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2 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

 hope this isn't the case and mere speculation on my part but i'm sniffing there may well be deeper longer term issues here (in particular between two team mates or maybe a few more if you include others on the periphery) that finally bubbled to the surface on the Sunday.

Puts May's post game joke when being interviewed on field about Smith getting.in his way or some such in a different light.

8 minutes ago, binman said:

Puts May's post game joke when being interviewed on field about Smith getting.in his way or some such in a different light.

that was gawn's joke about may saying that he was going to be happy that lever would be back as he wouldn't have to constantly tell smith where to position himself on-field

the whole thing is super embarrassing for the individuals and disappointing for the club

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5 minutes ago, binman said:

Puts May's post game joke when being interviewed on field about Smith getting.in his way or some such in a different light.

Yes i vaguely recall that comment Bin.  Seemed off the cuff / tongue in cheek at the time and took very little notice.

Hate saying this but i doubt any of us will ever know exactly the reasons why/how and the whens unless we were part of the inner sanctum etc.

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Players have punch ons all the time - at all clubs - and will continue to do so as long as they have testosterone in their young, cashed up bogan brains.  It's no big deal.  Having a drink with a meal is not going to affect the state of May's concussion in any significant way.  Sticking too rigidly to any made-up rule is foolish.  This is such an over-reaction.  May and Melky are still good mates.  Why should a momentary rush of blood mistake punish the whole tribe!  You need a nuanced approach to all forms of justice.  

There are far more effective ways to discipline May - a massive fine, community service, get May to talking with the whole team, pledging to do better, counselling and so many more sensible, mature options.  Suspension is incredibly dispropotionate for a momentary lapse.  May has made great contributions as a leader and role model on and off the field for years now at the Dees - he's been a great indigenous role model, he captained an AFL club for years ... and what gets the most attention? A brief spat in a restaurant.

Don't punish the whole team, club and all the supporters by dropping the player we've been missing the most!  

The assumption that a suspension to May is inevitable is narrow-minded, inflexible and illogical.  The coaching staff and leadership group need to question their own out-dated system of player guidance.  This sort of Primary School teacher - head prefects/leadership group, "young boys won't behave unless you smack them hard", holier than thou - think we're doing the difficult but right thing (when you're doing the opposite on both counts) - punishment is illogical, psychologically flawed and doesn't actually work. Did a total of 23 weeks suspensions turn Dermott Brereton into an angel overnight?  May is 30.  Do you expect him to change dramatically because of this one week suspension?  The penalty may sounds tough, disciplined and "professional" to people that don't examine it fully - people who are comfortable with simplistic approaches to human psychology, who say things like "culture starts at the top", "there's no choice - he has to be suspended".  It's simplistic and lazy thinking.  This suspension is counter-productive in so many ways.  May would play a blinder on QB - to redeem himself - in front of a big crowd and TV audience. Then you'd see him move on, with his head held higher and be energised to do better on and off the field.  Now he just stews for a fortnight - having been already effectively 'suspended' for 2 weeks by an accidental concussion.  Your consigning him to 5 weeks between games.

Has anyone contemplated the fact that concussion can lead to irrational behaviour?  We need to discipline him and work with him in a much more considered, mature and professional way.  He's a tough, commited player and a decent guy - but human, like us all.  He lost his temper.  I lose my temper more than I lose my sunglasses or umbrella!

And imagine if the leadership group re-asses their decision and come up with a better plan for Steven - and the Pies hear May is free to play now.  Let's turn this into a positive (we need it right now!!!) and not shoot ourselves in the foot / cut of our noses to spite our own face.







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Posted (edited)

Anyone calling for Steve May's head needs to give them selves an upper cut.  May's never say die attitude is the sort of spirit that saw us turn around a 20 point third quarter deficit into an 80 point premership for the MFC.  You can't worship that and then turn on the guy when he tips ever so slightly over the other side of the line.  Just can't please some people, the Weid is soft and doesn't put in, but now May's too much of an animal?

To all the people that claim he shouldn't have been drinking - the impression I get is that today's footballers drink 10 times less and have 100 times more disiplined lifestyle than the average man on the street, so unless you're perfect, then let the bloke be a human.

