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  1. I think it's wise for the club to play a dead bat to the AFL and deny oxygen to the Media who'd love us to feed the circus.
    12 points
  2. I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed. The amount of people I've spoken to about the tanking issue (non-Melbourne supporters) and their comments on it clearly indicates to me that they have been affected by her articles. I haven't heard one person come up to me and say "gee that Wilson article was way off the mark". It's very easy for us as Melbourne supporters to poke holes in the story and recognise bias, but your average non-MFC fan out there who doesn't over-analyse the article like we do is likely to 'buy in' to what she says. So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.
    9 points
  3. He struggles to think once.
    7 points
  4. Perspective. That's what it's all about at this time of year. We see them on the park but even when they're doing the really competitive stuff like match simulation, we just don't know the extent of the improvement that must be subsumed and incorporated within the group. One player who has been mentioned as an improver in despatches is Tom McDonald and I imagined that, at 194cm and 92kg, he would loom large among the players. But when I arrived and saw the number 25 out there early with three others, including Dan Nicholson and Jack Viney, he looked tiny. That's because the fourth player in the early group was Max Gawn who is positively a monster at 208cm and 107kg. That's perspective. Max put on his GPS and after a bit of a run around he disappeared into the wild blue yonder. I don't know when he'll be ready (it's said he's still on the long term injury list), but I can't help thinking that a bloke of that size who moves so smoothly might be a damn important asset if he can get it all together. There's no "might" about the other early birds. Jack Viney is going to make a difference and his infusion into the midfield, along with that of another classy mover in Jimmy Toumpas will aid our quest to revive our stocks in this all-important part of the ground. Those two might be young and raw but, of the top ten newcomers out of the draft, they're the only ones with experience playing the game with and against men. And Jack Grimes, who will give a lot of service in the midfield this year, has the look of a captain this year. Now, if only we can get his co-skipper up and running, that midfield might well dig itself out of the third world territory it has occupied for the best part of a decade. There's a bit more run there too with Dan Nicholson and Sam Blease showing a fair bit of toe. Once I got the other early bird, Tom McDonald into the right perspective, he looked all right too. I'm not putting too high an expectation on him though. He's only 20 and while he did have some terrific break out games last year, he's still got plenty of work to do but along with James Frawley, Tom Garland and Jack Watts (and maybe James Sellar), he will add a bit of class and stability to the back half. I'm not getting carried away by all means. After all, the team was so much on the nose in 2012 after promising a lot in the pre season. We even belted Collingwood in a NAB Cup game and we thought ourselves at one with the universe until the Big Bang came and hit us on a weekly basis for months until many of us were invoking the mercy rule before midseason. We gained a lot of perspective as a consequence. I'm not going to rave about the mature age recruits on a little over an hour's exposure but Chris Dawes and Cam Pedersen, despite some detractors from the clubs they left, appear as if they are going to add lots to what was a very undermanned forward line last year, particularly after Mitch Clark fell. While we're at it, Clark ran around a bit and kicked well with his left and is supposed to be on track for a start in the first month of what they call the regular season. There's been a lot said about the failure of many of Melbourne's early draft picks to develop as quickly as we would like, but less said about the fact that many of them including Blease, Grimes, James Strauss, Luke Tapscott, Watts and a couple of others missed great slabs of what should have been development time through injuries and missed out in previous years on much needed pre season work. Well, they're getting it now and, in doing so, we're ticking that very big box that requires players to be injury free at this time of year. We should see much more advancement, better prospects of development and hence, a greater depth of talent available for selection than in the past. In that regard, I will nominate my big improver for 2013 as Neville Jetta who appears to be thriving under this new regimen. I reckon Aaron Davey might just be ready to reinvent himself as he goes around for another year: a prospect that some might have thought doubtful when he struggled through games in the past two seasons. Both players are thriving now whereas in recent years, they haven't been on the track. There were others but it was the first time in a while and I'm still learning new numbers, faces and styles. Sooner or later, I'll get it all in the right perspective. I won't venture to say how much we'll improve in 2013 but I note the AFL Prospectus has us down with the 13th best list, which even without the prospect of a good draw, a healthier list and more stability at the club, suggests we'll at least double our number of wins. Still, I'm not going to get carried away just yet. I must add two final points from what I saw. Neil Craig looked really in command at training today and what a great choice he makes in that assisting senior head honcho role? And the kid wearing # 1 looked the goods for a 17 year old, so much so that I might get myself a few extra doses of perspective at Casey Fields this year. The show rolls on into February but for now ... it's yibbida, yibbida. That's all folks!
