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A few thoughts - Cameron Schwab

Cam Schwab

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Thanks Cam for taking the time to address these issues.

In regard to the FOJ sponsor, all you have said is that MFC don't have one and do not want to give the space away cheaply. You also made a crack about being glad that some on here are not negotiating on behalf of the club.

None of this addresses the fact that we do not have a sponsor, and the reasons why 16 other clubs (I believe Port are in the same boat) have their sponsorship arrangements locked away, but MFC are lagging behind. Why are other clubs able to do what MFC is not? There is also a poor recent history of gaining and retaining sponsors at MFC. What actions have been taken to address this weakness within the organisation? Maybe you should be looking elsewhere for someone to negotiate with potential sponsors on behalf of the club, because clearly there is currently a problem in that area.

You mention "we have a number of contingencies from both a revenue and cost perspective in the event that we don't achieve our preferred outcome". This is concerning to me, what areas of spending are you looking to cut back in? I think you have done a fantastic job at pumping more funding into the football department, it is noticeable in the number of coaches the club has, I would hate to see this stripped away with the potential cost cutting.

Again, Thanks for the feedback.

With all due respect Thomo, anyone / club can lock in a sponsor for the sake of doing so.

The Energywatch deal has been a record sponsorship for the MFC and one of the biggest in the AFL..............it's value is greater than the Hankook and Kaspersky deals combined over the same timeframe.

After the club secured a record deal for the back of the jumper, why would they now simply give away the front of jumper space????? Just because a few misguided supporters feel uneasy about starting the season without a front of jumper sponsor?????

If anything, getting such a great result with Energywatch has probably made it a lot harder to land a similar deal for the front......................sponsors prepared to spend up to that level would be few and far between, and if the MFC simply gave away the front of jumper spot at a much lower rate, they run the risk of putting Energywatch off side in the process.

I absolutely agree with his comments that he is glad some on here aren't handling the negotiations.................................I love the fact that football is all encompassing these days, and members and supporters are up to date with nearly every aspect of their clubs.............the level of engagement has never been higher, but there is a lot of crap on here written about how the club should and shouldn't be managed, and a lot of comments made that either don't make sense, or would be diabolical if ever put in place.

You can't honestly expect our CEO to start detailing the state of discussions with potential sponsors on a public website like this.

The most accutely aware person on the planet regarding the MFC sponsorship situation at present is our CEO.................let him do his job.

As a member, and just another red and blue face in the crowd each week, from the outside looking in, I reckon we have a cracking CEO running the club at present, and am more than comfortable if he deems it the best course of action to wait for the right deal for the MFC...............he is in the best position to know, not us.

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As CS will, most likely, not return - I can give some 'feedback.'

In regard to the FOJ sponsor, all you have said is that MFC don't have one and do not want to give the space away cheaply. You also made a crack about being glad that some on here are not negotiating on behalf of the club.

None of this addresses the fact that we do not have a sponsor, and the reasons why 16 other clubs (I believe Port are in the same boat) have their sponsorship arrangements locked away, but MFC are lagging behind. Why are other clubs able to do what MFC is not?

Is that 'all' he said? He didn't address why we didn't have a FOJ sponsor?

I see he mentioned the design and/or value of the contract hasn't met their estimation, and that they haven't placed an artificial timeline on getting the right deal done.

There is also a poor recent history of gaining and retaining sponsors at MFC. What actions have been taken to address this weakness within the organisation? Maybe you should be looking elsewhere for someone to negotiate with potential sponsors on behalf of the club, because clearly there is currently a problem in that area.

This looks like a "will you stop beating your wife" question with no good answer...

Kaspersky are still with the club in a diminished capacity and Laurie De La Rue had us on the cheap for three years. As I said previously, the EW deal is the biggest in our history and one of the biggest in the game. Surely that should be involved in any argument of our ability to attract sponsors?

You mention "we have a number of contingencies from both a revenue and cost perspective in the event that we don't achieve our preferred outcome". This is concerning to me, what areas of spending are you looking to cut back in? I think you have done a fantastic job at pumping more funding into the football department, it is noticeable in the number of coaches the club has, I would hate to see this stripped away with the potential cost cutting.

Odd question. It's almost as if you want others to make the mental leap that further delay on the FOJ sponsorship will mean we can't pay Neeld, Craig and Co...

