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McLardy is completely out of touch


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From what I can tell, his modus operandi is pretty simple.

A step by step to being Satyr:

1. Search for threads where someone expresses an opinion that is not entirely supportive of the club's direction, or anyone directly contributing to that direction;

2. Respond to that person in the most antagonistic/condescending way possible, claiming they either have some alterior motive or don't know what they are talking about. Using names like "orc" or "keyboard hero" work best in catching people's attention, and such labels also allow for grouping people together in a simplified manner;

3. Once the initial reply achieves an equally antagoniistic response, point to the language in the response as evidence that the person doesn't wish to contribute constructively to the topic;

4. Always take the highest ground possible and lay claim to a noble cause of bringing the club's detractors to task, and essentially saving the day;

5. At any and every opportunity, drop the names of people you have spoken to at the club. Give the impression that you can speak with authority on the club's behalf, and that you have Don McLardy on speed dial;

6. Suggest to the person that if they are so upset about the club, they should run for a position there, preferably on the board. Remind them that failure to do so removes any right to be critical;

7. If the conversation has progressed beyond this point, it's time to make this [censored] personal. Assure the other person that you lead a much more fulfilling life than they do.

And there you have it. 7 easy steps to being an insufferable git.

I started this thread and deliberately have not responded to the pompous nonsense that a few have posted. Unfortunately it epitomizes all that is wrong with the club.

The overwhelming points though I have been trying to make, and no posters antagonistic to this thread have answered, is:

A) when are the powers that be going to take responsibility for abject failure (in the way a public company board would be required to do) ie resign, and

B) where is the movement of powerful Demon supporters anxious and willing to fix it in the way supporters of other powerful supporters of other AFL clubs would do in the face of such failure.

Your post is well thought out, and I agree with the reflections on supporters, but my concerns are more the complacency of the powers that be about failure, and the lack of action to correct it.

As I state again, it has required someone from outside ie Jeff Kennett (and indirectly the AFL) to put a bomb under us because we are too complacent and willing to accept failure without consequence to the extent we have now put the future of the club we love in jeopardy, and yet there are still people on here who defend the status quo and do not appear willing or able to face into the crisis we are facing.

I suspect we deserve the demise that is coming .....

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I started this thread and deliberately have not responded to the pompous nonsense that a few have posted. Unfortunately it epitomizes all that is wrong with the club.

The overwhelming points though I have been trying to make, and no posters antagonistic to this thread have answered, is:

A) when are the powers that be going to take responsibility for abject failure (in the way a public company board would be required to do) ie resign, and

B) where is the movement of powerful Demon supporters anxious and willing to fix it in the way supporters of other powerful supporters of other AFL clubs would do in the face of such failure.

Your post is well thought out, and I agree with the reflections on supporters, but my concerns are more the complacency of the powers that be about failure, and the lack of action to correct it.

As I state again, it has required someone from outside ie Jeff Kennett (and indirectly the AFL) to put a bomb under us because we are too complacent and willing to accept failure without consequence to the extent we have now put the future of the club we love in jeopardy, and yet there are still people on here who defend the status quo and do not appear willing or able to face into the crisis we are facing.

I suspect we deserve the demise that is coming .....

Your post hasn't been addressed because it is shrill and illogical.

You ask who is going to step up.... But can't join the dots that no-one else has. You gonna step up from behind the keyboard? You want the board (volunteer who give of their time and money) to be held accountable, but they are accountable. To the media, to supporters, at AGM. McLardy accepted responsibility just yesterday. He is performing Jim's legacy for no reason other than love for him and the club.

Resigning makes no sense if there's no-one to replace. It would be irresponsible.

You also lack balance.

It seems you and others like you will only be happy when everyone agrees that the volunteers who actually have put in time, effort and money in good faith are beaten to a pulp.

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I was on your side right up to the time I read your final comment.

I for one what to know what I can do to support the MFC in time of need.

There no other team I want to support as I was born blue and red.

