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13 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

Did anyone just catch Bevo's presser? Absolutely went nuts at Tom Morris for the Lachie Hunter story. Was quite Extraordinary. 

Bevo walked straight out immediately. 



It was an extraordinary outburst and very entertaining. I can understand Bevo not wanting to be in the same room as Tom Morris and while I think he is right to be upset about info re team selection being leaked he should focus on who is leaking info from inside the club and air his grievance with the media via formal channels. Very entertaining none the less!

  • Vomit 1

14 minutes ago, one_demon said:

Can anyone recall a more viscous attack of a journalist in The AFL?

Different situation but Mark Jackson on Open Mike. 

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I know it's not a litmus test of what's right (in fact, it's most likely the opposite), but the comments on social media posts for this story look to be overwhelmingly FOR Bevo's actions. Lots of 'Onya, Bevo!' and 'good on him for sticking it to gutter trash journalists', 'journalists have no integrity, it's about time someone called them out on it' etc. They're probably (hopefully) mostly Doggies or Doggie bots trying to swing the season their way (which appears to be working with free kicks, at least). 

* For the record, I occasionally trawl social media posts for lols, not for news/truth, and usually when on the can.

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Good news is this has put Bevo and the Dogs in the Spotlight (and for all the wrong reasons). Happy for us to fly under the radar for as long as possible!!!

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I am not sure there could be greater evidence that we have got the edge (mental, physical, ability etc) over the dogs, than the coach irrationally losing the plot and abusing and bullying a journalist at the press conference.

What a time to be alive!

go demons 

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1 hour ago, Jaded No More said:

It still makes me laugh that Bevo thinks that leaking Hunter's non selection is so damaging that it could have been why they lost.

Mate, Hunter is an average plodder. Goodwin would have given him 0.4 seconds of air time in the team meeting. 

Also the late outs and playing swings and roundabouts with your selections is really odd. Such a dumb thing to waste energy on, up there with cracking the sads over a crappy doof doof song.

Spot on.  Of all the things to get angry about, Bevo chose this?  A minor and utterly inconsequential selection change comes out 10 hours early.  Like whoop de dooo.  And now people are praising Bevo for sticking up for his players who have been attacked?!?!  How can anyone draw that conclusion.

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  • Shocked 1

This could seriously derail their season, a witch-hunt for the leaker could follow, there is clearly tensions as someone in the football department is undermining Bevo. He came across as unhinged last night and if it becomes the distraction it could be, Dogs could lose the plot…

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32 minutes ago, Pates said:

Said this in the post-match thread, after all the carp the HS ran on Goody regarding allegations of bullying here is a coach being an actual bully towards a person doing his job whether you like him or not. He gets a story regarding a player being on the outs, there is no footy journalist who isn’t going to run it. His issue is the leak which is an issue for him and his club. 

The way we handled the Goody/Doctor/bullying allegations (non) story was textbook and professional. What Bevo did was unprofessional and actual bullying. 

And LIVE on camera to boot. With Goody there is still some aspect of "he said, she said" to the "bullying" allegations. This was public for everyone to see.

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30 minutes ago, one_demon said:

Can anyone recall a more viscous attack of a journalist in The AFL?

Not as viscous but ..... (to Geoff Poulter)


  • Haha 1
  • Vomit 1

13 hours ago, Demonland said:

Wow. He's blaming their own leaks on Tom Morris because he's a Dees supporters. Pretty sure he would have released it whether it was the Dees or not. Right or wrong that's another story.

Given that Tom Morris was banished from our inner sanctum for reporting some of the club's dirty laundry shows that he will report leaks wherever they come from. While he annoys me and I wouldn't want to spend too much time in the same room as him, he is good at his job and handled Bevo's extraordinary outburst well.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Chook said:


There is precedent for this!



Bevo loves doing this type of stuff, creating the us V's the world type attitude for his players to feed off.  The teams performance for 3 qtrs of football was terrible, Bont had no influence which adds to the stop Bont and you stop the dogs.

A Journo's job is to unearth stories, report on the information they have and hopefully be the first to break it.  It seems that the info Morris had was spot on and the dogs are upset it got out.  That isn't the Journo's issue that is the clubs issue.

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In this situation I would defend any footy journo going around ... even Barrett (I feel dirty saying that) but I'm struggling with Morris. He is the epitome of the self-serving gutter journo. Morris poked the bear and the bear not only snapped but utterly lost it. Right message, totally inappropriate and unhinged delivery by Bevvo.

