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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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PJ I finally decided to go to your reference, In all seriousness the homosexual angle had not occurred to me, nor do I think it relevant.

Note your reference first meaning is:-

Urban Dictionary


1. A word describing the misfortune of something or someone.
2. A situation in which no desireable result can occur
3. A negative form of agreement.
4. A response used when the respondee couldn't care less about the topic at hand.
1. Friend 1: My wife left me last night
Friend 2: Bummer for you.

2. Man 1: We're surrounded by venomous snakes!
Man 2: Wow, this is quite the bummer.

3. Girl: Do you find me attractive?
Guy: Bummer

4. Friend 1: It appears that tomorrow is my last day to live.
Friend 2: Bummer

Urban dictionary's second meaning refers to "Old fashioned UK slang term for a homosexual man."

This is not how i would use the term bummer.

ManDee, I'm very sure they didn't use bummers in that context.

Look at the quote you have put and your meaning, its to describe a bad or disappointing situation. You can even use it when people constantly pinch cigarettes off you.

When RPFC said "the Bummers" he was using it as a noun, and you can't use your meaning as a noun nor do I think he was referring to Essendon as the cigarette pinchers.

All I asked was if it was necessary. If you want to know my views on the drug issue just read some of the things I've posted in this thread, or even better - just look at who started it - but that is all irrelevant to what I have raised.

It wasn't necessary and was a pun in poor taste.

Edit: Double quote

Ah but the Demons won flags back then? THAT wasn't depressing.

Sorry to disappoint you Mono but zero between 1926 and 1939

So no we did not win flags during the depression


What really interests me after watching the video.

What dumb fool got his blood taken by an AFL official ,to be taken to germany for testing,and DIDNT think it was out of the ordinary.


Didn't realise your memory went back that far ... :blink:

Yes the Depression is a seriously long time ago R and B

You couldve knocked me down with a feather,when i realised the grand old man i learnt that saying off,was right here on demonland.{thanks OD}


What really interests me after watching the video.

What dumb fool got his blood taken by an AFL official ,to be taken to germany for testing,and DIDNT think it was out of the ordinary.

BANG !!! beggers disbelief huh


Sorry to disappoint you Mono but zero between 1926 and 1939

So no we did not win flags during the depression

True enough, OD (which jazza, having witnessed it, will verify :blink: ), but we did get 'Checker' Hughes in 1933, who was the Paul Roos of his day ...


give it a rest pj

you are getting excessively anal

Do you think he is being a smart arze? :blink::blink:


Any of the lawyers on here able to give a run down about what recent events mean for the case?

Nothing changes same rules as always apply with legal matters



Even Rohan Connolly ... Essendon supplements saga becomes AFL's Watergate.

Slams just about everyone and everything involved in this whole sordid affair but it won't alter the fact that Essendon's attempt to absolve itself from culpability by obstructing the ASADA process will not change anything and certainly not the fact that TB4 was among the cocktail of bad medicines injected into a number of Essendon players in 2012.


This isnt the outside world...it is the agreed world of sporting orgs and their rules.



I am depressed as I got free tickets to the Melbourne v Meth Coast game in Paddy Stadium.

I dislike that team and hate losing to them.


Open letter to members

Paul Little ~

Independent medical experts have provided information and feedback on the supplements issued to players, and given the club a high level of comfort regarding the short and long term health of our players.

Funny but I thought that Essendon didn't know what supplements the players had taken so how can Little say he has independent advice on the their effect on the players. Are Essendon members dumb enough to cop this garbage?

note: A rhetorical question is one that is asked merely for effect with no answer expected.

Caro on Paul Little ~ Essendon chairman says Hird will return a better person

■ He could not say exactly what drugs were administered to the Essendon players during 2012 nor predict whether the players faced penalties from ASADA.


In 2012 and 2013, we conducted comprehensive medical evaluations of our players and we continue to provide ongoing monitoring.

We will continue to put the health and welfare of our players first.

why do that if theres no problem?


