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Brent Moloney Departing MFC

Dr. Mubutu

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I am not sure how deep this cull will go but I for one am sick and tired of treading water and going backwards but without taking any remedial action. I have heard for years "why dont we do this and why dont we do that" and basically we have gone with same ol' same ol'. Neeld on the other hand has walked in and said "no more".In my lifetime I have not seen a leadership group removed and half of them dropped during the season.

I dont know if what Neeld is doing will bring success but previous safe coaches certainly didn't bring ultimate success. I believe we have set the bar way too low for too many years. I support Neeld not because I am 100% convinced he will be a good coach because I have been lured before by false dawns. I support Neeld because I believe he recognises that this [censored] attitude we have had for too many years has got us nowhere and he is prepared to take hard steps to try and correct it.

More power to him !

Edited by nutbean
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This say it all, and your blaming the coach?? Mybe you and beamer need to look in the mirror and have a think about why he was overlooked for 2 guys who had played 30 games.

Pretty sure he was overlooked for Magner and Couch at stages, who have less than 30 games between them! why is this? maybe someone needed to work harder.....

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Unless a deranged Melbourne supporter kidnaps Mick Malthouse a la Clark Griswold and cons him into coaching Melbourne, then Neeld is our man for the time being. He has to be given the opportunity to shape and coach the list the way he wants to. You wouldn't have a shepherd lead swine, so why have Neeld coach a list that won't follow him? We have been absolute toilet matter for the last six years, we can't be precious about players departing with the exception of about 7-8 of them.

Chop the list up I say. Now is the time. If we make 15 changes this offseason, it's not like it's going to cost us the 2013 premiership. If he makes radical list changes then good - he can hopefully turn around the festering, diseased culture around the place.

We've hitched our wagon to Neeld, and with that comes an understanding that we have to allow him to have some control over the list. He needs to be able to see a chunk of this through.

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There are some real clowns on this board at times.

I/Most of us have been saying all year players like Moloney have no long term future at Melbourne and calls for Neeld and the footy department to move them on at season end. That os going to happen now some people are getting stuck into Neeld because they have done/doing so?

If we want to be a top notch club we have got to start and make some tough decisions on players that dont fit the modern day footy mould. Moloney's modern game of bash and crash packs, no speed and just bang it long and hope for the best and no defensive pressure wont help us win games.

Moloney will be lucky to get a regular game next year maybe might get more of a go at Port but even then i struggle to see lots of game time for him.

I thank Moloney for his efforts over the last 8 years but its time to move on.

We need mids that have big engines, fast can spread and can also pin point and hit targets by foot.

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Earlier in the year I mentioned that Mark Neeld had lost quite a few of the players early on, only to be howled down even though I have many contacts within the club including players & board members.

It was evident to me that Neeld, even though trying to do the right thing, fire & brimstone or whatever you want to call it, got players off side from day one. Now you can sit back and say "Well at least It'll weed out the players that don't want to be there". This may be true but what he forgot to do was earn his respect first. You must earn it before you can gain it.

His approach was not well received by quite a few players. People will also sit back and say "players just don't like him because they don't want to work hard". This is quite the opposite, I've talked to many players and all of them say they are loving the new elite performance regime with some saying that they dislike Neeld and his approach and how he deals with people. I know there are players who have signed on who dislike Neeld.

Whilst I personally think he is doing his best and trying to establish a tight bunch of hard nosed footballers, at the end of day its the players who can make you or break you and getting them offside is not a great start to a coaching career. This club seems to be going well off field but in circles on field, you cant just keep losing good quality experienced players at the drop of the hat. There will be more to follow.

I think Neeld would be a better football director & Neil Craig would be a better coach, but thats just my take. Anyway I wish him well & I hope that more than anything it works out well for him and the rest of us, we need to start winning games to create a better culture. One recognised win for the season is not enough, first year coach or not.

On Jurrah, I wish him well even though he should of handled it better, Ithink most could see the writing on the wall early so I dont see what the fuss is about, definetly a loss for sure along with Greeny & Beamer.

I dont post that often anymore & those of you that continually ask what my sources are, Im sorry but my lips are sealed. All the best Demon fans, Im off fishing & watching the cricket for the summer. Lets hope we pick up some rippers in the draft/trade.

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Said it before and I'll say it again. This is the collateral damage of Neeld and the new regime attemtoing to re-shape the culture and expectations of the club.

It may hurt for a bit but we'll be better off in the long run for it.

