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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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Danks may also like to know thst most emails and sms stay stored on archived severs for quite some time lol

You can burn a paper trail but good luck getting rid of digital ones :)

Just follow the money as it will lead you to the truth.


Danks may also like to know thst most emails and sms stay stored on archived severs for quite some time lol

What!? They do? Oh God, I'm screwed!


Interesting article in today's Age:

Danihers critical of Hird's role

Former Essendon star Anthony Daniher, the father of teenage Bombers player Joe Daniher, has criticised banned coach James Hird for ''having the head in the sand'' amid the club's supplements scandal.'

I suspect the club would be fuming.

I can just picture Tim Watson taking Anthony aside and saying 'WTF did you have to say that, and contradict my statement that all parents of the players were fine with what happened.'


That's one thing about the Danihers. When it came to such things, they were brutally honest and down to earth.

Joe wasn't part of the Bombers' 2012 programme so Anthony isn't speaking out of anger at the personal damage that might have been done to his son like Sarah, the mother of the unnamed Bomber who spoke out on radio (there was nothing wrong with that BTW).

I reckon it's out of genuine concern and feeling for his old club and many of Joe's teammates who face trying times ahead.

It wouldn't surprise if Joe follows the tradition of some others in the family and ends up playing for two clubs, the other being the Swans.


That's one thing about the Danihers. When it came to such things, they were brutally honest and down to earth.

Joe wasn't part of the Bombers' 2012 programme so Anthony isn't speaking out of anger at the personal damage that might have been done to his son like Sarah, the mother of the unnamed Bomber who spoke out on radio (there was nothing wrong with that BTW).

I reckon it's out of genuine concern and feeling for his old club and many of Joe's teammates who face trying times ahead.

It wouldn't surprise if Joe follows the tradition of some others in the family and ends up playing for two clubs, the other being the Swans.

I think Joe was 'Jack', he was in a similar position to Jack Viney at Melbourne. I would hope he wasn't involved in the supplements program though.


Thanks 'Chelly', I thought he at least trained with the bombers.

I think you were right he trained did pre season work used there weight rooms etc as they had already committed to him. Still played tac etc but was down at bomber land probably wasnt involved though as the bombers wanted to keep it hush hush and he wasnt only playing for them so it was a risk to show him the program


Kind of on topic but whilst catching a connecting flight for home from Singapore last night happened to notice Mr. J. Hird on my flight. He was looking both tanned and slim :rolleyes: He was in Business Class. I was not.

yep,he was looking for a special kind of cream that gets rid of acne.he brought 4 gallons of the stuff back with him


Fairfax is not letting up on this story and this offering on Sandor Earl and Stephen Dank is fascinating - Earl still hasn’t told the whole truth about drugs despite ‘coming clean’

And just in case you didn't know, CJC-1295 has been mentioned in connection with the supplements used in the Essendon programme.

With free agency and the trades starting at the end of the week, life is not going to get any easier for the Essendon footy department. Still, it would be fitting if Bomber Thompson ends up getting the coaching gig this week.


Announced on 3AW that up to 13 infraction notices are to be issued to Essendon players in the very near future.

And now we learn that we're chasing two Bombers in trades?

No Way!

Those guys need to come cheap or its not worth the risk plus the AFL should guaranty we can replace if they get banned from sport.

Personally lets look else where.



I think your last sentence says it all RR.

I will not be surprised if that is the final result.

It won't happen. If ASADA squib the Bomber penalties, then WADA will appeal to the international tribunals and they will uphold the law. There is no escape for the bombers, and no deals can be done, and no amount of PR or expensive legal help will make a blind bit of difference.

12 or more players are about to be given infraction notices, which will be followed by either 2 or 4 year bans ( WADA has just changed the rule to 4 years but this may not apply retrospectively). This will result in them all suing Essendon which will result in multimillion dollar settlements, which may send the EFC bankrupt, and will test the finances of even the AFL.

There is nothing good in this for anyone, and in my view will set the game, not just Essendon, back 10 years or more, at a time when the competition for the sporting dollar is getting more and more fierce particular from Football and even now cricket.

This is not good for the AFL, but most of us feel the Dons had it coming to them through their arrogance and seeing themselves above the Law, particularly Hird.


I think there will be a dozen players whacked with a 6 month suspension . ( effectively one season ) at best. I year at worse . i suspect ASADA will effectively mitigate the penalties suggesting co-operation etc etc.

Thats going to be interesting to see unfold and take hold. I also expect life ban for Hird.

Still amazes me the denial expressed by many a messendon fan on various forums etc

As 2014 alludes , the AFL cant control this from here on in.. Its not their court.

just as amazingly I can see that Mess coping with it and surviving but it will emasculate them for some years to come.. Some coterie will have to dig very very VERY deep.

Interesting times ahead for sure


Anyone else drawn the dots between this anti ageing clinic, the cops arrested in relation to steroids, criminal bikie gangs and the bombers yet??

I tried but got a headache

What does it all MEAN?


Anyone else drawn the dots between this anti ageing clinic, the cops arrested in relation to steroids, criminal bikie gangs and the bombers yet??

The Police, I think it was, warned players about getting involved in drugs and in turn criminals as it could involve more serious consequences down the track.

Would it come as a surprise if the bikie gangs are involved in this; not really.



12 or more players are about to be given infraction notices, which will be followed by either 2 or 4 year bans ( WADA has just changed the rule to 4 years but this may not apply retrospectively). This will result in them all suing Essendon which will result in multimillion dollar settlements, which may send the EFC bankrupt, and will test the finances of even the AFL.

And your source is?


Anyone else drawn the dots between this anti ageing clinic, the cops arrested in relation to steroids, criminal bikie gangs and the bombers yet??

I think that was the basic concern of the Australian Crime Commission report in February of this year. It's a matter of the degrees of separation between the sporting club adopting these supplement programs and the criminal element.


weapon takes messendope to court in multi-million dollar claim for breach of contract

I think he will need the money as future employment is not looking good.


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