The AFL wading into this is total BS.  Buddy gets one week for intentionally impacting a guy in the head with a fist while sober on a footy feild with perfect video evidence and they want to go further than the one week self imposed punishment given by the MFC - go [censored] yourselves AFL.

I've seen a number of the statements made by Max and Maysy post the event - like what more do you want these guys to do?  Start flagellating themselves until the blood runs freely FFS.

Edited by Rodney (Balls) Grinter
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16 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

Anyone calling for Steve May's head needs to give them selves an upper cut.  May's never say die attitude is the sort of spirit that saw us turn around a 20 point third quarter deficit into an 80 point premership for the MFC.  You can't worship that and then turn on the guy when he tips ever so slightly over the other side of the line.  Just can't please some people, the Weid is soft and doesn't put in, but now May's too much of an animal?

To all the people that claim he shouldn't have been drinking - the impression I get is that today's footballers drink 10 times less and have 100 times more disiplined lifestyle than the average man on the street, so unless you're perfect, then let the bloke be a human.

The AFL wading into this is total BS.  Buddy gets one week for intentionally impacting a guy in the head with a fist while sober on a footy feild with perfect video evidence and they want to go further than the one week self imposed punishment given by the MFC - go [censored] yourselves AFL.

I've seen a number of the statements made by Max and Maysy post the event - like what more do you want these guys to do?  Start flagellating themselves until the blood runs freely FFS.

Perfect. Close thread.

Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

Anyone calling for Steve May's head needs to give them selves an upper cut.  May's never say die attitude is the sort of spirit that saw us turn around a 20 point third quarter deficit into an 80 point premership for the MFC.  You can't worship that and then turn on the guy when he tips ever so slightly over the other side of the line.  Just can't please some people, the Weid is soft and doesn't put in, but now May's too much of an animal?

To all the people that claim he shouldn't have been drinking - the impression I get is that today's footballers drink 10 times less and have 100 times more disiplined lifestyle than the average man on the street, so unless you're perfect, then let the bloke be a human.

The AFL wading into this is total BS.  Buddy gets one week for intentionally impacting a guy in the head with a fist while sober on a footy feild with perfect video evidence and they want to go further than the one week self imposed punishment given by the MFC - go [censored] yourselves AFL.

I've seen a number of the statements made by Max and Maysy - like what more do you want these guys to do?  Start flagellating themselves until the blood runs freely FFS.

You are ruining your own argument talking in such a frustrated manner

We all know how much value May brings but it's fair to say that he's made a few errors of judgement of late

I want him to play against the Pies but the decision has been made to suspend the bloke and we have to deal with it

Edited by Macca
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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Demonic Power said:

Players have punch ons all the time - at all clubs - and will continue to do so as long as they have testosterone in their young, cashed up bogan brains.  It's no big deal.  Having a drink with a meal is not going to affect the state of May's concussion in any significant way.  Sticking too rigidly to any made-up rule is foolish.  This is such an over-reaction.  May and Melky are still good mates.  Why should a momentary rush of blood mistake punish the whole tribe!  You need a nuanced approach to all forms of justice.  

There are far more effective ways to discipline May - a massive fine, community service, get May to talking with the whole team, pledging to do better, counselling and so many more sensible, mature options.  Suspension is incredibly dispropotionate for a momentary lapse.  May has made great contributions as a leader and role model on and off the field for years now at the Dees - he's been a great indigenous role model, he captained an AFL club for years ... and what gets the most attention? A brief spat in a restaurant.

Don't punish the whole team, club and all the supporters by dropping the player we've been missing the most!  

The assumption that a suspension to May is inevitable is narrow-minded, inflexible and illogical.  The coaching staff and leadership group need to question their own out-dated system of player guidance.  This sort of Primary School teacher - head prefects/leadership group, "young boys won't behave unless you smack them hard", holier than thou - think we're doing the difficult but right thing (when you're doing the opposite on both counts) - punishment is illogical, psychologically flawed and doesn't actually work. Did a total of 23 weeks suspensions turn Dermott Brereton into an angel overnight?  May is 30.  Do you expect him to change dramatically because of this one week suspension?  The penalty may sounds tough, disciplined and "professional" to people that don't examine it fully - people who are comfortable with simplistic approaches to human psychology, who say things like "culture starts at the top", "there's no choice - he has to be suspended".  It's simplistic and lazy thinking.  This suspension is counter-productive in so many ways.  May would play a blinder on QB - to redeem himself - in front of a big crowd and TV audience. Then you'd see him move on, with his head held higher and be energised to do better on and off the field.  Now he just stews for a fortnight - having been already effectively 'suspended' for 2 weeks by an accidental concussion.  Your consigning him to 5 weeks between games.

