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What They Are Saying at Punt Road

Lucifers Hero

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It seems Tiger fans have turned their attention to the next game.

From 'Punt Road End':

The gloomy:

  • Can we forfeit this game.  How did the VFL game go today?
  • Could be a smashing on the cards, particularly if they open Richmond up early in the game.
  • The Dees will obliterate us
  • Along with the green flogs loving them so much. Might break the free kick count record next week.
  • Rolling Jesus of the bench won't help next week.
  • The MC have to take the bull by the horns and start blooding more of our kids as it is obvious some of our established stars are currently not up to it. We also want players who can play four quarters and not cameos
  • I didn't see the game yesterday so have no idea.  Except to say God help us against the Dees
  • Sorry I can't watch this....I have to wash my hair
  • It's a toss up whether I'll watch the grass grow or the paint dry.  Melbourne will be a formidable opponent to combat. It could get ugly for Richmond.
  • Out: Rnd 6.  In: Bye
  • Most satisfying aspect of this year would be to see the Dees denied a B2B.
  • Three key midfield suppliers for the Dees, Langdon, Trac, Oliver.Tackle hard and make them pay.  Again, we must always have one defender zone behind Fritsch.  He marks from behind, he is similar to Dogs' Picken in the 2016 GF.  Miller running through Fritsch would lift the young fella's confidence.  The Dees are my most hated team this year.  Dees and daylight.

Some optimism, sort of:

  • Actually, I think the underdog has won every one of our games this year. We might be a chance.
  • This time last week I was confident.  Last night I doubted.  Now, ableit a few drinks deep, I am confident.  Let's do these xxxxx on the big stage.
  • Max Gawn is obviously huge for them , so I’d bring back in Soldo , the tag team has been great in the past against good rucks.
  • How hilarious would it be if we turned em over tho :mhihi
  • Response from another poster:
  • Not sure about "hilarious" though, craig.  Reckon I would drop dead from surprise if that were to eventruate!!
My absolute favourite: 
Aside from us winning it, there would be nothing better than seeing Melbourne beat Geelong in the Grand Final. Can you imagine it? It would do C.Snott's head in. Geelong losing another GF to a side going for back-to-back ... a side who has been no-hopers for much of his footballing life.  Make it happen.

From Bigfooty

After being fixated with the lop sided free kick count on Saturday they have turned their attention to our game.  They seem to think the free kicks were AFL payback on Dimma and Dimma didn't say anything about the umpiring as they think he's been muzzled by AFL after choice comments like:  past anti umpire comments, not wanting to play at Marvel stadium, blaming Dan's close contact rules for having one player out, etc. 

The gloomy: 

  • I can’t see how Reiwoldt plays next week  He’s a dinosaur now and the ball just pinged out of our forward line.
  • dees look [censored] tonight if they bring that next week we'll beat em
  • We will lose next week because Melbourne are too good, but should have won today.  Not sure the team will give a fu** enough to fight back from 2-4 after the [censored] they had to deal with today. 
  • The minute silence won’t be just for the Anzacs but our season. Could get ugly lol
  • We’ll lose by 100 next week
  • gws won the free kick count 24-18 tonight against the shemans at the G. that will be corrected next week by the umps
  • Am I the only one that still does not rate Melb? Lol ...
  • ...Yeah I don’t think they really have a weak spot over the whole ground , there not even out of second gear and they won by 70 points
  • Paint the picture. Dees win 24 straight. Unbackable shortest odds in history entering the GF and then half their team out with....well you know health and safety protocols. Oh the outrage from the cough,cough AFL boys club. They would postpone the GF for one week just to let them play I reckon.
  • Well good luck at least half filling the G next week. Constant anti-tigers umpiring, poor selections, [censored] timeslot, who would even bother considering who we are playing.