I started this thread and deliberately have not responded to the pompous nonsense that a few have posted. Unfortunately it epitomizes all that is wrong with the club.

The overwhelming points though I have been trying to make, and no posters antagonistic to this thread have answered, is:

A) when are the powers that be going to take responsibility for abject failure (in the way a public company board would be required to do) ie resign, and
B) where is the movement of powerful Demon supporters anxious and willing to fix it in the way supporters of other powerful supporters of other AFL clubs would do in the face of such failure.

Your post is well thought out, and I agree with the reflections on supporters, but my concerns are more the complacency of the powers that be about failure, and the lack of action to correct it.

As I state again, it has required someone from outside ie Jeff Kennett (and indirectly the AFL) to put a bomb under us because we are too complacent and willing to accept failure without consequence to the extent we have now put the future of the club we love in jeopardy, and yet there are still people on here who defend the status quo and do not appear willing or able to face into the crisis we are facing.

I suspect we deserve the demise that is coming .....

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It seems you and others like you will only be happy when everyone agrees that the volunteers who actually have put in time, effort and money in good faith are beaten to a pulp.

Bollocks and a strawman.

We'll be happy when that inept and dishonest board is gone.

Why the hell can't we be [censored] off with a bunch of ego driven fools driving the club into the grave?

Why do we have to nominate if we hate the way things are?

Are you going to run for PM this year? Will you run for premier next time around? What about local council? I'm guessing you'll still vote in these elections? Ja?

It's a sad, and yet predictable defense of a dead regime, to come up with intellectually dishonest crud like 'you cant criticise unless you run'.

It rubbish to the nth, and it's what is killing us.

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Bollocks and a strawman.

We'll be happy when that inept and dishonest board is gone.

Why the hell can't we be [censored] off with a bunch of ego driven fools driving the club into the grave?

Why do we have to nominate if we hate the way things are?

Are you going to run for PM this year? Will you run for premier next time around? What about local council? I'm guessing you'll still vote in these elections? Ja?

It's a sad, and yet predictable defense of a dead regime, to come up with intellectually dishonest crud like 'you cant criticise unless you run'.

It rubbish to the nth, and it's what is killing us.

Foolish post.

First... Did I say that a poster doesn't have a right to an opinion unless they run? No. I simply make the point that to lament no-one running and not running yourself is interesting.

Second... PM, Premier are paid jobs. These board members are volunteers. Can you understand the difference? Ja?

Third.... This Board, as with all public officials, are subject to accountability. Both at the ballot box and with morons like you who are happy to impugn the characters of people who are having the best go they can.

Fourth.... Have you thought for a moment that one of the reasons some don't run is precisely because of rabid dogs like you accusing board member volunteers of being ego driven, dishonest and incompetent?

Edited by Choko
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Foolish post.

First... Did I say that a poster doesn't have a right to an opinion unless they run? No. I simply make the point that to lament no-one running and not running yourself is interesting.

Second... PM, Premier are paid jobs. These board members are volunteers. Can you understand the difference? Ja?

Third.... This Board, as with all public officials, are subject to accountability. Both at the ballot box and with morons like you who are happy to impugn the characters of people who are having the best go they can.

Fourth.... Have you thought for a moment that one of the reasons some don't run is precisely because of rabid dogs like you accusing board member volunteers of being ego driven, dishonest and incompetent?

Moron, eh? Maybe. After all I thought that when CS was sacked and rehired it was on the understanding that the would be insulated from the football dept. Wasn't that why Craig was brought in? Eh? Wasn't that the promise? How about that loan? How about the professionalism that they displayed when they rang up Garry to appoint a coach after they [censored] uo everything else around.

Rabid dogs.... man, they put that foot forward then they get the choccies or boiled lollies. I've sat on volunteer boards that would have seen me in jail if I ran things as badly as the MFC has. They are a joke and not even a funny one, and that pathetic argument that no-one of substance will put their hand up because they might be held accountable is [censored] to a degree that cant be counted, and would be funny except for where we are at.

