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The quite admirable performances of the Essendon players have given Hird sustenance to change the game plan from accepting responsibility to fight it out to save his skin.. They will be a key factor to how quick or long this will take to resolve. If performances tail off I predict he will go quickly. If they continue to perform for Hird it will be a bitter long struggle.

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Who is in a bigger crisis and which club will come out the other side better

Club A

Has over 55,000 Members

Average home game attendance will be approx 45K

Currently sitting on 13 wins for the season

Very good playing list capable of winning a flag in 2014

Chairman Resigns and most likely will be replaced by a very powerful businessman

CEO Resigned Still looking

Law Suits pending from former Fitness Manager

Coach under enormous pressure

Can't win the flag and may get stripped if all Premiership points

Players may be suspended for using performance enhancing drugs

Club B

Has just over 32,000 Members

Average home game attendance will be approx 20K

Won 2 games for the year

Coach has been sacked

Average losing margin above 10 goals

CEO has been sacked and replaced by an AFL person

List Manager sacked

Pending Law Suit from former club Doctor

President Resigned still no stand out replacement

Half the board resigns, basically they have no board

Need money from the AFL to survive

Playing list in an extremely bad shape with no midfield

Captian and other players also under investigation for performance enhancing drugs

No matter what happens to Essendon over the next few weeks they will get through this and move on very quickly. On the other hand the MFC crisis could be terminal.

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No matter what happens to Essendon over the next few weeks they will get through this and move on very quickly. On the other hand the MFC crisis could be terminal.

Im not sure you can be quite so cavalier in calling it this way.

Without a viable playing list and with enormous costs associated Essendon are / or might be very soon, in a hell of a lot of trouble..

Should they start haemorrhaging sponsors as a fallout they will find themselves in an unenviable cashflow situation ( we know this because we've been there ).

There in a spot of bother, a bit more than us.

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No matter what happens to Essendon over the next few weeks they will get through this and move on very quickly. On the other hand the MFC crisis could be terminal.

What we have been going through is nothing new in the world that is AFL football... we will survive one way or another through our own efforts and the support of the AFL; Essendon however... well, what is happening there is pretty much uncharted territory in the AFL. No-one really knows what the repercussions will be; for Essendon and for the rest of the competition.

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Im not sure you can be quite so cavalier in calling it this way.

Without a viable playing list and with enormous costs associated Essendon are / or might be very soon, in a hell of a lot of trouble..

Should they start haemorrhaging sponsors as a fallout they will find themselves in an unenviable cashflow situation ( we know this because we've been there ).

There in a spot of bother, a bit more than us.

They will have short term issues, their players will face minimal sanctions if any, tops will be three months. They have sponsers lining up, it is like Damian Oliver everyone is off him for now once he starts riding winners again all will be forgiven. Same as Essendon, they will cop any whack that is handed to them and once 2014 starts and they are winning what has happened this year will be forgotten. The same can be said about the MFC, you win and the past issues are put behind you fairly quickly, when you have a period of utter garbage everything bites you. The difference is Essendon have a club capable of recovering quickly both off field and on, they have the potential to win a flag in 2014, we are a mile off this, at the moment we are all about individuals both on and off field we have to rebuild a club, Essendon will just need to weather a storm.

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Id rather be in our position than Essendons. Anyone would.

We will turn things around.. they are about to be sent to 10 years in the wilderness and forever be branded dug cheats,

The Bombers in turmoil, FMD there second stringer just took over, he's worth 700 million, WHO'S our president.
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They will have short term issues, their players will face minimal sanctions if any, tops will be three months. They have sponsers lining up, it is like Damian Oliver everyone is off him for now once he starts riding winners again all will be forgiven. Same as Essendon, they will cop any whack that is handed to them and once 2014 starts and they are winning what has happened this year will be forgotten. The same can be said about the MFC, you win and the past issues are put behind you fairly quickly, when you have a period of utter garbage everything bites you. The difference is Essendon have a club capable of recovering quickly both off field and on, they have the potential to win a flag in 2014, we are a mile off this, at the moment we are all about individuals both on and off field we have to rebuild a club, Essendon will just need to weather a storm.

