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Demons must go the Trade Route


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This will set the keyboards tapping! Robert Walls says Melbourne should consider trading White, Robertson, Bruce, Travis and Green.


I can't believe he would have a go at Robbo as he hasn't scored much this year - where have you been Wallsy the man has been inured. Brucey is having a great year considering the team results. TB is the one who although he seems like he is paddling on the ground who tried to get Pickett to stay and challenged the umps when they stuffed up a game for us. He is not going anywhere. White yes is nearing the end rather than the beginning but is ranked Number one Ruckman for possessions. He is still valuable to us and we are bringing through our next ruckmen. We don't need to trade to improve in that area.

Of course trades are an option for any club but I don't see us in the Hawks situation of a few years ago. We will trade but I doubt the names he mentioned would ever be considered.

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Trade those players and what replace them with draft picks for kids that we have no idea if they can play at AFL level. Its good for Walls to right articles that are opininionated, but he needs too paint the complete picture, it is no point trading players if their is no benefit to the club. If a trade can be done that wil make us a better team, then yes lets look at what we can trade, but IMO the only way any of those players are being traded is to broker a deal for Judd, and that is highly unlikely.

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Walls is no better there than an up-themselves 'ology or 'land poster.... Just an opinion, yet he'll get carried away and call for swinging of the axe left right and centre...

But I will say this. You've got to give something to get something...

I hate it when people crack the sheeeites at players like Biz, Pickett, Ferguson, Wheatley, Godfrey, Ward, Miller and Brown and then somehow come to the conclusion they have to be traded. Only 1 or 2 of those players have ANY market value AT ALL. And in each case they wouldn't be worth the trade for some piddling upgrade in draft selections.

Realistically if we want to trade for something crap, like the next Kingsley, then sure, talk about Miller. If we want to trade for something good, like a Tarrant or Pickett, then we have to lose a Bruce, Trav or Green. If we want something GREAT like Judd or Pavlich, the truth is we don't have ANY combination of players at the club that would work. With the exception of McLean (and even he would be a risk) no-one comes anywhere near being of high enough value.

On that, at least, Walls has a point. We need drastic changes to have a tilt next year. And those players have enough value to be tradable for SOMETHING right now. What Walls doesn't realise is that traded players are one clubs trash... for a reason. It's a terrible risk at best, and if we got rid of those five players prior to next year, we would have the same season as 2007 injuries or no injuries.

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my first...objective thought is...well.,...whats on offer ??

until thats answered..everything is moot.

To all those beating chests and raving and shouting.. how can yo dismiss anything...til you know whats on the table ?

Like many Id be loath to trade Robbo...all others are on table for me..as i repeatedly say..I couldnt really care less who is in the jumpers.. I want a winning cohesive team. That will take effort....and change.

now please resume ranting

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Walls is right - he is at least offering suggestions - but I'd want to make sure that we had new people in place and not the current lot before going to do such major trades. Look at today's game - the goal to goal line has one change from 2002 (Carroll for Nicholson), and I know Rivers is injured, but we have not moved - the starting mid-field 6 of White, Godfrey, McDonald, Johnston, Jones, and Dvay has two new face from 2002. We haven't moved at all

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i know we dont mention the war here... but do you really want it all to happen again??

cameron bruce thread #154???

we have part of the list

add 3 of the best 20 kids in the land come november, maybe a big name preseason pick and we will be alright, and a few less injurys wouldnt go astray

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Guest baysidedave
Walls is right - he is at least offering suggestions - but I'd want to make sure that we had new people in place and not the current lot before going to do such major trades. Look at today's game - the goal to goal line has one change from 2002 (Carroll for Nicholson), and I know Rivers is injured, but we have not moved - the starting mid-field 6 of White, Godfrey, McDonald, Johnston, Jones, and Dvay has two new face from 2002. We haven't moved at all

Wheatley, Ward and Ferguson have all been offered for trade plus Ward wanted to go but no-one would have them. They will all be gone along with Bizzell and Brown at the end of the year. We want to make space in the list they will go. We don't need to get rid of blokes like Bruce,Green,Robbo and Travis, maybe White and Miller but the other 4 NO

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before anyone starts puting som eof these players on teh th esupposed "do not touch list"...first ask realistically dis[passionately...are they really that good ?