You know what? I'd type more but [censored] it. Really. Just [censored] it. [censored] the club and [censored] you too. Back McLardy and his idiot crew. I'll even send you a proxy. I don't think I even care enough to argue with morons that repeatedly kill this club. I did it over and over about how the tanking would kill us but slow witted idiots like you blocked, argued and shouted me down at every turn, and here you all are again.

Enjoy the train wreck. You bought it - you ride it.

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Don has clearly accepted responsibility for the state of the club, and he has talked about the importance of Board rejuvenation at the same time as maintaining stability and continuity with existing stakeholders.

what does "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY" really mean ???

does it mean he will personally reimburse the funds needed to pay CS & MN out ???

considering it was his choice to sign a new contract with a job for the boys attitude.to CS.

that would be the very least,u would think..& say pay the $500k fine on his watch..

or does it mean that he will stand aside & move on..

or is it just a throw away line to garner sympathy & take the heat off ..

plenty of spin but no substance...just pc.or unmitigated gall ...

taking ownership without the comeuppance..


Edited by fuchsia
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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

Well said, Redleg. Hear hear! We are all Demons at heart.

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I'd suggest taking responsibility means admitting that they have failed to live up to what they wanted to achieve and that they have made various mistakes along the way and as a result he is going to step down as president.

The board can't just quit, otherwise there would be no one to run the club in the interim. The review will assess what skill sets are needed on the board, what skill sets are missing, who doesn't need to be there and what type of people should be on it.

Subsequently people will be targeted and asked to help out by joining the board. Others will approach the club and say they want to be involved. Together this group of people will decide who will stand for the board, and if more people want to run than there are positions there will be a vote.

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Herald Sun reporting that Freeman has met AFL already and will soon take over. Also reported that there will be Board changes.

Given that Freeman is not part of the failures of the Board we will have a new leader. Presumably he will be able to work well with PJ.

If the AFL is behind our new structures that augers well for us.

Apparently privately the AFL and Dunstall have said that Kennett would be a disaster. They of course won' t admit that publicly. For those that want Kennett that is fine but the AFL apparently don't and that would make getting assistance very difficult, not to mention the divisive outcome on the club. Dunstall has also said he said things publicly that we're directly opposite to what was agreed by the Hawks board and his fellow directors were furious.

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From what I can tell, his modus operandi is pretty simple.

A step by step to being Satyr:

1. Search for threads where someone expresses an opinion that is not entirely supportive of the club's direction, or anyone directly contributing to that direction;

2. Respond to that person in the most antagonistic/condescending way possible, claiming they either have some alterior motive or don't know what they are talking about. Using names like "orc" or "keyboard hero" work best in catching people's attention, and such labels also allow for grouping people together in a simplified manner;

3. Once the initial reply achieves an equally antagoniistic response, point to the language in the response as evidence that the person doesn't wish to contribute constructively to the topic;

4. Always take the highest ground possible and lay claim to a noble cause of bringing the club's detractors to task, and essentially saving the day;

5. At any and every opportunity, drop the names of people you have spoken to at the club. Give the impression that you can speak with authority on the club's behalf, and that you have Don McLardy on speed dial;

6. Suggest to the person that if they are so upset about the club, they should run for a position there, preferably on the board. Remind them that failure to do so removes any right to be critical;

7. If the conversation has progressed beyond this point, it's time to make this [censored] personal. Assure the other person that you lead a much more fulfilling life than they do.

And there you have it. 7 easy steps to being an insufferable git.

Hey P-Man, how are they hanging this morning, thought you didn't read my posts, get you every time really don't I, suggest you need to book in another session, your paranoia seems to be arcing up again, nice to see you posted on topic, bit beyond you really isn't it..........insufferable, damn was aiming for a bit more......by the way, I will listen to anybody who has something constructive to say about why the board should be changed, rather than 'they are crap, should just be sacked', but that seems beyond some................anyway, have to go, my life is over fulfilled at the moment, toodle pip...