    7 points
  5. Interesting. From about the midpoint of last year, I don't remember Dan Nicholson fluffing his kicks at all, and was struck by the improvement. I went to training this morning too, and his kicking was no better or worse than any others, and by that I mean it was largely very good. I remember there being a lingering belief that Nathan Jones got caught with the ball regularly long after that in fact kept happening......pretty much all of last year, but we kept hearing it.....zzzzzzzz boring. These guys improve, and being lumped with continuing preconceptions as this improvement occurs while not noting the improvement, means you're just not paying attention. What strikes me about Nicho, like Jones, is that he's a hyper competitive animal. I see the same thing in Tommy Mac and Jack Viney. These are the guys who seem to have very singular self directed levels of expectation on themselves, and who I personally love to have in the red and blue, cos nobody's perfect, but the do or die attitude counts for a huge amount. Other observations from this morning.....Nev Jetta is looking and moving beautifully. If he stays fit, we'll finally see the best of him. Likewise the run and energy of Luke Tapscott much better. Cam Pederson has good hands. Given his size and mobility I wish Chris Dawes had the same natural marking security, but he is a vigorous focus which is good. Jack Watts just oozes stuff you can't teach. He's a joy to watch.....his reading of the play, breadth of vision and ability to dispose to the right option at precisely the right time with accuracy, is innate and very rare. His competing with his body and trust in the strength of his marking I THINK look better too, but hard to really assess at training...... his only weaknesses it seems. Sam Blease's speed very exciting as per last year. Jack Grimes looks terrific, and is moving with confidence, speed and assurety. A big year in the midfield I think. James Sellar looks very confident and happy down back, like he's relishing the fact that he now has a role he can anchor. Another big year for mine. James Frawley looks full of monster grunt and ready to go.....let's hope his speed and correctness of decision making have also returned. Frawley, Garland, McDonald and Sellar will be a great unit in defence. Just a thought on Tom McDonald. He's 20 years old, but plays like he's 27. He really doesn't get beaten in a contest, and has an intimidating sense of control of the situation when he's around the ball, either winning it, or giving the advantage to his mates. He is truly exceptional given his age, and I'd be very surprised if he doesn't eventually move forward, maybe in 4 or 5 years, a la David Neitz. After he's gone all Australian as a KPB!!! Bring it on!!!
    7 points
  6. The one thing I feel certain of - the one person that the MFC will not be appearing in court against is Caroline Wilson. If there is a "no charge to answer" finding I think the MFC will breathe a big sigh of relief and wont be inflaming the issue by dragging a reporters sorry arse into court. As aggrieved as many people are by her scribblings if the AFL comes down with a no charges to answer the MFC will want to move on as quickly and quietly as possible.
    6 points
  7. "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, true. Mick went crazy; Nathan wears his shoes. It won't be a stylish marriage, they've done the Pies some damage. And now your free, a-g-ency will end in red and blue."
    6 points
  8. The tackle needs to be above the knee which it is. Who knows how the AFL will rule on anything so at the moment I think it is a great approach to tackling that most AFL players don't do. By the way the AFL umpire was watching the tackling session closely to give advise on the technique. The best technical tackle I have seen of the current day players is NikNat, if you watch him he always goes hard and low and takes his opponent out of the game. Given that he is taller than most he comes up against he never gives free kicks away for head high tackles and this has become a big issue. Remember our performance against WC last year and the amount of head highs we gave, it was embarrassing. A lot of people, think you need to pin the arms in a tackle for the best result and have trained to achieve this. This is just not a practical idea as players have been lifting their arms in the tackle to give off since at least the 80's, Brett Lovett was a master. Todays players like Joel Selwood just slip the tackle and draw head high free's. The idea is to put the shoulder in low and take the wind out of your opponent, take him to ground and put the ball into dispute. Part of the drill is to get up and back into the game and be a number at the next contest. I think our new approach is right on the money and like a few things we are doing it is ahead of the game. Well done FD and Mark Neeld.
