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Melbourne sponsors backlash over Demons


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There's nothing much new in this except it explains why Kaspersky signs were in the coach's box at QB even though they are now with Collingwood.

I figured they saw better value there once they knew the market. Me? I'll never buy their stuff again - always preferred Macs anyway.

There's nothing to suggest CS bad mouthed Kaspersky and Lawrie De La Rue is known to have a beef over this placement of his tyre company name below the club symbol which CS initiated. I thought that is what the blue was over.

I doubt that CS would have bagged Hankook until after the falling out, but then again he always was too superficially smooth.

As for the article it's just a case of LDLR wanting to write his slice of history. Best not to over react.

You are right Pitmaster, it was all supposedly to do with the placement of the Hankook signage on the jumper.

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Ouch does this poor leadership never end?

For what l can tell, Schwab was the cause of most of the issues that have brought the club down over the last 5-6 years.

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Old news and I'm not sure how accurate. I can check and let you know. The Hankook stuff is also ancient history and was well covered when it happened a couple of years ago. I wonder who's stirring the pot by bringing this stuff up now and why are they doing it?

what a corrupt arrogant atitude !! what have u got to hide..?

thats what this clubs admin & boards have availed themselves of over the years..

keep things on the qt & keep the majority of supporters in the dark for long enough ,so that when it does show up,they complain about that being " old news." & that it doesn't help to bring up past misdeeds..

& the old stale & dated cliche. we have to" MOVE FORWARD".

the truth being aired no matter how old, only helps !! as those who have nothing to hide hide nothing..

knowing the full extent of the past & airing same, makes the "conceited narcissists" with god complexes, who lack reality checks & balances to think twice before committing appalling behavior again.in regards to a public institution..

as well as them being weeded out before being allowed to inflict their incompetance on this club at least..

unfortunately journo's tend to drag the chain where the truth is concerned & as such supporters r treated like plebs...

i want to see every dirty little detail & every person responsible ostracised so they can't pervade the halls of this club again..

thank goodness for GLEN ARCHER coining a new phrase on air about these types of creeps.

LINIMENT SNIFFERS.who r only there to suppliment their own ego's & line the pockets of old boys club members.

CS went from not needing the job in the first place in this tenure & only doing it to to please JS.

to a legacy of borrowing 200k from club.

alienating & treating with contempt; kaspersky & mission & hankook.

which involved millions in lost deals..

which were set up by employees who were mfc supporters.in the first place.

but he himself sought out a criminally bogus deal with the incompetant co. 'energy aust "

manage to produce, direct, & star in the series that he hopes will be picked up in syndication.& reruns in: "whiteboard wednesday"..

not to mention the old stylish charm of those pretentious old school jackets; & bugle boy..

disenfranchise the FD & playing group whereby the players went on strike ala "186" .

after which he looked so bedraggled ( ruffled hair no jacket or tie ;when have we ever seen that before ?) & packing death.

at the bailey sacking due to thinking he had lost his job & therefore income..

& his contract probably not being renewed in the remaining 6 months left..


having his contract renewed by his buddy donny mc;.6 months later.

& with his hair coiffed full metal jacket & tie looking cool calm & suave & controlled & pleased with himself..

fall on his own sword, knowing he gets a big payout due to having a new contract in place..

at his sacking come resignation.

48 years of these types of individuals for crying out loud.after ..

NS stated PUBLICLY !!! (to air & shame them.)

that the club is "slipping its slipping" & we have to get rid of " these blokes"..( merger types )..

even hassa mann,in his hall of fame speech, named -"dr.don duffy" as the president who threatened him to keep quiet in 65.

air all the dirty laundry & give it a jolly good cleansing, after all -"tomorrows another day"

and its cathartic so we can all MOVE FORWARD.


Edited by fuchsia
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What a nonsensical rant. The Mission Food/Schwab/De La Rue spat and the Kaspersky stories were all played out in the media and here on Demonland ages ago. It wasn't hidden at all and it's not news.