Has anyone contemplated the fact that concussion can lead to irrational behaviour?  We need to discipline him and work with him in a much more considered, mature and professional way.  He's a tough, commited player and a decent guy - but human, like us all.  He lost his temper.  I lose my temper more than I lose my sunglasses or umbrella!

And imagine if the leadership group re-asses their decision and come up with a better plan for Steven - and the Pies hear May is free to play now.  Let's turn this into a positive (we need it right now!!!) and not shoot ourselves in the foot / cut of our noses to spite our own face.







The suspension was for drinking when he shouldn’t have been. Seems to be a pattern of behaviour but agree it will likely not change. Simple solution is to make sure he stays fit so we can avoid breaking this rule once again.


Edited by CYB
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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

To all the people that claim he shouldn't have been drinking - the impression I get is that today's footballers drink 10 times less and have 100 times more disiplined lifestyle than the average man on the street, so unless you're perfect, then let the bloke be a human.

With respect, I disagree. He's a well paid professional athlete and with that comes rules that the club wants him to follow. Human or not he broke those rules and he now cops some sort of punishment for that transgression. That's just how it is. He knew the rules, he broke the rules, he should not have been drinking.

In my career I am not allowed to drink before work or take drugs lest I show a positive on any number of random drug tests I am subjected to. I am paid well for that and I take my responsibilities seriously. Should I do something stupid I'm not going to expect (nor would I want) people to be "Oh, he's just a human, it's fine".

That said, I do think a lot of the reactions towards the bloke have been well over the top. We've (almost) all done stupid stuff. He'll cop his medicine and we can all move on once we smash the pies.

Edited by deva5610
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19 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

Anyone calling for Steve May's head needs to give them selves an upper cut.  May's never say die attitude is the sort of spirit that saw us turn around a 20 point third quarter deficit into an 80 point premership for the MFC.  You can't worship that and then turn on the guy when he tips ever so slightly over the other side of the line.  Just can't please some people, the Weid is soft and doesn't put in, but now May's too much of an animal?

To all the people that claim he shouldn't have been drinking - the impression I get is that today's footballers drink 10 times less and have 100 times more disiplined lifestyle than the average man on the street, so unless you're perfect, then let the bloke be a human.

The AFL wading into this is total BS.  Buddy gets one week for intentionally impacting a guy in the head with a fist while sober on a footy feild with perfect video evidence and they want to go further than the one week self imposed punishment given by the MFC - go [censored] yourselves AFL.

I've seen a number of the statements made by Max and Maysy post the event - like what more do you want these guys to do?  Start flagellating themselves until the blood runs freely FFS.


11 minutes ago, Macca said:

Calm down

In between the decent points that you might be making you've got all this pent up rage

You are ruining your own argument ... all we can see is anger

Ok you two...take this outside now!!

and no... frogs legs are not on the PA's 'dueling weapons' list so you can both leave those inside the restaurant ty!

  • Haha 3
Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Macca said:

You are ruining your own argument talking in such a frustrated manner

We all know how much value May brings but it's fair to say that he's made a few errors of judgement of late

I want him to play against the Pies but the decision has been made to suspend the bloke and we have to deal with it

Yeah, I guess there's a fine line between anger and passion and maybe I've also had a few beverages myself tonight too Macca.

Crossing over from another thread, I certainly do agree with you that we could definitely do with a win about now.

I loathed the Hawthorn teams of the past, the 80s and 90s ones in particular.  But one mantra they did hold pretty true to, that I have a fair bit of respect for is that they rarely lost three games in a row.

Edited by Rodney (Balls) Grinter
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3 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

Yeah, I guess there's a fine line between anger and passion and maybe I've also had a few beverages myself tonight too Macca.

Crossing over from another thread, I certainly do agree with you that we could definitely do with a win about now.

I loathed the Hawthorn teams of the past, the 80s and 90s ones in particular.  But one mantra they did hold pretty true to, that I have a fair bit of respect for is that they rarely lost three games in a row.

