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The turnaround

Ted Lasso

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29,510 at the moment. 35 looks good, but 40 is a bridge too far.

Maybe. But 3-4 consecutive wins could change that obstacle.

I get the impression Roosy is going to let the team run a lot more this year.

That gives us a chance.

High risk High return....

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No one's asking for War and Peace here Dommy.

It's just that your posts are entirely unintelligible without punctuation. I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling to read them.

A full stop here and a comma there would make all the difference.

The only exception is Dee-Luded, whose posts are excused because of excessive acid use in the 70s.

I could not continue reading this post after "tbh I really dont care about the silly rules of writing as im not an author and dont plan to be". If you want people to read your posts, take a little more time to present them, it really isn't that difficult. If you don't care if people can read your posts or not, then why post at all?

for god sake I didn't come on here to cop BS like this I came to DL to discuss and share ideas and thoughts with others about a football club that we all follow

I don't need sarcasm and insults to correct me if I don't occasionally push the enter and comma buttons on my keyboard

If its going be like this then ill close my account and not come back to this crap how old are people on here im only 23 and even I don't act like a bloody Facebook teenager with insults and sarcasm

and what's the need to insult me by saying that im unintelligible

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for god sake I didn't come on here to cop BS like this I came to DL to discuss and share ideas and thoughts with others about a football club that we all follow

I don't need sarcasm and insults to correct me if I don't occasionally push the enter and comma buttons on my keyboard

If its going be like this then ill close my account and not come back to this crap how old are people on here im only 23 and even I don't act like a bloody Facebook teenager with insults and sarcasm

and what's the need to insult me by saying that im unintelligible

I put it to you that you should have better language skills than that by age 23. I honestly thought you were 9. You say you're "only 23" like it's some sort of excuse. It's not. You are not a child.

Also if you think someone calling a post unintelligible is an insult, then you really have been sheltered from the internet's nether regions.

For the record, I am 29, so not much older than you.

If you want to discuss and share ideas, you might want to make sure people can understand what you're saying.

Your last post was better as you separated your thoughts at least with line breaks. That's really all that's required, enough punctuation to allow readers to understand.

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for god sake I didn't come on here to cop BS like this I came to DL to discuss and share ideas and thoughts with others about a football club that we all follow

I don't need sarcasm and insults to correct me if I don't occasionally push the enter and comma buttons on my keyboard

If its going be like this then ill close my account and not come back to this crap how old are people on here im only 23 and even I don't act like a bloody Facebook teenager with insults and sarcasm

and what's the need to insult me by saying that im unintelligible

for god's sake man, show a bit of pride

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Wow this really is incredible all I did was try and have a joke to lighten this place up a bit

Because I sometimes dont hit the enter button I get the bs high and mighty and really old insult of correct yourself instead of a regular suggestion of please push enter coz its eaisier to read.

so eff this place ppl like you all wonder why more people dont come on here its bs childish crap like that jeez saty tried to warn me of people on here but I really had no idea

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Wow this really is incredible all I did was try and have a joke to lighten this place up a bit

Because I sometimes dont hit the enter button I get the bs high and mighty and really old insult of correct yourself instead of a regular suggestion of please push enter coz its eaisier to read.

so eff this place ppl like you all wonder why more people dont come on here its bs childish crap like that jeez saty tried to warn me of people on here but I really had no idea


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Nice Choke.

I'm gonna jump in here.

Dommy, take it easy man. No one was having a go at you, we simply couldn't read what you're writing. Here, let me give you an example.

I really like writing I like writing so much that I like to write without puncutation sometimes when i write without puntuation people get mean why do people have to get so mean I only write without punctuation because I like writing so much I'm sad

Not easy is it?

Second point I'd make... Have thicker skin old mate!

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Lol what a pack of vultures what 4 on 1 have fun all you doom and gloomers insulters and bullies

Meanwhile I stop coming here from now and look fwd to season 2015 and beyond ta ta and farwell

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With regards to "the turnaround" I think this year we will see more glimpses of Watts going to a new level.

- He will spend a lot more time up forward - probably taking the 2nd or 3rd defender after Dawes and Hogan.