I for one am extremely impressed that Neeld is putting what's best for the club ahead of what's best for him. It would have been temtping to try and hold onto Moloney for depth purposes or talk Green out of retirment for the same reason and try and get a few more wins to improve his chances of a contract extention.

Instead he's taken the hard line approach and we're going to see who's really prepared to bleed red & blue.

The next announcement of who's departing will be interesting....

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Earlier in the year I mentioned that Mark Neeld had lost quite a few of the players early on, only to be howled down even though I have many contacts within the club including players & board members.

It was evident to me that Neeld, even though trying to do the right thing, fire & brimstone or whatever you want to call it, got players off side from day one. Now you can sit back and say "Well at least It'll weed out the players that don't want to be there". This may be true but what he forgot to do was earn his respect first. You must earn it before you can gain it.

His approach was not well received by quite a few players. People will also sit back and say "players just don't like him because they don't want to work hard". This is quite the opposite, I've talked to many players and all of them say they are loving the new elite performance regime with some saying that they dislike Neeld and his approach and how he deals with people. I know there are players who have signed on who dislike Neeld.

Whilst I personally think he is doing his best and trying to establish a tight bunch of hard nosed footballers, at the end of day its the players who can make you or break you and getting them offside is not a great start to a coaching career. This club seems to be going well off field but in circles on field, you cant just keep losing good quality experienced players at the drop of the hat. There will be more to follow.

I think Neeld would be a better football director & Neil Craig would be a better coach, but thats just my take. Anyway I wish him well & I hope that more than anything it works out well for him and the rest of us, we need to start winning games to create a better culture. One recognised win for the season is not enough, first year coach or not.

On Jurrah, I wish him well even though he should of handled it better, Ithink most could see the writing on the wall early so I dont see what the fuss is about, definetly a loss for sure along with Greeny & Beamer.

I dont post that often anymore & those of you that continually ask what my sources are, Im sorry but my lips are sealed. All the best Demon fans, Im off fishing & watching the cricket for the summer. Lets hope we pick up some rippers in the draft/trade.

and I hark back to what Neil Craig said at the beginning of the year- there will be players who will not be able to step up and this may not be a club for everyone and thats fine. We are not going to try to be. (or words to that effect)

We have shown glimpses since 1964 but we have never reached any great heights. What we are seeing is an attempt to create a culture and a level of excellence that has been missing. Neeld may fail miserably but have we had more success by taking the safe approach?

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I have to agree. It seems like Neeld walked into the club and said everything you are doing is wrong, and I'm right so listen to me. I know if that happened in my workplace you wouldn't get much respect. He's man management skills have been questioned since the summer, enough times to be some sort of truth to it.

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Brent Moloney to go , will seek 3rd club through free agency ( as per MFC site )

all but left the building. Good luck

can probably take the "?" off the thread title now Id say.

Edited by belzebub59
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Said it before and I'll say it again. This is the collateral damage of Neeld and the new regime attemtoing to re-shape the culture and expectations of the club.

It may hurt for a bit but we'll be better off in the long run for it.

I for one am extremely impressed that Neeld is putting what's best for the club ahead of what's best for him. It would have been temtping to try and hold onto Moloney for depth purposes or talk Green out of retirment for the same reason and try and get a few more wins to improve his chances of a contract extention.

Instead he's taken the hard line approach and we're going to see who's really prepared to bleed red & blue.

The next announcement of who's departing will be interesting....

Take out the "bleed red and blue" and replace with "who's really prepared to go the extra mile to achieve personal and team excellence" and I am 100% in agreement.(this whole love for jumper doesnt cut it for me - Moloney loved the jumper and look how this has ended up)

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and I hark back to what Neil Craig said at the beginning of the year- there will be players who will not be able to step up and this may not be a club for everyone and thats fine. We are not going to try to be. (or words to that effect)

We have shown glimpses since 1964 but we have never reached any great heights. What we are seeing is an attempt to create a culture and a level of excellence that has been missing. Neeld may fail miserably but have we had more success by taking the safe approach?

All good points nutbean. From my angle maybe he went a bit too full on to start with instead of earning respect first and foremost. Anyway we will sit back and hope....again. I really hope it works out for him (Neeld).

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From day one Neeld has been explicit in his demands and aspirations. And that there would be casualties.

Perhaps Brent wasn't listening?

and somehow I doubt he's alone !
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At this point in time its hard to defend Neeld. He's definitely fracturing the club more than it already was, which i didn't even think was possible. For Moloney to up and leave was something no one would have seen coming 12 months ago.

