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Sam Weideman Re-signs Until 2021

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I'm pleased Sam has stayed for another 2 years. Based on his comments, perhaps he'll relax more and show the form of late last year. 

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Oh no !! This is terrible news. Now that he's re- signed, his form will drop right off.

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2 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls. There’s ALWAYS going to be pressure of one kind or another. Some guys lap it up, others it eats them up and spits them out.

There’s nowhere to hide for worriers and second guessers patrolling an AFL forward line.

Sam’s challenge over the next 24 months, whether in the seniors or at Casey, is to transform his mindset from WORRIER to WARRIOR. Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see.

What an amazingly insensitive post...no wonder Sam went to some dark places if he was reading this type of thing !! 

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2 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls. There’s ALWAYS going to be pressure of one kind or another. Some guys lap it up, others it eats them up and spits them out.

There’s nowhere to hide for worriers and second guessers patrolling an AFL forward line.

Sam’s challenge over the next 24 months, whether in the seniors or at Casey, is to transform his mindset from WORRIER to WARRIOR. Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see.

I have a lot of confidence in you, that every time I see your handle some ridiculousness has been posted... good to see your consistent. 

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4 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

From our newsbreaker @Dee Zephyr

Fantastic news.

Weight off my shoulders

From Sam:

“I’m a Demon through and through now,” he said.  “I love the club, I love the players and I love the supporters, so it’s a team that I’m going to be barracking for the rest of my life, so I can’t wait for the years to come.”




I  Love this Kid...   Go  Weide.!!!   Go - Wild.!!!


Edited by DV8
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1 hour ago, leave it to deever said:

Dosnt ones agent work on instructions from client?

One would hope so, but do they? In an ideal world, but we don't live in one. I'm not accusing anybody, but sometimes things can get out of your own control, and before you realize it, there is a problem. Especially when you are young.

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3 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls. There’s ALWAYS going to be pressure of one kind or another. Some guys lap it up, others it eats them up and spits them out.

There’s nowhere to hide for worriers and second guessers patrolling an AFL forward line.

Sam’s challenge over the next 24 months, whether in the seniors or at Casey, is to transform his mindset from WORRIER to WARRIOR. Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see.

He's just a kid. 

I'll bet it will be very different for him,  on his next contract.  When he'll be much more mature.

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3 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls. There’s ALWAYS going to be pressure of one kind or another. Some guys lap it up, others it eats them up and spits them out.

There’s nowhere to hide for worriers and second guessers patrolling an AFL forward line.

Sam’s challenge over the next 24 months, whether in the seniors or at Casey, is to transform his mindset from WORRIER to WARRIOR. Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see.

You are making those up, it's not even an opinion, it's just plain made up.

The irony is not lost that Weid is openly discussing online trolls and some on here are calling him names and pedalling negative discussion about his commitment to the club.

I think this is the polite verion of what he thinks:

"I think there’s a lot of passion coming out in their comments and I don’t think they understand the power it can have on the players and how much effect it can have,” Weideman said.  “We don’t go searching for these sorts of comments­­­­ but sometimes they’re quite direct and unavoidable."


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11 minutes ago, DV8 said:

He's just a kid. 

I'll bet it will be very different for him,  on his next contract.  When he'll be much more mature.

He's not a kid anymore DV8. He's a soon-to-be 22yo young man playing elite level professional sport.

To quote Gandhi:

"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." 

Emotions and sensitivities do not change this reality.

Sam needs a change of mindset pronto if he's going to succeed in this game. This 'aint Ozkick where everyone gets a fair go. 

The positive thing is that courage and confidence are not inherent qualities. With the right support and encouragement they can be acquired. But it takes effort and diligence and unwavering belief. 

The clock is ticking.

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2 minutes ago, Matsuo Basho said:

He's not a kid anymore DV8. He's a soon-to-be 22yo young man playing elite level professional sport. 

To quote Gandhi: 

"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." 

Emotions and sensitivities do not change this reality.

Sam needs a change of mindset pronto if he's going to succeed in this game. This 'aint Ozkick where everyone gets a fair go. 

The positive thing is that courage and confidence are not inherent qualities. With the right support and encouragement they can be acquired. But it takes effort and diligence and unwavering belief. 

The clock is ticking.

