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Lay off Jack Watts...


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Dismal 2 weeks and wasn't much better v GWS. To say he was OK tonight is a tad laughable.

He's spooked. Get him out of the spotlight and try to get him some sort of confidence, it ain't getting easier against Freo.

Give Pedo his chance, he'll clunk a few and hit some bodies.

I can't recall a harder at it Melbourne team than this, you've got 3 and 4 gamers killing themselves for the team, Jack Watts hasn't bought in, and the pressure is mounting.

Surely enough is enough, he just needs to go and work on himself, doesn't have to be any shame in it, just go and do it.

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Ahhh Jack Watts.... I find it very hard to judge his performances, when I watch him at the ground go at a contest it looks very half hearted and then I watch the replay and it seems like he made a great decision so he could get the ball. I was at the ground tonight and I would need to look at the game again but it seems he is devoid of confidence right now. His skills are usually what define him as a player but they have seem very lackluster lately. I think last week where he coralled (hope I'm using that word right) the Adelaide player instead of running at him when he had fumbled it instead of going hard at him just sums up Watts for me. I don't think hes soft in the way that hes scared to get hurt but he just seems to think differently about the game.

Edited by Rafiki
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Ahhh Jack Watts.... I find it very hard to judge his performances, when I watch him at the ground go at a contest it looks very half hearted and then I watch the replay and it seems like he made a great decision so he could get the ball. I was at the ground tonight and I would need to look at the game again but it seems he is devoid of confidence right now. His skills are usually what define him as a player but they have seem very lackluster lately. I think last week where he coralled (hope I'm using that word right) the Adelaide player instead of running at him when he had fumbled it instead of going hard at him just sums up Watts for me. I don't think hes soft in the way that hes scared to get hurt but he just seems to think differently about the game.

That moment against Adelaide had me fuming more than the dropped marks, and he did a couple of similar efforts last night. Admittedly he cracked in more for the rest of the game and flew for a couple of pack marks which was good to see, but these days you need 22 blokes hunting opposition players. Not sure that part really clicks for Jack.

Skills were well off last night but that doesn't concern me too much, they will come with confidence. Just needs to clunk a mark of kick a big goal and that side of his game will come back. I think he stays in the team for the foreseeable future.

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I thought he did some really good things and a few poor things but overall he wasn't terrible and anyone who says he was has obviously made their decision about him. What I don't like is that the AFL website have a 'spotlight on jack watts' video. No other player gets this so why does he? I don't see Tom Scully getting a video on him when he gets 10 possessions a game getting paid 1 mill a year! I want the club to make a complaint about that video it's not on.

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Didn't read the article, got bored with every "expert" under the sun getting stuck in to Watts, but can I just say one thing on this topic;

I won't have the luxury of going to the MCG tonight to watch the beautiful way in which our diggers will be remembered through the pregame ceremony, and I won't be able to see the Melbourne Football Club play as a team and demolish the Richmond Football Club, in a gentle reminder to the football community that we are relevant again.

However, regardless of what you think of the bloke, Watts is a Melbourne player, he will be one of 22 running out there tonight, and he will be one of 22 that will hopefully get us over the line. Regardless of your thoughts of him, if he, or any of the other 22 players have a bad night, for Christ's sake, don't "boo" him. I couldn't give a toss if one of their supporters gets in to him, but our own "flesh and blood", it makes me cringe when I hear of such things.

There's always going to be players that we love, that we hate, that we love to hate, and that we wished we didn't hate. Watts is definitely one of those players that cops more than most - I'm not going to get in to the argument if that's rightly or wrongly. We're asking for unity at our club, both on and off the field. How about we show unity ourselves by supporting all of our 22?

Go Dees.

respect is a two way street. It should be given open-handedly from the start, in a gesture of honor & trust, but it can be taken back, or lost.