Some optimism:

  • dusty back next week.  sauce?  can't reveal my sauces
  • they just said dees haven't lost in 267 days  we're gonna win next week
  • they have beaten dogs by 26, suns by 13 , bummers by 29 , port by 32 and gws by 67.  we'll get em imo
  • Next week's going to be a very interesting match. Watched the ski brigade beat GWS after our game and it was their first really ominous performance of the year, they were very good. Prior to that, I would have said we were a red hot chance to knock them off. As things stand, I still believe that back at the 'G we're a chance, but we'll need to play far better and hope a few things go our way.

This bigfooty part shows why it is really good that DL keep the 'post game' and the 'next week' threads separate.  I had to wade through 26 pages of whinging!

Edited by Lucifers Hero
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15 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:


My absolute favourite: 
Aside from us winning it, there would be nothing better than seeing Melbourne beat Geelong in the Grand Final. Can you imagine it? It would do C.Snott's head in. Geelong losing another GF to a side going for back-to-back ... a side who has been no-hopers for much of his footballing life.  Make it happen.


Family Guy Cockroach GIF

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19 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

Do the umpires love us?

Loaded question on here I know, but genuinely surprised if teams think we get a good run from the umpires (I don’t think we get a bad run by the way).

Every supporter thinks their team is the hardest done by. Even the Dogs fans believe they get a bad deal from the umpires 🙄

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1 hour ago, Lucifers Hero said:


  • Most satisfying aspect of this year would be to see the Dees denied a B2B.

Watch and weep MoFo.


Edited by Fork 'em
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1 hour ago, Lucifers Hero said:

It seems Tiger fans have turned their attention to the next game.

From 'Punt Road End':

The gloomy:

  • Can we forfeit this game.  How did the VFL game go today?
  • Could be a smashing on the cards, particularly if they open Richmond up early in the game.
  • The Dees will obliterate us
  • Along with the green flogs loving them so much. Might break the free kick count record next week.
  • Rolling Jesus of the bench won't help next week.
  • The MC have to take the bull by the horns and start blooding more of our kids as it is obvious some of our established stars are currently not up to it. We also want players who can play four quarters and not cameos
  • I didn't see the game yesterday so have no idea.  Except to say God help us against the Dees
  • Sorry I can't watch this....I have to wash my hair
  • It's a toss up whether I'll watch the grass grow or the paint dry.  Melbourne will be a formidable opponent to combat. It could get ugly for Richmond.
  • Out: Rnd 6.  In: Bye
  • Most satisfying aspect of this year would be to see the Dees denied a B2B.
  • Three key midfield suppliers for the Dees, Langdon, Trac, Oliver.Tackle hard and make them pay.  Again, we must always have one defender zone behind Fritsch.  He marks from behind, he is similar to Dogs' Picken in the 2016 GF.  Miller running through Fritsch would lift the young fella's confidence.  The Dees are my most hated team this year.  Dees and daylight.

Some optimism, sort of:

  • Actually, I think the underdog has won every one of our games this year. We might be a chance.
  • This time last week I was confident.  Last night I doubted.  Now, ableit a few drinks deep, I am confident.  Let's do these xxxxx on the big stage.
  • Max Gawn is obviously huge for them , so I’d bring back in Soldo , the tag team has been great in the past against good rucks.
  • How hilarious would it be if we turned em over tho :mhihi
  • Response from another poster:
  • Not sure about "hilarious" though, craig.  Reckon I would drop dead from surprise if that were to eventruate!!
My absolute favourite: 
Aside from us winning it, there would be nothing better than seeing Melbourne beat Geelong in the Grand Final. Can you imagine it? It would do C.Snott's head in. Geelong losing another GF to a side going for back-to-back ... a side who has been no-hopers for much of his footballing life.  Make it happen.

From Bigfooty

After being fixated with the lop sided free kick count on Saturday they have turned their attention to our game.  They seem to think the free kicks were AFL payback on Dimma and Dimma didn't say anything about the umpiring as they think he's been muzzled by AFL after choice comments like:  past anti umpire comments, not wanting to play at Marvel stadium, blaming Dan's close contact rules for having one player out, etc. 

