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Time to go Mark Neeld

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Iva, Neelds fingerprints are all over this list including those he decided to keep and who went.

You may well be right RR, but I cannot say for certain. I agree Neeld is part of the problem, but I am not convinced he is the entire problem.

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Having a significant impact on the list, and that list having a significant impact on the field are not the same.

Unless you're suggesting that the half a dozen kids, plus a few state-leaguers that have joined of late should already be out there clocking up Brownlow votes.

What did McCartney say ... it takes 5 years.

McCartney took a side that was exhausted in key talent following years of an unsuccessful finals tilt (think MFC circa 2007).

Neeld took a side that won 8.5 games in 2011 and said he was going to make them the hardest team to play and has delivered absolute rubbish since with 5 wins (4 against development clubs) in 29 games. He has taken a lowly team and turned them into an embarrassing bottom quartile basket case. He is now stating this year that MFC is in the process of a rebuild of a rebuild.

There is no reason why a rebuild needs to be an absolute bottom crawling process. See Hinkley at Port Adelaide.

Too many people have been suckered into the castor oil assessment of our predicament. It's tastes bad at the moment but think of all the LT good its doing you?

Yeah right!

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You may well be right RR, but I cannot say for certain. I agree Neeld is part of the problem, but I am not convinced he is the entire problem.

Agree Iva. He is not the whole problem but in regard to coaching he is definitely the problem. He certainly part of the solution.

The AFL via Jackson should be making plans to move McLardy, Neeld, Connolly and Bates on as soon as practicable. Neeld first. His tenure only prolongs that problem.

Tough times indeed Iva.

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Crawf do you know what the definition of stupid is.

It is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Neeld is gone, appease the supporters by providing some hope by removing a clueless coach who has delivered the worst 7 rounds of results possible.

Change is needed for the sake of change

No; 'Doing the Same thing', would be to employ another "Simon the Likeable" type coach Yet again,,, as we've done for the past 20 something years... thats whats caused this mess...

by not having a disciplinarian Coach thats tough; has caused the total Loss of what culture we repaired back in 1984/5... & the hard work ethic & the fitness + the total lack of developing our kids because of the Cosy environment...

& we keep wondering why we can't get Any Elite players to Join us, or any AA coaches to be interested !!!


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Agree Iva. He is not the whole problem but in regard to coaching he is definitely the problem. He certainly part of the solution.

The AFL via Jackson should be making plans to move McLardy, Neeld, Connolly and Bates on as soon as practicable. Neeld first. His tenure only prolongs that problem.

Tough times indeed Iva.

The only question left RR is who will the players blame for their poor performances then? :)

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I had wrote off this season at the start. I also dont expect us to win another game for the rest of the season.

I dont want quick fixes and a few wins, I want this culture rebuilt and the list overhauled. Then I want the wins I think we should get!

Do you understand the repercussions of not winning another game this season? You really need a reality check. We are at crisis point and one of the ways out of this mess is to win games. Stop towing the company line and get into the real world - if you're capable of that.

Here's a few things for you to contemplate. If we don't win another game this season and continue to cop thrashings ...

Crowds will continue to drop off.

Membership will be negatively affected.

Sponsors will drop off and our ability to attract them will diminish.

Our financial 'bottom line' has to be affected negatively.

Players will want out (whether they're contracted or not)

Our ability to attract talent will dissipate.

Prime time games on TV - forget about it.

Confidence within the club will get worse.

Confidence within the supporter base will diminish.

It will take longer to recover and heal.

All our streams of income could be adversely effected.

Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want all the above to happen? Because it can and it will.

Some areas already are happening. We nearly reached 37,000 members in 2011. Now we're limping our way to 33,000.

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I get the feeling your sense of humour has gone west... it's patently obvious (even to blind freddy and his dog) that jazza was having a laugh.

Fair enough I just didn't find it particularly funny especially when the person he was responding to was trying to make a valid point.

seems even humour has abandoned all of us

missus wont milk cows

dog barks at me

and NOW gonza doesnt even like me


maybe i should take up supporting a football team

that should make me feel better

Nah mate I still like you, you are a Demon man after all so you do have some semblance of good taste.

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Agree Iva. He is not the whole problem but in regard to coaching he is definitely the problem. He certainly part of the solution.

The AFL via Jackson should be making plans to move McLardy, Neeld, Connolly and Bates on as soon as practicable. Neeld first. His tenure only prolongs that problem.

