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  1. I know this is being said in hindsight but I was always concerned when he made the decision to go to Adelaide. I understand that it was his call and that he has a large family there who would be well nigh impossible to relocate to Melbourne and that there is a large part of the Yuendumu community living in exile there but I can't help but think he might have been better off being looked after by his mentor Rude Boy whilst remaining in training under an AFL regimen. I hope he gets through this safely and can return to his original task when he first came here four years ago. It ain't going to be easy.
    8 points
  2. Is it the end of the month yet? I am very, very tired now.
    8 points
  3. Dropped in for 90 minutes on my way to tennis. Several players somewhere else including Hogan, Trengove, McKenzie, Dunn, MacDonald, Grimes, Evans, Davey, Gawn, Jamar, Spencer, Taggert, & Matt Jones. For this reason session was not as impressive as last weeks. There were about 24 players in main group, including two invitees, whereas I counted 31 a week ago. Quite a bit of time early on was spent with the tackle expert in setting up a new tackle activity. Jones walked laps, Clark made an appearance for some short kicking whilst Sylvia, Toumpas, Straus, Clisby. And the other rookie worked on short runs and ball handling. Standouts in the match-play activity were Terlich (pace, ball carry & kicking), Frawley, Pederson, Blease, Dawes, Couch, Barry & Howe. Those with kicking issues were Nicho Tom Mac and surprisingly Watts. I will add a bit more later... Have to watch play on court 6 right now!
    7 points
  4. Under the circumstances he doesn't have to provide proof; if you read what he said he merely statde that you can't dismiss it out of hand. He didn't state it as fact, that's why the excitable Robbie likes it. My issue with you, and I guess its the same with a lot of other posters on here, stems mainly from this post. http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/32184-the-wilson-file/page-12 Wilson had just denigrated the club and you come out and say Keep up the good work Caro'; what an extraordinary thing to say when someone has just [censored] caned the club you support.
    7 points
  5. There were a few posters who "railed" against hazy and America et al for "showing dissent" but many others, myself included, "railed" against them because they were talking crap. Those who did so usually gave reasons for this belief, which was predominantly based on the fact that hazy and America's posts are often made up of agenda based ad hominem attacks without evidence or proof of their allegations.Consequently, I think your post is way off the mark and gives them far more credibility than they deserve.
    7 points
  6. So sad when people lose control of their lives. A few years ago LJ was one of football's feel good stories; how much has that changed. As for the rubbish being written in this post. Condemn the act but please lets have some compassion for the person. Is Liam dealing with the difficulties in his life badly? No doubt. But few of us can comprehend the extent of the challenges he has faced and many would struggle cope just as much. It's never too late to turn it around Liam. All the best.
    6 points
  7. I'm thinking Caroline Wilson. As for LJ I couldn't give a crap. He had my full support and sympathy until the moment he walked out on the club.
    6 points
  8. Well said Nutbean. A lot of the aggro on this forum starts with someone stating an opinion without an "I think" qualification. Maybe we should take that as read unless someone makes a very bold claim of fact. Also it is a fact, universally acknowledged, that people with minority opinions always feel hard done by. Apologies to J Austin. Re the CC quotes to add to rpfc's last post: Even if this unnamed person is quoting from the report, we shouldn't forget our journo may be doing some selective quoting. For example, I've seen people putting the boot into CC for saying his recollections were hazy rather than just saying, 'yes I said it, but was joking'. He could well have said both without contradicting himself, but only one part is published. (Once again for any CC-haters out there, I have no opinion of him either way, just a low opinion of some journos and whatever is going on in all this. As interesting as speculating on all this may be, we shouldn't get our knickers in a twist over every report that comes out.) edit to add last sentence.
    6 points
  9. I reckon there are now two organisations who dont want this to go any further. I have already given my belief that the AFL wants this mess to go away. However the VCGLR must be getting stomach cramps as well - if Melbourne is found guilty of tanking then they have a problem with the punters who placed bets, and it goes further by setting up a "tanking standard" and implicates, for example, Carlton and bets placed on them during their "tanking". I am reading between the lines and the statements about removal of licences is more about giving the AFL a message - and the message i am hearing is "make this go away" (wow - I have become a "read between the lines" person - whodda thunk ?)
