the one player they don't like, even though just about everybody (including a certain coach) disagrees with them, DOES mean to be harsh.

In fact, the main reason they do it is to be harsh. That's what gets up everybody's nose. You don't want to let it be.

And you still think it was a pretty routine humdrum passage of play that won us the game, and Jordie deserves no credit for his part in it? Well, maybe you ARE the only one in step, and everybody else has it wrong.

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I looked up cognitive dissonance - I am still none the wiser.

When you believe something so strongly that it is essential to your ideas about yourself and the world, direct evidence to the contrary - not merely the opinions of others - is disturbing and painful. This is the state Leon Festinger called cognitive dissonance. He studied members of a cult who believed a prophecy that the world would end on a given day and prepared by giving up their jobs, worldly goods and so on, then waited for the end. It didn't come on time. They were in a dreadful state - if the prophecy was wrong, they had not only lost their material possessions, but also their core belief system. They preserved their beliefs by deciding that the computation of the date had been wrong, their actions were justified, and they had only to wait for the new date.

Many Essendon supporters, though not all, believe so strongly in the goodness and superiority of their club that the mounting evidence of drug abuse and the dodgy behaviour of their club (i.e. loss of records, payoff to the coach who accepted "responsibility", etc. etc.) causes acute psychological discomfort. This is resolved by reasserting the core values and developing a conspiracy theory - "they" are out to get us, the process is crook so the evidence can be discounted, "they" do it themselves anyway. Then you turn up to the game waving a placard, "In Hird we trust", and yell loudly "Nah, nah, I can't hear you!" Of course, the new date for the end of the world eventually arrives.

Edited by Elusive Tunbridge
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Two weeks reduced down to one for good record.

Really dumb act from someone who had just forced his way back into the seniors - reminds me of when Jetta got rubbed out last year just as he was showing a bit of form.

If it was Adam Goodes instead of McKenzie he would have got off... but you have to recognise when you're not Adam Goodes.

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See, I reckon that someone who comes back about a dozen times to continue to slam the one player they don't like, even though just about everybody (including a certain coach) disagrees with them, DOES mean to be harsh.

In fact, the main reason they do it is to be harsh. That's what gets up everybody's nose. You don't want to let it be.

And you still think it was a pretty routine humdrum passage of play that won us the game, and Jordie deserves no credit for his part in it? Well, maybe you ARE the only one in step, and everybody else has it wrong.

I agree with Steve in that if Jordie stays as he is now then there should be players in 2 years who have well gone past him in the midfield. And whilst I don't know the answer I ask the question, if we believe that Roos and Co will improve players why is Jordie McKenzie immune from improvement.

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Iv'e said it before, one dimensional player ( stopper) with limited skills and offered a three year deal a year or so ago!

What were we thinking??

Edited by picket fence
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Granted, played well, but BUT a almost pure tagger with little skills is surplus to needs when we become a good side! Clearly he won't get a game!

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Granted, played well, but BUT a almost pure tagger with little skills is surplus to needs when we become a good side! Clearly he won't get a game!

Well, one thing for sure, he won't get a game next week.

Lets hope that he can develop more positive skills as the whole side does.

And I agree that if he doesn't or can't then he won't keep getting games, and will eventually (like all players) move on.

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Granted, played well, but BUT a almost pure tagger with little skills is surplus to needs when we become a good side! Clearly he won't get a game!

I have asked posters before and I will ask again. We have brought in a coach and assistants who have already improved some players in their13 match stint to date. Why do you not think that Jordie can also improve. We will turn over 8 players a years so to be a good side in 2 years we need at least half of this current list to improve. To me there is no doubt he can tag. He showed against Essendon that giving out the ball to running players is not a problem so the criticism of his poor disposal is more about having no one in space to give to over the last 3 years. The knock on him is his offensive involvement. What is to say that with better running patterns from our mids - providing more open options that Jordie might not improve to be like a Cameron Ling ?

For me the jury is still out on him but I don't get why we think that Roos can improve many on the list but not Jordie McKenzie.

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I would love to see one game Where Jordie just goes out there and play. No tagging or anything just go out and win his own ball.

He already has a good defensive mindset so why not try and get a bit of attack and hunt into. Showed at Casey and even at the start of his career he can win fair bit of the footy.

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I would love to see one game Where Jordie just goes out there and play. No tagging or anything just go out and win his own ball.

He already has a good defensive mindset so why not try and get a bit of attack and hunt into. Showed at Casey and even at the start of his career he can win fair bit of the footy.

Essendon R15 2010. BOG and 3 Brownlow votes.
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Essendon R15 2010. BOG and 3 Brownlow votes.

Which is 3 more than most if not all of those of us who post here have ever earned.

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Iv'e said it before, one dimensional player ( stopper) with limited skills and offered a three year deal a year or so ago!

What were we thinking??

Same fools who offered Pederson a 3 year deal.

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