I am sure they will jettison other staff, if it comes to that, before they hand out pink slips to members of the FD...

However, I think the delay would have to be quite a bit longer for it to have any effect on staffing levels...

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sometimes you just need to take what you can get.

Wrong Wrong Wrong...That is what this club used to do...Now we go out and find the best.

That will take longer as has been explained, but the benefits will be much greater...Do not be so impatient.

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Thankyou Cameron...The 2nd Sponsor is worth waiting for....

"Trident Foods" , maker of the worlds worst dim sim .

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Wrong Wrong Wrong...That is what this club used to do...Now we go out and find the best.

That will take longer as has been explained, but the benefits will be much greater...Do not be so impatient.

Hypothetically, you'd be satisfied Round 12 with the no FOJ sponsor?

I was impatient when I found out they were expected to have lined the sponsor up over the Holiday period.

Then it became late January. DemonShop are still expecting jumper deliveries by 'mid to late Feb'.. well that's passed too.

This isn't an issue about the 'Melbourne of Old' we've all worked out the club is no longer the dark and poor club we used to be.

We finished 13th last year and lost one game by 186 points whilst sacking our coach and losing our latest number 1 draft pick. There's a reason 'the best' aren't sponsoring us at the moment. Energy Watch sponsor the Melbourne named club in Soccer (Victory), AFL and Rugby Union (Rebels) - that deal was as much as them flooding the market as it was the Demons specifically. We will go into Round 1 with Reach and it'll be a great look adjusting the jumper half way through a season when they finally get someone to pay us the big bucks. Don't hold your breath though- I've been waiting since November.

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It must really annoy some people who have serious gripes ,concerns ,axes to grind that the club can simply come out and address their concerns so directly . There is a complete lack of consideration for the fact that those people will now have to whinge that they have been put in the picture and know what is going on .Some people will find transparency and direct communication very distasteful .

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Hypothetically, you'd be satisfied Round 12 with the no FOJ sponsor?

I was impatient when I found out they were expected to have lined the sponsor up over the Holiday period.

Then it became late January. DemonShop are still expecting jumper deliveries by 'mid to late Feb'.. well that's passed too.

This isn't an issue about the 'Melbourne of Old' we've all worked out the club is no longer the dark and poor club we used to be.

We finished 13th last year and lost one game by 186 points whilst sacking our coach and losing our latest number 1 draft pick. There's a reason 'the best' aren't sponsoring us at the moment. Energy Watch sponsor the Melbourne named club in Soccer (Victory), AFL and Rugby Union (Rebels) - that deal was as much as them flooding the market as it was the Demons specifically. We will go into Round 1 with Reach and it'll be a great look adjusting the jumper half way through a season when they finally get someone to pay us the big bucks. Don't hold your breath though- I've been waiting since November.

Mate i would be stoked if we had no sponsor all year...IF it meant we got another Big Sponsor for a long time...eg The Asian Market.

You just want quick money...."If you pay peanuts...You get monkey's"

Good Business deals take time....

Young people have ever shortening attention spans and patience....Chemicals in the water no doubt.

Get the BEST Sponsor you can Cameron....Accept NOTHING less. Please.

Will i care if there is a sponsor's Logo on our jumper come round 1......No, i will much prefer Mitch Clark to kick 8.

When the ink has dried the logo will be sewn on to the jumper......

Carry on.

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If we get to halfway through the year without a FOJ sponsor, i have no doubt that the board simply not renew CS contract. Simple

Looking at the video on the MFC website discussing the FOJ sponsor, CS still hopes to get it done by the start of the H&A season. He also states that it won't have a huge influence on $ coming in. This leads me to believe that the sponsorship won't be anywhere near EW, but in future, will amount to something big.

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If we get to halfway through the year without a FOJ sponsor, i have no doubt that the board simply not renew CS contract.

In your dreams baby. If we get half way through the year and don't have a sponsor, it's because the club is putting their own needs before that of a few nervous nellies on Demonland.

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In your dreams baby. If we get half way through the year and don't have a sponsor, it's because the club is putting their own needs before that of a few nervous nellies on Demonland.

That's the same attitude that saw St Kilda get nothing for Luke Ball and Melbourne get nothing for Cameron Bruce.

