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Potential future at Melbourne University

Axis of Bob

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I am an employee of The University of Melbourne at the Sport Department here.

I can't go into too much detail, but there have been official meetings between the club and the University. These have mainly been around research and an education partnership for players and administration (like the Uni has with the Melbourne Rebels) - as far as I'm aware there's never been any proposal or thought broached about moving the club here and building a facility, which would obviously be a huge investment. I don't know who thought of 'the move' but it definitely hasn't been on the agenda.

Someone making a mountain out of a molehill I think. I just can't see it happening.

Total pipedream stuff (as this all is at this stage) but the VC Davis is known for his American model when it comes to Education isn't he? Or is that media beat up (I appreciate you probably can't comment either way).

But nothing is more American than University sporting teams. Uni Blues and Blacks don't really contribute greatly to the University. MFC on campus now that's more like it. Even Uni Blues and Blacks, interuniversity and intercollegiate between the live in colleges sports in the shadow of an elite sporting team, that sounds better as well.

The biggest problem is space. In a tightly confined sporting area you'd have to build offices, a state of the art gym and pool(s), probably 2 ovals as you'd need one for heavy use by MFC separate to the one trained on by amateur clubs and cricket clubs. Plus an indoor facility would be ideal.

Just looking at google maps if you kept the current oval in place and used it for Uni Blues/Blacks and cricket then shrink it down a bit and put the running track around it. Maybe squeeze the hockey pitch in where the tennis courts are. Then you'd have to redevelop the rest of the space into everything else you needed for MFC which would require big funds.

And what's in it for the University?

1. Access to the gym and pool facilities

2. Sponsorship/PR

3. Possible research and educational links

That all sounds great but it's not worth the Uni paying a lot for or giving up a lot of the use of their land

And maybe the biggest problem of all - it would still be a leased facility not an asset.

I like the idea. But you'd need to really work hard to sell it to Melbourne Uni and you'd almost need someone on the inside to get their over the line. Eddie did a fabulous job taking on the Lexus centre and then turning the once great Olympic Park in to his own private training oval and shafting Athletics Victory to Albert Park. We'd have to get someone on the inside to convince the Uni it's worth it for them.

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Who cares if one is built in Parkville or Moe, well maybe not Moe but if they can get the best bang for the buck so be it, lets face it how many people go to AMMI to visit, bugger all, if the club can have a place that has the whole club there so be it lets not be that precious about it, it will not make any difference to the supporters in the end only the players and staff.

Edited by demon3165
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I'm sure it would be addressed in a move, but the University Cricket Ground is well known to be inadequate for the two amateur sides playing there currently. Training can be affected in the winter months as the ground can be a total bog, and having played as a visitor on this ground in the past, it can be as unpleasant having to run over the wet, muddy, uneven turf as to be on the end of an absolute whooping by Blues or Blacks.

- Have been explained by friends from Blues that this is largely a result of the relationship between the ground, the footy clubs and the cricket club.

The 'club divided' narrative based on offices at the 'G and the training base made sense when the footy dep was at junction, but the continuation of this story is so overblown as to be ridiculous. I can't imagine there are many, if any, clubs where anyone at admin level, except the CEO, is able to drop in for urgent work reasons on footy department without ringing up and seeing if they have time. It takes less than five minutes to walk across the bridge - I'm sure PJ loves the fitness benefits.

Edited by pitchfork
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I do Col. Not just a billboard but an exclusive partnership with the airport so the likes of the Pies & Tiges don't go plastering their propaganda all over the place. Making Melbourne FC part of the Melbourne experience

Getting into hotel rooms so that when visitors pick up those "things to do" brochures, MFC is all over it

Tapping into real estate databases so that when someone moves here from interstate or overseas, the club sends them a "welcome to Melbourne - hope you love your new home" pack. Here's your free tickets to a MFC game. Again, forming exclusive partnerships with the major agencies so other clubs can't pinch our idea

Bartlett's overall vision of making MFC part of the Melbourne experience is a great concept. But there are better ways to do it than having a presence in Collins St. Or Parkville

You're basically saying that you'd like us to market to tourists arriving in Melbourne, but not international students staying long term. Makes no sense.

I think people who can't get behind the idea are looking at this in a very short sighted manner.

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You're basically saying that you'd like us to market to tourists arriving in Melbourne, but not international students staying long term. Makes no sense.

I think people who can't get behind the idea are looking at this in a very short sighted manner.

No we are looking at it realistically.

