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Dean Bailey's Plan for The MFC


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Give me kids, kids and more kids says Dean Bailey.

I'm happy with our coach. He is doing exactly what this club needs.

This was the bit the leapt out at me while reading...

"My responsibility is to look long term for the Melbourne footy club. If that means what I do now sets it up for the future, then I'll do that.

"It would be ridiculous for me to look for some quick fixes."

If you're pushing into your late 20s and underperforming at Melbourne, you have every reason to be worried.

Out at year's end would have to be:

Neitz, Yze, Holland, Carrol, Whelan 100% gone.

White, McDonald 90% gone though might tough it out for one last season.

We are at a serious rebuilding stage. At least we have 3-4 years of decent drafting behind us, so hopefully we can start our climb back up in 2010.

Jeez the drafting this year (2008) and next (2009) (before the new team comes in 2010) are going to define how we perform over the next 10 yrs.


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I'm happy with our coach. He is doing exactly what this club needs.

This was the bit the leapt out at me while reading...

"My responsibility is to look long term for the Melbourne footy club. If that means what I do now sets it up for the future, then I'll do that.

"It would be ridiculous for me to look for some quick fixes."

If you're pushing into your late 20s and underperforming at Melbourne, you have every reason to be worried.

Out at year's end would have to be:

Neitz, Yze, Holland, Carrol, Whelan 100% gone.

White, McDonald 90% gone though might tough it out for one last season.

We are at a serious rebuilding stage. At least we have 3-4 years of decent drafting behind us, so hopefully we can start our climb back up in 2010.

Jeez the drafting this year (2008) and next (2009) (before the new team comes in 2010) are going to define how we perform over the next 10 yrs.


Spot on.

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This was the bit the leapt out at me while reading...

"My responsibility is to look long term for the Melbourne footy club. If that means what I do now sets it up for the future, then I'll do that.

"It would be ridiculous for me to look for some quick fixes."

If you're pushing into your late 20s and underperforming at Melbourne, you have every reason to be worried.

Just for the record: That last line shouldn't be in quotation marks; Bailey didn't say it, it was written by Mark Stevens.

Edited for accuracy by Demonland

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Found this an inspiring article. It confirms the positive views I formed about our coach in the early days, and reinforces what I have seen as the year has evolved.

Great stuff!

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"My responsibility is to look long term for the Melbourne footy club. If that means what I do now sets it up for the future, then I'll do that.

"It would be ridiculous for me to look for some quick fixes."

If you're pushing into your late 20s and underperforming at Melbourne, you have every reason to be worried.

I would think they would have been some of the messages Bailey would have be communicated from day 1 in the job.

I have been impressed with how he has been focussed and true in deed and word from the start.

Keep it going Dean.

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Found this an inspiring article. It confirms the positive views I formed about our coach in the early days, and reinforces what I have seen as the year has evolved.

Great stuff!

Hardly inspiring or earth-shattering imo. Given that we're 1-12, he'd be ridiculed if he said anything different.

Also is respect of recruiting, every club will be aware that this year's draft is critical, and very few trades will get done.

His comments also make a mockery of our elderly leadership group. I wonder if Bailey will leave the decision in the hands of the players again next year.

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Hardly inspiring or earth-shattering.

His comments also make a mockery of our elderly leadership group. I wonder if Bailey will leave the decision in the hands of the players again next year.

Do they make a mockery, or does Bailey simply put his cards on the table, and fairly and squarely asks the so called "elders" to look within themselves for improvement regarding leadership? - Because that is what they have lacked according to the players review.

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Hardly inspiring or earth-shattering imo. Given that we're 1-12, he'd be ridiculed if he said anything different.

Also is respect of recruiting, every club will be aware that this year's draft is critical, and very few trades will get done.

His comments also make a mockery of our elderly leadership group. I wonder if Bailey will leave the decision in the hands of the players again next year.

There's no question that the club got the leadership issue wrong at the start of the season, well if anyoen wants to argue the opposite then it would have to be pretty damn convincing ;)

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There's no question that the club got the leadership issue wrong at the start of the season, well if anyoen wants to argue the opposite then it would have to be pretty damn convincing ;)

From the start almost everybody on here agreed that Robertson and Yze should not have been in the leadership group and we have all been proved right by their demotion. How come DB couldn't see it?

Also no problems with Moloney and Rivers being elevated but don't see the point when they're both out for the rest of the year?