For what its worth I reckon we'll beat the Pies even without May

We will see a very fired up team on Monday ... and Collingwood aren't that good a team anyway

The only way we'll lose is if we put in an average performance ... and I can't see that happening

There will be 19 premiership players take the field (20 if we include an improved James Jordon)

Relax, we've got this!

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Macca said:

For what its worth I reckon we'll beat the Pies even without May

There will be 19 premiership players take the field (20 if we include an improved James Jordon)

Relax, we've got this!

Hope we don't relax too much.... or we probably haven't got this

Edited by Demon Dynasty
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

Hope we don't relax too much.... or we probably haven't got this


I'm following through on my assertion that the latest H/S expose would serve to galvanise the team

The restaurant fiasco can be turned into a positive as well (somehow) ... but that's up to the coaches as part of their job description is to show the players how to deal with and react to adversity

I'm a great believer in the 'Us against Them' mantra.  In its basic form it still works.  We can thrive with being the hunted ... feed off it and use it to our advantage

Every week the players and coaches are looking at ways to keep the players up and about and fully motivated. 

That way of thinking has now come from an outside source and from within. A two-fold effect so we will be focused in my opinion

Edited by Macca
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Posted (edited)

May Is a bully and he got chinned. Blokes like May understand and respect a biffing. He will now go back, keep his head down, and work tirelessly to be a better teammate. I don’t think there is any point banning him. He did this up the GC early on in his career, then went on to captain the club. He will walk out on the training track as a bloke his teammates know copped a hiding. That humbles a bloke like May. It’s the perfect response to a bully - to physically handle them in front of those they’d bullied. The public may not understand that, but bullying runs rampant in society now because without violence it’s never deterred, and keeps going. It’s why it’s a problem in schools (more than it ever has been).

The risk for the players is they are supposed to be role models, blah blah blah. And as a result the AFL will probably be seen to dish out some sort of additional penalty, as to not be seen to endorse violence, which, to be fair, I’m not sure they can suspend players anymore than we have. In light of incidents like Franklin’s, where they act in a lenient fashion. Pretty happy with MFC’s response. It’s been appropriate. Both parties have been setback a long way for their actions that night. Melksham with his hand, and probably nearly be his year, as he’s a depth players and will now fall behind a few, and May has been publically humiliated in front of the players he was acting up in front of, and also the broader public. 



Edited by KingDingAling
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

May Is a bully and he got chinned. Blokes like May understand and respect a biffing. He will now go back, keep his head down, and work tirelessly to be a better teammate. I don’t think there is any point banning him. He did this up the GC early on in his career, then went on to captain the club. He will walk out on the training track as a bloke his teammates know copped a hiding. That humbles a bloke like May. It’s the perfect response to a bully - to physically handle them in front of those they’d bullied. The public may not understand that, but bullying runs rampant in society now because without violence it’s never deterred, and keeps going. It’s why it’s a problem in schools (more than it ever has been).

The risk for the players is they are supposed to be role models, blah blah blah. And as a result the AFL will probably be seen to dish out some sort of additional penalty, as to not be seen to endorse violence, which, to be fair, I’m not sure they can suspend players anymore than we have. In light of incidents like Franklin’s, where they act in a lenient fashion. Pretty happy with MFC’s response. It’s been appropriate. Both parties have been setback a long way for their actions that night. Melksham with his hand, and probably nearly be his year, as he’s a depth players and will now fall behind a few, and May has been publically humiliated in front of the players he was acting up in front of, and also the broader public. 



Yep that's a fair summary.  Club just needs to make.sure any underlying issues (if there are any) that may have lead up to this fracas aren't still simmering under the surface.

Genuine apologies.  Then forgive and move on for the sake of 'the team'.  If one or some of them don't get that last part and are still harboring some sort of angst then that might be the only aspect that would continue to have a ripple effect on the players for the remainder of the season, potentially both on and off the field.

Genuinly sort it and most involved, if not all, will move on and we should be toot sweet.

Edited by Demon Dynasty
10 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

Melksham should’ve taken it outside. That’s his only error here in my eyes.