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Robert Walls is correct- as i've been saying the last 2 years...our list management has been terrible

Robertson- Tradeable but we'd still like him to be there with Neitz in our potent forward line

White- definitly has to go- has never been the same since the new ruck rules were introduced- a club would certainly be willing to give up a decent player or draft pick for him

Green- Can go, we could get a very good young midfielder from another club for him as Green should be in his prime. Hasn't done enough for us with the amount of potential/skill he possesses.

Bruce- Cannot trade him- too much class, as he wins us games

Johnstone- Same again, too much skill and can be damaging. These two combine well with the hardness in our midfield like Jones, McDonald, Mclean and hopefully in coming years Bell and Slyvia rotating through

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I agree with him to a degree.

Firstly, I wouldnt trade Robbo. I think that he, along with a minimal few others, live and breath red and blue and would die for the club. He is the face of the club, a great bloke and can win a game off his boot.

Secondly, I wouldnt trade White. For a number of reasons. One being that it would be hard to find a suitor anyway that would give something actually worth his worth considering his age and contract. Also, like Robbo, I think he loves the club and plays his heart out for the red and blue. He just seems like the kind of bloke you always want hanging around the club, even when he retires.

So, I disagree with him on those two fronts.

However, trading Bruce, Green and Jonno could work. Firstly, none of them are on enourmous contracts and none of overpaid, imho. Trading ALL three would be suicide, but one of, or even two in a one trade, could work. Either way, I'd include Green in any such trade.

At the end of this season, no matter what the position, I'd trade Green anyway. And I'd trade Bruce over Jonno. Only because Jonno knows how to kick a drop-punt.

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i know we dont mention the war here... but do you really want it all to happen again??

cameron bruce thread #154???

we have part of the list

add 3 of the best 20 kids in the land come november, maybe a big name preseason pick and we will be alright, and a few less injurys wouldnt go astray

love it- love what your saying. We don't need to go quite as over the top as Walls suggested..i think perhaps 2 or 3 of the 5 could go max(Robbo, White, Green), get a couple of good draft picks as we'll finish bottom 4, plus delisting Brown, Ward, Holland, Wheatley. Bizzell looks like he could be great so not sure if he'll be delisted..and to have him with Carroll and Rivers would be an awesome backline with a fit Bartram and Whelan in the pockets and Bell running of the flank.

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However, trading Bruce, Green and Jonno could work. Firstly, none of them are on enourmous contracts and none of overpaid, imho. Trading ALL three would be suicide, but one of, or even two in a one trade, could work. Either way, I'd include Green in any such trade.

At the end of this season, no matter what the position, I'd trade Green anyway. And I'd trade Bruce over Jonno. Only because Jonno knows how to kick a drop-punt.

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However, trading Bruce, Green and Jonno could work. Firstly, none of them are on enourmous contracts and none of overpaid, imho. Trading ALL three would be suicide, but one of, or even two in a one trade, could work. Either way, I'd include Green in any such trade.

At the end of this season, no matter what the position, I'd trade Green anyway. And I'd trade Bruce over Jonno. Only because Jonno knows how to kick a drop-punt.

Finally someone who acknowledges Bruce has a shocking kick! yet not a reason to trade him...him and johno are our best midfielders

Yeha, that was a joke. I probably WOULDNT trade either of Jonno or Bruce, but Green in a heartbeat. But if I had a choice, I'd trade Bruce over Jonno.

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Walls said we should trade White, yet said Richmond should keep Simmonds because they have no ruck depth. Errrrr... I think that pretty much sums up what I think about Walls' opinion/credibility.

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yep- as much as Green can do some good things...we need to trade him if we are wanting to get the best out of our list. AS we are going to get a top 4 draft pick...we could get another first round for someone like Green

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Walls said we should trade White, yet said Richmond should keep Simmonds because they have no ruck depth. Errrrr... I think that pretty much sums up what I think about Walls' opinion/credibility.

Yah. I was thinking that as well. Walls is a dud. I can't believe I actually agree particially with him on something.

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I cannot stand Robert Walls!!! This article doesnt help that opinion one bit either. His arguments are so flawed.

Last year, Robertson kicked 44 goals, missed just the one game and yet didn't finish in the Demons' top 10. He seems too content with his lot at Melbourne. He needs a change of scenery to get the best out of his remaining years. Having to earn respect at a new club would get him out of his comfort zone.