    6 points
  10. Cuddles and the MFC in general get a good report card for their work in the general Casey community in "Your Say" Letters to the editor in today's Hun I can't find an online link to it so here it is
    5 points
  11. I see a lot of people blaming Brock. Brock is just a patsy. The real person to blame for this, other than any conspirators, is Adrian Anderson. It was his reaction to Brock's comments that painted the AFL into a corner. He announced there would be an investigation. His employment record since would indicate that the AFL agreed.
    5 points
  12. Well ... it seems nothing much has changed here in the last couple of days although I must say that it's strange spending days at sea when you have no contact whatsoever with the rest of the world. Here's an update from when I previously left you:- The banana yellow Lamborghini Gallardo LP550-2 Spyder was resting silently and alone in the car park in front of a building that bore the name 'The Choko Williams Gymnasium'. We were inside the Breakfast Point complex. It didn't take long for us to overpower a couple of security people and switch uniforms and though I felt uncomfortable wearing the charcoal and orange shirt, the disguise was perfect. We burst our way into the gymnasium building and were immediately confronted by an unexpected sight. Lined up in front of us were hundreds of sky blue fruit crates with images of bright, sun ripened bananas on their lids. When we prized them open, we discovered something far more dangerous than everyone's favourite fruit. Inside the cases was a cavalcade of heavy weaponry ranging from handguns to 12 gauge shotguns, repeat action firearms, bazookas, Uzis, RPG's and mortars. It was dawning on us that this was no ordinary gymnasium. Moreover, we were now sensing that this place held the secrets to something far more diabolical than merely the setting up one AFL club as a patsy on some clapped up tanking charges. Just then, we heard voices and so we quickly hid behind a row of banana crates as they walked past us. I could just make out the formidable outline of Phil the Michelin Man and his son who limped behind him but it was the third man who caught us completely off guard. It was the man who had been instructing Dean Bailey on the stolen audio cassette which Phil was now handing over to him. They called him 'Mr. Demetriou'. "That was a fine piece of work Phil and it more than makes up for you missing out on Kurt Tippett and the embarrassment caused when you confused O'Rourke with Toumpas at the November draft. Still, once I destroy this, we can proceed with my dream of taking over in this country and tomorrow, we'll rule the world". He threw the cassette to the ground and was readying himself to stomp down hard. In a moment, it would be smashed into a thousand pieces. I had to do something but I failed. They came up behind us and got me twice, once hard across the back of my neck and a second time with a blow to the kidney. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Redleg was already on the ground and then nothing but blackness. When I woke up, we were both gagged, bound and tied to chairs. We were back on the ship as it headed towards Brisbane. If nothing else, it shows that I'm quickly running out of ideas and my story doesn't make sense or have much of a plot but I'm told this is a prerequisite to getting a gig at Fairfax Media so I'm cool with all that ATM.
    5 points
  13. Pre-season 2012/13 will go down as one to remember. Not just for the off field alleged tanking investigation and the copious amounts of articles written throughout spring-summer in Melbourne, either. What has been somewhat put on the backburner here on Demonland boards these past few weeks/months is our clubs players. We already know through reading spectacular and frequent updates of the Darwin 9 day camp the players collectively conquered Darwin in oppressive heat and humidity and met the beneficial requirements according to feedback. This trip was not only beneficial for the players, but for the club and hence it's supporters. Guys bond and get to know one another. If the club wanted to fast track players to get closer and generate a positive outcome and confidence in the path the FD were taking them, they pulled the right reins. Without harping on past midfields of ours in 2011-12. The 2013 midfield promises progress and excitement with a new dynamic being cast. No doubt it's early days still given it's January, but I am genuinely excited and looking forward to seeing what comes to fruition. Why? * Injection of pace - Jimmy Toumpas, Sam Blease in particular (see new article on Blease http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-01-15/leg-scars-no-longer-an-issue-blease ) * Jack Viney - In and under terrior; quick reaction time; quick decisions; hard and ferocious. These three players for me will be a breath of fresh air. They will rid of the exhaust we supporters have been breathing in, seeing the same slow down-trodden midfield of recent seasons. Jimmy "Touumpppas" and Blease will be dangerous. I don't want to put to much expectation on JT in his first year, but I