Tough times indeed Iva.

You can add Mahoney, Royal, Rawlings, Brown, Harrington and probably 1 or 2 others to that list as well.

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I have acknowledged that very thing several times on this forum. Does not take away from the fact that there are those who still support Neeld, such as yourself, who tend to get on the front foot whenever he is criticised, hence the disclaimer.

Actually, I don't support Neeld, not in the sense that you're implying.

I do support the argument there's nothing to be gained by putting in an interim coach, that Neeld is not the be all and end all of our problems, and that the only way forward is with a measured, informed approach over time with good people in the right places throughout the club.

I also support much of what Peter Jackson has said of late, amongst which, the need for Neeld and the rest of the FD to have some "clear air" in which to operate.

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You can add Mahoney, Royal, Rawlings, Brown, Harrington and probably 1 or 2 others to that list as well.

I will leave that to the new coach and the proposed GM of football operations. We need to get first things first.

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Sorry 'dee-luded', but before MN was employed we were told MFC would employ an experienced coach next time - how then did we end up with MN?

The buck stops with the Board and MN - end of story.

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Do you understand the repercussions of not winning another game this season? You really need a reality check. We are at crisis point and one of the ways out of this mess is to win games. Stop towing the company line and get into the real world - if you're capable of that.

Here's a few things for you to contemplate. If we don't win another game this season and continue to cop thrashings ...

Crowds will continue to drop off.

Membership will be negatively affected.

Sponsors will drop off and our ability to attract them will diminish.

Our financial 'bottom line' has to be affected negatively.

Players will want out (whether they're contracted or not)

Our ability to attract talent will dissipate.

Prime time games on TV - forget about it.

Confidence within the club will get worse.

Confidence within the supporter base will diminish.

It will take longer to recover and heal.

All our streams of income could be adversely effected.

Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want all the above to happen? Because it can and it will.

Some areas already are happening. We nearly reached 37,000 members in 2011. Now we're limping our way to 33,000.

I'm hoping for the inevitable to happen and for Neeld to go ASAP so we can hopefully see some wins this year. As you have pointed out no more wins for the year makes us hell bound. If the players can find something under an interim coach we could beat the doggies,GWS and maybe Brisbane. Throw in a upset over another team and there are some small positives for the end of the year.

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Sorry 'dee-luded', but before MN was employed we were told MFC would employ an experienced coach next time - how then did we end up with MN?

The buck stops with the Board and MN - end of story.

Yeah that really pisses me off

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I'm hoping for the inevitable to happen and for Neeld to go ASAP so we can hopefully see some wins this year. As you have pointed out no more wins for the year makes us hell bound. If the players can find something under an interim coach we could beat the doggies,GWS and maybe Brisbane. Throw in a upset over another team and there are some small positives for the end of the year.

Well said 'cowboy' - that's the glass half-full approach.

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These are exciting times, I sense change is in the air, the only way is up,afterall we can't get much worse, in fact I am sort of pleased that we are doing so badly because if we had won a couple more and been more competitive we would have just limped along anyway and would probably have escaped the scrutiny we are currently under. This scrutiny will bring change for the better.

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You can add Mahoney, Royal, Rawlings, Brown, Harrington and probably 1 or 2 others to that list as well.

Disagree on Brown. If you judge the forward line on their performance separately from the rest of the team it's doing very well.

We're very effective once inside 50, and we're ranked 1st in least Opponent rebound 50s per game, so the pressure there is seemingly ok.

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Do you understand the repercussions of not winning another game this season? You really need a reality check. We are at crisis point and one of the ways out of this mess is to win games. Stop towing the company line and get into the real world - if you're capable of that.

Here's a few things for you to contemplate. If we don't win another game this season and continue to cop thrashings ...

Crowds will continue to drop off.

Membership will be negatively affected.

Sponsors will drop off and our ability to attract them will diminish.

Our financial 'bottom line' has to be affected negatively.

Players will want out (whether they're contracted or not)

Our ability to attract talent will dissipate.

Prime time games on TV - forget about it.

Confidence within the club will get worse.

Confidence within the supporter base will diminish.

It will take longer to recover and heal.

All our streams of income could be adversely effected.

Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want all the above to happen? Because it can and it will.

