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Can someone please list our Free agents for next year and the year after.

I think the simple solution is for us to rehash this thread next and the year after and just scratch out Frawleys name and replace it with the another name because this is the nature of free agency and it will continue year in and year out unless they change the rules..

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I'll start by saying I think Frawley will leave the club, and is likely to head to Geelong.

But all the comments that he has been a dog to the club, and showing poor leadership etc, I thing goes a bit far and none of us really have any clue whether its true or not.

Other than a tongue in cheek comment about if Roos signs, then he will earlier in the year, I think evidence that Frawley has done something wrong to the club and it's supporters is all based on speculation and rumours. In this climate we have with free agency it's just the way things are. Rumours have come out, about him naming a price, but that is likely to be player manager comments rather than the player himself.

Compared to the circus that happened with Cloke which played its way out in the media, Frawley has not sought to play it out this way. Roos has said consistently through the year that he has no issues with Frawley's approach through the week and in games, and I'll take his word on that.

I think us as supporters and the media themselves actually create a situation where if Frawley doesn't leave the club now, people will be pi$$ed at him for holding out so long, and cos our season has been poor again, rather than recognising that we have a good player (not great) with a strong mature body who could help the list develop, we yet again turn our eye to the draft drooling over the compensation that beckons. I confess that I have often thought that getting pick 3 for Frawley would be better than him staying, but the draft hasn't been kind to us in the past, and I only think that it is going to benefit us if we trade for another midfield option that can produce results like Tyson, but whether we can pull that off again is yet to be seen.

It royally sucks that our club is so damn uncompetitive, and as such these situations come from it, but he is entitled to test the market. There is a difference between a supporter of a club who's loyalty is unconditional, and being a professional sportsman. Ask any delisted player and see the answer you receive

Edited by Ouch!
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Whilst the Roos we see at press conferences and on AFL 360 is a calm reasoned well spoken individual of camera he is a most competitive tough person. Chip may indeed have not liked what the coach had to tell him at his exit interview. Players have told of some of the most withering sprays directed at the group behind closed doors away from the press. I think even Jonesy stated that Roos is amongst the best at delivery a spray. personally I think Frawley deserved it and his bruise free display against the Kangas really annoyed me, would rather we had someone desperate for their football career, playing than one who exited the building a month ago

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I don't blame him for wanting to leave, he's talented and he's never played in a final and realistically may not play in one until he's 30, and lets not mention his chances of winning a flag with us.

By going to a successful club he knows his chances of fulfilling the ultimate dream of a premiership is realistic. So honestly, who can blame him.

What I do blame him for, is his pathetic leadership, stringing the club along and acting like a complete damn princess.

Don't be a total f'wit to the club that has paid you handsomly and given you ample opportunities over the year. We may not be successful, but we have never done anything but be kind and supportive of your career. 3 coaches have all backed you, as have the supporters and the administration.

To now behave like a child who just can't make up his mind, all the while not putting in any effort on the field and holding us to ransom, is just not on.

These are my thoughts exactly. Good summary.

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I do not think he is worth more than maybe $200,000.00...Why the hell is this over rated player grabbing so much attention..Please, Frawley ..GO !!!


a first year first round draft pick that plays all games earns in excess $130K .......

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Can't find it reported anywhere but I heard last night that Peter Jackson is very unimpressed with Geelong, apparently Frawley has met Geelongs leadership group, Chris scott and several others from the cats personally already, which is not supposed to happen until either his contract is up or the free agency period begins, apparently something similar has happened with Jarrod Rivers.

heard this on the radio but can't remember the exact station, if true it would be interesting to see what would potentially come of it, not that it would stop Chip going there or anything but I think next year Geelong should be excluded from Free agency if they actually haven't followed the rules.