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Hey P-Man, how are they hanging this morning, thought you didn't read my posts, get you every time really don't I, suggest you need to book in another session, your paranoia seems to be arcing up again, nice to see you posted on topic, bit beyond you really isn't it..........insufferable, damn was aiming for a bit more......by the way, I will listen to anybody who has something constructive to say about why the board should be changed, rather than 'they are crap, should just be sacked', but that seems beyond some................anyway, have to go, my life is over fulfilled at the moment, toodle pip...

Is that the best you've got Connie? Reckon you've just been owned.

Nice work P-Man.

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Herald Sun reporting that Freeman has met AFL already and will soon take over. Also reported that there will be Board changes.

Given that Freeman is not part of the failures of the Board we will have a new leader. Presumably he will be able to work well with PJ.

If the AFL is behind our new structures that augers well for us.

Apparently privately the AFL and Dunstall have said that Kennett would be a disaster. They of course won' t admit that publicly. For those that want Kennett that is fine but the AFL apparently don't and that would make getting assistance very difficult, not to mention the divisive outcome on the club. Dunstall has also said he said things publicly that we're directly opposite to what was agreed by the Hawks board and his fellow directors were furious.

Can you elaborate further on your comments regarding Dunstall? Thanks
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Forgive me for being a late entry in this thread.

From what I remember Jimbo was put in as Leader of the Ticket that quietly got rid of the Gardiner group.

Jim, didn't want to lead unless he had someone to do all the back room stuff (which was his mate Don)

Don did not want the Presidency, but when Jim passed away, he had no option than to stand up and continue the fight in Jims name.

It was a no win situation for Don or the club.

The time has well and truly come for a new President, someone who has the desire to lead, whether that be Freeman, time will tell.

Personally I don't think we should put in an ex MFC player as a Figure head president, temporarily it may get a few supporters on board, but we need a strong President

that knows his stuff but has passion for this club. Who that is I don't know.

Edited by Chippy
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The good thing about our present situation is that we are moving forward with a plan. A huge plus is the AFL is interested in assisting us in becoming a stable and competitive football club.

The future looks a heck of a lot brighter!! :)

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As a pad up member id like to know something about this Geoff Freeman guy

I know literally nothing, and cant find anything

There was a Thread set up for him a month or so ago.

He was a founder for his company Freeman McMurray an sold out in 2005 ? to AON

he is now a Director of AON

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If Don is replaced by Freeman in the next week which looks very likely based on comment from a from a few who should know, I would hope that the club does it with some dignity for Don and any other board member who move on. These people may or may not have made a few mistakes but they all have put in significant time, effort and money well above anything done by most critics on this forum.

I find threads like this and the vitriol directed at these people disappointing. Regardless of the position of the club they deserve our thanks and credit for the things they have done right

1, Completely changed the football department and the FD spend to create the foundation for a proessional and successful club.

2. Eliminated over $5m debt that hung over the club

3. Developed a strong link with casey and provided a modern well resourced training base for the team

4. Developed the partnership with the NT to expand our support base and revenue base.

5. Navigated us through a shocking couple of years of off field dramas most of which were outside our control.

Yes the team is crap and probably underperforming but the club has better fundamentals in place now than before they took over and that should be recognised. I also have respect fo Don and the job he done for his mate Jim. He is a good bloke and deserves our thanks and our respect.

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Is that the best you've got Connie? Reckon you've just been owned.

Nice work P-Man.

Battle of wits with unarmed men, tedious, posts about me and not the topic, shows the intellgence of the poster wouldn't you think, another 'newish' poster, so either changed nickname or one of the many MFC basher guises....sad really

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1, Completely changed the football department and the FD spend to create the foundation for a proessional and successful club.

Then why did Peter Jackson need to come in and overhaul the entire thing?

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Then why did Peter Jackson need to come in and overhaul the entire thing?

He hasn't done anything yet, apart from the reporting mechanism that CS had in place.

