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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/10/23 in all areas

  1. The AFLPA need to get on the front foot with this and set up a support group in each major city to help players deal with the trauma of being a 1 hour flight away from their mum.
    22 points
  2. Eat your heart out @Ethan Tremblay I am the real trade whisperer
    19 points
  3. Steven May? Michael Hibberd? Ed Langdon? Jake Lever?
    19 points
  4. 18 points
  5. Lamb last minute deals are my favourite. Like a kebab after a big night out, will you regret it, or will it cure your hangover?
    18 points
  6. 16 points
  7. Besides them what else have the Romans done for us?
    15 points
  8. Paul Roos will be relieved we finally landed Billings
    14 points
  9. This post went really well for you
    13 points
  10. May, Lever, Hibbo, Langdon... just a few PREMIERSHIP players who reached their potential after being traded to Melbourne. But by all means lets just keep taking a dump on our club @DistrACTION Jackson beat me to it!
    12 points
  11. I completely forgot how good Bernie Vince was when he came to us too. He was an absolute gun.
    11 points
  12. Cam Pedersen played some terrific footy for us after he was traded from North.
    11 points
  13. Billings with a 3rd/4th rounder would be a better option than a kid at pick 50 I would think
    11 points
  14. I for one think he’ll look hot AF in a Dee’s jumper.
    10 points
  15. As much as I’d like to get involved in a pile on and prove to @IRW that their post was rubbish, I have news: Apparently Tom Morris likes his surname pronounced like how a French person would say “Maurice”.
    10 points
  16. Don’t know about the change of scenery angle. He’s a footballer not a landscape painter. Although it looks like he’ll save us a bit of Monet.
    10 points
  17. @Dannyz is hearing what #ETthetradebreaker is hearing. To be announced after 2pm AEDST. If it doesn’t go through, they just lost the paperwork and it’s not my fault.
    10 points
  18. I think the attraction of Billings is for mature depth and to pressure Langdon and Hunter, both who didn't finish in the top 10 of the B&F whilst playing 49 games between them out of a possible 50. That indicates to me that the FD didn't rate their performances this year given the B&F strongly favours players who play games. Some will say "they play their role" but if they did then they'd have finished higher in the B&F.
    10 points
  19. An other day an other sook from you
    9 points
  20. Indeed. We used a 2nd and two 3rds to bring in Fullerton, Billings and McAdam. Lost Jordan, Harmes and Grundy: depth or surplus to needs. Hibberd, Dunstan retired. And we have 6 and 11 to use in the draft I think that's a good outcome
    9 points
  21. I remember during the first 2022 season there was a time, due to COVID concerns, the players were instructed not to come into physical contact with the fans by the fence at the end of games, not to cross the boundary line and just to interact with the fans at that distance. At one game some fans were calling to Tayla to come over and sign some stuff, but she explained she wasn't allowed to, and glancing at the security guard beside her added, "Imagine if I crossed the line and I was tackled to the ground by the security, how would that be!" 🤣 Meanwhile Shelley Heath ran up to the line, looked down, lined her toes up on it with great care and then stood to attention like a 12 year old at school assembly. 🤣 As I've said many times to others, I find it hard to praise Heath enough. She's fantastic. One of my very favourites in a team of favourites.
    9 points
  22. Essentially we've swapped Grundy for Fullarton/McAdam and Harmes for Billings. If we finish higher on the ladder than Sydney and Bulldogs then we've also upgraded our future 2nd and 3rd round picks in the process.
    8 points
  23. Imagine Geelong wasting a whole week on this trade only to get two extra picks, both of which they won’t use. Absolutely mind boggling some of these idiotic negotiations going on.
    8 points
  24. I've run out of 'storage space' to post images etc. I've been deleting 'attachments' like crazy but to keep the Contracts thread going Andy put me into the 'Contributors' category as it was the only way to increase my storage space.
    8 points
  25. ICYMI Essendons D'Ambrosio is apparently considered a delisted free agent under rookie rules and can move to Hawthorn via that mechanism. Essendon have been playing hardball with him to get a better pick and its been reported that they may not have been aware of this rule and the fact he can walk for nothing.
    8 points
  26. Just on Shelley, our pint-sized #30 is only 160cm and lucky to weigh 50k dripping wet, which can make her appear unimposing. But she’s a black belt taekwondo champion. Such an accomplished person and she’s only 23yo. ❤️💙
    8 points
  27. YEp......Horne Francis.
    8 points
  28. Hey I’m 37 and I take offense to that
    7 points
  29. Tim Lamb getting deals done with no fuss. Absolute star.
    7 points
  30. Easily the most underrated player to go around for the Dees in the last 50 years.
    7 points
  31. I reckon Daniel Cross did rather well in red and blue! And in fact, he and his training regime helped to push the Melbourne football club Culture in the right direction.
    7 points
  32. Not just homesickness but a special type that requires you to only be traded to a specific club within that state
    7 points
  33. So your argument is that because some trades don’t work we should never trade again. I’ll give Tim a call, tell him he’s fired.
    7 points
  34. Have you been living under a rock? May became the best key defender in the game after he got traded to us. Not to mention that Lever and Hibberd have had their career best years under us too. Aside from maybe Jeremy Howe, I can't think of anyone in recent years who actually reached their potential after leaving Melbourne.
    7 points
  35. Imagine being an Aussie moving to the NBA or the Premier League in the UK. You would hear of AFL players getting homesick and laugh.
    7 points
  36. Welcome to the MFC Shane McAdam, thanks for choosing us and for your patience during the drawn out negotiation period. Very happy that you have come onboard we are really lacking fwd 50 fire power and I believe you have the potential to make a big difference at the Dee’s. Good luck, stay healthy and have a great time at our mighty club.
    7 points
  37. We don't need to delist Turner or even move Melksham to the rookie list. My figures are based on maintaining the 2023 mix of 36 senior spots and 6 A rookie spots. But notice that we are allowed up to 38 senior players and if we had 38 we would then cut back the A rookie spots to 4, to stay within the max 42 allowed. Usually we max out the rookie spots as a portion of their contract $ is not included in the sal cap. Having said that if we get Billlings we will probably make Melksham a rookie. The Turner decision would then stand alone.
    7 points
  38. Maybe. Or maybe he'd be rejuvenated at a new club? Did anyone think Bobby Hill would reach the heights he did this year? Peter Wright going to Essendon.. Dunkley to Brisbane. I mean there are examples on both sides clearly but you've got to be in it to win it ey?
    7 points
  39. It wasn’t long ago that Lachie Neale was apparently very keen to get back to WA again until suddenly he wasn’t. Things change.
    7 points
  40. Wasn't as bad as Mal Maninga's performance. So there's that. Let's just hope he kicks the right way when we play the Crows.
    7 points
  41. I hate this garbage. These guys are professional athletes. They get paid to do their job. Lots of ppl move for their work. Just do it he's not even from Adelaide ffs
    6 points
  42. Petty did throw in the line in one interview, that if he was happy he could extend at Melbourne, as he loves everything about the club, players, coaches etc.
    6 points
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