What's with thinking just because we transfer facilities to Melbourne Uni all of the international students are going to sign up and become supporters?

You are kidding yourself, they couldn't give a flying [censored] about AFL. International uni students are not the answer, honestly, it's almost laughable.

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It's planting a seed in an untapped territory. People that come from footy families pick their team at a young age, everyone else finds a team they relate to after they're drawn to the sport and go from there. It's a good sport and everyone in Melbourne goes for someone. All it does is encourage new people to the state/country and get exposed to AFL to adopt Melbourne because they're familiar and can be related to. That's only one element anyway.

Is your argument that anyone from overseas or interstate doesn't care enough about football to follow a team?

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You're basically saying that you'd like us to market to tourists arriving in Melbourne, but not international students staying long term. Makes no sense.

I think people who can't get behind the idea are looking at this in a very short sighted manner.

Makes absolute sense. Your general tourist is a different animal to your average student.

Tourists are coming to here to sample the flavour of this town and Footy IS this town and we ought to be the first thing anyone thinks of wrt to footy.

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To you it is. You're delusional if you think the majority of people are visiting Melbourne for the footy.

I never said they were per se. They are here to see Melbourne...try re reading and comprehending

Footy is very much a big part of the fabric of this town esp between Mar and Sep. Try avoiding it.

We need to engage these tourists in the same way Bartlett alluded to NY doing so with their Yankees..

Its not delusional to understand your market and how to reach it.

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Alot of people here are dismissing the idea quickly however we are struggling both on and off the field. The ones dismissing this are not suggesting any good alteriors except billboards which opposing teams could stick one up right next to it. Tapping into the international market would work well and would also go hand in hand with our sponsor sthern china airlines.

Not only would we be tapping into a market which has a big presence in Melbourne but we would also be working with the countries most prestigious university. What better way to get youth on board as well as having another avenue to utilize to develop players from.

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What benefit does targetting tourists do? They come to one game and dissapear. Also I am sure the site would be redeveloped appropriately to accomodate. Obviously they will not move there as is.

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If I was going to New York, it wouldn't be for the baseball, I'd probably avoid it like the plague. And I barely noticed the footy was on when I toured Melbourne with the old band. Footy is Melbourne for you. For other people it's a good original music or art scene, for others it's shopping and others still it's a soy latte and a mushroom burger, or whatever people eat in those little cafes.

I take the footy as something you pick up over time as you soak up the culture. I reckon you have a far greater chance of developing fans from people who are in Melbourne long term than someone who's there for a week and sees a footy poster at the airport.

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Billboards was just a small part of a larger strategy. Glad you picked up on that. Biff explained it quite well. Go and read it.

How exactly does a University campus help us ? Again refer to those who have posted saying theres NOTHING to gain.

Much to gain in sports science but you dont need to be on their doorstep.

I know...maybe a few MFC wine and cheese nights !!!

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Billboards was just a small part of a larger strategy. Glad you picked up on that. Biff explained it quite well. Go and read it.

How exactly does a University campus help us ? Again refer to those who have posted saying theres NOTHING to gain.

Much to gain in sports science but you dont need to be on their doorstep.

I know...maybe a few MFC wine and cheese nights !!!

He spoke of a partnership with the airport. He forgot one big part, what would be in it for the airport? What could we offer the airport that the 9 other vic clubs couldn't?

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Billboards was just a small part of a larger strategy. Glad you picked up on that. Biff explained it quite well. Go and read it.

How exactly does a University campus help us ? Again refer to those who have posted saying theres NOTHING to gain.

Much to gain in sports science but you dont need to be on their doorstep.

I know...maybe a few MFC wine and cheese nights !!!

Mate, if you want to get petty you can go fist yourself.

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He spoke of a partnership with the airport. He forgot one big part, what would be in it for the airport? What could we offer the airport that the 9 other vic clubs couldn't?

whatever you can negotiate...its called business. ffs

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I’m in full agreement on Casey. I don’t think that’s an either / or situation. We can consolidate a City of Melbourne presence and still develop our relationship at Casey. They are two parts of one big picture. Casey is going to be more work than we may have initially thought. In the short term we have to return their footy team to being competitive and that might require a bit more subsidising to ensure their non-AFL list is stronger. We need to increase our visibility out there. More players in their schools more often. More kid’s clinics. More training sessions in school holidays held there. But Casey have to embrace MFC too. I can live with their jumper as the colours aren’t too far removed but eventually they are gonna have to become either the Casey Demons or the Melbourne Scorpions. They don’t get to keep both in my view.