He played injured pretty much the whole year everyone knew that. The year before he kicked 70 odd goals and robbed of All Australian!

In regards to Bruce, Maybe the Lions' second-round pick could seal the deal.


He uses Hawthorn as an example, then says they traded John Hay. He had done nothing for a good 3 years. Had hurt his knee and it was very obvoius there was a significant chance he would never reach his peak again.

The article is laughable! Rober Walls is a joke!

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Why does Walls hate Melbourne?

He has opined crappy second round pick deals for Melbourne's best players in a draft that isn't being talked up this year.

Pretty much you will only get good deals for elite midfielders and KP Players. Hawthorn did well because they traded 2 full forwards (Rawlings and Thompson) and 2 full backs (Hay and Croad (for Hodge and traded back for a bargain)). Where are the elite midfielders or KP Players at Melbourne you could give up? White is past it because of age and the little ruckmans circle. Johnstone cost Melbourne the first pick, and there is no club that is going to give that back and he isn't worth getting rid of for a second round pick.

The only players at Melbourne with any curency are McLean, Syvia, C Johnson, Davey, Rivers, Dunn, Bate, Petterd, Newton and they are the club's future and probably only McLean, Davey and Rivers would get low first round picks.

The only trade currency I see Melbourne having is giving up its first pick (if they don't improve much from second last) with McLean for Judd. But this kind of trade will probably never happen,and I am not sure if Judd would help Melbourne much because we don't have the rest of the team to complement him.

The best option I see for Melbourne is to finished near bottom for a few years and draft well, and encourage the disenchanted to come to Melbourne (not that they are good at that, they all seem to want to go elsewhere)

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Walls writes to get a reaction, which he has clearly done.

This article is a joke.... Bruce, Green, White, TJ and Robbo are worth more than 2nd round picks, and we would be stupid to swap any of them for such a low price.

West Coast would just about give you Judd to get Robbo into their forward line!

A much better article IMO is THIS ONE from Mike Sheahan in the Herald Sun. Doesn't say a whole lot, but doesn't crap on for the sake of crapping on either.

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This will set the keyboards tapping! Robert Walls says Melbourne should consider trading White, Robertson, Bruce, Travis and Green.

Robert Walls hates Melbourne, he mustve wanted to coach and we turned him down cos he has permanently got his knickers in a knot over us. Why would we listen to him he is a shithouse coach who clearly has no idea. What a bloody idiot yes lets trade 5 of our core players so we are on the bottom forever. What an IDIOT! He wants us to burrrrrrn. If we werent on the bottom no-one would be saying this absolute [censored] about any of them so dont start slinging the mud now cos the going is a little tough

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i posted this in 'the players should go thread', to some extent walls is right, but i can only see 2 out of the 5 players going. And we should definenately get more value, but if we can't we should try and load off a player or a draft pick

e.g Brad Green and 3rd round draft pick for pick 8-15

IMO we need a huge clean out and need to rebuild, our list doesn't have enough depth and has too many players hitting 30 and beyond. If we want to keep up with the future , with clubs like the hawks, carlton etc. we must rebuild or our premiership drought will continue. We can't just have a one year bomb out, like the bombers have. We already have a great bunch of younsters coming through, but at the moment our spine isn't very strong.

I reckon if we want to win a flag we must delist/trade those players who some people think are good,but actually aren't e.g Miller, Godfrey, Ferguson, Holland, Ward, Brown etc. We will/should pick up someone in the draft at 1,2 or 3 this year and next year if we bomb out and get ourselves a priority pick we will have 2 players in the top 5. With the help of CAC and perhaps a new coach we will/should be able to win a flag.

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Walls may have undervalued the relative worth of the players he cited for trade. Love him or hate him, what remains relevant with this article is that no matter which way you look at it, the current list (with a heavy emphasis on the senior core group) needs a shake-up.

Post numero uno!

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Young rucks take time to develop. If we trade White our ruck stocks are PJ, Jamar (if he's here in '08), perhaps Neaves, and anyone we can draft in. Unless we got a ready-made ruck somehow we'd be in dire trouble. No thanks.

With Neitz departing soon I'd probably look at keeping Robertson.

We could probably afford to lose one of the three older midfield types.

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I'd look at trading some of those players but only if we were able to get some great out of the deal, but I wouldn't trade all of them.

If another club offered us a top 5 pick for any of these guys I'd seriously think about it.

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