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That's the same attitude that saw St Kilda get nothing for Luke Ball and Melbourne get nothing for Cameron Bruce.

What would you prefer...a Ferrari F50 with a 12 month waiting list...or a 1971 HG Holden Premier by next week.

We can afford to wait till the right deal is done...what is the hurry around here? Who cares about the other clubs...it is of no consequence to the MFC.

I am glad some of you are not in charge of these deals.

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What would you prefer...a Ferrari F50 with a 12 month waiting list...or a 1971 HG Holden Premier by next week.

We can afford to wait till the right deal is done...what is the hurry around here? Who cares about the other clubs...it is of no consequence to the MFC.

I am glad some of you are not in charge of these deals.

I don't NEED A DEAL NOW!!!!!!!!!!! or anything. I just hope that the people in charge of our club have realistic expectations about what we can get for our brand. Perhaps our brand will be worth more mid year. If so, fine. Just as long as Cam Schwab et al, are able to make an accurate assessment of what a realistic sponsorship offer is.

Edited by Chook
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I don't NEED A DEAL NOW!!!!!!!!!!! or anything. I just hope that the people in charge of our club have realistic expectations about what we can get for our brand. Perhaps our brand will be worth more mid year. If so, fine. Just as long as Cam Schwab et al, are able to make an accurate assessment of what a realistic sponsorship offer is.

And that is what they are doing....There is a plan B until A manifests.
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Last year it was widely reported that there had been a rift between you and the players, in particularly the leadership group. Prior to the Geelong debacle esteemed football writer Caroline Wilson said you were to be sacked and the decision was essentially complete.

We all know what happened that day and the bullet that was heading your way found its way towards Bailey, which in my opinion was long overdue. I don’t confess to know all that goes on behind the scenes but this kind of rubbish does not occur at other clubs.

Actually Cam, in light of last year's media mischief, I think it is really important that Don McLardy specifically addresses the security of your tenure as quickly as possible.

We keep hearing that your "Red and Blue Print" is the glue that will hold us together through the tough battles ahead .Yet a little more than 6 months ago , you, as author and driver of this long-term strategic framework, were said to have just wriggled your way clear of the guillotine - and only for the next 12 months

We know that journos happily twist the truth to sell papers - and that Caro enjoys throwing mud in your direction - but where there is smoke there is often fire. For us to have complete faith in the club's absolute commitment to your strategy, then the Board needs to come out - and tell the football world that it sees you as the club's long-term CEO. Just as you can't guarantee that you will stay forever , the Board can't guarantee that you will have the job forever - but it can extend your contract and it can publicly express its confidence in your work.

I think the Board needs to do this ...... to clear the air and wipe away the lingering concerns about club unity evident in the preceding post.

Thankyou for your interest in the views of Demonlanders. Please feel free to pass this on!

Edited by hoopla
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I'm really surprised to have read some of the negativity about the night here - not necessarily on this thread, but on other threads.

I flew down from Sydney to attend the function and was fortunate enough to speak to Cameron on the night. Without wishing to sound like a complete sycophant, I was very impressed with Cameron and the views he expressed about where the club is at (practical and realistic) and his clear vision for where the club will be in the future (again, practical and realistic).

In short, I thought the function was absolutely top tier. It was very well organised and had an appropriate focus on our history without being overly sentimental in a cliched or saccharin way.

A few things I took out of the night:

1. Mark Neeld is a super impressive bloke. This guy will transform the club. Of that, I am absolutely convinced. I simply cannot believe Collingwood allowed a situation to occur such that we were able to grab him. He'll create a dynasty at the MFC, although we need to give him time - it's not his fault we've been spinning our wheels for the past few years, and it's not yet a list he's built or had an opportunity to develop.

2. This off season has been the most significant period for the club in decades. Securing the likes of Neeld, Craig, Misson, Rawlings, Brown, Mitch Clark and others has literally transformed this club. We now have real momentum.

3. The point of differentiation that the MFC enjoys relative to all other clubs (perhaps excluding Geelong) is our history. It's not IMO backward looking to celebrate it and try and imbue the significance of our history and the contributions of players past in our current players.