The gloomy: 

  • I can’t see how Reiwoldt plays next week  He’s a dinosaur now and the ball just pinged out of our forward line.
  • dees look [censored] tonight if they bring that next week we'll beat em
  • We will lose next week because Melbourne are too good, but should have won today.  Not sure the team will give a fu** enough to fight back from 2-4 after the [censored] they had to deal with today. 
  • The minute silence won’t be just for the Anzacs but our season. Could get ugly lol
  • We’ll lose by 100 next week
  • gws won the free kick count 24-18 tonight against the shemans at the G. that will be corrected next week by the umps
  • Am I the only one that still does not rate Melb? Lol ...
  • ...Yeah I don’t think they really have a weak spot over the whole ground , there not even out of second gear and they won by 70 points
  • Paint the picture. Dees win 24 straight. Unbackable shortest odds in history entering the GF and then half their team out with....well you know health and safety protocols. Oh the outrage from the cough,cough AFL boys club. They would postpone the GF for one week just to let them play I reckon.
  • Well good luck at least half filling the G next week. Constant anti-tigers umpiring, poor selections, [censored] timeslot, who would even bother considering who we are playing.

Some optimism:

  • dusty back next week.  sauce?  can't reveal my sauces
  • they just said dees haven't lost in 267 days  we're gonna win next week
  • they have beaten dogs by 26, suns by 13 , bummers by 29 , port by 32 and gws by 67.  we'll get em imo
  • Next week's going to be a very interesting match. Watched the ski brigade beat GWS after our game and it was their first really ominous performance of the year, they were very good. Prior to that, I would have said we were a red hot chance to knock them off. As things stand, I still believe that back at the 'G we're a chance, but we'll need to play far better and hope a few things go our way.

This bigfooty part shows why it is really good that DL keep the 'post game' and the 'next week' threads separate.  I had to wade through 26 pages of whinging!

Bravo for this effort.  Can 100% back this up and the 26 pages of whinging is no exaggeration AT ALL.

I too waded through those pages (Bigfooty) looking for something useful during a very quiet night shift last night.  Quite a bizarre place to be.  One poster's conspiracy theory regarding the umpire treatment linking back to the behaviour in the hub in 2020 and the AFL's desire to get rid of Hardwick was an absolute beauty.  I'll have to try and find it.

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Found it.  Also, someone calls Christian Salem "Christian Slalom" and really enjoyed his own work.

"they are corporate - of course they are hypocritical. Its not so much the affair which ruined him with the league - it was all the stuff that happened in the Gold Coast hub period. The Cotchins, Kebabgate etc. As i have said before, i have it on very very good authority that at a time when the AFL were scrambling to keep the competition running to avoid tens of millions of dollars lost....a literal lifetime or achievements [censored] away in one massive pandemic wee .... at a time when they were trying to work out the near impossible logistics of running a national league in a hub, re-accommodating 16 clubs, their entire list + their families, staff..... our club was BY FAR the most annoying, entitled and consuming of their time. Our demands were ridiculous - we had players contacting the VERY HIGH UP AFL officials about ridiculous request like asking for food to be delivered to their rooms at the AFLS cost. One story i heard was that a player contacted Gil directly to ask about getting their pet dog bought up to the hub on the basis that it was his GF's "emotional supporter" animal - it was totally, ******* ridiculous stuff. It all boiled over with the "Cotchins Wife" massage parlour thing. The club then got its [censored] together and just on the cusp of [censored] getting really dicey, Stack and CCJ pulled the "Kebabgate" [censored]. The AFL had ZERO time for our [censored], they saw 17 clubs doing everything they can to make this work & 1 being petulant flogs taking up their valuable time & then still nearly risked it all when they got in a streetfight breaking hub. The AFL had to suck some serious [censored] to convince the QLD govt to not send the entire league home. It was a BIG BIG DEAL.All the while when this is going on, the ******* coach was shacking up with a younger employee inside that same hub while his much adored wife sat at home with the kids. The AFL had a gutful.