Free Agency will ease the pain as well.
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What we have been going through is nothing new in the world that is AFL football... we will survive one way or another through our own efforts and the support of the AFL; Essendon however... well, what is happening there is pretty much uncharted territory in the AFL. No-one really knows what the repercussions will be; for Essendon and for the rest of the competition.

What repercussions is a curly one. The AFL (and FoxTel) need an Essendon from a fixture perspective.

So, how about - if their players get 2-year bans:

  • Each club provides 2 players from their squad (the players being at the discretion of each respective club).
  • In return each (non-Essendon) club gets an additional end of 2nd round and end of 3rd round draft pick.
  • Now at least Essendon can field a side (34 + Joe Daniher, Brendan Goddard and maybe some rookies).
  • So every other club can benefit from their drug-program, when the Essendon players have served out their time, they can all then nominate for the National Draft.

I give this proposal a snowflakes chance in hell of being adopted; but it would be fun to watch unfold.

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The difference is Essendon have a club capable of recovering quickly both off field and on, they have the potential to win a flag in 2014...

Even without the err, "medication"? ;)

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What repercussions is a curly one. The AFL (and FoxTel) need an Essendon from a fixture perspective.

So, how about - if their players get 2-year bans:

  • Each club provides 2 players from their squad (the players being at the discretion of each respective club).
  • In return each (non-Essendon) club gets an additional end of 2nd round and end of 3rd round draft pick.
  • Now at least Essendon can field a side (34 + Joe Daniher, Brendan Goddard and maybe some rookies).
  • So every other club can benefit from their drug-program, when the Essendon players have served out their time, they can all then nominate for the National Draft.

I give this proposal a snowflakes chance in hell of being adopted; but it would be fun to watch unfold.

The only problem with the first bullet point is that they would end up with 34 failed mids and small crumbing forwards :)

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What repercussions is a curly one. The AFL (and FoxTel) need an Essendon from a fixture perspective.

So, how about - if their players get 2-year bans:

  • Each club provides 2 players from their squad (the players being at the discretion of each respective club).
  • In return each (non-Essendon) club gets an additional end of 2nd round and end of 3rd round draft pick.
  • Now at least Essendon can field a side (34 + Joe Daniher, Brendan Goddard and maybe some rookies).
  • So every other club can benefit from their drug-program, when the Essendon players have served out their time, they can all then nominate for the National Draft.

I give this proposal a snowflakes chance in hell of being adopted; but it would be fun to watch unfold.

how about they get to draft the players required at the end of the rookie draft after everyone else has done their trading/drafting.

don't forget they have said they will pay their players - they will still have to get under the salary cap!

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They will have short term issues, their players will face minimal sanctions if any, tops will be three months. They have sponsers lining up, it is like Damian Oliver everyone is off him for now once he starts riding winners again all will be forgiven. Same as Essendon, they will cop any whack that is handed to them and once 2014 starts and they are winning what has happened this year will be forgotten. The same can be said about the MFC, you win and the past issues are put behind you fairly quickly, when you have a period of utter garbage everything bites you. The difference is Essendon have a club capable of recovering quickly both off field and on, they have the potential to win a flag in 2014, we are a mile off this, at the moment we are all about individuals both on and off field we have to rebuild a club, Essendon will just need to weather a storm.

Short term issues. If they are laden with draft sanctions, they will struggle for the next decade. You only have to look at Carlton and our predicament now. A lack of senior players. It may not affect them short term, but that depends on whether their players are banned. Drafts are so important. If you are banned for two years that can have dire long term effects. If the Commission come down firmly with draft sanctions, they may well include FA too.

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Short term issues. If they are laden with draft sanctions, they will struggle for the next decade. You only have to look at Carlton and our predicament now. A lack of senior players. It may not affect them short term, but that depends on whether their players are banned. Drafts are so important. If you are banned for two years that can have dire long term effects. If the Commission come down firmly with draft sanctions, they may well include FA too.