Some areas already are happening. We nearly reached 37,000 members in 2011. Now we're limping our way to 33,000.

Re read what I wrote and you conveniently bolded - I don't expect us to win anymore games this year. Our list is crap and clearly FD, players and Mn aren't performing.

I am fully aware of what will happen if we don't win any more games this year - but guess what, I'm being realistic and think that we probably won't.

I don't want it to happen, but we are where we at. That awkward period of between getting rid of dead weight and new players coming in.

I'm being realistic. Next time read what I'm saying.

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Actually, I don't support Neeld, not in the sense that you're implying.

I do support the argument there's nothing to be gained by putting in an interim coach, that Neeld is not the be all and end all of our problems, and that the only way forward is with a measured, informed approach over time with good people in the right places throughout the club.

I also support much of what Peter Jackson has said of late, amongst which, the need for Neeld and the rest of the FD to have some "clear air" in which to operate.

Mate, you've gotten stuck into me on more than one occasion when I've been critical of him on what I consider reasonable grounds, one example being my criticism of his comments in the Brisbane presser which you disputed. After I quoted his exact comments in the presser, you didn't respond. Let's not pretend you haven't been leaning much more towards towing the company line than not, bing. To what extent that belief is based on fact as opposed to hope, I can't say.

At this stage of the debate, if you think Neeld still deserves to be senior coach of the MFC, and that it is a matter of him needing "clean air", you are a Neeld supporter. That is your right. I however think the evidence strongly points towards him being incapable, and his position being untenable.

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Disagree on Brown. If you judge the forward line on their performance separately from the rest of the team it's doing very well.

We're very effective once inside 50, and we're ranked 1st in least Opponent rebound 50s per game, so the pressure there is seemingly ok.

No we are ranked last because the ball never goes in! I bet we are last for inside 50's and if we aren't the stats are skewed by the GWS game!

Our forward line are as bad as any other line in our side but does have potential.

In fairness none of our line coaches should be judged on performance. What I'd judge them on is who is developing players.

At the moment the forward line has Tapscott. The midfield the joneses and the backline Terlich in terms of players who have improved under the leadership of the assistants. Lets see what we get by the end of the year

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I'm hoping for the inevitable to happen and for Neeld to go ASAP so we can hopefully see some wins this year. As you have pointed out no more wins for the year makes us hell bound. If the players can find something under an interim coach we could beat the doggies,GWS and maybe Brisbane. Throw in a upset over another team and there are some small positives for the end of the year.

Exactly ... as bad as things are, we still need to somehow find a way to get some wins. 1 and 21 carries with it, its own ugly baggage. Anyone who thinks that 1/21 is somehow ok really hasn't got a clue.

Everything is up to Mark now. He needs wins to survive. Our woes are not entirely his fault of course. Our players performance last week was deplorable. And the club as a whole isn't performing up to scratch. We've got our issues.

There's obviously some issues with the inner workings of the club. Peter Jackson talked about the 4 lines of communication from the FD to the CEO. And we were led to believe that CS was being largely kept out of footy matters. What else is there that we don't know about?

Jackson has most probably set out some achievable goals for Neeld. One those goals would probably be to not lose every remaining game for the rest of the season. The club as a whole needs to start talking about winning. The level of spin emanating from the club has reached epidemic proportions. Jackson needs to put a stop to the spin. Don't want to hear from our players either - they should concentrate on getting a kick and they need to start playing as a team.

And any more (non) 'efforts' like last weekend will no doubt be unacceptable to Jackson. He oversaw some very fairly successful Essendon teams. Doesn't strike me as someone who would 'embrace' losing.

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No we are ranked last because the ball never goes in! I bet we are last for inside 50's and if we aren't the stats are skewed by the GWS game!

Our forward line are as bad as any other line in our side but does have potential.

In fairness none of our line coaches should be judged on performance. What I'd judge them on is who is developing players.

At the moment the forward line has Tapscott. The midfield the joneses and the backline Terlich in terms of players who have improved under the leadership of the assistants. Lets see what we get by the end of the year

Fair point, but also we are ranked 2nd in team to opponent rebound 50 per game diff.

Plus, we average 17 less inside 50s, but only 7 less marks inside 50 per game than our opponents.

We're also around 12th for goal accuracy, not too bad given the pressure we're under and the spots we're forced to kick from generally.

I think the forward line is working fairly well given the poor delivery inside 50.

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