    5 points
  9. This comment in the article relating to Dean Bailey, Cameron Schwab and Chris Connolly "Each of the parties has different legal representation. At least two are set to claim the five-month AFL investigation, compiled in an 800-page dossier, has no hard evidence, but one party still believes there will be at least one casualty when the issue is settled." I agree - I am tipping that at the end of this investigation Dean Bailey will no longer be at our club. ( call it a hunch)
    5 points
  10. Went to training on Monday. Only the third training session i've been to - ever. The last was an intra club game two years ago and the one before that was when Barass was coaching and training was at the 'G. Scored a training sherrin that day and watched Barass kick torps, apparently preaching their effectiveness to seemingly disbelieving players. Lots to watch and see and it made me more appreciative of the regular DL training reports in terms of how comprehensive and well done they are. So i won't try to emulate them. Instead i'll give some random observations I arrived during the scratch match and stood behind Neeld and the coaching panel. Fascinating to listen to their observations and in particular Neeld's instructions to the runners, which was mainly feedback to be given to individual players. On a couple of occasions a runner was sent out to Watts to praise him for second efforts and his contesting work,. On one occasion he was matched up against Dawes in a marking contest, was caught behind but held his ground and made the spoil. The ball hit the deck and Watts dived after it and was smashed by a few players diving in after it. Neeld also made a point of sending out a runner to Jetta after he got the ball on the wing and made an excellent decision on his next kick down the line. Both Watts and Jetts looked terrific i thought - both in the scratch match and subsequent drills. Good attitudes and hard at it. Less impressive was Viney, at least in terms of his kicking (couldn't knock his endeavour though). He butchered a few kicks, but to be fair he wasn't alone. I thought that given it was perfect conditions the field kicking left a lot to be desired - particularly going forward. Jones was terrific in the scratch match. In everything and hard to collar. At the end of training (during drills) almost demanded Misson run another rotaion, yelling 'one more'. Love it. Other observations. I watched Toumpas, Fitzpatrick and someone else (one of the young new guys) kick the ball to each in triangle. Toumpas is a beautiful kick, a natural. Watts, Davey and Toumpas are miles ahead of everyone else. It made me wonder who the last pure kick was at the dees (prior to the current list). Steven Stretch, Andrew Obst and Robbbie Flower come to mind. Sylvia seems to be enjoying training as is Frawley. Rodan is a real energy Great to watch him and Viney continuing to one on one stuff when almost every other player had left the ground. Near the end of training one of the assistant coaches kicked the ball toward a group of players heading off. Mac Donald, rather than marking it smashed it away with his fist. Made me laugh as it seemed he is always in dee - fence mode. Super defender! All in all a fascinating experience. The final thing i'll add is that overall the energy seemed super positive with lots of encouragement. I don't think it should be underestimated the importance of a cohesive, united playing and coaching group - something that one can only assume could not have entirely been the case last year with at least a handful of disgruntled players.
    4 points
  11. For a club that has, in recent years, been perpetually near the bottom of the ladder and a constant target of the vultures in the media, Melbourne has done extremely well in attracting lucrative new sponsorship deals, something it was less able to do before Cameron Schwab took on the role of CEO.
    4 points
  12. Thanks for providing me with a far sharper term than 'fluorescent red-orange', daisycutter! Keep your eye on the vermillion and the blue. Go Demons.
    4 points
  13. So are you saying you would like her to be around? In other words, would you prioritise being more "informed" on the tanking issue by having Caro around over the club suffering more damage to its brand as a result of her biased reporting? I am happy to sacrifice the "information" she provides so that the club's name isn't dragged deeper into the mud.
    4 points
  14. He could have detailed our response but that may have embarrassed those under the scope and would have served no purpose. Imagine if we had said the players fumbled because they were [censored] and Watts only played 3 games because he was too. Give em nothing, take em nowhere. Let the press make up their own stories, they will anyway.
    3 points
  15. Anyone would look good in a Melbourne jumper.
    3 points
  16. Just a word about the reporting of Gawn's hamstring: from the AFL website: "MELBOURNE ruckman Max Gawn has again been relegated to the long-term injury list after sustaining a hamstring injury during pre-season training..." from the MFC website: "RUCKMAN Max Gawn has been placed on the long-term injury list, following an injury to his hamstring during training early in the pre-season..." If you want to be alarmist, remove the the word early from the report. I mean, we all knew about the hamstring injury - it occurred a number of weeks ago.