He's just a baby 'MB'.   in key-talls years.  just  a boy.  about to bloom.

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16 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

You are making those up, it's not even an opinion, it's just plain made up.

The irony is not lost that Weid is openly discussing online trolls and some on here are calling him names and pedalling negative discussion about his commitment to the club.

I think this is the polite verion of what he thinks:

"I think there’s a lot of passion coming out in their comments and I don’t think they understand the power it can have on the players and how much effect it can have,” Weideman said.  “We don’t go searching for these sorts of comments­­­­ but sometimes they’re quite direct and unavoidable."


Nowhere, in any thread about Weideman, have I "called him names" or questioned "his commitment to the club". Not once anywhere.

And you have the gall to accuse me of making things up?

I formulated a perfectly valid opinion based on this comment by him:

“It was a lot of pressure which I didn’t really enjoy too much. It affected me quite hard mentally and affected my footy as well."

I want the young man to succeed. But this comment concerns me. That is all.


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Awesome news, well done Weid. 

He could have held out til seasons end hoping he would have a big second half of the season and gotten a bigger contract, but he chose to sign on now.   Thats a great commitment to the club.

Edited by Petraccattack
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3 hours ago, binman said:

Smokey if i recall from previous posts of yours am i right in saying you are younger fella (by that i mean younger than most of the middle age men like myself who post here)? 

The reason i ask is that it seems to be there has been a positive shift with young men who are more comfortable expressing how they actually feel and not hiding behind the faux stoicism that my generation uses as some sort of distorted template on how a man should act publicly.

Do you think my sense of that shift is accurate?

I for one thing think it is brilliant that Sam is confident enough in his own sense of self that he can be open about his vulnerabilities. I have near adult son and my hope for him is that he can articulate his what is going on for him and not feel the need to hide it behind a wall of machismo.


Sounds like I would qualify as a 'younger fella' under those terms. My work also has me engaged with young people, as well as researching attitudes around identity and the like. 

I would suggest that you are correct in that ideas around masculine identity and expressions traditionally 'alpha' attitudes are undergoing a significant change, with a large portion of that stemming from young people. Traditional gender roles have been making way for new, socially-centered expressions of what it means to be male (and indeed female, or any non-binary) for so time, with these trends gaining more public traction in more recent times. Under these new terms, expressions of vulnerability and emotion, as has been shown by Sam in this interview, are not only allowed, but encouraged as both a healthy way of engaging with the world and nothing to be considered as abnormal.

Rest assured that your son is entering into a very different world that you may have seen as a young adult.


Having said that, there is also clear evidence of a reaction against this, and a retreat into more traditional, hyper-masculine, and conservative male roles that are tied to biology and social/political structures that have been around for millennia.

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4 hours ago, Matsuo Basho said:

This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls. There’s ALWAYS going to be pressure of one kind or another. Some guys lap it up, others it eats them up and spits them out.

There’s nowhere to hide for worriers and second guessers patrolling an AFL forward line.

Sam’s challenge over the next 24 months, whether in the seniors or at Casey, is to transform his mindset from WORRIER to WARRIOR. Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see.

Please tell me you are in no way involved in the training , personal development, mentoring or support of young people.

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5 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

From our newsbreaker @Dee Zephyr

Fantastic news.

Weight off my shoulders

From Sam:

“I’m a Demon through and through now,” he said.  “I love the club, I love the players and I love the supporters, so it’s a team that I’m going to be barracking for the rest of my life, so I can’t wait for the years to come.”

Hope that Eddie reads that!

It sounds like the contract negotiations have taken a real toll which might explain why his form has dropped off this year.

Now that the load is lifted he can just focus on footy!

Really look forward to his development and being a major cog in our team.

Time to get behind him!

LH it's only my opinion but i don't think his form has dropped this year vs 2018, other than goal kicking accuracy (slightly).  I reckon he has improved (marginally) which is quite a good effort in a very poor year from a guy with only a 20 odd games under his belt.  Coming off a fairly low base but yeh.  General output (composite averages) up 9.7% statistically on 2018, ranked slightly ahead of T-Mac.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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34 minutes ago, Matsuo Basho said:

Nowhere, in any thread about Weideman, have I "called him names" or questioned "his commitment to the club". Not once anywhere.