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Do they make a mockery, or does Bailey simply put his cards on the table, and fairly and squarely asks the so called "elders" to look within themselves for improvement regarding leadership? - Because that is what they have lacked according to the players review.

You raise a good point.

The players elected the leaders on the basis of who they believe are the leaders. They also make the changes to the leaders to remove those players who dont provide appropriate leadership. I think player ownership of the leadeship group appointment based on criteria set by the football department creates responsibility and accountability on both the leadership and voting group. The group that voted at the start of the year included 11 new players to the club with many others that have not much more experience. The fact that they have now reviewed and altered the group to reflect a truer group of leaders is a positive learning experience for such a young list. It hardly makes a mockery of the senior leadership group when the players have voted that their not the leaders!

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You raise a good point.

The players elected the leaders on the basis of who they believe are the leaders. They also make the changes to the leaders to remove those players who dont provide appropriate leadership. I think player ownership of the leadeship group appointment based on criteria set by the football department creates responsibility and accountability on both the leadership and voting group. The group that voted at the start of the year included 11 new players to the club with many others that have not much more experience. The fact that they have now reviewed and altered the group to reflect a truer group of leaders is a positive learning experience for such a young list. It hardly makes a mockery of the senior leadership group when the players have voted that their not the leaders!

Well next year there's a fair chance that we'll have another 11 new faces on our list, who'll also have no idea as to the leadership qualities of their peers. It ends up being a popularity contest, regardless of what criteria is set.

I don't like the idea of chopping and changing the leadership group throughout the year. The coaching panel should select the leadership group, and only make changes if there is a major transgression by one of them.

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Guest MFC4Life
Well next year there's a fair chance that we'll have another 11 new faces on our list, who'll also have no idea as to the leadership qualities of their peers. It ends up being a popularity contest, regardless of what criteria is set.

I don't believe this is entirely true. It's not an SRC vote. I would assume (hope) that they would vote for teamates who inspire them to be better footballers and a better team and men that most influence the positive direction of the football team on and off the field.

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Well next year there's a fair chance that we'll have another 11 new faces on our list, who'll also have no idea as to the leadership qualities of their peers. It ends up being a popularity contest, regardless of what criteria is set.

I don't like the idea of chopping and changing the leadership group throughout the year. The coaching panel should select the leadership group, and only make changes if there is a major transgression by one of them.

And the core of the list will have one year of experience under this program and have already weeded out the non leaders. So out of the current leadership group who are not leaders? I would have thought the changes effected are both sensible and cut out the party populars like Yze and Robbo who are not a leaders bootlace.

If you have a leadership that is hit by mid season retirement (Neitz), crippling injury (Robbo) and lack of form (Yze) then where are your leaders????

And if a leader transgresses and lets the playing group down what bigger punishment is there than being dressed down by your peers? Not to mention any harsh treatment the player receives from CEO down to the Coach if the matter is serious.

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There's no question that the club got the leadership issue wrong at the start of the season, well if anyoen wants to argue the opposite then it would have to be pretty damn convincing ;)

I'll have a go at this. Let's see what you think.

WE have all recognised for some time the 'culture' issues at the club.

Culture issues are hard to define from such a distance, but they include things like application to training and play, sense of mutual responsibility etc.

Changing this needs to start from within the entire group.

The group can elect leaders and see whether their decisions were any good when compared to their criteria...they may then change their criteria to better reflect the values about the group they wish to emphasise.

This means that the leaders would probably change.

The playing group needs to learn to hold everyone accountable - themselves and their leaders. This may take several goes.

Bailey has encouraged the group to take this responsibility and the group to modify it...with the goal being that the group holds performance standards that everyone wants to keep and the leaders would exemplify it.

We've not done it well, but Bailey is trying to help to get the group to in effect regulate itself in this regard - like the swans I guess. So, he can influence it but only a bit.

No mistake this year - part of a process that may take some time but is aimed at a pretty thorough culture shift.

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I'll have a go at this. Let's see what you think.

WE have all recognised for some time the 'culture' issues at the club.

Culture issues are hard to define from such a distance, but they include things like application to training and play, sense of mutual responsibility etc.

Changing this needs to start from within the entire group.

The group can elect leaders and see whether their decisions were any good when compared to their criteria...they may then change their criteria to better reflect the values about the group they wish to emphasise.

This means that the leaders would probably change.

The playing group needs to learn to hold everyone accountable - themselves and their leaders. This may take several goes.