    3 points
  17. Like anything, we are products of our environment. Land posters think there isn't enough action at Ology, which is probably true. But judge us when the footy starts. If your benchmark of a football forum is the amount of traffic in January, then you need to go spend some time outdoors. Conversely Ologists cannot believe the drivel that can drag on for 10 pages on this site. I don't think there is any right and wrong - its just what you prefer. As someone in the thread said, be grateful we have the option and don't have to use Big Footy only like North and Footscray.
    3 points
  18. I agree with this "nut"......I don't think the club can hang anyone out to dry on this and I think we should back our Admin to the hilt....otherwise who the hell would want to work for us in the future if we drop people at the slightest bump in the road.....I think it's a case of one in all in....I would be so pizzed if we don't....
    3 points
  19. You are focusing on one part of the business, Cam Schwab is responsible for the whole business. The club has senior people below him that secure the Sponsors. Schwab, the Board and the senior staff are all accountable for the position the club is in at the moment, you are right that 2013 must be a year of significant improvement, not just in the sponsorship department but right across the business and this has to start with our Footy Department, the better our team plays the easier it will be for the Board and Schwab to Manage the business.
    3 points
  20. We certainly have grown the amount of negative political spin doctors around here in the last few months. They know who they are...THE MFC has said nothing as far as i am concerned. Nor has Wilson..of any substance...
    3 points
  21. So you think Schwab would have had no idea we were losing those sponsors?..... Come off it mate, the guy replaced the shock loss of a major sponsor mid-season, I'm sure this won't be a problem.
    3 points
  22. Dunn looks soiled? Like a brick outhouse, perhaps?
    3 points
  23. A few observations from this morning, first session I've seen since this time last year. Wow, haven't they stepped it up a cog or three? Fitter, stronger, better drilled, more on the park, quicker, tougher etc. Hard to believe it's the same group. No sign of Neeld today when I was there - left after an hour or so. Nice to have a bloke like Craig to run the show. Looked like everyone did most of the session apart from Trengove and Clark - did brief running and some kick to kick. Bail and Gawn did repeated sprints then some kicking drills - worked pretty hard. Otherwise looked like only Tynan and D-Rod sat out tackling drill but did everything else I saw. Tackling was tough work, tackle low round the thighs (just above the knee was the task) - bury them in the turf then get up quick and "go" - as stated above repeat calls on "your out of the game on the grouond". I thought almost all applied themselves to the drill - Barry and Frawley seemed the best two at avoiding the tackle - a couple simply couldn't get Chip to ground, and Barry just jumped up cat like to get round others. Gee Magner can tackle. Tommy Mac and Dawes just OK at this drill - but BIG it seemed. When they went into match simulation - end to end stuff. Stopped for the odd ball up, throw in - from AFL umpires. Craig worked through the middle barking instructions. It looked like A-team backs vs A-team forwards in this drills - plus A-team on ball. From that I'd say certain starters for Rd1: 7 Backs - Watts, Nicho, Seller, Dunn, Frawley, Garland, T-Mac Forwards - Dawes, Pederson, Sylvia, Howe, Byrnes - would have Hogan also....if only. Mids - Jamar, Spencer (expect both to play), Viney, Jones, Grimes, Blease, McKenzie Of those I couldn't pin as starting or not I thought Davey looked good - further up the ground; Toumpas looked great, just silky and a nice size already, hit some great kicks. I also recon they'll give Barry a run early before he wears out come mid-season. Those who get to Casey games will salivate at watching Hogan all year. Huge crowd today - great vibe, bring on the season!
    3 points
  24. This is great stuff, how are our new boys going...Viney Toumpas and Hulk Hogan.Just told the missus to put her panties back on because I have live training reports to read...
    3 points
  25. Barry doesn't look as thin as people make him out to be, he at least has some definition already. Would easily beat Morton in an arm wrestle.