feel he will contribute to make a difference. With Sam, I was always hoping and looking forward to him after his setback early on. Playing the last 15 games of last year and gaining a pre-season I believe will do wonders having worked off a low base prior. He is a goal kicking midfielder and he proved that in 2012. I think he will be ready to step up. Just what we crave. JT I think will provide goals too - like Sam, has line breaking pace. Jack Viney. His thread discussion on here at Demonland is bigger than Ben-Hur. Words cannot describe just how much I'm looking forward to see him ply his trade out in the middle. The only thing is I wish I had two sets of eyes. Because watching him alone will cause havoc with my remote for the rest of the week when I get around to watching the game. I may have to order back-up remotes... Some excitement may also stem from other new recruits that may have input around the midfield that we drafted in Barry, Terlich and Kent. Pace, run, precision and penetrating kicks could be on the menu for Dees fans. Then there's some incoming talls with size and presence. Chris Dawes and Jesse Hogan. We won't see the latter until 2014, but it doesn't stop the drooling of what we have in store for a forward line in 2014 with Mitch Clark to boot. New dynamic again, increase in leadership up forward and I'm hoping a good understanding between the talls comes together sooner rather than later. They're mature enough for that to happen early. 2013.....bring....it....on.....FFS.
    4 points
  14. This might sound strange, but I really feel for the guy. He's the first player from his civilization, which is borderline ancient, to play AFL and he's tried to combine two alien worlds. He was lauded as a tribal leader on "men's business", but at the same time was beholden to his own tribal laws (moreso), which in part is why he's in the mess he's in, as laws such as payback for an initiated man mean much more than our "modern laws" and civil expectations. It's impossible to judge Jurrah from the cornerstone of the lives we lead. It's too complex for me, but I feel compelled not to judge a guy whose world has caved in around him. And as much as most will lay the blame at his feet, he's in unusual circumstances and much of it has been out of his control. I expect arguments on the last sentence and I'm usually the first to state that every man is the architect of his own destiny, but I readily accept that Jurrah's circumstances can't be understood by 99% of those reading this forum.
    4 points
  15. I don't know why but I'm really looking forward to the prospect of what Matt Jones will bring to the team. From what I've read he has the speed and movement, decent height and his body is there abouts with at least another month to go. We really need to have that type of player on the park.
    4 points
  16. What are the chances that this info will appear in one of the papers over the next 24 hours as an exclusive?
    4 points
  17. I don't think you can dismiss out of hand the possibility that some (not all) of the controversial events surrounding the club over the past 1½ years have been fueled by either former board members or officials with axes to grind against the incumbents and against officials of the club. Leaking stories to the press is not confined to providing internal information. For example, you didn't need a leak from the current board to know Ian Flack lost his job. From there, it would be easy to mischievously pass on a false story about how the decision to terminate his position was unpopular with the indigenous players at the club and that the coach was treating them differently to the others. And how easy would it be for someone to set up the club by encouraging a mate in the media to introduce a particular line of questioning in an interview with a disgruntled former player who has a penchant for shooting off at the mouth and who is not all that smart? Not saying it happened that way in the case of the leaks to which Connolly is apparently referring but rather that there are many ways that disaffected people, formerly associated with a club can "leak" information to the media and often, these people get passed off in stories as "sources close to the club" when in reality, they are nothing of the sort.
    4 points
  18. Wel there is one bright spot in this. He is no longer a Melbourne player.
    3 points
  19. I think everyone can see what a sad tragedy this is becoming It certainly does you no credit to grandstand over it
    3 points
  20. Correct and I expressed my opinion that you couldn't rule out the possibility that certain people who dislike the board and some officials of the club may have provided information to the media that was unhelpful to the club. Can anyone disprove this proposition?On the other hand, there are times when it helps to have some evidence to back up what you have to say. Nothing wrong with the search for proof. Has it never happened before that a member of the previous board has dumped on the club publicly over this tanking issue? Has any member of the former board ever gone to the media on issues involving the current board?