"News" is something written about something that's, well ... um, new.

WJ was saying that whoever fed this to the journo might have been doing so because they had another agenda.

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CS went from not needing the job in the first place in this tenure & only doing it to to please JS.

to a legacy of borrowing 200k from club.

alienating & treating with contempt; kaspersky & mission & hankook.

which involved millions in lost deals..

which were set up by employees who were mfc supporters.in the first place.

Sure talk history all you want fuschia but at least know enough to talk sense.


We negotiated with them and were white anted by the Bulldogs when it happened that a senior Australian representative for Mission was a former Bulldogs board member.

They knew what we were offering and under-bid us.

Schwab did do the hard grind in that case (though not in Kaspersky's case) and was beaten by a form of commercial sabotage.

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Was super disappointed after ceasing my player sponsorship (and that doesn't include how poor the mfc were during the last year of sponsorship were I provided feedback that they just assumed we would pay because of our love for club rather than establishing a relationship with anyone ) ... I told them due to personal circumstances I would most likely not be able to continue with an Elite Player sponsorship.... Amazingly not one call to attempt to sell me a membership, a lower level player sponsorship or push me towards young/future demons... In sales I'm referred to as a hot source and if you aren't calling persons like me you have absolutely no idea

hence why we lost 000s of members every year

Interesting. At a much lower level of financial commitment, I was since inception paying two Before The Bounce memberships - about $500 a year on top of normal football memberships - and decided not to renew this year for personal reasons. I have heard nothing from the club at any stage about renewing or returning which is disappointing. It's not that I want the attention, I want them to be on their game and it seems they aren't.

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I'm glad the boards are being cleared at the dees. I've mentioned it before but I've heard some horror stories about how unprofessional the club is. I have a family member who has a business with a few silent partners including footy players and managers. One managers client left last year and said it was the best career move he'd ever make. Said the club was just impossible to deal with and are going nowhere. This is why we are seeing Jackson and Craig pubically making the goal of making this club a good career move for our players.

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When I signed up my kid on the first day of his life, the club sent me a membership pack (6 weeks later) with a dog blanket (it had a pets paradise logo sewn in).

They were "thoughtful" enough to include a note that they had run out of baby blankets, but don't worry, it's the same blanket only with a pet logo. I thought it was incredibly stupid not to source something else for the membership, or nothing at all, or unsew the logo.

On the plus side, my family dog (who was already a member) was warm that winter....!

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Melbourne sponsors backlash over Demons

more dirty laundry unearthed.

We really werent particulalry good at a lot of things. Thats what Im unfortunately starting to realise and yes Im fully cogniscant that many of these items were brought to the attention of us Demonlanders.

As mentioned in the article, its a good thing that we're overhauling this club.

So CS was asking for more money than what businesses were willing to pay? Who would've thunk it B59?!!

And to think that CS got on here (Demonland) one day and made the comment "I'm glad some of you aren't negotiating for the Club". Are you still glad Cam? Looks like I knew a lot more about what our brand was worth than you, and the reported figures that the companies were happy to invest, I would've had them signed a long time ago.

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It wasnt about the worth, it was about the method. You always ask for whatever you can get, is that your point , really.

Honestly, I thought you would pick that one up. This is all about how the club went about things, more the point how Schwab did

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It wasnt about the worth, it was about the method. You always ask for whatever you can get, is that your point , really.

Honestly, I thought you would pick that one up. This is all about how the club went about things, more the point how Schwab did

Apologies B59, in an article that was running alongside the one you linked, was this little piece;



The reason for my post was in regards to this;

"Over the coming weeks Cheung was told the Demons were on track to become a powerhouse of the competition to rival the likes of Collingwood and Essendon - so the price for a space on the jumper had risen from $800,000 per season to as much as $1.5 million. Cheung was affronted and a year later, after months of wrangling, Kaspersky walked away. A crucial commercial partner was lost at sea."

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Sure talk history all you want fuschia but at least know enough to talk sense.