    3 points
  26. Tomorrow, I hope to make it to training for the first time in over a year and with the anticipation of that event, I'm feeling a bit like a kid again. Back in those days (when I was a kid), I was an unabashed fan of Bugs Bunny whose character has been described as personifying "supreme heroism" and "humanity's aspirations to prevail over all difficulties and antagonists". Let's not forget that Bugs' heyday was back in the 50s and 60s when Melbourne was highly successful in fighting evil and winning premierships. Well, after enduring what was a very painful season in 2012 and having then to put up with sheer nastiness over the off season from characters like Caroline Wilson (I liken her to Elmer Fudd complete with shotgun at the ready to blow the brains out of our beloved Demons) and other media antagonists like Jon "Pepe Le Pew" Pierik, Jay "Hippety Hopper" Clark and Greg "Daffy Duck" Denham, it will be refreshing to go down to AAMI Park to watch some actual footballers, even if it's just to while away an hour or so watching the players do some pre season training drills. And how appropriate it is that the session is taking place in the shadows of Rod Laver Arena as they pack up the remnants of the tennis and close enough to the G where the curtain is about to fall on an uninspiring summer of cricket? Those sports are virtually done and dusted and the footy season beckons. All that's needed now is for the AFL head honcho Foghorn Leghorn Vlad to light up his exploding cigar and blow away the iniquitous tanking inquisition and the universe will once again be in harmony. But that's for another time and place and for now, I want to tick some (match) boxes. I want to see the box ticked that shows the players improving in their KPI's. I want to see greater enthusiasm, better skills, positive attitudes, keenness and competition for spots on the team and I want to see healthier, fitter bodies on the park. I want to see evidence that our intensity has gone up from last year's 60% of "elite" to 80% as promised. Show me Speedy Gonzales, the Road Runner and some tough guy characters, but most of all, the spirit of the hero, prevailing over all those who connive to defeat and dominate us. On with the show, this is it!
    2 points
  27. FFS it's only January and already the "woe is me" types are out and writing off players seasons. To me it seems clear they have placed Gawn on the LTI at this stage as a pre-caution. If he doesn't come up by R1 they have the option of upgrading a rookie so we aren't a player down. If they wait any longer it will eat into the season considering the 8 week minimum a player must be on the LTI. If he comes up then they'll just take him off. I wouldn't be reading anything else into it.
    2 points
  28. Read a training report OD? It is not a new injury. He is just now getting miles into his legs. Think Whispering Jack stated in his training report from Monday that he strapped on the GPS and churned out the laps... Given your support of Spencer and the fact he needed time i am surprised you are so negative about the prospects of Max. It is a hamstring injury. Grimes had a few issues early on but the club through hard work and correct man management seem to have gotten on top of his issues. Evans has had his fair share of issues but is on track now. There are countless others. I'm backing the club in to do the same with Max and don't believe it is all doom and gloom OD.
    2 points
  29. Because 8 weeks from now (minimum stay on LTIL) the home & away season won't have started yet, so we can elevate Gawn in round 3 if we want, but in the first 2 rounds we can play Magner (or another rookie) whilst Gawn gets up to full fitness?
    2 points
  30. I think to the astute football observer, or even the non-astute but regular football watchers, this attitude is prevalent. It's the casual footy observers that don't pay too much attention beyond browsing the football section of the newspaper, or even the ones who don't ever read the sport section and jump on when their team has a win... these are the ones who will have "DEES ARE CHEATING TANKERS" imprinted on their brains. The ones who take a casual interest, but don't yet follow a particular team? Right now, we've already lost them. A couple of years with a winning record will rectify this completely. But expect opposition supporters who currently are sympathetic to attempt using this as a way to get under our skin.
    2 points
  31. Because he was unabashed Terry Wallace fan and after taking ribbing for many a long month about his lovechild I guess he "outed" himself by putting his pic up as his avatar. I enjoy reading TGR's post - whilst i dont always agree with them they are always well thought out and well constructed. Some are quite outstanding - truly - just ask him, he'll tell you. pure nutbean
    2 points
  32. So she has good information but she has hurt her brand... WTF? TimD - I need another appraisal over here... My appraisal is along the lines that Fan thought he was onto a winner when Caro was spouting off like a oil spigot, and now that he's covered in something that isn't oil he is delicately, and with the dexterity of a Russian gymnast, trying to find someone to buy this composted argument. Hence "Caro's info is good, her sources impeccable" juxtaposed with "her brand is damaged, she has a vendetta."
