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Dustin Martin


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Holding Rich to ransom? It is a two way street. Dusty thinks he is worth X, club think no he is worth Y, neither are budging.

it'll be tacos at dawn !!!

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It has now has been reported that new Brisbane coach Justin Leppitsch is interested in getting Martin. He knows him well from his stint at Richmond. Why would he want to bring more trouble to a club that is now showing signs of being somewhat dysfunctional and clearly needs stability?

Have they not learned from the Fevola debacle? Does not bode well for them.

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Latest - Richmond spinning their wheels - Dusty sticks by manager Martin and Tigers stuck in standoff

I don't know if it was intended that way by Caro or Richmond but I finished reading this piece having a lot more sympathy for Carr and the Martin position than for the Toigs. A player is entitled to have representation by a manager and Richmond have been clearly trying to undermine Carr and the relationship with his client.

But even if Caro or the Tigers are trying to send a message to Shane Martin in the article, they probably didn't factor in that the bloke can't read.

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It has now has been reported that new Brisbane coach Justin Leppitsch is interested in getting Martin. He knows him well from his stint at Richmond. Why would he want to bring more trouble to a club that is now showing signs of being somewhat dysfunctional and clearly needs stability?

Have they not learned from the Fevola debacle? Does not bode well for them.

Maybe it indicates that Martin is not as much a risk as some portray? I am sure Leppitsch would be well acquainted with Martin and be able to distinguish the facts from the fiction. This actually could motivate our recruiting guys to reconsider. Any downside could be far outweighed by having one of the best players in the league inserted into our midfield.

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Maybe it indicates that Martin is not as much a risk as some portray? I am sure Leppitsch would be well acquainted with Martin and be able to distinguish the facts from the fiction. This actually could motivate our recruiting guys to reconsider. Any downside could be far outweighed by having one of the best players in the league inserted into our midfield.

I think the asking price is more of an issue than anything from our point of view, but GWS obviously felt he was a pretty serious risk to not want to add an obvious talent like that.

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I think the asking price is more of an issue than anything from our point of view, but GWS obviously felt he was a pretty serious risk to not want to add an obvious talent like that.

Yes but GWS did not have the inside information that Leppitsch posseses from his time at Richmond. Accordingly Leppitsch's assessment on the Martin risk is likely to be better-informed.

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Maybe it indicates that Martin is not as much a risk as some portray? I am sure Leppitsch would be well acquainted with Martin and be able to distinguish the facts from the fiction. This actually could motivate our recruiting guys to reconsider. Any downside could be far outweighed by having one of the best players in the league inserted into our midfield.

Could be, but it is still a risk for an inexperienced coach coming into a shaky club to take on someone like Martin. He could be setting himself up for a huge mistake like Voss and Neeld did with their player management and movements.

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Maybe it indicates that Martin is not as much a risk as some portray? I am sure Leppitsch would be well acquainted with Martin and be able to distinguish the facts from the fiction. This actually could motivate our recruiting guys to reconsider. Any downside could be far outweighed by having one of the best players in the league inserted into our midfield.

I agree there is need for informed risk assessment

Careful contract consideration with explicit and clear instruction could provide the compromise with reward based on performance and behaviour. Clear enunciation of requirements, responsibilities and reporting mechanisms to achieve payment could result in an excellent return on investment

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How long will this saga drag on and will it derail Richmond's recruiting efforts over the coming weeks?

I think behind the scenes its richmond directing this charade, to move him on.. they are on the brink of something special. & they have their new training complex, & all is on the up & up.

the last remaining chink in the puzzle is getting rid of anything who can derail them from now on. culture...

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Careful contract consideration with explicit and clear instruction could provide the compromise with reward based on performance and behaviour. Clear enunciation of requirements, responsibilities and reporting mechanisms to achieve payment could result in an excellent return on investment

And you dont think Richmond just might of, sort of, kind of and actually did do that as part of the intensive 24/7 hypercare delinquent program they have had for Martin in the past 3 to 4 years?