    3 points
  21. God grief does every thread have to be a battle field!
    3 points
  22. The club is not going to come out and say anything at the moment. And I know how it is written in the article and you are right but let's get this straight: it was written by a journalist who was quoting a lawyer for the AFL investgations unit who is quoting the report that is quoting CC. If even one of those 'quotes' is a 'paraphrase' it might change the intended meaning of CC or anyone in that chain.
    3 points
  23. I share your optimism having seen past training sessions and a couple pre xmas,the vibe around the place is the best it has been for a long time. The influx of new faces gives us a renewed hope we will rise from being a seller dweller. The start of the season cant come quick enough. Its not that i am pinning my hopes of a huge improvement,but more a guide on how much we have improved. A lot of factors are coming into play for this year, the coaches have had a season to get on the same page,understanding the players,and what was lacking,where improvements were needed the most. After a clean out some if not most will be aware what the requirements need to met. The recruiting for this year,has, on paper,been the best in years. Whether they all click and play as a team is an unknown right now. A couple of early wins will give them a boast. If they can get on a roll.instead of playing catchup is going to make a huge difference for this year. Theres is a lot to look forward too,but I am not sure how long its going to take. Some intra-club games, NAB cup etc will be the yardstick for this season. Can they step up and put what they have done of the track to a real game? They can all bust their guts out training, playing against other teams,and the variables they throw up is the acid test. The players will need to improvise for different scenerios during a game, as will the coach,can he make the right descisions in the heat of battle,before the horse has bolted? The jury is out atm.
    3 points
  24. Mate, this is crazy talk. What is happening in the papers at the moment has absolutely nothing to do with how smoothly or otherwise the club is currently running. It is the outcome of events which happened years ago. In fact, to counter your argument, I'd say the way this has been handled by the club shows that it is running incredibly smoothly, compared to previous times.
    3 points
  25. I would want to know more about the gambling regulator's powers, in particular whether they can just remove a liquor licence as the result of an internal investigation by a non-Government body. I'd also want to know about the business structures of the Leighoak and Bentleigh clubs vis-a-vis the Melbournefc football department, and how a liquor licence with one can just be arbitrarily linked to a gambling integrity issue with the other.
    3 points
  26. Probably haven't had a chance to read these forums yet.
    3 points
  27. CS was part of the team who persuaded a highly respected European Car Maker who wanted a presence in Austrlalia to use MFC as one of its vehicles pun intended......how many of the keyboard heroes on here could do the same........I have come out from behind Satyricon a couple of times when posters have p***** me off...if u are going to criticise a bloody good CEO let's hear about your achievements....me, not interested in promotion or a high position, the politics take over....so no idea what it takes to be a CEO and don't want to CS for me is doing a great job
    3 points
  28. Yeah you're right, CS obviously killed Jimmy, attacked Jurrah's cousin, signed Energy Watch because of their CEO's racist views, told porky pies about Davey and Neeld, and to top it all off fed Brock McLean a slab of VB before going on tele.... FFS.
    3 points
  29. I had Ox penis in the Sichuan Province . They served it finely sliced in a firey hot sauce as an entree but it is a versatile dish because if you talk to it dirty it becomes a main meal.
    3 points
  30. At the risk of triggering a debate about Watts i'm really confident he will have a big year and prove to be close to our most important player. The article about Watts in the book that came with the membership was fascinating. I haven't seen it mentioned on DL. In it Watts sounds super focused, fired up and talks about the development time being over and it now being time to deliver. He notes that he is loving being part of the backline team and grew in confidence down there after initially being 'hammered in player reviews and meetings because i was not doing what the back-line expects'. He then goes on to say that this season he will be one of the backline leader 'instead of of being taught was is required'. The issue of his ferocity at the ball was also discussed. Peter Ryan (the author) noted that his basketball background meant that he was conditioned to stay wide and low rather than go straight at opponents, meaning he would 'stop and prop as he hit a pack rather than through the line of the ball'. Ryan notes that Watts worked on shaking off this instinct last year and 'tackling sessions have helped him keep his feet underneath him to retain momentum through congestion'. I reckon these things resulted in a big improvement in his one on one stuff last season. Sounds as if this will continue to be a focus and wrestling has been added to the training mix to further improve his one on one work. I've always thought Watts is a confidence player and that his game was not helped by playing different positions. With time to settle down back and taking on a leadership role i am confident he will really grow as a player and take the next step. In his first 2-3 seasons i was very critical of his ferocity and attack on the ball but i saw a major improvement last year. If he can take that up a level and build his strength he will be a very dangerous player down back with his pace, judgement and skill. I reckon by mid season it will be standard for opposition coaches to put a player on him whose main focus is to take Watts out of the game, such will be his influence and ability to turn defence into attack. I think Watts has steadily improved as a player. This incremental development has perhaps been a little frustrating as we all want to see the star we had hoped for when getting a number 1 pick. Dare i say it but i reckon this could be the year he goes to the next level (his breakout year?) and become that star.