We negotiated with them and were white anted by the Bulldogs when it happened that a senior Australian representative for Mission was a former Bulldogs board member.

They knew what we were offering and under-bid us.

Schwab did do the hard grind in that case (though not in Kaspersky's case) and was beaten by a form of commercial sabotage.

what a lot of total garbage !!! find out the real facts before slinging back..!!

as per quote from published article; MATHEW FORSTER who is general manager at MISSION FOODS ;

also happens to be a passionate DEMONS FAN ; had all but gifted the partnership to his club only to see it slip away by a series of last-minute DEMANDS FROM MELBOURNE ..!!!

quoting that ." another one had gotten away"...!!!!!!!!

cs doing the hard grind ? gimme a break !!

The MISSION FOODS fiasco in 08

which then led to HANKOOK in 09 with de la rue ( another club supporter since 1958 who has contributed 2.5 mill !!!!.in sposorship & donations )

walked away in disgust !! at the end of 2011..

de la rue was cast aside..

then car giant VOLVO had its problems & chose to cease its second-tier sposorship with club in 2011..

of course this was after the KASPERSKY insult which came about in oct 2010..

who were originally signed due to LIFELONG DEMONS SUPPORTER one " ANDREW MAMONITIS".. !!

AGAIN hard yards by CS ?? methinks not..

3 major sponsors organised by demons supporters !!! & 4 LOST by one CS...!!!!

oh but u CAN give him all the credit for landing ENERGY WATCH if u like....

Edited by fuchsia
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Apologies B59, in an article that was running alongside the one you linked, was this little piece;



The reason for my post was in regards to this;

"Over the coming weeks Cheung was told the Demons were on track to become a powerhouse of the competition to rival the likes of Collingwood and Essendon - so the price for a space on the jumper had risen from $800,000 per season to as much as $1.5 million. Cheung was affronted and a year later, after months of wrangling, Kaspersky walked away. A crucial commercial partner was lost at sea."

Billy we certainly got things a bit arse about especially in regards where this club was ( not just of itself but in the great scheme of things )

My sense of worth (mfc) related to the conundrum.. If back worth X then you had to think front more otherwise accept the problem of explaining to back sponsor lol.

AS it turns out the market and Schwabby were poles apart. I cant blame him for askibf but not havibg the mental wherewithal to kbow when to change tac is lamentable .

His heart may have been in the right place burger history certainly shows him to have been in the wrong one.

Billy your valuing was fairly on but we had then a problem. Apples and Pears.

We as a club have been really good in one dept.....getting ahead of ourselves .

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Agree with fuchsia and I'm also happy to continue with this supposedly ancient topic, the problem is discussion with anything about any topic on DL where the Club is criticized is that a band of merry men rally to the Clubs defense and throw in enough counter claims, and put enough doubt into the topic that the truth becomes hazy. The difference between now, and previous discussion, is what we suspected, is absolutely true, this Dam is busted. The cr@p at this Club had turned to stone but forums like this have been chipping away and now larger chunks are breaking off. Lets keep chipping I say.

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And to think that CS got on here (Demonland) one day and made the comment "I'm glad some of you aren't negotiating for the Club". Are you still glad Cam? Looks like I knew a lot more about what our brand was worth than you, and the reported figures that the companies were happy to invest, I would've had them signed a long time ago.

A classic Demonland moment.

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Agree with fuchsia and I'm also happy to continue with this supposedly ancient topic, the problem is discussion with anything about any topic on DL where the Club is criticized is that a band of merry men rally to the Clubs defense and throw in enough counter claims, and put enough doubt into the topic that the truth becomes hazy. The difference between now, and previous discussion, is what we suspected, is absolutely true, this Dam is busted. The cr@p at this Club had turned to stone but forums like this have been chipping away and now larger chunks are breaking off. Lets keep chipping I say.

Totally agree. Get it all out in the open.
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Totally agree. Get it all out in the open.