As i said, when Dimma STUPIDLY made those comments about Stack missing a ******* VFL game about Dan Andrews - the AFL had zero ******* time for it & wanted him under that bus as quickly as possible. You reckon that [censored] blew up into front news story by accident?? the AFL had already seen our behaviour damage their reputation with the QLD govt, & here he is now damaging our reputation with the VIC govt - another ALP govt.

They are not going to take the knee off the RFC till Dimma is gone. Just like the Carlton / Elliot, Bombers / Hird & Collingwood Buckley/Macguire problem - it will not end till they have a scalp to hang on the wall as a clear example of "DO NOT fu** WITH THE SYSTEM"

The best thing we could do is let the blood be spilt, bottom out & take the pick along with the medicine they want to serve us. Its over folks. 33-13 says it all"

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26 minutes ago, BigFez said:

Found it.  Also, someone calls Christian Salem "Christian Slalom" and really enjoyed his own work.

"they are corporate - of course they are hypocritical. Its not so much the affair which ruined him with the league - it was all the stuff that happened in the Gold Coast hub period. The Cotchins, Kebabgate etc. As i have said before, i have it on very very good authority that at a time when the AFL were scrambling to keep the competition running to avoid tens of millions of dollars lost....a literal lifetime or achievements [censored] away in one massive pandemic wee .... at a time when they were trying to work out the near impossible logistics of running a national league in a hub, re-accommodating 16 clubs, their entire list + their families, staff..... our club was BY FAR the most annoying, entitled and consuming of their time. Our demands were ridiculous - we had players contacting the VERY HIGH UP AFL officials about ridiculous request like asking for food to be delivered to their rooms at the AFLS cost. One story i heard was that a player contacted Gil directly to ask about getting their pet dog bought up to the hub on the basis that it was his GF's "emotional supporter" animal - it was totally, ******* ridiculous stuff. It all boiled over with the "Cotchins Wife" massage parlour thing. The club then got its [censored] together and just on the cusp of [censored] getting really dicey, Stack and CCJ pulled the "Kebabgate" [censored]. The AFL had ZERO time for our [censored], they saw 17 clubs doing everything they can to make this work & 1 being petulant flogs taking up their valuable time & then still nearly risked it all when they got in a streetfight breaking hub. The AFL had to suck some serious [censored] to convince the QLD govt to not send the entire league home. It was a BIG BIG DEAL.All the while when this is going on, the ******* coach was shacking up with a younger employee inside that same hub while his much adored wife sat at home with the kids. The AFL had a gutful.

As i said, when Dimma STUPIDLY made those comments about Stack missing a ******* VFL game about Dan Andrews - the AFL had zero ******* time for it & wanted him under that bus as quickly as possible. You reckon that [censored] blew up into front news story by accident?? the AFL had already seen our behaviour damage their reputation with the QLD govt, & here he is now damaging our reputation with the VIC govt - another ALP govt.

They are not going to take the knee off the RFC till Dimma is gone. Just like the Carlton / Elliot, Bombers / Hird & Collingwood Buckley/Macguire problem - it will not end till they have a scalp to hang on the wall as a clear example of "DO NOT fu** WITH THE SYSTEM"

The best thing we could do is let the blood be spilt, bottom out & take the pick along with the medicine they want to serve us. Its over folks. 33-13 says it all"

He forgot about the topless bird posing with their 1st premiership medallion.
Doubt this is effecting the umpiring but he has fair points why the AFL would be [censored] with their organisation.
The whole club turned into fl0gs the minute they won their 1st GF.
Before actually.
My social media feed had a richmond supporting clown gloating before the game was even over.

Edited by Fork 'em
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8 minutes ago, Fork 'em said:

He forgot about the topless bird posing with their 1st premiership medallion.
Doubt this is effecting the umpiring but he has fair points why the AFL would be [censored] with their organisation.
The whole club turned into fl0gs the minute they won their 1st GF.
Before actually.
My social media feed had a richmond supporting clown gloating before the game was even over.

now, now, you shouldn't be saying things like that about "caro's angels"

unless you want a horde of bikies knocking on your door at 3am

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4 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

now, now, you shouldn't be saying things like that about "caro's angels"

unless you want a horde of bikies knocking on your door at 3am


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Their ‘gloomy’ makes me feel so happy😊

At the risk of sounding like I got some real issues and I can’t let go of the past….. what better reason is there for all of us to make a big effort to rock up to Richmond’s home game at the G, so that we fill the stands, grossly outnumber their supporters, make more noise, inflict more misery to them both on the ground and in the stands.