    2 points
  31. R13 We can't know AD hasnt read it. There is IMHO a path being followed by the Empire. Having been goaded into the inquisition Vlad I think wants to bury the subject. To do so hastily or seemingly out of hand will not satisfy the hounds. I do believe however that the whole charade has grown more legs than expected. I also think the inquiry has been deliberately flawed. This enables he league to claim he righteous high ground whilst providing cover for the escaping prey. It's going on still because that's its schedule. It will be over by Mid next week in my estimation. It had to go sufficiently long enough to trip over itself and allow other parties to show or play their hands. The end result has always been known ( for mine) just the theatrics had to be played out.
    2 points
  32. Does this 'mob' (whoever they are) indulge in sweeping generalisations like this as well? Of course there's only a 'mob' if you ignore individual differences in the first place. But even if an opinion or attitude is broadly shared, that doesn't make it wrong, just as it doesn't make it right. You'd need a bit more than that.
    2 points
  33. timD can you point me to the part of the article that says CC questioned the club and the board. From my reading of the article, I'm not sure it can be concluded 100% that the people Connolly allegedly refers to are still at the club. The quotes leave open the possibility that those people are no longer at the club. If they are actually former employees, then it cannot be said that Connolly has questioned the club and the board as you have alleged. And how has he displayed internal rifts to an outsider? He is defending himself when questioned as part of a private investigation. He has not gone public in airing his views. It was not even Connolly (and perhaps not even the club's lawyer) that went to the Age to leak this information.
    2 points
  34. Yes, the fact that Hannabal was banned 2 years ago and is to this day surely indicates that I get an easy ride. You seem to indirectly bring me up a lot. Send me a PM and I'll forward a signed photograph. PS: I liked the "flimsy" bit when referencing Hazy and "proof". Was strong for you. : )
    2 points
  35. I can almost guarantee a difference in Sam Blease this year. I noticed he is not a big ball winner, he use to sit back (as instructed) and wait for the inside ball out from Jones. Now because Jones battled this mainly on his own, Blease only came into use in small dribs and drabs. I'm sure now with multiple ball winners (Viney/Jones and co) and and having multiple outside mids (Blease/Toumpas and co) it creates more than 1 option evertime as it seemed all oppositions would just tag Jones, block the outside mid and it was a guaranteed clearance for them every time. If Melbourne win the ball out the middle we have more than Blease now who can dart out of the pack and hit a target forward.
    2 points
  36. He's a stock, ordinary player who has forged out a career out through competitiveness and mental strength. I admire this sort of player greatly, more than any other sort of player really, but I wouldn't go expecting any more than what we get now.
    2 points
  37. 'Take it out of our hands' - Harris http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia/content/current/story/600951.html I'm really glad to read this article. When the media is saturated with dinosaurs like Ian Chappell who is stuck in the 70s and every fast bowler in the nation understandably going "stuff this rest crap, I want to play!", it's nice to hear that at least one cricketer actually gets it.
    2 points
  38. That is one aspect I never thought of. If true this is huge and would cause the AFL tremendous heartburn. Getting more confident by the minute this will go away.
    2 points
  39. In military speak this is a shot across the bow, not ours, the Leagues'. Nice flanking manoeuvre
    2 points
  40. I must confess that I'm one of those who only a month or so ago believed that his career was over and rather than endure the sad sight of a club stalwart fading into obscurity at Casey, it might have been for the best if he retired and took up a post at the club in a coaching or mentoring capacity. Ultimately, I think the Flash definitely has a future in these areas. However, from all reports he has been training particularly well and here's hoping that he can re-invent himself and play a role in our resurgence in 2013. Anyhow, I think I was wrong in those initial assessments.