The problem is that these things were out in the open 3, 4 and 5 years ago when they first happened but when they came out in the article by Michael Warner we got a rather jaundiced version where only one version of the events was presented. De La Rue is quoted but there's no response and I recall a very clear one was given when he withdrew his sponsorship.

And we've already heard two versions of the Mission Foods story. One claims that Mission was introduced by a Melbourne supporter but another says it was a Bulldog supporter who helped get the doggies across the line.

Whatever the case, its all stuff that's been widely aired and dissected in the past and many times since. I only ask why has it been conveniently brought up now and by who?

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The problem is that these things were out in the open 3, 4 and 5 years ago when they first happened but when they came out in the article by Michael Warner we got a rather jaundiced version where only one version of the events was presented. De La Rue is quoted but there's no response and I recall a very clear one was given when he withdrew his sponsorship.

And we've already heard two versions of the Mission Foods story. One claims that Mission was introduced by a Melbourne supporter but another says it was a Bulldog supporter who helped get the doggies across the line.

Whatever the case, its all stuff that's been widely aired and dissected in the past and many times since. I only ask why has it been conveniently brought up now and by who?

'Jack' I think we will see these things confined to history at the end of this season when we have a new board and people in administration. The Peter Jackson led club is now starting to build its own history and the disasters of the past will hopefully stay there.

I understand you are concerned that people are still around throwing muck at the club and trying to undermine it but they will have no one to throw it at soon, probably getting their last few shots away while they can.

I must admit I can't help having a go at CS whenever anything comes up because I am still so angry at what he and his accomplices did to this club and I'm not so generous as to say it was all done in good faith.

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The problem is that these things were out in the open 3, 4 and 5 years ago when they first happened but when they came out in the article by Michael Warner we got a rather jaundiced version where only one version of the events was presented. De La Rue is quoted but there's no response and I recall a very clear one was given when he withdrew his sponsorship.

And we've already heard two versions of the Mission Foods story. One claims that Mission was introduced by a Melbourne supporter but another says it was a Bulldog supporter who helped get the doggies across the line.

Whatever the case, its all stuff that's been widely aired and dissected in the past and many times since. I only ask why has it been conveniently brought up now and by who?

let's see if it is refuted by anyone. I don't care how long ago it was. Each time it surfaces we are informed a little bit more.

That is cool with me. As i have said before anyone involved at the club in the lead up to 186 must leave the club.

We need a clean slate.

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let's see if it is refuted by anyone. I don't care how long ago it was. Each time it surfaces we are informed a little bit more.

That is cool with me. As i have said before anyone involved at the club in the lead up to 186 must leave the club.

We need a clean slate.

don't know if they all have to go

sometimes you can learn and be better for it. and some at the club may not have known enough at the time

but since 186 its seems they have struggled to get on top of the football operations side of things

I think the clean slate is here now, digging over the past in public seems to make it all seem worse

the whole running of the club let alone sponsorship is a terrible past, we HOPE

time to move on big fella

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what a lot of total garbage !!! find out the real facts before slinging back..!!

as per quote from published article; MATHEW FORSTER who is general manager at MISSION FOODS ;

also happens to be a passionate DEMONS FAN ; had all but gifted the partnership to his club only to see it slip away by a series of last-minute DEMANDS FROM MELBOURNE ..!!!

quoting that ." another one had gotten away"...!!!!!!!!

cs doing the hard grind ? gimme a break !!

The MISSION FOODS fiasco in 08

which then led to HANKOOK in 09 with de la rue ( another club supporter since 1958 who has contributed 2.5 mill !!!!.in sposorship & donations )

walked away in disgust !! at the end of 2011..

de la rue was cast aside..

then car giant VOLVO had its problems & chose to cease its second-tier sposorship with club in 2011..

of course this was after the KASPERSKY insult which came about in oct 2010..

who were originally signed due to LIFELONG DEMONS SUPPORTER one " ANDREW MAMONITIS".. !!

AGAIN hard yards by CS ?? me thinks not..