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Can't find it reported anywhere but I heard last night that Peter Jackson is very unimpressed with Geelong, apparently Frawley has met Geelongs leadership group, Chris scott and several others from the cats personally already, which is not supposed to happen until either his contract is up or the free agency period begins, apparently something similar has happened with Jarrod Rivers.

heard this on the radio but can't remember the exact station, if true it would be interesting to see what would potentially come of it, not that it would stop Chip going there or anything but I think next year Geelong should be excluded from Free agency if they actually haven't followed the rules.

They did this with Travis Boak too didn't they? Not a free agent, and even though my memory is a little rusty, I don't even think the season had finished...

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Can't find it reported anywhere but I heard last night that Peter Jackson is very unimpressed with Geelong, apparently Frawley has met Geelongs leadership group, Chris scott and several others from the cats personally already, which is not supposed to happen until either his contract is up or the free agency period begins, apparently something similar has happened with Jarrod Rivers.

heard this on the radio but can't remember the exact station, if true it would be interesting to see what would potentially come of it, not that it would stop Chip going there or anything but I think next year Geelong should be excluded from Free agency if they actually haven't followed the rules.

On the other hand, PJ said on the footy show on the weekend that he had already had informal meetings with potential Senior Assistants who were contracted and under the rules he couldn't hold formal meetings with. His comment was as long as there is a coffee cup on the table its an informal meeting. So there seems to be a fair bit of it going around.

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Can't find it reported anywhere but I heard last night that Peter Jackson is very unimpressed with Geelong, apparently Frawley has met Geelongs leadership group, Chris scott and several others from the cats personally already, which is not supposed to happen until either his contract is up or the free agency period begins, apparently something similar has happened with Jarrod Rivers.

heard this on the radio but can't remember the exact station, if true it would be interesting to see what would potentially come of it, not that it would stop Chip going there or anything but I think next year Geelong should be excluded from Free agency if they actually haven't followed the rules.

Interesting comment from PJ given that in his interview with Hutchy on Sunday he said that he had been talking to potential assistant coaches (who are with other clubs) but emphasised they were informal chats, "as long as there are coffees on the table it's all informal"! I assume Chip and the Cats had a chat over their lattes, all informal of course. You can't prevent people from talking to each other.

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On the other hand, PJ said on the footy show on the weekend that he had already had informal meetings with potential Senior Assistants who were contracted and under the rules he couldn't hold formal meetings with. His comment was as long as there is a coffee cup on the table its an informal meeting. So there seems to be a fair bit of it going around.

WTF Hey Groucho are we channelling each other?

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On the other hand, PJ said on the footy show on the weekend that he had already had informal meetings with potential Senior Assistants who were contracted and under the rules he couldn't hold formal meetings with. His comment was as long as there is a coffee cup on the table its an informal meeting. So there seems to be a fair bit of it going around.

I'd suggest there is a difference between a cup of coffee between old friends and meeting the coach and senior leadership group, and Geelong have a history of this, they landed in Adelaide last year to meet with Boak before the season had even finished which caused a massive uproar from Port

the radio station may be way off in PJ been annoyed about it, but I think they are correct in the idea Geelong might if all this is true be pushing boundaries

Edited by Sir Paul Roos
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Looking back I suspect this courtship of Frawley goes back a long way. They openly stated that after the Geelong game where Hawkins monstered Frawley that the leadership group down there were assessing his worth. Sitings of the country boy in Geelong maybe for a coffee! Although he is not reliable I suspect Mr Lyon has insider knowledge hence his article suggesting MFC make a concerted attack on Geelongs elite players and offer them contracts i.e. Motlop and Christensen and the final straw has to be Chris Dawes dressing up as Chip in a Geelong jumper. Oh and as an aside a quiet chat with the current Hawthorn back line coach on the weekend indicated that he didn't have a high opinion of Frawley as a backman or the outrageous price he was asking for. A lot would have to change for the Hawks to make an offer.

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I don't think chip can or will come out publicly with his decision to leave until the FA period opens. Similar to Buddy and Goddard. Until that time he'll still be making up his mind.