Unless it wasn't his doing and his (initial) actions were in self defence KDA

7 hours ago, Macca said:


I'm following through on my assertion that the latest H/S expose would serve to galvanise the team

The restaurant fiasco can be turned into a positive as well (somehow) ... but that's up to the coaches as part of their job description is to show the players how to deal with and react to adversity

I'm a great believer in the 'Us against Them' mantra.  In its basic form it still works.  We can thrive with being the hunted ... feed off it and use it to our advantage

Every week the players and coaches are looking at ways to keep the players up and about and fully motivated. 

That way of thinking has now come from an outside source and from within. A two-fold effect so we will be focused in my opinion

I suspect your'e right on this aspect for Monday.

Regarding the Herald Sun,  I didn't hear of any investigation into the rumoured alledged punch-up by two of its senior  journalists a while ago over who got a promotion and who didn't?  Where was their outrage then?

Mark Robinson said on AFL 360 this week that he understood the reaction of Melksham to throw one, qualifying it by noting to Whately that he wouldn't condone such a comment, violence is never the answer, etc,  etc..... Spare me the faux outrage from the Murdoch media.

And Gil ..... your shamefully watched the great Adam Goodes hounded out of football and did NOTHING. Go and sit in the corner as well and contemplate that as your legacy.

The Club has handled this as best they could  IMO.  The players involved will wear the aprobrium for many years to come.

2 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

I suspect your'e right on this aspect for Monday.

Regarding the Herald Sun,  I didn't hear of any investigation into the rumoured alledged punch-up by two of its senior  journalists a while ago over who got a promotion and who didn't?  Where was their outrage then?

Mark Robinson said on AFL 360 this week that he understood the reaction of Melksham to throw one, qualifying it by noting to Whately that he wouldn't condone such a comment, violence is never the answer, etc,  etc..... Spare me the faux outrage from the Murdoch media.

And Gil ..... your shamefully watched the great Adam Goodes hounded out of football and did NOTHING. Go and sit in the corner as well and contemplate that as your legacy.

The Club has handled this as best they could  IMO.  The players involved will wear the aprobrium for many years to come.

Very separate issues but it’s a fair point. There are people that operate within the AFL that act as the moral police but have allowed so many worse indiscretions to continue or fade into oblivion. 

These “revelations” regarding May potentially going onto another venue afterwards, without sounding like I’m defending May I’m wondering what difference does it make? The issue stemmed from the argument and subsequent alteration with Melksham, is it a bad look that he could’ve gone on afterwards? Yes. Does it mean he should be given a further sanction? For what?

I think at some stage it would be good to hear from Melksham, it can be during the bye once the dust has settled. I think what we need to see on Monday is a side that’s banding together, not breaking apart. 

Posted (edited)

The so called 'drip feed' isn't coming from the club. 

Any info after Max's media conf is from ambulance chasing commentators digging into what happened and nearly everyone comes up with a slightly different version which leads to frenzied headlines about 'twists' and 'new information'.

If the players or the club have deliberately withheld critical information the AFL will find out and we take what comes our way. 

But, I don't think naming the players at the dinner, who said what to who, who stood up to May, where the players were before or after dinner etc as critical information nor is it relevant.  Digging for that sort of stuff is just mud raking and the guesswork they make around that is what is being 'drip fed'.

Btw, according to Sam McClure the dinner was in a private dining room.

Edited by Lucifers Hero
  • Like 6
10 hours ago, Demonic Power said:

Players have punch ons all the time - at all clubs - and will continue to do so as long as they have testosterone in their young, cashed up bogan brains.  It's no big deal.  Having a drink with a meal is not going to affect the state of May's concussion in any significant way.  Sticking too rigidly to any made-up rule is foolish.  This is such an over-reaction.  May and Melky are still good mates.  Why should a momentary rush of blood mistake punish the whole tribe!  You need a nuanced approach to all forms of justice.  

There are far more effective ways to discipline May - a massive fine, community service, get May to talking with the whole team, pledging to do better, counselling and so many more sensible, mature options.  Suspension is incredibly dispropotionate for a momentary lapse.  May has made great contributions as a leader and role model on and off the field for years now at the Dees - he's been a great indigenous role model, he captained an AFL club for years ... and what gets the most attention? A brief spat in a restaurant.

Don't punish the whole team, club and all the supporters by dropping the player we've been missing the most!  