It is a long term project but I dream of the day when they have to put on special match day train from Cranny, express from Dandenong to Richmond ! I may not be around to see it but I hope my kids will.

Someone mentioned the success that Hawthorn have had getting buy-in from the residents of Waverley. They have done an outstanding job, particularly under Ian Dicker’s leadership (that’s not a slap at JK but the heavy lifting was done under Dicker). It also helped that they had a good product to sell. A successful team and a highly marketable player in Buddy. On the back of success in each decade since the 70’s. The Hawks took full advantage of this.

Our biggest problem, before any marketing strategies or branding initiatives is that our product is still on the nose. Everything will get easier if we have a successful team. If you have a winning team then people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.

As Jackson says – footy first. That doesn’t preclude planning for a consolidated home or an expanded imprint. But fixing the footy has to be the prime focus

Yeah no doubt. I guess I am giving my opinion on a proposition (which may or may not go ahead and knowing the Hun, this may not even be in the preliminary stages) and if it came down to it, it may be a good move. That is, if you ask me if it is a good idea with all other issues aside, I would say it might be. It's not the be all and end all of the football club nor is it a magic bullet to our problems.

However, I reckon what you have said at the end holds real weight. I, for one, have been saying for ages that we need to drop this cargo cult, magic formula mindset and focus on the product of playing winning footy first and then getting involved with all this other peripheral stuff (that includes redesigns of logos and what not). That is something we can both agree on.

BTW I was the one who bought up the Hawks and Waverley. I think the reason it has worked with the Hawks too is that they were principled in their dealings with that community. When Waverley was on the nose with those in power and the mainstream football media, the Hawks fought on their behalf of the Mums and Dads out in the suburbs rather than chasing the almighty dollar (said dollars turned to poo anyway as we all know the kinds of returns that teams not called Essendon get at Etihad).

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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whatever you can negotiate...its called business. ffs

You mean how much money we give them for a bunch of pamphlets and billboards?

ROI will not be there, even if u gave away free tickets most of the tourists wont go. Last thing people are thinking about after a long flight is what team to watch at the footy. And even if they did watch a game, they would fly out a few days later and the MFC wouldnt see a cent from it.

Setting up base where young internationals study on a daily basis whom many have the intention of starting a life here would be a much better investment in my opinion. We are talking about the difference of a tourists possibly attending a game opposed to 40 or 50 year members.

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Tourists will naturally be drawn to blockbuster games. Not Sunday afternooners with no vibe.

We will not get block busters without members. Tourists will not become members.

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whatever you can negotiate...its called business. ffs

At the moment, when our figurative hand is a 2 of clubs, a joker card and a card reading 'how to play pinochle', I would say we don't have a lot to offer.

Putting signs out at the airport and putting our info in tourist guides mightn't be a bad idea. However, it will only work if we have a decent footy team (and that is where this conversation should start and end).

The original Bartlett plan is a one way medium of communication in that we are talking at a constituency but not actually listening to them. At least ventures like Casey (and a UoM joint venture, no matter how unlikely it is) are two way exchanges between club and community. People aren't going to want to be a part of your organization if you just view them as passive consumers.

If we are a crappy football team but show a genuine interest in the people we are trying to get on board, the people we are aiming to get on board will think, 'They are a pretty bad football team but they really made the time for me (my kids, my spouse, my mum etc).' Put up a billboard at the airport (and yes I know there are other pieces to that strategy but hey all seem to be one way advertising) all they will think is 'They are a pretty bad football team' period.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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Again I ask...who exactly does anyone think will be engaged by us simply because of proximity to a Uni.

Wont be int students as they invariably havent the foggiest about footy nor care. ( those teaching and working there have already established this )

Wont be nearly all other students as theyve already established a following if any..

So who ?

Again the hook up appears to be more of an academic /sports link up.

But we neednt worry as its not going to happen (moving there ) (edit)

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Wont be int students as they invariably havent the foggiest about footy nor care. ( those teaching and working there have already established this )

Erm, when was that ever said? All Toots said was that discussions weren't as advanced as what the Hun had made out. He never mentioned international students not being interested. Besides that, no other UoM staff member has spoken here.

I know for a fact that Essendon are trying to tap into the international student market (probably due to the fact that international students are unaware of their dark past) as they have been posting up their propaganda at my work place (where lo and behold I teach aspiring Uni. of Melbourne international students) encouraging our international students to come to their club events aimed at *GASP* foreign Uni. students.

Clearly some people don't feel the same way as you.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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