You need " " marks around making up his mind.

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I'd suggest there is a difference...

of course there is a difference. The difference is that all clubs have informal talks with players and managers before the official trade period open and only have official talks once the trade period is open.

It is a nonsense any which way you look at it. Negotiations and in many cases conclusions are reached well in advance of the open of the official trade period.

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So...... let me get this straight.......Chip is a no good rat/dud/spud/dimwit (all names given to him by DL's) for considering offers as a free agent as he is entitled to do

Therefore.....Buddy....Goddard......Dal Santo.......Betts.....Thomas.....Moloney....Chaplin.....Pearce....Rivers......Lynch.......Murphy......Knights....Cloke ....etc

are all rats/duds/spuds/dimwits for considering their futures as free agents

Fair dinkum People will just have to get used to Free Agency and stop calling our players the above names. Footy is a big business these days and gone are the days when you could place a player with a family in your zone just to sign him.

And as for people calling him "Not the brightest".........I wish I was as dumb getting paid a lot of money for doing something that I love.

P.S. I hope he stays.

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So...... let me get this straight.......Chip is a no good rat/dud/spud/dimwit (all names given to him by DL's) for considering offers as a free agent as he is entitled to do

Therefore.....Buddy....Goddard......Dal Santo.......Betts.....Thomas.....Moloney....Chaplin.....Pearce....Rivers......Lynch.......Murphy......Knights....Cloke ....etc

are all rats/duds/spuds/dimwits for considering their futures as free agents

Fair dinkum People will just have to get used to Free Agency and stop calling our players the above names. Footy is a big business these days and gone are the days when you could place a player with a family in your zone just to sign him.

And as for people calling him "Not the brightest".........I wish I was as dumb getting paid a lot of money for doing something that I love.

P.S. I hope he stays.

its not for considering offers, it was his bullsh1t attitude on the park that lost me, he used to be one of my fav players but now i'll be shattered if he stays.

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Missing the point- no one begrudges him the right to exercise his FA rights- we just don't appreciate the fact he won't admit he is considering exercising them- hence he isn't doing the club any favours in planning a replacement and is seen to be stuffing us around.

It's just not a good look for anyone to do that to an employer that has provided you wih an income for a long time.. Considering it's our team that's being strung along we take exception to that, and we have every right to

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Frawley's a good footballer and deserves the success he craves. i've no doubt the decision and the year have been tough on him. I wish him well.

Would I swap him for pick 3, Every single day of the week. massive win for us

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Frawley's a good footballer and deserves the success he craves. i've no doubt the decision and the year have been tough on him. I wish him well.

Would I swap him for pick 3, Every single day of the week. massive win for us

nah, he's a gun, even with all the crap he pulled this year he's 1 of our best,he's better than anything you'll get in the draft.

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So...... let me get this straight.......Chip is a no good rat/dud/spud/dimwit (all names given to him by DL's) for considering offers as a free agent as he is entitled to do

Therefore.....Buddy....Goddard......Dal Santo.......Betts.....Thomas.....Moloney....Chaplin.....Pearce....Rivers......Lynch.......Murphy......Knights....Cloke ....etc

are all rats/duds/spuds/dimwits for considering their futures as free agents

Fair dinkum People will just have to get used to Free Agency and stop calling our players the above names. Footy is a big business these days and gone are the days when you could place a player with a family in your zone just to sign him.

And as for people calling him "Not the brightest".........I wish I was as dumb getting paid a lot of money for doing something that I love.

P.S. I hope he stays.

blah blah - footy is a business now - its ok to trwat the fans and their emotional connection with contempt. Players dont have to show loyalty and blah blah its stupid to expect it. Like the nfl where there is no point having favourite players when their rosters change so much...

well im not a fan. If you want loyal supporters who pay their membership because of an emotional attachment rather than a business transaction then you cant expect those supporters not to get angry when you cut and run for coin and individual glory.

And i want him gone.

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