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Demonology Revival

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There does seem to be one bloke too proud to make the switch over here and would be lost without ology.

Of course, I don't know if that is a reason to save the place in and of itself however...

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As foreshadowed previously, a meeting is being organised of persons interested in getting Demonology back in action for Saturday evening at the Bentleigh Club in conjunction with the viewing of the Melbourne v Port Adelaide game.

Those people who are interested can join George On the Outer and myself at the Bentleigh Club at 6:30 (one hour before the telecast begins). We will try to get a table for a bite to eat and hopefully will be able to go through the various options. Please advise if you want to join us.

The meeting has the approval of Demonology owner Tim Stanes and hopefully, he will be able to make it on the night.

From Match Day Information Round 17


Match Day Information Round 17

Round 17

Melbourne v Port Adelaide

TIO Stadium (home game)

Saturday 21 July, 7.10 pm

Bentleigh Club

Watch the game on the big screen at the Bentleigh Club with fellow Melbourne supporters this Saturday. Bar snacks, meals and raffles will be available.

Super keen for Demonology to revive. I can't attend but am fully supportive of the efforts to get it back up and running.

If you don't want to read and post on Ology Stakka then don't. But it's no ones right to tell others what they can and can't do.

If your hyper sensitive posting style didn't cop so much crap you'd still be posting on Ology and adding to your 8000 posts.

Can't understand why anybody would have an issue with having two sites? I have seen people pay out on Demonology on here, seriously boggles my mind as to why anybody would have something against another Demon website?

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Can't understand why anybody would have an issue with having two sites? I have seen people pay out on Demonology on here, seriously boggles my mind as to why anybody would have something against another Demon website?

When a forum is throwing up such thread titles as "Trade Magner", "If Melbourne traded Trengove", "Should Nathan Jones be captain in 2013", "Trade Jamar" well all I can say is..

He who casts the first stone...

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you must be joking, at the time i left there was maybe 1 quality football related post a week. There was hardly any posting at all, and most of it was ridiculous posturing and bickering by cretins. Call me crazy but I felt like actually discussing football so I came here. On second thought I hope it is revived so it protects us from the arrival of posters like Bluey, who has surfaced in the last week or so. PS you'll note the greatest post of all time is still stickied to the top of that forum so mind your manners ;)

I find that post well and truly obsolete now tbh. But at that moment in time it was good; so much has transpired you see.

Whilst I agree with DC, I liked Nasher's view in another O'logy thread here not that long ago suggesting if all the data could be moved and included/accepted here and still be viewed as public record it would be good, but making it possible would require Tim's approval.

I quite liked the idea of a "togetherness" here but I understand those wanting the return/upgrade of O'logy. I found discussing football matters just as interesting at O'logy with the like of Rivvo and co as here tbh. Where are you Rivvo ?

I think I'll miss the banner with Neita and R1 v Hawks, R2 v Foots, when or if it returns up to date and restored..

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When a forum is throwing up such thread titles as "Trade Magner", "If Melbourne traded Trengove", "Should Nathan Jones be captain in 2013", "Trade Jamar" well all I can say is..

He who casts the first stone...

I lik eand use both but It's the one area where 'ology has had it over 'land. A quantity of threads does not equate to quality. It's easy to say ignore the bad threads but then the good ones disappear too quick.

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Guest José Mourinho

I think some enjoy the exclusivity of demonology born of an inability to sign up as a new member.

Especially around school holidays, as demonland has suffered somewhat.

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I'm trying to make myself available for this.

My sister is getting married at Ripponlea on the same day. It's meant to be rapping up at 4 O'clock, then I need to take the wife and baby home to eastern suburbs.

I'll try my very best.

For those that have said why can't we just have Demonland, you need to understand that Demonology is an institution. Yes, occasionally the banter does go a little overboard, but there is a life and heart to the community we have over there that is lost on many Demonlanders.