I am depressed as I got free tickets to the Melbourne v Meth Coast game in Paddy Stadium.

I dislike that team and hate losing to them.

You could always sell them on ebay ... :blink::blink:


Open letter to members

Paul Little ~ Funny but I thought that Essendon didn't know what supplements the players had taken so how can Little say he has independent advice on the their effect on the players. Are Essendon members dumb enough to cop this garbage?note: A rhetorical question is one that is asked merely for effect with no answer expected.

I hope he will provide the full report from at this stage anonymous independent medical experts. I think not. He is starting to sound like an Ashley & Martin commercial.

Interesting comments from the Open letter"

Dr Harcourt also suggests our players ‘passively’ accepted the use of supplements – this statement is offensive - our players took considerable steps in this regard.

  • They insisted on being provided with informed consent
  • They insisted on the club doctor approving all supplements
  • And they insisted on all supplements being approved by WADA

If they had written approval why are they in caught. Simply the club does not have it. And while the players trusted the club, the club did not do what was right by them. They brooke their trust in a big way.

Also how could they get independent advice if they don't know what the players took as they have no records.

Lastly on sponsorship, people talk about his company like TOLL, Unless the main driver for the sponsorship like Little, has majority control, the board will simply override his decision with a simple vote. If it is confirmed (likely) sponsors will run a mile.

While I believe they should remain part of the competition. however, they should be hammered with heavy sanctions and the players should sue the club.


Interesting how our tribal affiliations colour our opinions. For mine, I'd be sad to see any team disappear from the comp, especially one of the older Melbourne ones. That said, I'd love to see the Bombers slowly crucified, stewing down in the depths, like we have for years.

I know it's what everyone here is saying, but the arrogance of that club and its blindness to the effects they are having upon young people staggers me.

Bringing in the big legal guns to go through the investigation to find the slightest skerrick of mismanagement of the case and then carrying on as if they are victims of one of the great injustices of all time.....jeez, what a pack of creeps.

Kind of turns me off sport, actually.

BTW, I've been engrossed by this thread. Thanks to all contributors, especially WJ. Great work.


Meanwhile Mark, Slobbo Robbo, Robinson, continues to be the most inarticulate, and incomprehensible human ever to be allowed access to a broadcaster microphone


Interesting comments from the Open letter"

Dr Harcourt also suggests our players passively accepted the use of supplements this statement is offensive - our players took considerable steps in this regard.

  • They insisted on being provided with informed consent
  • They insisted on the club doctor approving all supplements
  • And thsey insisted on all supplements being approved by WADA
If they had written approval why are they in caught. Simply the club does not have it. And while the players trusted the club, the club did not do what was right by them. They brooke their trust in a big way.

Also how could they get independent advice if they don't know what the players took as they have no records.

Lastly on sponsorship, people talk about his company like TOLL, Unless the main driver for the sponsorship like Little, has majority control, the board will simply override his decision with a simple vote. If it is confirmed (likely) sponsors will run a mile.

While I believe they should remain part of the competition. however, they should be hammered with heavy sanctions and the players should sue the club.

Yep. Darkhorse, you've hit the nail on the head. Little's basic argument: we don't know what we took, but whatever it was, it was harmless - oh and by the way, here's a writ to say that your lawyer had his wig on backwards and the whole investigation is therefore null and void and its all your fault and we are the most persecuted people since - oh, i dont know, Lindy bloody Chamberlain.

'Independent medical advice' my ar&$e. As Darkhorse said, from who? What did you tell them you took? I'm sure my doctor would be thrilled if I came along and said er I've swallowed the contents of the cleaning cupboard - no idea what was in there, but that's okay, isn't it?


DemonAndrew, don't lose sight of the fact that the use by individuals of recreational drugs is in a different category to programmes involving the use of performance enhancing drugs. Both are a problem and their use problematic but one issue should not be used to muddy the waters or be used in a PR campaign involving the other.


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