    2 points
  33. Why would she have damaged her brand if she has been providing good information from excellent sources?
    2 points
  34. Really liked this statement. The merits of Daisy and Buddy are known and they have had success within their own different and successful teams. Their place in the history of the game is still being written and both can still rise or fail in their existing clubs or in new clubs. Our club is creating its own structure and style and has the best blend of experience and youth, big, small,short, tall,fast, high flying players we have seen for some time. Our stars are still developing and may suit either of buddy or daisy but I would really like to see our team develop and create its own . I really hope you are right BB
    2 points
  35. I think it is fair to say that Gawn, Trengove, and Clark will struggle to impact 2013.
    2 points
  36. Try not to be alarmist or anything...
    2 points
  37. I wonder why they didn't see a path for him at the AFL? Maybe because when he was interim head he kicked off an investigation that will lead nowhere but embarrass the AFL...
    2 points
  38. I thought we just let him go because he was keen to go back to the Bombers under Golden Boy.
    2 points
  39. I can only hope that he is implicated and forced to return to Melbourne to continue his coaching role.
    2 points
  40. One extra rule - if you threaten to leave because of any issue you are having after the rules have been setup for ages - you are out of the league.
    2 points
  41. Quite simply we wont need the Daisy's or the Buddy's. We will have developed our own crop of decent players. if we will have turned into the kind of team that would attract either then it stands to reason we need neither. Other teams in stead will be looking and wishing they had a Clark, or Viney, a Hogan a Toumpas etc......or whoever it is that steps up Distant fields etc. Its not those particular players ..the Thomas;s etc that really make it or break it, its the teams culture and group mentality as a playing unit.
    2 points
  42. I just want to go down in history as the inventor of the Duckworth-Maurie draft system.
    2 points
  43. Thanks to all the reporters and to six6six for the pics. We who can't attend are truly grateful to you all.
    2 points
  44. I am in awe of you JVF. Such commitment. (Is your partner's name Judy? Please, make it so, in order that I can say commitment over and above the call of Judy) To think I once questioned your haircut. A man who can knock it back. Our club will surely prosper with supporters of this ilk.
    2 points
  45. Just got back home, too nice a day to be inside, couple of observations Love Tommy Mc as much as everybody, please keep a lid on it, I was pleased to see he was beaten twice by Jesse Hogan on the lead, because it showed me what I have to look forward to next year as well, and the Nicho incident, he still has a bit to learn, but he is great to watch. Myself and my lovely lady thought (in no particular order) these were out stand outs today Davey, Jetta, Blease, Dawes, McDonald, Rodan, Grimes Of the new guys, Toumpas and Barry showed something, and Kent surprised me once with his speed in the match simulation But all in all everybody put in John Muggleton (the tackling coach) has them working hard on the techniques, today was giving them an alternative method, great to see them sticking, particularly when doing the match simulation As for the way the teams were broken up for match simulation, read nothing into it, been to a few trainings it changes all the time, we need everybody comfortable with everybody else Had a chat with a few Jack Trengove - he is coming along fine with his rehab, didn't lose too much fitness, looking fwd to playing with Toumpas Mitch Clark - still on target with his rehab, you can sense he is champing at the bit Aaron Davey - happy, feeling great, loves he has got the full preseason under his belt Nev Jetta - same as Aaron , just wants to show what he can do Jimmy Toumpas - he just smiles, he is just loving it, told him to keep the beard for team photos tomorrow. Col Sylvia - again happy to be out on the paddock injury free and nearly a full ;preseason under his belt, can't wait for start of the season Nathan Jones - just wants to play Rory Taggert - another injury free, knows he has a battle on his hands to get into the side but will give it everything Michael Evans - really pleased to be back, no problems now, another who knows the challenge ahead, got interrupted by Neil Craig whilst talking to 'Pickles", asked me what I thought of 'Pickles' so pumped up his tyres Jack Watts - compared beards, another who is feeling really fit and just wants to play Jack Viney - just can't wait for the season, told him not to hit the first stoppage at a hundred miles an hour, and he just laughed, can't wait to see him in action
    2 points
  46. The Herald Sun replacing The Age as a sponsor is massive news, I'm not sure if they sponsor many other clubs but with what has been written of late I find this to be very interesting.
    2 points
  47. Great to see the players being trained on how to tackle properly, Whelan was the last Melbourne player who knew how to tackle.
    2 points
  48. Come off it mate. I know you want to sound tough, but if you think that sort of thing is acceptable at a public concert you're just flat out wrong.
    2 points
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