Edited by Wodjathefirst
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1 hour ago, BigFez said:

Found it.  Also, someone calls Christian Salem "Christian Slalom" and really enjoyed his own work.

"they are corporate - of course they are hypocritical. Its not so much the affair which ruined him with the league - it was all the stuff that happened in the Gold Coast hub period. The Cotchins, Kebabgate etc. As i have said before, i have it on very very good authority that at a time when the AFL were scrambling to keep the competition running to avoid tens of millions of dollars lost....a literal lifetime or achievements [censored] away in one massive pandemic wee .... at a time when they were trying to work out the near impossible logistics of running a national league in a hub, re-accommodating 16 clubs, their entire list + their families, staff..... our club was BY FAR the most annoying, entitled and consuming of their time. Our demands were ridiculous - we had players contacting the VERY HIGH UP AFL officials about ridiculous request like asking for food to be delivered to their rooms at the AFLS cost. One story i heard was that a player contacted Gil directly to ask about getting their pet dog bought up to the hub on the basis that it was his GF's "emotional supporter" animal - it was totally, ******* ridiculous stuff. It all boiled over with the "Cotchins Wife" massage parlour thing. The club then got its [censored] together and just on the cusp of [censored] getting really dicey, Stack and CCJ pulled the "Kebabgate" [censored]. The AFL had ZERO time for our [censored], they saw 17 clubs doing everything they can to make this work & 1 being petulant flogs taking up their valuable time & then still nearly risked it all when they got in a streetfight breaking hub. The AFL had to suck some serious [censored] to convince the QLD govt to not send the entire league home. It was a BIG BIG DEAL.All the while when this is going on, the ******* coach was shacking up with a younger employee inside that same hub while his much adored wife sat at home with the kids. The AFL had a gutful.

As i said, when Dimma STUPIDLY made those comments about Stack missing a ******* VFL game about Dan Andrews - the AFL had zero ******* time for it & wanted him under that bus as quickly as possible. You reckon that [censored] blew up into front news story by accident?? the AFL had already seen our behaviour damage their reputation with the QLD govt, & here he is now damaging our reputation with the VIC govt - another ALP govt.

They are not going to take the knee off the RFC till Dimma is gone. Just like the Carlton / Elliot, Bombers / Hird & Collingwood Buckley/Macguire problem - it will not end till they have a scalp to hang on the wall as a clear example of "DO NOT fu** WITH THE SYSTEM"

The best thing we could do is let the blood be spilt, bottom out & take the pick along with the medicine they want to serve us. Its over folks. 33-13 says it all"

I guess the rise of Melbourne really did start in the hub.

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2 hours ago, BigFez said:

Found it.  Also, someone calls Christian Salem "Christian Slalom" and really enjoyed his own work.

"they are corporate - of course they are hypocritical. Its not so much the affair which ruined him with the league - it was all the stuff that happened in the Gold Coast hub period. The Cotchins, Kebabgate etc. As i have said before, i have it on very very good authority that at a time when the AFL were scrambling to keep the competition running to avoid tens of millions of dollars lost....a literal lifetime or achievements [censored] away in one massive pandemic wee .... at a time when they were trying to work out the near impossible logistics of running a national league in a hub, re-accommodating 16 clubs, their entire list + their families, staff..... our club was BY FAR the most annoying, entitled and consuming of their time. Our demands were ridiculous - we had players contacting the VERY HIGH UP AFL officials about ridiculous request like asking for food to be delivered to their rooms at the AFLS cost. One story i heard was that a player contacted Gil directly to ask about getting their pet dog bought up to the hub on the basis that it was his GF's "emotional supporter" animal - it was totally, ******* ridiculous stuff. It all boiled over with the "Cotchins Wife" massage parlour thing. The club then got its [censored] together and just on the cusp of [censored] getting really dicey, Stack and CCJ pulled the "Kebabgate" [censored]. The AFL had ZERO time for our [censored], they saw 17 clubs doing everything they can to make this work & 1 being petulant flogs taking up their valuable time & then still nearly risked it all when they got in a streetfight breaking hub. The AFL had to suck some serious [censored] to convince the QLD govt to not send the entire league home. It was a BIG BIG DEAL.All the while when this is going on, the ******* coach was shacking up with a younger employee inside that same hub while his much adored wife sat at home with the kids. The AFL had a gutful.