He has, you're right. He has broken off the group of players that aren't willing to work as hard as he believes is required from his time at a premiership club (let's call them 'the chaff') from the players that he sees have the required fire within them ('the wheat')

Disappointed that Beamer couldn't get over the shock of being left from the leadership group, but I lost a lot of respect for him as the season went on and he let his teammates down week in week out by putting himself ahead of them.

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Guest Rassilon
What do you think we would be likely to get for Brent leaving?

We have a very solid plan in place, it might be better than you think. This is only stage one expect more water to flow under the bridge shortly. Sorry for being vague.

All the best Brent and thank-you.

Edited by Rassilon
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I have to agree. It seems like Neeld walked into the club and said everything you are doing is wrong, and I'm right so listen to me. I know if that happened in my workplace you wouldn't get much respect. He's man management skills have been questioned since the summer, enough times to be some sort of truth to it.

On the flipside, I have worked in a place where the senior management was crap and as soon as these were removed by the CEO and replaced with either up and coming staff or better senior managers things turned quickly. The turnaround in the rest of the staff was amazing.

If we keep doing things the same way we will keep getting the same result.

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At this point in time its hard to defend Neeld. He's definitely fracturing the club more than it already was, which i didn't even think was possible. For Moloney to up and leave was something no one would have seen coming 12 months ago.

The club was fractured when he arrived he is putting the pieces back together and moving on those who do not wish to give what it takes to get us where we want to be.

To Brett while it ended badly this year time catches up with all of us and as it did with Greeny last year it can catch you quickly. For the service you gave the club previously thank you for your efforts.

Best of luck to you in the future

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All good points nutbean. From my angle maybe he went a bit too full on to start with instead of earning respect first and foremost. Anyway we will sit back and hope....again. I really hope it works out for him (Neeld).

I understand this point but I think his approach earned respect from players like Jones who were prepared to embrace and he lost those who most had at least question marks over them adapting anyway.

I will restate that I have no idea if this will be successful but I am happier with this approach than accepting more of the same as I believe we have for years.

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..Neelds not here to make friends i guess. We are going to have a very different looking team next year. I wonder how far this cull will go?

Why would people think this? Because he demands the best out of players? Good.

Think back to the far less subtle 'Bailey V Johnson' situation a few years back..

Neeld hasnt crossed that line.

Back on Topic:

Moloney has been abysmal this year.

HE hasnt subscribed to Neelds brand - others have and have shined AND are our best players - jones, clark, howe, slyvia last half this season come to mind.

A clearance king -lol- as someone put it, who only clears the ball when its tapped down his throat.. rarely clears the contested ball from a clearance situation

and when he does, kicks the sh!t out of it forward without any foresight most times giving it up, or not putting it to the advantage of the person unlucky enough to have to deal with it..

Think about it, when do you see Moloney at the bottom of the pack? I see Jones, i see Mckenzie, i see Tappy of late..

..and he's a sook.

Did SEN just announce he had officially gone??

another disaster that is 100% Neelds fault.

I beg the board. Please fire this joke of a coach.

How embarrassing for you..

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The problem with the 'Neeld is poison' meme is that Nathan Jones had a fantastic 2012.

Instead of thinking 'why couldn't Neeld have been a bit easier to get on with?,' all I am thinking is 'why couldn't Beamer comply to what was expected?'

Obviously Neeld has an uncomprimising attitude and as Hells Gates has pointed out - it didn't go over all that well.

I really wanted this attitude from the time Daniher was given the arse - didn't get it with Bailey and all the players were satisfied with 'good enough.'

I am glad that the attitude is here now, and I really am numb to the collateral damage.

Our senior players weren't about to bring the club into line (they were part of the problem...) so Neeld has given the new LG a clean slate and a base to work off.

Expectations are higher evidently and I just don't care about those who have issues with meeting those expectations.

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I see the position of Neeld as being a little like a father to kids. The job is to raise, develop, mentor , guide and nuture. Im not familiar with any part of the job description that indicated you had to be a friend to your kids.

I think there was far too much matey matey-ness at the club prior to Neeld. Hes now got it back on track. I think this caught Brent ( and others off guard )

The dog is back wagging the tail

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I see the position of Neeld as being a little like a father to kids. The job is to raise, develop, mentor , guide and nuture. Im not familiar with any part of the job description that indicated you had to be a friend to your kids.

I think there was far too much matey matey-ness at the club prior to Neeld. Hes now got it back on track. I think this caught Brent ( and others off guard )

The dog is back wagging the tail

I am not sure about matey matey or we just didnt set the bar high enough - either way I like the dog wagging his own tail.

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