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totally agree

the moderation here is heavy-handed, but in every other respect it carps all over demonology.

I've heard people say this on occasion and I just don't see it. As a mod I can see every post that gets deleted (it stays in the thread, just gets hidden to non-admin, for us they appear canary yellow) and I reckon for 99% of the time only one or two posts every few days gets deleted and normally it's a clear and obvious violation of the rules. The only times posts get mass deleted are if a thread goes completely feral and even then I'd say we're pretty generous about what is acceptable, or if someone blatantly hijacks a thread and it goes completely off topic.

Genuinely interested in examples of extreme and regular heavy-handedness because I really just don't see it. Personally I find myself erring on giving posts the benefit of the doubt more than anything.

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When a forum is throwing up such thread titles as "Trade Magner", "If Melbourne traded Trengove", "Should Nathan Jones be captain in 2013", "Trade Jamar" well all I can say is..

He who casts the first stone...

not wanting to drag this out cip but that's a cheap shot. I can recall many dumb threads on 'ology too

on either forum it only takes one or two nuff nuffs to quickly build up a list of cringey threads

more people post on 'land than 'ology so naturally there will be proportionally more nuff nuffs

anyway, who has the time to read all the threads. as long as the nuff nuffs put dumb titles on them they can be avoided

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Super keen for Demonology to revive. I can't attend but am fully supportive of the efforts to get it back up and running.

Me too.

Can't understand why anybody would have an issue with having two sites? I have seen people pay out on Demonology on here, seriously boggles my mind as to why anybody would have something against another Demon website?

I've seen the same on 'ology about D'Land. Seems its human nature.

When a forum is throwing up such thread titles as "Trade Magner", "If Melbourne traded Trengove", "Should Nathan Jones be captain in 2013", "Trade Jamar" well all I can say is..

He who casts the first stone...

That's fair enough C.I.P. D_F was in fine form on 'ology not that long ago IIRC....

But we don't want a pi55ing contest..

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I've heard people say this on occasion and I just don't see it. As a mod I can see every post that gets deleted (it stays in the thread, just gets hidden to non-admin, for us they appear canary yellow) and I reckon for 99% of the time only one or two posts every few days gets deleted and normally it's a clear and obvious violation of the rules. The only times posts get mass deleted are if a thread goes completely feral and even then I'd say we're pretty generous about what is acceptable, or if someone blatantly hijacks a thread and it goes completely off topic.

Genuinely interested in examples of extreme and regular heavy-handedness because I really just don't see it. Personally I find myself erring on giving posts the benefit of the doubt more than anything.

Agree with this. I don't see it either.

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Tremendous in trying to regain Ology to former glory.Just got out of hospital therefore an absentee, however when required will contribute resources when they are required.Will have plentyof time available soon hopefully.

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Neither forum has / had the higher ground.

They were different in recent years only because one had a broken down sign-up tool.

And for that reason, 'ology became a tight-knit family. Dysfunctional, but it was ours - we all seemed to feed off each other's thoughts.

The lack of new members also meant that your "totes amazeballs" crowd were funnelled into here, but I digress ...

I just feel like a foreigner here. Heck, I don't read Demonland per se - I merely search for what H, CiP or DA have said lately. Even then, H gets little resistence from anyone and the latter two resort to beating up on halfwits (deservedly so).

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I think DL has its own community of stalwarts that are worth reading too, it's not like we are all just kids on school holidays starting threads about trading/drafting/talkingouttheirarse-ing, although that is effing annoying.

Just got to remember the avatar and scroll to find them.

Anyway, my point is - DL isn't defined by the nuff-nuffs - the end.

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I just feel like a foreigner here. Heck, I don't read Demonland per se - I merely search for what H, CiP or DA have said lately. Even then, H gets little resistence from anyone and the latter two resort to beating up on halfwits (deservedly so).

Do you mean B-H ? Maybe it's because what he has to post deserves little resistance.