It is not a thing you just give, and give, & give again, with no value, nor care.

jack will earn his respect when he does earn it; & any other player or team/club which doesn't honor all, playing in the jumper will deserve what the masses think of them from what they all witness.

do you think essendon a a club deserve respect? do you think Hird & Co, or the ones who invited the drug/supplements into that club under secrecy, deserve any respect, or do they really deserve for the masses to let them know, just how the people feel about them?

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respect is a two way street. It should be given open-handedly from the start, in a gesture of honor & trust, but it can be taken back, or lost.

It is not a thing you just give, and give, & give again, with no value, nor care.

jack will earn his respect when he does earn it; & any other player or team/club which doesn't honor all, playing in the jumper will deserve what the masses think of them from what they all witness.

do you think essendon a a club deserve respect? do you think Hird & Co, or the ones who invited the drug/supplements into that club under secrecy, deserve any respect, or do they really deserve for the masses to let them know, just how the people feel about them?

I don't understand the EFC reference. Are you suggesting Watts should take PEDs?

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Watts was an utter embarrassment last night. Lazy, weak and lacking urgency. I can't believe anyone could be at the game and suggest otherwise.

It's disrespecting the others players to have him run out beside them.

Edited by ProDee
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I thought Jack Watts was very good last night and I took time to watch him closely. I thought his appetite for the ball very good! Well done Jacky Boy!

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respect is a two way street. It should be given open-handedly from the start, in a gesture of honor & trust, but it can be taken back, or lost.

It is not a thing you just give, and give, & give again, with no value, nor care.

jack will earn his respect when he does earn it; & any other player or team/club which doesn't honor all, playing in the jumper will deserve what the masses think of them from what they all witness.

As we're talking about Jack I'd agree with this bit.

You watch how vanDemon plays or Brayshaw and then watch Jack......there just isn't the same involvement or belief. It might well be just between the ears for Watts but whatever the cause he's just not clicking out there. It's a shame, but it is what it is. Hopefully McCartney can spin some magic.

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He was not good last night. Roos is clutching at straws. How can he bag a player after we just beat a team by 5 goals? Of course he is going to support him. He was in 2nd gear and was probably one of if not our worst. It's hard to stand by him. I'm not sure he has a place in this team anymore. I'd much rather Pedo or even Grimes.

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Dismal 2 weeks and wasn't much better v GWS. To say he was OK tonight is a tad laughable.

He's spooked. Get him out of the spotlight and try to get him some sort of confidence, it ain't getting easier against Freo.

Give Pedo his chance, he'll clunk a few and hit some bodies.

I can't recall a harder at it Melbourne team than this, you've got 3 and 4 gamers killing themselves for the team, Jack Watts hasn't bought in, and the pressure is mounting.

Surely enough is enough, he just needs to go and work on himself, doesn't have to be any shame in it, just go and do it.

Well put, I was calling for Dawes to be dropped this week but to his credit he stood up this week and restored my faith in him. The call of Pedo in for Watts needs to happen. Last year we kept him in due to potential/lack of other options/elite disposal but now we better users of the footy across the ground he is well overdue for a spell at Casey.
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twice jack did a really good thing. in our forward line he went third man up in the ballup and knocked the ball 20m forward

haven't seen him do this before. good tactic, something i'd like to see more of


Was a good thing. Am I the only one who thinks it's like watching Jackyl and Hide out there?

Thinking on it...he should do the 3rd man more often. Good way to build appetites for contest, that and he wasn't bad at it.

Edited by beelzebub
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The things he did poorly last night are the things he usually does well - he was making basic skill errors and poor decisions with the footy.

There was nothing embarrassing about last night but two weeks in a row we have had wet games that don't suit Watts and he hasn't been tapped on the shoulder? I don't understand - what does the FD think he can do in a wet game - stop trying to think what is best for him, he is a big boy - he can take being pushed out of the team on the circumstances of the game. Keeping him in there just let him vulnerable to attacks like he is now enduring.

He didn't flinch, he didn't get out of the way, he didn't shirk - but he is struggling for form and the last two weeks haven't helped. He will most likely stay for Fremantle and I highly doubt the other players feel disrespected to walk out with him just because he dropped a wet ball and is out of form...