3 major sponsors organised by demons supporters !!! & 4 LOST by one CS...!!!!

oh but u CAN give him all the credit for landing ENERGY WATCH if u like....

Settle down petal.

That Warner article is completely at odds with the story at the time which was as I outlined, a high level link with the Dogs. No I don't have a newspaper article to point to because it's years ago, but Warner's account is years after the event, not on the spot at all.

As for Hankook, I don't need to be shouted at thanks, since I already outlined that CS's switch with the emblem and the Hankook symbol undid that relationship.

I think your problem is that you need the one villain responsible for all our ills. Life can be more complicated than that.

Energy Watch I agree, a shambles. (PS: methinks is one word.)

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The problem is that these things were out in the open 3, 4 and 5 years ago when they first happened but when they came out in the article by Michael Warner we got a rather jaundiced version where only one version of the events was presented. De La Rue is quoted but there's no response and I recall a very clear one was given when he withdrew his sponsorship.

And we've already heard two versions of the Mission Foods story. One claims that Mission was introduced by a Melbourne supporter but another says it was a Bulldog supporter who helped get the doggies across the line.

Whatever the case, its all stuff that's been widely aired and dissected in the past and many times since. I only ask why has it been conveniently brought up now and by who?

I heard Mission chose the Dogs because they got naming rights to Whitten Oval.
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what a corrupt arrogant atitude !! what have u got to hide..?

thats what this clubs admin & boards have availed themselves of over the years..

keep things on the qt & keep the majority of supporters in the dark for long enough ,so that when it does show up,they complain about that being " old news." & that it doesn't help to bring up past misdeeds..

& the old stale & dated cliche. we have to" MOVE FORWARD".

the truth being aired no matter how old, only helps !! as those who have nothing to hide hide nothing..

knowing the full extent of the past & airing same, makes the "conceited narcissists" with god complexes, who lack reality checks & balances to think twice before committing appalling behavior again.in regards to a public institution..

as well as them being weeded out before being allowed to inflict their incompetance on this club at least..

unfortunately journo's tend to drag the chain where the truth is concerned & as such supporters r treated like plebs...

i want to see every dirty little detail & every person responsible ostracised so they can't pervade the halls of this club again..

thank goodness for GLEN ARCHER coining a new phrase on air about these types of creeps.

LINIMENT SNIFFERS.who r only there to suppliment their own ego's & line the pockets of old boys club members.

CS went from not needing the job in the first place in this tenure & only doing it to to please JS.

to a legacy of borrowing 200k from club.

alienating & treating with contempt; kaspersky & mission & hankook.

which involved millions in lost deals..

which were set up by employees who were mfc supporters.in the first place.

but he himself sought out a criminally bogus deal with the incompetant co. 'energy aust "

manage to produce, direct, & star in the series that he hopes will be picked up in syndication.& reruns in: "whiteboard wednesday"..

not to mention the old stylish charm of those pretentious old school jackets; & bugle boy..

disenfranchise the FD & playing group whereby the players went on strike ala "186" .

after which he looked so bedraggled ( ruffled hair no jacket or tie ;when have we ever seen that before ?) & packing death.

at the bailey sacking due to thinking he had lost his job & therefore income..

& his contract probably not being renewed in the remaining 6 months left..


having his contract renewed by his buddy donny mc;.6 months later.

& with his hair coiffed full metal jacket & tie looking cool calm & suave & controlled & pleased with himself..

fall on his own sword, knowing he gets a big payout due to having a new contract in place..

at his sacking come resignation.

48 years of these types of individuals for crying out loud.after ..

NS stated PUBLICLY !!! (to air & shame them.)

that the club is "slipping its slipping" & we have to get rid of " these blokes"..( merger types )..

even hassa mann,in his hall of fame speech, named -"dr.don duffy" as the president who threatened him to keep quiet in 65.

air all the dirty laundry & give it a jolly good cleansing, after all -"tomorrows another day"

and its cathartic so we can all MOVE FORWARD.


Has someone upset you?

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