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Footy Classified Lifts the Lid on Carlton & Richmond's Tanking 2007


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Do other DEMONLAND readers agree with my view on this?

I'd be interested to know if other,far more learned,posters think I'm barking up the wrong tree.

I haven't read anything about the(?)VCGRL and their enquiry into Melbourne for more than a week.

I hope this means it's going to fade away into nothing.We don't want any more off-field controversies for month after month again.

Perhaps there's another bombshell around the corner.

The info that I got was that to get Not Guilty of Tanking from the AFL was the key thing. We got that and we got the CEO seperated from any charges.

I haven't heard anything to suggest this will still be an issue.

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I think we've got to understand that the situation has changed since the seemingly incomprehensible verdict and penalty from the tanking investigation.

Demetriou (the AFL) is now our ALLY.

The big problem facing us(and potentially many other clubs) is the Government gaming authorities and their possible extension of the probe into tanking , with a view to penalising MFC for "match-fixing"("tanking") by withdrawing our gaming licence.

The AFL doesn't want this, as much as we don't.

Most clubs(not Kangaroos), earn millions from Pokies. The AFL does not want the investigation to go any further. Carlton and Richmond, (both far more blatantly guilty than MFC), earn far more than the reported $4m. that we get. Who knows how much Ess and Coll. receive , both of whom got high draft picks after inexplicably poor seasons' ends in the early 2000's.?

The AFL will use all its streetwise guile(like the Racing Clubs) to persuade the gaming authorities to turn a blind eye. We need Vlad to use all his underhanded skills to shut this thing down.

That's why poor Gil McLachlan was made to look like such a klutz announcing that MFC were NOT guilty of tanking, but still handing out penalties>(to save AFL face after an ill-advised 6 month probe into tanking.)

Vale Adrian Anderson.

If you are correct JJC Demetrio should have stopped the investigation from London.

The AFL are definately not an ally.

We have been violated for over 7 months.

The other clubs are laughing. (Internally).

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If you are correct JJC Demetrio should have stopped the investigation from London.

The AFL are definately not an ally.

We have been violated for over 7 months.

The other clubs are laughing. (Internally).

So you think the AFL don't care if a few clubs lose their gaming licences.

You think the other clubs are laughing, confident the VCGLR are definitely not going to investigate them.

I'm not so sure, but that's why I asked for other DEMONLAND opinions.

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Good point- if the VCGLR can run investigations separate to the AFL why don't we petition for them to investigate Carlton if the spineless Demitriou led AFL care not to?

If Vlad won't listen, maybe they will. I'm still dirty on this and feel I need closure and the only way I'll get that is if we're not the only ones put through the wringer for this crap.

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So you think the AFL don't care if a few clubs lose their gaming licences.

You think the other clubs are laughing, confident the VCGLR are definitely not going to investigate them.

I'm not so sure, but that's why I asked for other DEMONLAND opinions.

i am sure the AFL care about gaming licences.

Why then did Vlad not knock the investigation on its head when it first appeared.

That is what i will always want to know.

We the MFC were shafted big time by the AFL.

so i find it inconcievable to now consider them an ally.

This is the AFL's doing...& yes i am very concerned about the VCGLR investigation JJC.

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i am sure the AFL care about gaming licences.

Why then did Vlad not knock the investigation on its head when it first appeared.

That is what i will always want to know.

We the MFC were shafted big time by the AFL.

so i find it inconcievable to now consider them an ally.

This is the AFL's doing...& yes i am very concerned about the VCGLR investigation JJC.

Well, you shouldn't be.

I think it is quite obvious now, from the events that have happened over the past few months that Anderson started something that the other AFL bosses did not want, least of all The Bloated One.

It is on their heads that we had to deal with it but perhaps this misfortune can be salvaged by the fact this became a very elaborate 'whitewash,' as opposed to the Midday Movie level 'investigations' that we endured twice and Carlton after Libba's words.

The fine has been levied and the verdict has been given and never again will we have supporters allude to us being hit with penalties in the future. They will still call us tankers and we will sit smugly and say 'we were cleared of that, but aren't Toumpas, Dawes, Barry, and indirectly, Viney and Hogan playing well?'

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Well, you shouldn't be.

I think it is quite obvious now, from the events that have happened over the past few months that Anderson started something that the other AFL bosses did not want, least of all The Bloated One.