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With Leppitsch's intimate knowledge of Martin's situation, and the big money offer made to Martin by Brisbane previously, seeing the Lions pull their offer and interest entirely is a further warning signal to every club.

Looks like he'll have to crawl back to Richmond begging and accept ~$200K less than he hoped for.

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And you dont think Richmond just might of, sort of, kind of and actually did do that as part of the intensive 24/7 hypercare delinquent program they have had for Martin in the past 3 to 4 years?

I would have little doubt they would have done their intensive work t is why they are looking for a return and they now have a strengthened position to negotiate their contract

I was merely stating that any other club (including Richmond)could benefit from the reality now evident and contract Martin much more rigorously to achieve greater control.

I am also concerned by the reports of his character and mentors. There would need to be scrutiny of that factor and maybe included in contract

I think I stated earlier that I regretted MFC would not appear able to manage this complex situation and further I would be pleased when we have the confidence to do so

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Dustin Martin is a pathetic loser

Imagine being 22 or 23 years old and needing a babysitter watching you 24/7

what an embarrassment

The guy isn't too sharp, but this is a bloody shallow and obtuse appraisal.

Martin's biggest problem is ambition.

He has no ambition outside of football.

He always said he felt like he was born to be an AFL player, and that's what he does, and the spare time he has away from doing that is just that, spare time.

Idle hands are the devil's tools, and Martin doesn't have the intelligence or the inclination to use his time outside footy to better his own life.

He doesn't need a "babysitter" to stop him from sticking a fork in the toaster or eating snails.

He needs people in his life to give him the sort of guidance he has obviously never got from his home life, and direct him towards constructive pastimes, and help teach him what he should want out of life.

It must be difficult having role models like his father.

Edited by Machiavelli
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yeah imagin that! No wonder he wants out.....

Dustin and I are related not that close but close enough to say that is one of the main issues he had with resigning. Richmond has done a great number of things for Dustin but at some point it just gets too much. Without a measure of trust and freedom he's not going to mature to be the guy they want him to become.

I'm glad he's seeking other options, a new environment would do him well, give him a chance to show people that he can be mature. Put yourself in his shoes, the club does babysit him, they treat him like a liability (now I'm not saying he doesn't deserve some of the reviews he's getting - he is a bit of a meat head). Would you flourish and develop as a person in that kind of situation?

It's a pity Carr is over valuing him, I'd love to see him in Red & Blue and was disappointed to see him go to the Tiges. Honestly as a player he'd be great to have slot into our midfield. As a person - he needs a new environment, he needs a strong, convincing coach to put some faith in him, let him know what's expected but stop micro managing his every action. Dustin is ready to step out on his own and that's why he's been seeking a trade elsewhere - the Tigers aren't giving him that opportunity.

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Dustin Martin is a pathetic loser

Imagine being 22 or 23 years old and needing a babysitter watching you 24/7

what an embarrassment

He's playing AFL footy you [censored], and doing it pretty well.

I'm sure you've dreamed of that at some stage in your life. It's not very pathetic at all.

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Dustin and I are related not that close but close enough to say that is one of the main issues he had with resigning. Richmond has done a great number of things for Dustin but at some point it just gets too much. Without a measure of trust and freedom he's not going to mature to be the guy they want him to become.

I'm glad he's seeking other options, a new environment would do him well, give him a chance to show people that he can be mature. Put yourself in his shoes, the club does babysit him, they treat him like a liability (now I'm not saying he doesn't deserve some of the reviews he's getting - he is a bit of a meat head). Would you flourish and develop as a person in that kind of situation?

It's a pity Carr is over valuing him, I'd love to see him in Red & Blue and was disappointed to see him go to the Tiges. Honestly as a player he'd be great to have slot into our midfield. As a person - he needs a new environment, he needs a strong, convincing coach to put some faith in him, let him know what's expected but stop micro managing his every action. Dustin is ready to step out on his own and that's why he's been seeking a trade elsewhere - the Tigers aren't giving him that opportunity.

Then make it happen by convincing him to place himself in the Pre-Season Draft where we can collect him without losing draft picks or compensating Richmond. It would be nice to insert him and Cross into our midfield next year alongside the gun midfielders we get for pick 2 and our second round pick.