- He's put on a few more kilos of lean muscle and just looks more physically mature with regards to his bone density and face.

- He also sounds a lot more confident and enthusiastic in interviews that I believe will translate onto the field (if it didn't a little already against the Dogs on the weekend).

Now I'm not getting carried away with pre-season hype, or spruiking him up to be "a star", I just think we will see some nice improvements from Watts this season and then again further next season as he'll physically develop again further.

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I come on here for the great Dee's discussion. Just enjoy reading others thoughts.. Had to comment though, it makes my day when you see someone like Dommy blow their lid..

Really got me out of that Monday arvo rut!!!

On topic though, while I'm typing..

Hope Watts can have a big year, and I've been patiently waiting for the Toump. I hope he improves..

I don't think 40 goals from Garlett would surprise me, very much capable.. I've had a bet with my Carlton mate he'll kick more than Menzel.. Could go either way I reckon..

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I come on here for the great Dee's discussion. Just enjoy reading others thoughts.. Had to comment though, it makes my day when you see someone like Dommy blow their lid..

Really got me out of that Monday arvo rut!!!

On topic though, while I'm typing..

Hope Watts can have a big year, and I've been patiently waiting for the Toump. I hope he improves..

I don't think 40 goals from Garlett would surprise me, very much capable.. I've had a bet with my Carlton mate he'll kick more than Menzel.. Could go either way I reckon..

i reckon it's a solid bet, if we know anything about Dawes it's that he is going to spill alot of marks, and jeffy will be licking his lips at the crumbing goals he is going to be able to kick.

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i reckon it's a solid bet, if we know anything about Dawes it's that he is going to spill alot of marks, and jeffy will be licking his lips at the crumbing goals he is going to be able to kick.

Especially with Hogan crashing packs. Even when his marks don't stick he brings the ball the ground.

Was good to watch in the bulldogs game. Garlett looked like he was having a field day.

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With regards to "the turnaround" I think this year we will see more glimpses of Watts going to a new level.

- He will spend a lot more time up forward - probably taking the 2nd or 3rd defender after Dawes and Hogan.

- He's put on a few more kilos of lean muscle and just looks more physically mature with regards to his bone density and face.

- He also sounds a lot more confident and enthusiastic in interviews that I believe will translate onto the field (if it didn't a little already against the Dogs on the weekend).

Now I'm not getting carried away with pre-season hype, or spruiking him up to be "a star", I just think we will see some nice improvements from Watts this season and then again further next season as he'll physically develop again further.


I think you're spot on with Watts. He'll definitely take that 2nd or 3rd defender and burn them repeatedly. What's more, a combination of him, Dawes and Hoges will at different times drag the defense up the ground allowing whoever to go 1 on 1 with Garlett/JKH to crumb at their feet. Very mobile fwd line!

I'll admit that I was more excited this time last year about our forward set up (Clarke, Dawes, Watts), but I'm not far behind right now!

Disclaimer: I'm a long time Watts apologist.

Edited by watchtheeyes
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Especially with Hogan crashing packs. Even when his marks don't stick he brings the ball the ground.

Was good to watch in the bulldogs game. Garlett looked like he was having a field day.

He, Kent and JKH are going to be seriously dangerous down there, now we just have to make sure we get it in there a decent amount.

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So much like the game on the weekend a thread of two halves!

On the topic, for me the turnaround hasn't happened yet but it's on the right track. As someone said earlier we're in a pretty familiar position to Bailey's final coaching year. We've got promise, and seemingly good things going on behind the scene but it still relies heavily on the team performing for everything to click. As much as Roos doesn't like the idea of the kids being messiah's reality is that our club's stability rests on a lot of their young shoulders. Hogan, Salem, Brayshaw, Tyson, JKH, Toumpas, Viney, and Petracca (although not for this year). We need at least half of these guys to take significant steps this year in order for us to seriously improve our win/loss record.

That said, I also think the recruiting has been first class (and I don't think I've ever said that before). Garlett and Lumumba look to be excellent senior pick ups, and Frost seems like could could work out as not just a player for the future but for the now. Then there's the rough pick ups of Michie, Vandenberg, Riley that may prove to be great value from this year and last year.