It is on their heads that we had to deal with it but perhaps this misfortune can be salvaged by the fact this became a very elaborate 'whitewash,' as opposed to the Midday Movie level 'investigations' that we endured twice and Carlton after Libba's words.

The fine has been levied and the verdict has been given and never again will we have supporters allude to us being hit with penalties in the future. They will still call us tankers and we will sit smugly and say 'we were cleared of that, but aren't Toumpas, Dawes, Barry, and indirectly, Viney and Hogan playing well?'

You miss the point.

The Bloated One could have stopped this entire investigation from London.

He as CEO would have known the consequences of a tanking verdict on the competition, which is why he denied it. We did Tank as did 6 other teams but the word cannot be used for LEGAL reasons.

Please do not tell me the AFL salvaged anything positive out of this in terms of the MFC. We were thrown to the pigs after the AFL had removed our number one draft pick from our list & placed him at AFL Bankstown inc.

6 other clubs got their players and kept their filthy money.

Carltank have once again been allowed to pay Ju$$ overs after Libba's comments.

They are laughing big time today.

Corruption succeeds again.

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You miss the point.

The Bloated One could have stopped this entire investigation from London.

He as CEO would have known the consequences of a tanking verdict on the competition, which is why he denied it. We did Tank as did 6 other teams but the word cannot be used for LEGAL reasons.

Please do not tell me the AFL salvaged anything positive out of this in terms of the MFC. We were thrown to the pigs after the AFL had removed our number one draft pick from our list & placed him at AFL Bankstown inc.

6 other clubs got their players and kept their filthy money.

Carltank have once again been allowed to pay Ju$$ overs after Libba's comments.

They are laughing big time today.

Corruption succeeds again.

can't argue with that

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You miss the point.

The Bloated One could have stopped this entire investigation from London.

He as CEO would have known the consequences of a tanking verdict on the competition, which is why he denied it. We did Tank as did 6 other teams but the word cannot be used for LEGAL reasons.

Please do not tell me the AFL salvaged anything positive out of this in terms of the MFC. We were thrown to the pigs after the AFL had removed our number one draft pick from our list & placed him at AFL Bankstown inc.

6 other clubs got their players and kept their filthy money.

Carltank have once again been allowed to pay Ju$$ overs after Libba's comments.

They are laughing big time today.

Corruption succeeds again.

Yes, The AFL effed up. Not denying that, in fact I am forwarding it.

But make some bloody lemonade wyl.

The AFL will never ask us about tanking again - it is over.

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Yes, The AFL effed up. Not denying that, in fact I am forwarding it.

But make some bloody lemonade wyl.

The AFL will never ask us about tanking again - it is over.

we should never have been asked in the first place as 6 other clubs have avoided.

They are the ones toasting champagne.

Yes i was initially in favour of the "T" investigation to clear up a stinking mess, but they found no evidence worthy of 7 months work.

Those within the AFL who instigated the Priority Pick template are the ones who bought the game into disrepute. Inside the AFL HQ.

but once again Rag Tag MFC who has been a mess since 65 has been kicked again because "somebody had to cop it"

I trust those inside the MFC are furious about this out come. If they are not well i fear the place will slowly wither.

But if we can generate an Us v Them mantra then it just may be the missing x factor.

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The point is.....it's all over as far as the AFL is concerned. BUT....is it over as far as the VCGLR is concerned????

something i have wondered for months JJC.

Vlad would have been aware of this consequence back in June...but he let it ride.

Ask him??

If the VCGLR get tough then we will get shipped to the map of Tassie.

Would that really bother the AFL?

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can't argue with that

I can ( but i can argue with anything)

My take is as RPFC's - Vlad was blindsided by AA with the investigation but once the AA fanfare Ta-ra Ta-ra, an investigation, yippee, was announced Vlad was not going to be able to stop it so what has happened since smacks of managed process ( except I am dirty over the need of the AFL for a pound of flesh because their pound of flesh is rotten to the core)

So what has been stage managed -

1/ find us not guilty of tanking and then other clubs dont have to be investigated - that happened

2/ find us not guilty of tanking and it is going to be hard to strip away gaming licences - we will see but that is what may happen

As above I am upset about the vindictive nature of the AFL that they needed ROI for their investigation and had we held firm like I believe a Collingwood would have done and told the AFL "charge us with tanking or charge us with nothing" then we would have got nothing instead of this trumped up farce of a penalty.