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. Dustin is ready to step out on his own and that's why he's been seeking a trade elsewhere - the Tigers aren't giving him that opportunity.

My initial feeling when I read that is what is Dustin doing that is causing the concern? Why has the club taken this unusual action and what has the kid done to prove that he no longer needs to be watched closely?

Hardwick, Williams and the brains trust at the RFC aren't stupid.

He is a very, very good footballer and you don't have this many clubs pulling thier interest after doing some research for no reason.

There is a lot of speculation going on re Dustin, I won't speculate even though I have my own suspicions but something is clearly amiss.

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Then make it happen by convincing him to place himself in the Pre-Season Draft where we can collect him without losing draft picks or compensating Richmond. It would be nice to insert him and Cross into our midfield next year alongside the gun midfielders we get for pick 2 and our second round pick.

Haha, I'm not Shane. He's not going to listen to me if I tell him to force himself into the PSD besides, we wouldn't get him for nothing in the draft no matter what opinion other clubs have of his behaviour they'd still pick him up for a late first round or second round pick.

My initial feeling when I read that is what is Dustin doing that is causing the concern? Why has the club taken this unusual action and what has the kid done to prove that he no longer needs to be watched closely?

He started out playing as an impressionable kid, a bit of a meat head and comparatively immature to guys like Fyfe, Trenners & Scully who were at the same age. He didn't adjust well to living on his own in Melbourne and having the full time responsibilities of a Footballer off the field - I would suggest this might have a bit to do with the time he spent with his dad growing up but that's just based on conjecture & rumour.

He idolised Ben Cousins and you can see that come out in the way he plays and his attitude at the club (I'm not referring to any sort of drug problem). Cousins was a great player but had such a narrow scope, he played his guts out on the field and did what he pleased off of it thinking that was all right. It's wasn't all right then and it's even less so these days.

Dustin stuffed up a bit in his first few years at the club with his attitude and actions away from game day - he came into the AFL system without the necessary skills and maturity to cope with daily life and the club ended up having to provide a great deal of support in that respect. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride and the media attention certainly hasn't helped but I think Dustin is trying to move past that. As far as I can see and from what I've heard it's the atmosphere Richmond has developed in relation to Dustin that he's struggling with (again not unjustified). Imagine if in your current job you had people always looking over your shoulder, being constantly told not to stuff up and being pigeon-holed as a liability that needs constant monitoring else all hell will break loose. Would you feel as though you could show maturity and "togetherness" in that environment?

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Haha, I'm not Shane. He's not going to listen to me if I tell him to force himself into the PSD besides, we wouldn't get him for nothing in the draft no matter what opinion other clubs have of his behaviour they'd still pick him up for a late first round or second round pick.

He started out playing as an impressionable kid, a bit of a meat head and comparatively immature to guys like Fyfe, Trenners & Scully who were at the same age. He didn't adjust well to living on his own in Melbourne and having the full time responsibilities of a Footballer off the field - I would suggest this might have a bit to do with the time he spent with his dad growing up but that's just based on conjecture & rumour.

He idolised Ben Cousins and you can see that come out in the way he plays and his attitude at the club (I'm not referring to any sort of drug problem). Cousins was a great player but had such a narrow scope, he played his guts out on the field and did what he pleased off of it thinking that was all right. It's wasn't all right then and it's even less so these days.

Dustin stuffed up a bit in his first few years at the club with his attitude and actions away from game day - he came into the AFL system without the necessary skills and maturity to cope with daily life and the club ended up having to provide a great deal of support in that respect. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride and the media attention certainly hasn't helped but I think Dustin is trying to move past that. As far as I can see and from what I've heard it's the atmosphere Richmond has developed in relation to Dustin that he's struggling with (again not unjustified). Imagine if in your current job you had people always looking over your shoulder, being constantly told not to stuff up and being pigeon-holed as a liability that needs constant monitoring else all hell will break loose. Would you feel as though you could show maturity and "togetherness" in that environment?

You write well. You couldn't possibly be related.

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