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Adam Goodes

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who are they moonie?

or have you been reading fairy tales again?

Reminds me of a religious studies class when I was a kid... the teacher asked if anyone could name the Holy Trinity... one kid piped up with Moe, Larry and Curly.

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It's interesting that this thread has is its origin in the actions of a spokesman for Australia's indigenous population, which by world standards is an extreme minority (< 2% of Australia's population). The very happy irony here is that at the highest level of the sport we love, Indigenous Australians are over represented currently by something like 800%. They have a serious and spectacular talent for our 'indigenous' game, and undoubtedly provide a defining quality of Australian football. That it gives them a platform to promote their importance to Australian culture and identity is no surprise, and if Adam Goodes chooses to dance on that platform then more power to him. Even those on here who reject his gestures have to admit the significance of them. Our game is arguably the most publicly visible arena this country has for indigenous exposure. Goodes knows it, the AFL knows it, and as the haters fall away (and they will) history will treat him and the game as powerfully progressive in achieving recognition and respect for Indigenous Australians.

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White racially divisive man .... Bad.

Aboriginal racially divisive man ..... Good.

Since when is showing pride and passion for your people during Indigenous round divisive ?

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Can I just say people need to rewatch Goode's press conference after he called out that girl.

He said he turned and pointed, but had not noticed it was such a young girl until it was to late.

He also said while it is sad that someone young had not been taught that it isn't ok to do, if he had his time again, he would not have pointed her out.

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Thank you for your kind words binman, I feel the warmth of your comments I really do!

Despite your claim that "Adam" has the super- abilities to hurt and heal lost souls I cannot be swayed from my assessment of Goodes :

"A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama".

Put In simple form: your idol has feet of clay, your emperor no clothes, immature and a bully in need of considerable "work" before

becoming a credible spokesman for lemonade let alone Indigenous Australians!

But these are just words, I have another gif (as you call them) to help illustrate my point . . Enjoy!

Adam Goodes picks on someone his own age . . . . .


Adam Goodes pointing out the girl who racially abused him. He cracked after copping the same abuse for his entire life. He later spoke of compassion for the girl. It was a hard lesson for sure but not as hard as the [censored] he and his people have had to edure for over 200 years

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Adam Goodes pointing out the girl who racially abused him. He cracked after copping the same abuse for his entire life. He later spoke of compassion for the girl. It was a hard lesson for sure but not as hard as the [censored] he and his people have had to edure for over 200 years

adam is 200 years old? i didn't know that :lol:

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As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, Dustin Martin was issued a $2000 suspended fine for making the crossed arm gesture during a game against Carlton.

The Afl's justification for this fine was that "portions of the crowd or audience may be upset" by Martins actions.

It is very clear from this thread and social media in general that a portion of the crowd or audience on Friday (be they racists, bigots or otherwise) WERE upset by Adam Goodes' actions, and although I and most of the fair minded football public took no offence, the Afl has set a precedent and in the interests of consistency Goodes should have been issued a suspended fine.

After all, isn't the definition of racism treating someone differently because of their race?

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As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, Dustin Martin was issued a $2000 suspended fine for making the crossed arm gesture during a game against Carlton.

The Afl's justification for this fine was that "portions of the crowd or audience may be upset" by Martins actions.

It is very clear from this thread and social media in general that a portion of the crowd or audience on Friday (be they racists, bigots or otherwise) WERE upset by Adam Goodes' actions, and although I and most of the fair minded football public took no offence, the Afl has set a precedent and in the interests of consistency Goodes should have been issued a suspended fine.

After all, isn't the definition of racism treating someone differently because of their race?

on the other hand, crossed wrist and other such gestures may not attract a fine/censure in future

the afl is not noted for its mgmt consistency, nor is/should it be a judge of social mores or frontier justice

as usual the afl has deftly engineered itself into a sticky place

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Adam Goodes pointing out the girl who racially abused him. He cracked after copping the same abuse for his entire life. He later spoke of compassion for the girl. It was a hard lesson for sure but not as hard as the [censored] he and his people have had to edure for over 200 years

You could be right Roost, so I've taken another look . .

I decided to reframe this whole incident by using a more factual caption and see where that might lead.

My choice: "Indigenous tribal elder humiliates 13 yo white girl"! is factual enough (if a bit confronting).

Then I went to the academic literature to learn up on how women in general were treated in primitive

Australian societies and specifically young women and their treatment by tribal elders.

Lots of peer reviewed literature out there, I could post a selection here if you wish but to read it

could be detrimental to your innocence!