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something i have wondered for months JJC.

Vlad would have been aware of this consequence back in June...but he let it ride.

Ask him??

If the VCGLR get tough then we will get shipped to the map of Tassie.

Would that really bother the AFL?

For the VCGLR to get tough, they would be going against Vlad and that would be pointless.

The media tried to dictate Vlad and call the shots in the tanking investigation - and Anderson was suckered in.

End result was Anderson shipped out and the media having egg on their faces by trying to directly effect the outcome of the tanking inquiry.

No-one ever wins going up against Andy D and if the VCGLR push the investigation they will make Andy D look silly.

He will then threaten to pull betting agencies away from the AFL, so basically the VCGLR have too much to lose by pushing hard.

No one beats the AFL's narcissistic leader.

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Not another CW thread.

Time to move on guys

There is a game on this weekend.

Forget her.

To be fair, I believe that the guilty party for this coming to a head has already jumped before he was pushed.

I'm talking about the last 10 years or so when the AFL sat on their hands as Car'ton & the Pies, Hawks, Saints all have a dip in the list management Bottom of the Harbour recruiting.

The AFL sat on their 'tanking doesn't exist', but list management does happen argument.

AA just tried to clean it up.

Its the Commission who are the overseers of the AFL decisions.

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JJC, my experience is that when someone gets an opportunity to exercise power over others, almost anything can happen. When the fires leveled Marysville, someone from the department of housing wouldn't let the homeless "refugees" move into some decommissioned mining dongas shipped in from WA, because they "didn't meet Victorian standards". As a result, those people were forced (against all logic) to sleep in tents instead!

Will the VCGLR hand out a series of club-crippling sanctions? It's certainly possible, because everyone knows five or six clubs deliberately lost games of football. I'd say it largely depends on the motivations of the people in charge of the agency. If someone high up has their eyes on a bigger prize and thinks a large, public scalp could further their career... anything could happen.

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JJC, my experience is that when someone gets an opportunity to exercise power over others, almost anything can happen. When the fires leveled Marysville, someone from the department of housing wouldn't let the homeless "refugees" move into some decommissioned mining dongas shipped in from WA, because they "didn't meet Victorian standards". As a result, those people were forced (against all logic) to sleep in tents instead!

Will the VCGLR hand out a series of club-crippling sanctions? It's certainly possible, because everyone knows five or six clubs deliberately lost games of football. I'd say it largely depends on the motivations of the people in charge of the agency. If someone high up has their eyes on a bigger prize and thinks a large, public scalp could further their career... anything could happen.

At last, someone gets my drift!
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She was back, and no discussion whatsoever of tanking.

In the discussion about Essendon, she was again after heads, particularly Thompson's. However, I noticed that there was lots of qualifications like "if guilty" or "if he did it" ... a luxury she didn't give much to anyone at Melbourne in her tanking diatribes.

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That was the worst Footy Classified I have seen, and Im normally easily pleased. If that is the standard now that Grant Thomas has left, it is very disappointing.

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That was the worst Footy Classified I have seen, and Im normally easily pleased. If that is the standard now that Grant Thomas has left, it is very disappointing.

Yeah, and that cardboard cutout of Mathew Lloyd was a terrible likeness.

The prop department will be copping a spray today.

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Bring back Jeff...

bet no-one thought that would ever be uttered !! lol

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Jeff was terrific. And not only because he applied logic to our situation, but he applied a strong sense of logic to everything he brought up. He also doesnt seem to care about keeping people happy, he says what he thinks and generally his views make a great deal of sense.

FC might have to get a wide berth from me if it was that bad Franky. I am easily pleased too.

I say AFL 360 last night and it was interesting to see Robbo (who i think is less than intelligent) have a crack at Carro when they showed the stories int he papers that related to Essendon's problems. His criticism was that a few weeks ago she potted hird and said he would have to go. In her latest piece she says that hird has to stay and Bomber will go. He said (along the lines) "She changes her story all the time".

Its exactly the same as what happened with the Demons saga - she changed daily!

They showed patrick smiths story and Robbo said "At least he sticks to one story"! (I am a bit sick of Patrick as well - but was an interesting observation).

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