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Don't quite agree 100% rpfc ...but about 90% :)

There are definitely times he's doesn't 'GO' , that to me is as much a shirk as evading a hit etc.

It's like he overthinks the game.

If he isn't the best fit for a particular week then why play him( or anyone)... Is about a team for a job

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The things he did poorly last night are the things he usually does well - he was making basic skill errors and poor decisions with the footy.

There was nothing embarrassing about last night but two weeks in a row we have had wet games that don't suit Watts and he hasn't been tapped on the shoulder? I don't understand - what does the FD think he can do in a wet game - stop trying to think what is best for him, he is a big boy - he can take being pushed out of the team on the circumstances of the game. Keeping him in there just let him vulnerable to attacks like he is now enduring.

He didn't flinch, he didn't get out of the way, he didn't shirk - but he is struggling for form and the last two weeks haven't helped. He will most likely stay for Fremantle and I highly doubt the other players feel disrespected to walk out with him just because he dropped a wet ball and is out of form...

Agree ... he's struggling for form and needs to get some confidence. If it's in order for Jack Grimes to go back there for a spell, then the same should go for Jack Watts.

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Agree ... he's struggling for form and needs to get some confidence. If it's in order for Jack Grimes to go back there for a spell, then the same should go for Jack Watts.

Pedersen was emergency for last nights game. IF Watts was to have a spell in the VFL I'd be suggesting Pedersen and not Grimes to replace.

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Unless Pedersen emphatically puts his hand up tomorrow he hasn't done enough to warrant a spot anyway. So, I can't see him replacing Watts - and we have no other alternatives. We've got the right amount of talls in the side and we don't need one less tall.

If we judge Watts according to what he brings to the team then he obviously needs to do more but again, there's no one better and at least Watts has a fair bit more upside. The biggest upside is the mis-match that can be created for Watts if Hogan & Dawes are both playing well. Frost going down ruined the plan somewhat but we were probably a bit too top heavy anyway (Vanders can drift forward to create another marking option)

I just accept Watts (for now) as a taller version of a 4th forwards role (if there is such a thing - we haven't really seen that type of role previously) Hogan is our no.1, we don't have a decent no.2 and Dawes is more of a no.3.

For team structure, he stays in the side (for now)

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No doubt that his confidence is shot. His strengths which are clean hands and good foot skills have been poor this year, including the GC game.

Usually if a player is down on confidence, the coach will tell them to concentrate on the defensive aspects of their game, and the rest will come. Unfortunately for Jack, he doesn't have the heart for the contest, and that's being magnified when 1st and 2nd year players in Brayshaw, Hogan, VDB and Salem are showing him up.

The most infuriating thing about his game last night for mine was early in the 3rd quarter when he gave away a free kick close to goal for a high tackle. All night you could see the Melbourne players being focussed on tackling correctly and not over committing to the tackle. Watts just threw an arm out and collected Cotchin high. IMO, that sums up Watts' attitude to defense. He makes token efforts and thinks that that's ok. Robbo was similar in that respect.

Edited by mo64
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No doubt that his confidence is shot. His strengths which are clean hands and good foot skills have been poor this year, including the GC game.

Usually if a player is down on confidence, the coach will tell them to concentrate on the defensive aspects of their game, and the rest will come. Unfortunately for Jack, he doesn't have the heart for the contest, and that's being magnified when 1st and 2nd year players in Brayshaw, Hogan, VDB and Salem are showing him up.

The most infuriating thing about his game last night for mine was early in the 3rd quarter when he gave away a free kick close to goal for a high tackle. All night you could see the Melbourne players being focussed on tackling correctly and not over committing to the tackle. Watts just threw an arm out and collected Cotchin high. IMO, that sums up Watts' attitude to defense. He makes token efforts and thinks that that's ok. Robbo was similar in that respect.

top post. Well summarised.

Jacks mojo is more jomo. More the shame

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