Bailey has encouraged the group to take this responsibility and the group to modify it...with the goal being that the group holds performance standards that everyone wants to keep and the leaders would exemplify it.

We've not done it well, but Bailey is trying to help to get the group to in effect regulate itself in this regard - like the swans I guess. So, he can influence it but only a bit.

No mistake this year - part of a process that may take some time but is aimed at a pretty thorough culture shift.

Good explanation timD!

I think the changes made by the player group are a positive and hopefully leads to an improvement of the club culture.

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Christ I hope so. I also my guess is right!

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So who's in the leadership group now? I make it McDonald, Bruce, Green, Miller, McLean, Davey, Moloney and Rivers. Is that right?

I'm with Bails on this one, think he's handled what has been a festering sore for us for years very well. Leaders were never accountable under Danners. They'd go missing for 6 weeks straight comfortable in the knowledge they were automatic selections. Like he said in the article, he's been planning long term since he took up the role. I read or heard that his presentation when being interveiwed for the job was the most pessimistic about the short term and stressed the need for a rebuild. If he can have us pushing towards finals in his third year, I'd say he's guaranteed another contract.

Accountability to your peers, for everyone. Thats what it seems to me he's trying to achieve. How can that possibly be a bad thing? The players voted and got it wrong, can't blame them most of them haven't been there that long. They elected the Daniher era leaders, that's natural. By having a review he's made them accountable, as suspected they didn't stack up. Seeing Davey, Moloney and Rivers added to the list is encouraging, a next gen is starting to emerge, though I think there's a few more twists and turns before it starts to stabilise.

Bails suggested we may go with 2 captains again next year. If so one of them must be Brock IMO. His leadership qualities and talent are obvious. The only way to make someone responsible is to give them some responsibility. He may well make a mistake or two but so did Neita in his early days and I don't think anyone here would argue he was a pretty good captain for a long while.

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I'll have a go at this. Let's see what you think.

WE have all recognised for some time the 'culture' issues at the club.

Culture issues are hard to define from such a distance, but they include things like application to training and play, sense of mutual responsibility etc.

Changing this needs to start from within the entire group.

The group can elect leaders and see whether their decisions were any good when compared to their criteria...they may then change their criteria to better reflect the values about the group they wish to emphasise.

This means that the leaders would probably change.

The playing group needs to learn to hold everyone accountable - themselves and their leaders. This may take several goes.

Bailey has encouraged the group to take this responsibility and the group to modify it...with the goal being that the group holds performance standards that everyone wants to keep and the leaders would exemplify it.

We've not done it well, but Bailey is trying to help to get the group to in effect regulate itself in this regard - like the swans I guess. So, he can influence it but only a bit.

No mistake this year - part of a process that may take some time but is aimed at a pretty thorough culture shift.

Yeh, good thoughts TimD, you put up a good response. In some regards, it is like the Swans.....they have rotated their leaders and held themselves accountable. By doing this, they weeded out a great leader in Brett Kirk, who is highly regarded not only within the Swans playing group, but from outside clubs as well.

I think Brock McLean by the start of next year might find himself Captain. Also, I believe Bate will become apart of the leadership group. Within a year.

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I love Dean Bailey.

Have no idea whether he'll coach us for 10 years and win us a flag, but I trust him 100% when it comes to rebuilding and reshaping our list. He has done a great job developing our kids (the transformation of Garland alone has been brilliant), managing our senior players and looking for the future.

His game plan, which a lot of supporters were against at the start of the year is proving to be a lot more manageable than we first thought. It certainly worked well against the top teams in Geelong, Hawthorn and the Pies.

I laughed out loud when I read the bit where Bailey said "I took his car keys off him" in relation to McLean. :D

For the first time in ages, I can actually see REAL changes instead of token efforts here and there. Finally we're on the right track to creating a strong culture and developing a team who all have the same work ethic and desire to play as part of a team.

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You raise a good point.

The players elected the leaders on the basis of who they believe are the leaders. They also make the changes to the leaders to remove those players who dont provide appropriate leadership. I think player ownership of the leadeship group appointment based on criteria set by the football department creates responsibility and accountability on both the leadership and voting group. The group that voted at the start of the year included 11 new players to the club with many others that have not much more experience. The fact that they have now reviewed and altered the group to reflect a truer group of leaders is a positive learning experience for such a young list. It hardly makes a mockery of the senior leadership group when the players have voted that their not the leaders!

agree, the players made the descisions the ball falls into the players court. Maybe they will understand there choices and the ramifications for next season with further review....

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