My next step was to ask "does a tribal elder in 21st century Australia hold the same attitudes toward

women, do they sanction those same behaviors?" Adam needs to step up and answer that one for me!

My take 'Roost it' is: if you want to set yourself up as a leader of your people then you better take ownership

of the good and the bad the romantic and the barbaric, better be aware of the dark symbolism you portray and

don't ever play the guilt game with modern multicultural Australians, you will be found out!

Adam has been "found out" and is being treated accordingly!


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Apart from the fact that there are a surprising number of bigots on these forums, I haven't got much out of it that is likely to sway my opinion that Goodes did nothing wrong in being an indigenous player performing an indigenous "tribal war dance" during a match that was a part of the indigenous round as a celebration of his scoring a goal.

My opinion that he did nothing untoward in partly directing that celebration at a group of Carlton supporters who had been jeering him from the opening siren up until that point in time has not and will not change.

My opinion that he was right in outing the racism that was directed at him two years ago and that he would not have realised the age of the person he pointed out has not changed... although I did learn that he publicly went to the defence of the girl once he did know the details and it was the media who "crucified" her.

So even when he knew the details he stated, "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl". She's lucky she's got a friend like Goodes.

The rest of your answer proved my point. You've got nothing out of the thread, which is no different to the poster you were criticising.

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So even when he knew the details he stated, "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl". She's lucky she's got a friend like Goodes.

The rest of your answer proved my point. You've got nothing out of the thread, which is no different to the poster you were criticising.

Ok Hannibal, you have quoted this line in the past (in those exact words), but if you do a little searching, you will find that your paraphrasing of the original does it no justice... the original being:

"AFL Players Association CEO Matt Finnis said the esteem with which Goodes is held within the playing group no doubt contributed to the strength of the response.

“When you see a player who is so decorated and so accomplished a player in Adam Goodes and you see him in a vulnerable moment that’s a pretty stark reality for players,” Finnis said.

“The fact that we have players voicing their disapproval towards an incident like this and we have players reporting fans from their club who make racist remarks demonstrate the progress the game has made in recent times.

But as Adam said, if racism has a face and it’s a 13-year-old girl we still have work to do.” (note the IF Hannibal)

AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou agreed."

It was very apparent that Goodes was referring to the fact that the media had gone on a feeding frenzy and despite his best efforts to take the heat off her via social media and press conferences, she did become the "face" connected with racist comments directed at Goodes.

Of course, that doesn't suit your agenda does it, so you paraphrase to make it sound like Goodes was singling the girl out for treatment when in fact he did the exact opposite once he realised that his "attacker" was a 13 year old girl (something there was no way he could have known at the time of pointing her out in the crowd in the heat of the moment).

Edited by hardtack
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In all seriousness it is really positive to see that there are so many posters with enlightened views about the various issues covered in this thread. Of course, as this a microcosm of our society there is a small minority who display shocking bigotry and lack of understanding however it is heartening that these are in the minority, at least here on DL.

Australia has a long long way to go though. It is shameful to think that it was 1962 before all adult Aboriginals were eligible to vote in federal elections, 1965 before all states gave Aboriginals full voting rights in state elections and 1967 before Aboriginal were counted in the census - 1967. Many posters on this site were probably born before then. And some wonders why Aboriginals can't let things go.

Edited by binman
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I decided to reframe this whole incident by using a more factual caption and see where that might lead.

My choice: "Indigenous tribal elder humiliates 13 yo white girl"! is factual enough (if a bit confronting).

Racist. Simple as that. No "reframing" required.

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Ok Hannibal, you have quoted this line in the past (in those exact words), but if you do a little searching, you will find that your paraphrasing of the original does it no justice... the original being:

"AFL Players Association CEO Matt Finnis said the esteem with which Goodes is held within the playing group no doubt contributed to the strength of the response.

“When you see a player who is so decorated and so accomplished a player in Adam Goodes and you see him in a vulnerable moment that’s a pretty stark reality for players,” Finnis said.

“The fact that we have players voicing their disapproval towards an incident like this and we have players reporting fans from their club who make racist remarks demonstrate the progress the game has made in recent times.

But as Adam said, if racism has a face and it’s a 13-year-old girl we still have work to do.” (note the IF Hannibal)

AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou agreed."

It was very apparent that Goodes was referring to the fact that the media had gone on a feeding frenzy and despite his best efforts to take the heat off her via social media and press conferences, she did become the "face" connected with racist comments directed at Goodes.