Otherwise I disagree re CIP and DA beating up on halfwits. Thats not condoned.

I recall one occassion and it was warranted....

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Anyway, my point is - DL isn't defined by the nuff-nuffs - the end.

See this is the subtle differences between the 2 sites. Dumb threads are treated so differently. The opener says something ridiculous, implausible or plain impossible (like Trade Jamar). On this site there is plenty of nice people who entertain the premise of the OP, and the thread turns into 3 pages of hypotheticals.

On Ology we'd just attack idiocy like a pack of wild dogs (whether this is the way things should be is subjective) and the thread gets locked. Alternatively the thread would just be completely ignored and fall off page one with hours.

Personally I enjoy discussing the politics of footy as much as the on field stuff. But thread after thread of pie in the sky trade ideas in July is boring as bat dung to me.

Anyway I don't want to turn this into a pissing contest because this is a bloody good site in every controllable way.

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Fwiw, we are currently looking at a Draft and Trading Forum (as has happened in the last few years) and move those 'trade' or draft prospect threads to that forum away from the message board, very soon.

Earlier than usual for this time of year, but that's because of the current landscape and focus it seems.

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See this is the subtle differences between the 2 sites. Dumb threads are treated so differently. The opener says something ridiculous, implausible or plain impossible (like Trade Jamar). On this site there is plenty of nice people who entertain the premise of the OP, and the thread turns into 3 pages of hypotheticals.

On Ology we'd just attack idiocy like a pack of wild dogs (whether this is the way things should be is subjective) and the thread gets locked. Alternatively the thread would just be completely ignored and fall off page one with hours.

Personally I enjoy discussing the politics of footy as much as the on field stuff. But thread after thread of pie in the sky trade ideas in July is boring as bat dung to me.

Anyway I don't want to turn this into a pissing contest because this is a bloody good site in every controllable way.

I get what you are saying and we went through a 'teething phase' when ology couldn't take newbies where we had an explosion of nuff-nuffs and I would put the beat down on and got a reputation for being a harsh - if eloquent and oh so handsome - bully. But like meeting friends of your missus that don't know anything, anything at all, about things you know quite a bit about - we have just learnt to bite our tongue (most of us) and let the Moving Cyber Kiddie Pool have their fun and splash around and save ourselves for the better stuff when it arises.

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Agree with this. I don't see it either.

Funny that-you and Nasher are the guys that do most of the deleting.

Not that I mind if it starts getting blatantly aggro or slanderous .

(Please dont delete this).

Your humble resident sh!t -stiirrer


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Do you mean B-H ? Maybe it's because what he has to post deserves little resistance.

To you maybe it doesn't. But I think great debate stems from one individual challenging the beliefs of another, no matter how strongly acknowledged they are.

T.G.R. had a knack of doing this. He didn't care who he put off-side, and debate normally declined into (private) schoolboy slugfests, but as a spectator you just ate them up.

But enough, because we're getting sidetracked.

I won't be attending Saturday, but am willing to donate if needed.

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But I think great debate stems from one individual challenging the beliefs of another, no matter how strongly acknowledged they are.

Agree entirely. Fwiw, that still exists when those type of beliefs are raised here. Although the instances of "great debate" admittedly I believe, are few and far between.

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Ology is like one of those Christmas Parties with the relos where after a few drinks everyone starts fighting and beating the crap out of each other; the thing being you can be related but you don’t have to like each other. There are two schools at least there and one dislikes the other with a passion, there’s also a few crossovers’s thrown in for good measure. All in all it can get pretty nasty and if you want to get in to a fight you don’t have to try too hard.

That said there are a few posters who have a good knowledge of the game and it can very good reading if you can cut through the rubbish but that applies here as well.

It is a good site but you need a thick skin and a lot of patience to post there.

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I can give you a reason for the desperate need for the two in 7 succinct words

"keep Bluey off demonland and at demonology"

(love your work Bluey!)

Edited by nutbean
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