4. To illustrate this, the evening focused on Harold Ball - a story which is sad in the extreme. Obviously a good natured, impressive country kid who shone as a young player in the 1940 finals series - particularly in the semi final against Essendon and then the grand final against Richmond - he elected to enlist in the army as an ambulance officer (a decision influenced it seems by the club doctor). In short, he wanted to help other Aussies. His life ended terribly when he was captured by the Japanese, tortured horribly and then executed. For me at least, prior to hearing this account, Harold Ball was just a name. But to hear his story and then see former club legends hold this guy's blazer and talk about his life was truly meaningful. I can't imagine any of the players didn't discover some respect for the blazer after hearing this account. In short, it's possible that, prior to the night, many players and supporters thought the blazer presentation would be the reincarnation of some lame 'old school' tradition - however, I don't believe many people left the function with that mindset.

5. The club is committed to making our list the most aerobically fit in the competition. This was good to hear, and with Neil Craig and Dave Misson overseeing it, I've no doubt it will be achieved. Our players will not be losing games due to lack of fitness in the years to come.

6. I'm not convinced our recruiting in the past few years is as good as it could have been. Time will tell though, and I expect Neeld will get the most out of what he's been given. I'm also pleased that the contributions of players such as Bartram and Bate seem to be appreciated once again - the current focus appears to reward effort and dedication more than mere natural ability, which is sure to create a good football culture at the club.

As I said, a really good night - positive and unifying for the club and its past and current players.

Edited by Ron Burgundy
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Nice to hear from you.

I don't care much for issues off the field but one thing I will say; please get rid of the trumpet.



Not sure Cam has anything to do with the trumpeter playing or not but i agree. The only time i wish to hear that style of playing is when a bugler belts out the last post on Anzac day. Sad, somber but nonetheless fitting for the occasion.

However, Cam does have a say into the "style" and "direction" of our off and on field marketing

Part of the off field marketing material says....

"Hard Work, Hard Minds, Hardcore Demons".

We are Demons yes?

And we sure as hell need to fire up....especially for the start of our matches :huh:

It's time to fire up before the match and get the supporters goin!

It's time for some Hard Rock and a little theatre to go with the rest of the hardness message Cam

AC/DC - "HELLS BELLS" for mine.....


After all, Demons are quite at home....in HELL!

Picture this pre match at our home games....

Two minor demon minions (maybe female ones...cough) slowly wheel a black gothic bell onto the arena...a fully kitted winged Demon (or similar) awaits. But he hasn't felt the bells' presence just yet. He kneels on the ground holding his trident. Deep in contemplation. As the bell gets closer, he slowly rises to his full height, turns and faces the bell. Using the blunt end of his trident he begins to gong the bell as the song commences. Raising his fist as the first few bars of legendary Ozy guitarist Angus Young spills out into the arena!

Let our opponents Fear us....It's our G. This is our ground, our heritage. Lets make it their worst nightmare!

A place they will fear to come to and dread to play on!

Maybe our new home ground anthem!

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That's the same attitude that saw St Kilda get nothing for Luke Ball and Melbourne get nothing for Cameron Bruce.

Really? I thought it was Bruce not signalling his intention until AFTER trade period that led us to getting nothing

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If we get to halfway through the year without a FOJ sponsor, i have no doubt that the board simply not renew CS contract. Simple

Looking at the video on the MFC website discussing the FOJ sponsor, CS still hopes to get it done by the start of the H&A season. He also states that it won't have a huge influence on $ coming in. This leads me to believe that the sponsorship won't be anywhere near EW, but in future, will amount to something big.

For those sprouting that all other clubs have FOJ sponsorship ( bar PA) and we dont - are you aware of how much each club gets for their FOJand BOJ sponsorship ? How does the compare with what we are getting from EW ? What is the total amount of our sponsorship compared with other clubs ?

I think these broader questions are the benchmark for how our commercial division is performing rather than worrying about one name on the front of our jumper.

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For those sprouting that all other clubs have FOJ sponsorship ( bar PA) and we dont - are you aware of how much each club gets for their FOJand BOJ sponsorship ? How does the compare with what we are getting from EW ? What is the total amount of our sponsorship compared with other clubs ?

I think these broader questions are the benchmark for how our commercial division is performing rather than worrying about one name on the front of our jumper.


Financially EW has taken us to a new level

Surely this allows the club to bide it's time to get the right deal

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