Point is I believe we have the ingredients, but it's still only in development.

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I think you're spot on with Watts. He'll definitely take that 2nd or 3rd defender and burn them repeatedly. What's more, a combination of him, Dawes and Hoges will at different times drag the defense up the ground allowing whoever to go 1 on 1 with Garlett/JKH to crumb at their feet. Very mobile fwd line!

I'll admit that I was more excited this time last year about our forward set up (Clarke, Dawes, Watts), but I'm not far behind right now!

Disclaimer: I'm a long time Watts apologist.

I have no doubt Watts can get separation from such defenders, the question is: have we got the guys who can deliver it to him?

Let's not forget, the guy was beaten one-on-one by Jamie Bennell repeatedly last season in that horror show at Subiaco.

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Lol what a pack of vultures what 4 on 1 have fun all you doom and gloomers insulters and bullies

Meanwhile I stop coming here from now and look fwd to season 2015 and beyond ta ta and farwell

WOW. Just....WOW

I thought i was being nice, next time i will put the boots in.

Anyway, I think we are in a very different position than the Bailey years, we are a lot better at running both ways, but we are not scoring as freely, when we start to hit the scoreboard with more ease, that's when i think we have turned it around. Pretty much playing like we did in the first half against the dogs. The second half was 2014.

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I have no doubt Watts can get separation from such defenders, the question is: have we got the guys who can deliver it to him?

Let's not forget, the guy was beaten one-on-one by Jamie Bennell repeatedly last season in that horror show at Subiaco.

You cannot play a footballer in this day and age who is only capable of winning it in the clear.

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29,510 at the moment. 35 looks good, but 40 is a bridge too far.

If we win a few games in the first 6 rounds. They will come flooding back.

Remember the membership cut off date s about Queens Birthday weekend.

The 40,000 will signify the turnaround, a lot of the closet supporters will open their doors.

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I would like to remind the board of the following (and point out some of the group think that pervades this board):
1) Brock for pick 12: I remember the board was falling over themselves to proclaim how that was a 'win' for us and how Jordie Gysberts was a 200 game midfielder for us. He got traded to North for Pedersen and was delisted after a year. On the face of it, Carlton won and is still ahead even with Brock being retired. Pedo needs to put in a couple more seasons like the last to get this to a draw or narrow win as Brock only really got firing in his last few years at the Blues.
2) Scully leaving (and the ensuing draft pick gained being traded for Mitch Clark and the other used on Jimmy Toumpas): Again, we got the usual suspects telling us how we had won this one (who ironically enough are the same ones who are insinuating that he was 'faking' depression while singing his praises about being so brave earlier). Clark plays a handful of games before stuffing his foot, suffering from depression and then retiring. He then wants out to another club and we salvage a deal to ultimately get the artist formerly known as Harry O'Brien in. The other pick was used on Jimmy Toumpas who seems to have been overwhelmed by the chaos that enveloped the club in his first year and the expectations put on him as a first year player who was slotted straight into the seniors. Yet again, one that we supposedly 'won' will require Heritier L to have at least 2 to 3 years of solid footy to approach small win/draw status. If Jimmy can crack the seniors, which he has yet to do but hope springs eternal, we would win this one.
I could go on more and more about the assumptions made about tanking/high draft picks and sacking senior servants so '10 year players' could take their place but I thought I would just go with these two examples. Let's wait and see how things turn out as if the above has proven anything is that wins cannot be recorded speculatively. (We still don't know if Angus Brayshaw will be a player yet or how Chip will go at the Hawks).

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So true by CBF....the list was shite.

For all intents and purposes, we still have some NQRs on the list and Roos will sort this.

Neeld was a disaster, but you can't compete in AFL footy with a VFL line up.

On the punctuation/expression thingo, I say yes, yes, yes!

My 20 something son tells me that calling me 'dog' is a term of endearment....cute.

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You cannot play a footballer in this day and age who is only capable of winning it in the clear.

Think you're being a bit over the top here. Sure he's more of an outside player, but its not like he's had zero contested possessions. You'll no doubt highlight several occasions where he has been pushed off the drop of the ball but I've seen him take plenty of contested marks.

I hope I didn't just open pandoras box here.

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