And you have the gall to accuse me of making things up?

I formulated a perfectly valid opinion based on this comment by him:

“It was a lot of pressure which I didn’t really enjoy too much. It affected me quite hard mentally and affected my footy as well."

I want the young man to succeed. But this comment concerns me. That is all.


Throughout this thread you have indeed questioned Sam's mental toughness, commitment to the team (and to football generally), and expressed that he does perhaps does not have the fortitude to cope with modern football.


Maybe Sam expressing himself in such a way actually demonstrates mental toughness and an ability to cope with an industry that, as you suggest, chews individuals up and spits them out. That is, of course, not to mention that masculinity and an ability to cope with a difficult situation is in no way linked to expressions of 'alpha' attitudes or traits within the individual. If, as you say, it's all about mindset, then Sam's self-reflective and honest mindset should prove to be a great asset when he faces difficult times in his career.


Although maybe Goodwin simply yelled at him for missing that goal like you suggested he should in another thread, and so Sam just submitted and signed the contract extension. Though this seems unlikely to me considering the intelligent manner with which Sam presents.

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4 hours ago, binman said:

Smokey if i recall from previous posts of yours am i right in saying you are younger fella (by that i mean younger than most of the middle age men like myself who post here)? 

The reason i ask is that it seems to be there has been a positive shift with young men who are more comfortable expressing how they actually feel and not hiding behind the faux stoicism that my generation uses as some sort of distorted template on how a man should act publicly.

Do you think my sense of that shift is accurate?

I for one thing think it is brilliant that Sam is confident enough in his own sense of self that he can be open about his vulnerabilities. I have near adult son and my hope for him is that he can articulate his what is going on for him and not feel the need to hide it behind a wall of machismo.


I'm in that "younger" group that posts here (I'm 28 now) and there has definitely been a shift in the perception for mental health. I had to take some days off recently from my job due to my anxiety and I was honest about it. My boss who is an absolute country boy sent me a lovely message about how they were all behind me and would support me. I think the main issue is still about getting people to talk about it.

You read on other sites about if AFL footballers take time off due to mental health issues it always must be a drug problem. I can't imagine the sort of pressure they are under. I can absolutely understand people like Tom Boyd retiring from the game early. People were pooing on him since he got traded from the start. Just dont read it they say, you get paid a lot of money so why does it matter. Once it gets in your head it isn't going to leave easily for most.

You go into the season with the big name full forward leaving and then your manager comes out saying that you are worth 650k a year, thanks mate I didn't have a full plate before that.

I remember a close friend of mine starting a facebook awareness campaign addressing ones mental health problems and it was hard enough for me to post about it then.I could see it in my friend when i was younger looking back. When I was 16 he kept asking me if there was anything more in life, wondering if this was it.

I thought I understood what he meant and said that yeah, the thing missing was that you try and find somebody to love. My friends and me talked about it and we obviously didn't grasp what was really going on. Then time goes on and you realise what he was actually going through once you experience it. I guess hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

I can't imagine how hard it would be for players to confide to friends or family worrying it could come out, let alone to the public.

My friend who has been struggling with depression for 10+ years runs a fundraiser every year at his work with the help of his family who has raised thousands of dollars for the R U OK foundation and he is my inspiration.

Sorry it became a bit of a blog post in the end.

Edit: If any of our cheersquad reads here, get behind him and make a banner

Edited by Phadraig
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42 minutes ago, Matsuo Basho said:

Nowhere, in any thread about Weideman, have I "called him names" or questioned "his commitment to the club". Not once anywhere.

And you have the gall to accuse me of making things up?

I formulated a perfectly valid opinion based on this comment by him:

“It was a lot of pressure which I didn’t really enjoy too much. It affected me quite hard mentally and affected my footy as well."

I want the young man to succeed. But this comment concerns me. That is all.


"This comment doesn’t instil confidence to be frank. It may sound harsh but this is a brutal game which doesn’t care much for sensitive souls... Success is not going to ‘just happen’ for him as we can plainly see."

So I guess calling him a "sensitive soul" was a compliment then. I've not read one positive comment about Weid from you on this thread. That's called pedalling a negative narrative.

This obsession with trading for a key forward and bagging our current ones is repetitive and tiresome. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it "perfectly valid".



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