Adelaide still have the option of FA, the leagues problem is there salary cap, if players get sentenced the club still has to pay them and that means there's SC is still full , so if they get top ups from state leagues for 2 yrs how will they work out there SC, interesting times ahead !
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Short term issues. If they are laden with draft sanctions, they will struggle for the next decade. You only have to look at Carlton and our predicament now. A lack of senior players. It may not affect them short term, but that depends on whether their players are banned. Drafts are so important. If you are banned for two years that can have dire long term effects. If the Commission come down firmly with draft sanctions, they may well include FA too.

Totally different to Carlton, Essendon are on the way up, Carlton had just come off a successful period with an aging list, Essendon have enough on their list to be more than competitive for the next 5 years. In fact they have the quality of players on their list at the moment that will see them in contention for the 2014/15 premiership. Team B the MFC has had all the draft picks over the past 6 years and stuffed them up, we may as well have draft sanctions on us.

We have more concerns like keeping good players, if we can't improve good players will continue to walk out of our club and we will be stuck at the foot end of the table for many years to come.

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Totally different to Carlton, Essendon are on the way up, Carlton had just come off a successful period with an aging list, Essendon have enough on their list to be more than competitive for the next 5 years. In fact they have the quality of players on their list at the moment that will see them in contention for the 2014/15 premiership. Team B the MFC has had all the draft picks over the past 6 years and stuffed them up, we may as well have draft sanctions on us.

We have more concerns like keeping good players, if we can't improve good players will continue to walk out of our club and we will be stuck at the foot end of the table for many years to come.

If Essendons players are found guilty and sanctioned they will firstly file claims against the club and most of them won't play there again, would u play there if found guilty?
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If Essendons players are found guilty and sanctioned they will firstly file claims against the club and most of them won't play there again, would u play there if found guilty?

How have they gone so far this year, the playing group has been united by this. No one knows is it 1 player or the whole list that will be sanctioned. The players will get off or worse case a couple might get a 3mth ban. The club will be punished, they will be stripped of premiership points this season and if the AFL had guts which they don't against big clubs should be stripped of next years points as well. Stripping this year no issues they can't win the flag this year, but if they can keep their players which they will they can win the flag next year.

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Watson said he was now satisfied that his son had not taken any "illegal or injurious" drugs under the Essendon supplements scheme.

He said that one of the contentious substances Jobe confirmed he had taken, AOD-9604, had "passed the ethics commitees of 16 hospitals across Australia", and was approved for human use.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/david-evans-departure-a-travesty-hird-20130729-2qthn.html#ixzz2aP5bJaHB

So do we believe wada or tim Watson?

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Watson said he was now satisfied that his son had not taken any "illegal or injurious" drugs under the Essendon supplements scheme.

He said that one of the contentious substances Jobe confirmed he had taken, AOD-9604, had "passed the ethics commitees of 16 hospitals across Australia", and was approved for human use.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/david-evans-departure-a-travesty-hird-20130729-2qthn.html#ixzz2aP5bJaHB

So do we believe wada or tim Watson?

you gotta believe our own timmy

wada sounds bad , but our own timmy sounds much better

cant help but salivate in the thought of smashing them by 100 points for the next 5 years

brings a smile

Edited by jazza
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If Essendons players are found guilty and sanctioned they will firstly file claims against the club and most of them won't play there again, would u play there if found guilty?

After two years out of the game, they should all be required, should they wish to resume playing, to go into a special draft.

Putting them in the national draft would be unfair to that year's 18yos. Maybe each team, including Essendrug, could pick maybe 2 of these recycled players.

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So the weapon has said in a clip of his interview with Darcy that Hird and Corcoran told Dank to go Black ops!

Lol, this shite should be on days of our lives!

ha ha black ops.

This is like 4 cars hitting at 400ks an hour and now we are only pulling the cars apart and glimpsing the blood and guts, soon we will see it all.

Going to be must watch.

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The worse thing is some of our players have been accused of using the same Medication. I think instead of peptides we had laxitives.

Ours were put on the placebo program.

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