Of course, that doesn't suit your agenda does it, so you paraphrase to make it sound like Goodes was singling the girl out for treatment when in fact he did the exact opposite once he realised that his "attacker" was a 13 year old girl (something there was no way he could have known at the time of pointing her out in the crowd in the heat of the moment).

Oh dear...

It was reported everywhere that Goodes said, 'Racism had a face ... and it was a 13-year-old girl - but it's not her fault,".

Google that exact line and see what you come up with. And then apologise.

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Oh dear...

It was reported everywhere that Goodes said, 'Racism had a face ... and it was a 13-year-old girl - but it's not her fault,".

Google that exact line and see what you come up with. And then apologise.

He just posted the actual article ya stooge.

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Goodes is not portraying him or his people as perfect, far from it, He's standing up for what he believes. He believes his people were wronged and continue to be. He believes racism must end however difficult that is.He puts his view forward with passion and pride. Something I know Prodee has none of. He wouldn't know true connection to a people or a place if it bit him on the arse Prodee you're basically a neocon complete with the white supremacist, money is all, power is everything bolony that was probably shoved down your throat like a good little boy by your parents and the private school you went to.Time to get your snout out of the trough and realise how wrong you and those like you have got it.

Edited by Roost It
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Oh dear...

It was reported everywhere that Goodes said, 'Racism had a face ... and it was a 13-year-old girl - but it's not her fault,".

Google that exact line and see what you come up with. And then apologise.

I Googled your initially quoted "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl" and came up with a grand total of 5 hits, one of which I cited above (aflplayers dot com)... the others were from Magpies dot net, a Bigfooty (mega) thread, Demonland (your quote that I linked to) and the other was in the reader comments in response to a Peter Fitzsimons article in Real Footy.

Searching with your latest quote turns up a few more hits (thank you for that), but it still changes nothing to do with the fact that you are skewing it to suit your agenda. In your other post above, you conveniently left out the "but it's not her fault" in order to add some drama and to justify your stand against him.

You didn't earn an apology since I could only use the selective quote you provided in that other post. Sorry Hannibal, not even close, and certainly no cigar.

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I always thought that half blooded Aborigines were not readily accepted by full-blood society, that they considered them inferior, wonder how THEY feel about Goodes representing them.

Edited by AzzKikA
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Couldn't we move this topic to the General Discussion, non football section. The incident itself did not initially involve Melbourne or its supporters although the consequences certainly will. The topic itself transcends football and as such deserves debate and discussion, but away from the section which is intended to discuss Melbourne, its players and our successes and failures.

Thirdly the matter was initially discussed by posters with opinions on both sides of the fence contributing worthwhile opinions, namely the awareness of aboriginal culture and sense of pride and non aboriginal Australia's duty to aboriginal well being as well as whether the actions were provocative and whether a dislike of Goodes or his actions is necessarily racist - all valid and reasonable. However latter posts have become more personal and rancorous and detract from the measured opinions of earlier posters.

Finally the post has become disjointed and just goes on and on to the point where it has become boring (sorry for this contribution on those grounds). To be blunt my main purpose of membership is to read and discuss my beloved Demons and while I welcome and have posted my opinion on the "dance' here it is not the reason I joined the sight.

Of course I could just ignore this topic but I don't want this part of Demonland to be hijacked by people with agendas other than the Demons.

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I always thought that half blooded Aborigines were not readily accepted by full-blood society, that they considered them inferior, wonder how THEY feel about Goodes representing them.

Please AzzKika unless you are deliberately trolling stop and think before you post.

If you are trolling then you have certainly perfected the art

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I Googled your initially quoted "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl" and came up with a grand total of 5 hits, one of which I cited above (aflplayers dot com)... the others were from Magpies dot net, a Bigfooty (mega) thread, Demonland (your quote that I linked to) and the other was in the reader comments in response to a Peter Fitzsimons article in Real Footy.

Searching with your latest quote turns up a few more hits (thank you for that), but it still changes nothing to do with the fact that you are skewing it to suit your agenda. In your other post above, you conveniently left out the "but it's not her fault" in order to add some drama and to justify your stand against him.

You didn't earn an apology since I could only use the selective quote you provided in that other post. Sorry Hannibal, not even close, and certainly no cigar.

Well you were stupid weren't you. I wasn't quoting Goodes verbatim. Why would I think I needed to ? The AFL didn't either.

But now you've been set straight and know exactly what he said. Fancy making a public declaration and stating "Racism had a face - and it was a 13 year old girl...". She isn't the face of racism and it was despicable for Goodes to suggest she was - even with his lame attempt to then absolve her of blame.

Btw, I knew you wouldn't "man up". And your mate Stu should cast for Dumb and dumber.

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