As i said, when Dimma STUPIDLY made those comments about Stack missing a ******* VFL game about Dan Andrews - the AFL had zero ******* time for it & wanted him under that bus as quickly as possible. You reckon that [censored] blew up into front news story by accident?? the AFL had already seen our behaviour damage their reputation with the QLD govt, & here he is now damaging our reputation with the VIC govt - another ALP govt.

They are not going to take the knee off the RFC till Dimma is gone. Just like the Carlton / Elliot, Bombers / Hird & Collingwood Buckley/Macguire problem - it will not end till they have a scalp to hang on the wall as a clear example of "DO NOT fu** WITH THE SYSTEM"

The best thing we could do is let the blood be spilt, bottom out & take the pick along with the medicine they want to serve us. Its over folks. 33-13 says it all"

Was that from Telegram? 

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4 hours ago, Lucifers Hero said:

Well good luck at least half filling the G next week. Constant anti-tigers umpiring, poor selections, [censored] timeslot, who would even bother considering who we are playing.

I have wondered if this sentiment has affected our crowds. Bummers supporters dispirited coming into our game. Same Port. Same GWS (although their 50 supporters wouldn't have made much difference).


2 hours ago, BigFez said:

Bravo for this effort.  Can 100% back this up and the 26 pages of whinging is no exaggeration AT ALL.

Yeah, I had a brief look yesterday and this morning and they've lost the plot! Only one or two recognise that their "bad run" with the umps is because they play on the edge, and no longer have the skills to get away with it.


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I saw a Tiger's team close to their recent winning best only 2 weeks ago.  I would not take them lightly at all.  We'll need to bring our best on the night.  Hopefully the boys can maintain the rage and the hunt but quietly confident we can bring it and get over the line for the baker's dozen.

Also looking forward to seeing BB back to stretch them a little up forward and hit the scoreboard.

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We haven't lost in 278 days if i'm doing my maths right. How dare they be factually incorrect about our greatness!

My maths is incorrect* still how dare they deny our greatness!

Edited by MurDoc516
math is hard
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- “they have beaten dogs by 26, suns by 13 , bummers by 29 , port by 32 and gws by 67.  we'll get em imo”

And they’ve lost to Carlton (25), St Kilda (33), Adelaide (19) and beaten Bulldogs (38), GWS (36). I’d like to know this persons thought process and reasoning. 

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    They’re billing the Brisbane Lions as a sleeping giant — the best team outside the top eight —and based on their form this month they’re a definite contender for September AFL action. Which is not exactly the best of news if you happen to be Melbourne, the visiting team this week up at the Gabba.  Even though they are placed ahead of their opponent on the AFL table, and they managed to stave off defeat in their last round victory over North Melbourne, this week’s visitors to the Sunshi

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    WILDCARDS by KC from Casey

    Casey’s season continued to drift into helplessness on Sunday when they lost another home game by a narrow margin, this time six points, in their Round 13 clash with North Melbourne’s VFL combination. The game was in stunning contrast to their last meeting at the same venue when Casey won the VFL Wildcard Match by 101 points. Back then, their standout players were Brodie Grundy and James Jordon who are starring in the AFL with ladder leaders, the Sydney Swans (it turned out to be their last

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