The assumption that a suspension to May is inevitable is narrow-minded, inflexible and illogical.  The coaching staff and leadership group need to question their own out-dated system of player guidance.  This sort of Primary School teacher - head prefects/leadership group, "young boys won't behave unless you smack them hard", holier than thou - think we're doing the difficult but right thing (when you're doing the opposite on both counts) - punishment is illogical, psychologically flawed and doesn't actually work. Did a total of 23 weeks suspensions turn Dermott Brereton into an angel overnight?  May is 30.  Do you expect him to change dramatically because of this one week suspension?  The penalty may sounds tough, disciplined and "professional" to people that don't examine it fully - people who are comfortable with simplistic approaches to human psychology, who say things like "culture starts at the top", "there's no choice - he has to be suspended".  It's simplistic and lazy thinking.  This suspension is counter-productive in so many ways.  May would play a blinder on QB - to redeem himself - in front of a big crowd and TV audience. Then you'd see him move on, with his head held higher and be energised to do better on and off the field.  Now he just stews for a fortnight - having been already effectively 'suspended' for 2 weeks by an accidental concussion.  Your consigning him to 5 weeks between games.

Has anyone contemplated the fact that concussion can lead to irrational behaviour?  We need to discipline him and work with him in a much more considered, mature and professional way.  He's a tough, commited player and a decent guy - but human, like us all.  He lost his temper.  I lose my temper more than I lose my sunglasses or umbrella!

And imagine if the leadership group re-asses their decision and come up with a better plan for Steven - and the Pies hear May is free to play now.  Let's turn this into a positive (we need it right now!!!) and not shoot ourselves in the foot / cut of our noses to spite our own face.







This guy is upset May is missing a week. Talk about missing the forest for the trees, and walking into one.

He was obviously drinking all afternoon after going to the boxing while on concussion protocols. He shouldn’t play for a multitude of reasons.

I truly believe our culture is more important than the appearance of one player in an important game. That isn’t to say I want to play without our best players but our culture and respect for role players and their importance was more a reason for our flag than Steven May.

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Posted (edited)

Drawing a long bow here, but a comment up the thread about Adam Goodes and latent racism in australia has me thinking… why wasn’t the DeGoey incident investigated but the May one is to be..? 
why the pile on?
Would it have been a different reaction if it had been TMac instead of May? 

I don’t have a strong opinion on it, but was curious to ask the question…

Edited by PaulRB
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    Melbourne Demons 470

    TRAINING: Friday 28th February 2025

    A couple of Demonland Trackwatchers headed down to Gosch's Paddock to bring you their observations from today's training session before the Demons head off to Perth for their final Practice Match. KEV MARTIN'S PRESEASON TRAINING OBSERVATIONS Beautiful morning, not much wind, more than a couple of dozen spectators.  The players were up and about, boisterous and having fun. One of their last drills were three teams competing in a hard at it, handball game in a small area. Goody

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    Training Reports


    In the space of eight days, the Melbourne Football Club’s plans for the coming year were turned upside down by two season-ending injuries to players who were contending strongly for places in its opening round match against the GWS Giants. Shane McAdam was first player to go down with injury when he ruptured an Achilles tendon at Friday afternoon training, a week before the cut-off date for the AFL’s pre-season supplemental selection period (“SSP”). McAdam was beginning to get some real mom

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    Special Features

    PREGAME: Practice Match vs Fremantle

    The Demons hit the road for what will be their first of 8 interstate trips this year when they play their final practice match before the 2025 AFL Premiership Season against the Fremantle Dockers in Perth on Sunday, 2nd March @ 6:10pm (AEDT). 2025 AAMI Community Series Sun Mar 2 Fremantle v Melbourne, Rushton Oval, Mandurah, 3.10pm AWST (6.10pm AEDT)

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    Melbourne Demons 186

    RETURN TO NORMAL by Whispering Jack

    One of my prized possessions is a framed, autographed guernsey bearing the number 31 worn by my childhood hero, Melbourne’s champion six time premiership player Ronald Dale Barassi who passed away on 16 September 2023, aged 87. The former captain who went on to a successful coaching career, mainly with other clubs, came back to the fold in his later years as a staunch Demon supporter who often sat across the way from me in the Northern Stand of the MCG cheering on the team. Barassi died the

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