He has said he didn't agree with amount of inexperience in the FD and that needs to be addressed.

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Herald Sun reporting that Freeman has met AFL already and will soon take over. Also reported that there will be Board changes.

Given that Freeman is not part of the failures of the Board we will have a new leader. Presumably he will be able to work well with PJ.

If the AFL is behind our new structures that augers well for us.

Apparently privately the AFL and Dunstall have said that Kennett would be a disaster. They of course won' t admit that publicly. For those that want Kennett that is fine but the AFL apparently don't and that would make getting assistance very difficult, not to mention the divisive outcome on the club. Dunstall has also said he said things publicly that we're directly opposite to what was agreed by the Hawks board and his fellow directors were furious.

My understanding is thats why he was brought in. For a smooth handover.....watch this space

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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

Red leg, I think we all feel your pain so eloquently expressed in the above post. As a 50 year Demon supporter, and one who also has children who are supporters but fair weather ones, I can see how our supporter base has eroded over the years along with our patchy inconsistent performances. I guess my childrens' generation of supporters have never been given a real reason to be the enthusiasts their parents are.

My concerns and criticisms of the current board about not taking responsibility and being willing to resign for a better alternative is about giving the remaining supporters, players, coaches hope, but obviously to do that responsibly there needs to be a quality alternative. Instead McLardy by his recent comments seems to want to hang on and fight. Wouldn't it be better if he admitted the current Board has failed and undertook to hand over to whatever entity the PJ and AFL decides is appropriate, with the one proviso that it is in the interests of the Club eg a suggestion of relocation or merging should be rejected.

The point I also made is that, in spite of our high powered supporter base, there appears to be no high powered Group emerging that wishes to take over responsibility, except the Kennett Group and he is not even a supporter. I have suggested this would not be the case in any of the AFL powerhouses should they have gone through a three years like the last three years of the MFC. The supporter bases simply would not put up with it. this I think says something about where the club is at, and certainly makes me want to support the Kennett Group if they are committed to putting the club on a far sounder financial footing (as Kennett did so successfully at Hawthorn), and with that will come on-field success as confidence builds in the playing group so we retain key players and attract capable new ones. Appointment of an experienced successful coach (Clarkson?) would also help in this, but we would also need to give him a reason to commit to us beyond money - hope and desire to succeed. That is what I believe a Kennett lead board may be able to do. An AFL/PJ inspired one may be able to as well, but whatever happens, a change is both desirable and inevitable. Better for the current incumbents to acknowledge that and work toward a smooth transition rather than seemingly standing and fighting.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    GETAWAY by Meggs

    Calling all fit players. Expect every available Melbourne player to board the Virgin cross-continent flight to Perth for this Round 4 clash on Saturday afternoon at Fremantle Oval. It promises to be keenly contested, though Fremantle is the bookies clear favourite.  If we lose, finals could be remoter than Rottnest Island especially following on from the Dees 50-point dismantlement by North Melbourne last Sunday.  There are 8 remaining matches, over the next 7 weeks.  To Meggs’

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    DRUBBING by Meggs

    With Casey Fields basking in sunshine, an enthusiastic throng of young Demons fans formed a guard of honour for the evergreen and much admired 75-gamer Paxy Paxman. As the home team ran out to play, Paxy’s banner promised that the Demons would bounce back from last week’s loss to Brisbane and reign supreme.   Disappointingly, the Kangaroos dominated the match to win by 50 points, but our Paxy certainly did her bit.  She was clearly our best player, sweeping well in defence.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 4


    In keeping with our tough draw theme, Week 3 sees Melbourne take on flag favourites, North Melbourne, at Casey Fields this Sunday at 1:05pm.  The weather forecast looks dry, a coolish 14 degrees and will be characteristically gusty.  Remember when Casey Fields was considered our fortress?  The Demons have lost two of their past three matches at the Field of Dreams, so opposition teams commute down the Princes Highway with more optimism these days.  The Dees held the highe

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    ALLY’S FIELDS by Meggs

    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1
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