    2 points
  41. Yes ... and hopefully I've managed to wipe off the recently posted rubbish on this thread that's been off topic as well as childish and vulgar. The participants will be closely watched and if necessary, banned in future if it's repeated.Please adhere to the code of conduct and stick to the topic folks.
    2 points
  42. Laughing stock?....gee you take the footy seriously don't you......you must be very thin skinned.....The club is running smoothly, memberships out on time, website updated with new stories each day, sponsors locked and loaded for 2013, only 3 still on restricted training, AGM and Family Day organised......................beat ups in the newspapers everyday, got a Bookmaker to make a comment today in the AGE, now there is a person with no vested interests I think there are supporters from at least another 5 clubs hoping that we don't take the lid of the can of worms that is 'tanking' completely
    2 points
  43. I agree with the posters above who judged him a top- class player, whose career was wrecked by injury(?shoulder as well as knee). He was a good left foot kick with accurate and constructive disposal skills. Unlike most left footers , he kicked well on the right,too. Though short, he was excellent overhead, and was never found wanting for courage. If we'd had him and Lyon in the 87 Prelim, I have no doubt we'd have won it, and the GF v. Carlton, whom we beat three times in 1988. Incidentally, as an MC and interviewer at Demon functions over the years, his "sledge-hammer wit" has always been prominent. I think it's perfectly consistent with the sense of humour he has always displayed, that he was tongue in cheek with his comments about Zulus and job threats in the meeting room in 2009.
    2 points
  44. the thing is though even if we are completely exonerated tomorrow, we've already copped a huge blow to our brand and we did not deserve it.. and we would be in the top 3 clubs who LEAST needs such problems. Brock McLean should be strung up.
    2 points
  45. I'm not a young buck so I know what it's like to have sustained success and I've seen a couple of Flags so it's no mythology. It's just the best feeling going to the football every week expecting to win, not hoping but actually expecting. The MCG stands had banners all the way around them those "magnificent dashing demons". We were a power, a real power.
    2 points
  46. Aaron has put in some good years for the demons when so many others went missing, he has received a lot more attention from opposition teams in previous years and I never really saw any concerted effort by melbourne players to run interference or assist in blocking taggers to break him free. Davey's disposal was usually first class. If the team can play as a team and support each other by blocking and shepherding a bit more then Aaron will come into his own again and he will deliver quality ball to our forwards.
    2 points
  47. I was in my teens when he started. I remember that he was the middle player in a trio of fine centre players: 1982 was Brownlow Brian Wilson, 1983 was Chris Connolly and 1984 was Brett Bailey, though each one was not quite as good as the previous according to my memory. I don't remember much of him after that but I do remember that the players gave him a special tribute when they won the night premiership in 1987 when he was recovering from a knee injury. The players' tributes would indicate that he had a special bond with them. Incidentally, Brett Bailey was a mere utility/flanker by that time but he does hold a special place as the player who kicked the goal to give us the lead in the dying moments of that grand final. One of my last memories of him as a player was in 1991 when they were training at Junction Oval. They had just received a thumping in round 1 at Subiaco and many commentators were ready to write them off after 4 consecutive years in the finals. I walked close to the players on my way to a game of tennis and quite close to Chris who was performing a handball drill. I said "Good Luck Chris" (I know, I'm really kool!) and he respond with a spirited "We'll bounce back" sort of response that indicated strong presence and confidence. They did bounce back with a strong win in round 2. Hope this helps. Go Dees. '
    2 points
  48. In the past year...the club couldn't have run better internally........It's the external muck that is the problem....Are you part of that?? The CEO's job is to have the beans to count and manage....A Task he has done very well....You even say that yourself....
    2 points
  49. you should ask the questions on issues that are bothering YOU you should do this regardless of whether you think you will get a proper answer or not the questions and answers (or lack of) will be there for all members to judge for themselves don't cop out, if you feel strongly about something SPEAK UP. its YOUR agm its not rocket science folks
    2 points
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