The amusing part was Bevvo's claim that Morris the weasel's motivation was that he barracked for Melbourne. He should know Melbourne will have nothing to do with Morris even if he does unfortunately support the Dees.

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51 minutes ago, one_demon said:

Can anyone recall a more viscous attack of a journalist in The AFL?

Mick Malthouse was famous for a few riot acts.

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If you want some more history about Bevo's irrational carry on against the media, have a listen to the AFL Today podcast.  He needs support.

  • Sad 1
6 minutes ago, Roger Mellie said:

In this situation I would defend any footy journo going around ... even Barrett (I feel dirty saying that) but I'm struggling with Morris. He is the epitome of the self-serving gutter journo. Morris poked the bear and the bear not only snapped but utterly lost it. Right message, totally inappropriate and unhinged delivery by Bevvo.

The amusing part was Bevvo's claim that Morris the weasel's motivation was that he barracked for Melbourne. He should know Melbourne will have nothing to do with Morris even if he does unfortunately support the Dees.

Morris would have reported this story/leak if the Bulldogs were playing Richmond, Carlton or Dimboola Thirds.

The fact that he supports Melbourne is a moot point. Perhaps Bevo intentionally threw the Grand Final because he once played for the Dees.

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  • Haha 6

51 minutes ago, DeeZone said:

To be honest I felt embarrassed for Bevo and Tom Morris the more he went on made me think that he is a bit unhinged, I hope that he doesn’t Bully his players or staff in the same manner. Get a grip Bevo.!!

I can understand being embarrassed for Bevo because he was in the wrong, in the moment at the Press Conference and he is representing not only the four legged Dogs ( who lost) but he is representing the AFL and I am sure they will look down on what Bevo did. Maybe even a fine. $$$$$$$$$$$$  ...  If Bevo has an issue with Morris, who by the way is a former MFC employee of a few years ago... he should have taken it up with Morris privately. Morris's employment is as a reporter for FOX and as so is/was just doing his job. Frankly the main point I fear is being missed here and that is the childish attitudes of the Bulldogs in manipulating a Team selection of Sunday for what I believe was retribution for Morris, which they knew about beforehand - all to try and embarrass Morris... But guess what Bevo, it backfired didn't it ! and you wanted a Public place to take it out on him personally. Don't tell me it was a spur of the moment action by Beveridge.... It was a form of retribution as I said.. Added to Bevo's feelings were that fact that his Team lost the game as well.. Sour loser Bevo  !!!!   Grow up and face the music like we did with regards to the false Goody publicity. We grew from that - you failed miserably. Bevo - your players will not even appreciate what you did because they know it's verboten !!! 

  • Thanks 1


I still can't get over that a report over whether one player would/wouldn't be playing sent the Dogs into "turmoil". All clubs allow for last minute oppo team changes in their choice of interchange and medical sub. Dogs have lost focus.

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9 minutes ago, Demonland said:

Dropped the shoulder into Purple at the Brownlow medal count.

What a plonker!

I would've went a headbutt. 

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

I still can't get over that a report over whether one player would/wouldn't be playing sent the Dogs into "turmoil". All clubs allow for last minute oppo team changes in their choice of interchange and medical sub. Dogs have lost focus.

It's so bizarre. To me it seems that Tom Morris was right that Hunter was going to be dropped, or the case of Round 1, not be selected and that once that "story" broke Bevo picked him anyway as a [censored] you to Tom Morris. If this is the case, and I'm not suggesting it is that's just my reading of the situation, then that is just infantile behaviour and is going to affect the Bulldogs more than it would us.

Then to make him the medical sub that's almost cutting your nose off to spite your face. He was bluffing and rather than fold he just went all the way in.


I don't get the outpouring of moral outrage over this matter.

Have a scan through Demonland and you will find any number of posts slamming journos/the media for various amalgams of inaccuracy, stupidity, immorality, venality etc etc.

So a coach loses it and gets stuck into a journo ( yes unprofessional for someone in that position) but ......... do I really give a [censored] ..... not at all.

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The impact of the story of Hunter playing/not playing has about as much impact as reporting that the team will be wearing their clash strip, inside out. It doesn't even matter if it's accurate or not. It's such small potatoes thing to get wound up over. Morris is practically an innocent bystander swept up by whatever madness is going on at Barkly St.

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