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McLardy is completely out of touch


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Stuies probably like the rest of the supporters that are sick of losing by 15 goals every week, it's a long line, it's time for a change, Christ if we listen to boot lickers like You and RPFC we might make the finals in 2020.


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Because I like nothing better than taking on keyboard heroes like yourself who do nothing but whinge and whine and do sod all about the so called perceived problems

Half the naysayers on the anti Board topics are either ex Board members or their mates, thinking they are safe hiding behind nicknames, personal agendas, no never

What alternatives do you ever offer up, usually nothing, there are a group of posters on here where you can actually hear the childish sniggering as they tap away furiously at their keyboard before posting their next well thought out diatribe

Don said he would welcome anybody on the board who was passionate about the Dees, do you qualify for that bit, or you gonna cop out again.

Who is being the keyboard warrior here? I've given my opinion, that's what Demonland is for, it's not a reliable source of board members, it's an internet forum for MFC supporters to share their thoughts and opinions.

I take it you're on the board then seeing you're potting the rest of us for "doing nothing"?

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I'm measured on this...
Don said quite specifically in the speech before the game that he accepts responsibility. Now, one thing I have learnt over the years is that there is a big difference between what people say and what people do. Until the review is over and a few board members fall on their swords, it's still rhetoric. But if posters on here are going to say Don hasn't rhetorically accepted responsibility then they quite frankly are incorrect.
What stops me from saying that this is a rehash of the Andrews Report/Mark Neeld is that Peter Jackson is on board. At this stage however, he NEEDS to stay true to the brief he was given: he's here on a cleanup mission. When it's done, he leaves. He is not to become matey with blokes around the club (nor is he to be antagonistic for the sake of it). I'm o.k. with Trotter, Freeman and McLardy being involved as well but PJ needs to make sure the clowns don't get loose in the fun-house. If blokes are being protected for having the right connections around the club then PJ needs to tell head office that this club isn't being serious. Then the AFL needs to see out any measures it sees fit.

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Lol a review of the board done by a sitting board member...

Lol, will this be as fruitful as the legendary Andrews report?

It does seem a bit strange, but I trust that Jacksons involvement in this will see the changes come that most are wanting. I can't see this being an Andrews fiasco.

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If the reporting of Don McLardy's Presidential Queen's Birthday speech is correct, then it explains a lot about why we are in the mess we are in.


When is anyone in this club going to take responsibility for anything? Not soon clearly according to the current president. Apparently, the current board are incredibly passionate about the Demons, are really good, competent people, and it will all come right in the end...

Well I am sorry, but if any Board I had anything to do with had delivered the results the current one had over the last five years, then they would all be out on their heads, and most professional board members would see that as fair enough. THEY HAVE FAILED SPECTACULARLY.

Where are the passionate, professional people amongst demon supporters? If a board had failed so spectacularly at Collingwood, Essendon, Hawthorn, Sydney, or Carlton, there would have been a number of rival bids from passionate, high powered supporters desperate to turn things around and to roll the current incompetents.

Instead, it is left to Jeff Kennett, a Hawthorn supporter, to make the running. Personally, I would much much prefer the professionalism and ruthlessness of a Kennett bid, than the weak kneed, amateur-hour that is our current Board.

When are the current group going to take some responsibility. No time soon clearly. TIME TO TURF THEM OUT.

I am heartily sick of this farce.

If you are too, let's join a movement o do something about it.

You putting the Bombers up in the same breath as the others........lol might have from the past but not now.

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Don McLardy twice accepted responsibility for everything....

Then he should resign as the results under his guidance have been a complete failure. If we were a public company we'd be broke.

This Board has done some good things,

Can you name them? They reduced debt by calling on members and then presided over a $500,000 AFL fine and a payout to the CEO who they reappointed 6 months earlier. And our on field performance under their guidance is just terrible.

You don't really fire yourself when you are an honorary board member, you just walk away. You generally do that because you are sick and tired of being burned by the media and supporters. You think you should probably have kept all of the money you have donated to the club and then probably don't donate anymore, because of the way you were treated for trying to help.

Alternatively you get beaten in an election.

Redleg do you think they have done a good job? On any evaluation they are a failure and should recognize that and organize a competent Board in their place. They are being burned by the supporters and media because we put our trust in them, gave them our money and it's all for nothing. They have got us to such a terrible position nobody will take over.

Not only that they are doing some window dressing by having a review of their performance by themselves. That may curry support from you but not from me. I don't want a review, it's a waste of time. Look at the financial bottom line and the second last line on the ladder, that will tell you. The fact that the review is by one of their own is an insult to the membership. Might as well get Wayne Swan to review the Labor Party performance.

This Board has sucked money and hope out of the members. It's sad. I don't question their motive or their commitment. I question their results and have for sometime. I've been pointing out here for so long that they lack independence and process but got abused from pillar to post.

And tell me this. How can Don McLardy sit on a Board that decides Neeld's future? Don selected him along with Jalland. They should stand aside and excuse themselves from any discussion on the coach's future.

Sadly they won't because to be honest, they just don't get it.

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Sadly they won't because to be honest, they just don't get it.

You are acting like he hasn't intimated there will be changes or that he will step aside.

I am more than happy to have Freeman and Jackson do this review of what the Board brings to that table and what it does not.

We are not going to have this change through an opposing ticket. Just like Gardner stepped aside, so will McLardy and a few others.

We will have AFL-endorsed renewal and we move into 2014 with some hope and unity. Or do we?

BB - you say they should look for their own successors, well that doesn't happen, but like the Stynes team came in and amicably took over from the Gardner team while keeping 3 members, similar will occur.

Those that wanted us to be run by the AFL get the closest thing to it - an AFL paratrooper designing the Board he is working for.

Is that enough AFL-endorsed change?

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No. You whine and whinge while others express their opinions.

I'll post this again for you in response to your second point:

Ughhh... the old "if you're a better board member/coach/player why aren't you doing it?" line hey... The weakest last resort argument there is.

I don't see why not wanting to be a board member or having the appropriate qualifications for that role disallows anyone from having an opinion.

If you hate hearing anyones thoughts other than your own why bother logging in here?

From what I can tell, his modus operandi is pretty simple.

A step by step to being Satyr:

1. Search for threads where someone expresses an opinion that is not entirely supportive of the club's direction, or anyone directly contributing to that direction;

2. Respond to that person in the most antagonistic/condescending way possible, claiming they either have some alterior motive or don't know what they are talking about. Using names like "orc" or "keyboard hero" work best in catching people's attention, and such labels also allow for grouping people together in a simplified manner;

3. Once the initial reply achieves an equally antagoniistic response, point to the language in the response as evidence that the person doesn't wish to contribute constructively to the topic;

4. Always take the highest ground possible and lay claim to a noble cause of bringing the club's detractors to task, and essentially saving the day;

5. At any and every opportunity, drop the names of people you have spoken to at the club. Give the impression that you can speak with authority on the club's behalf, and that you have Don McLardy on speed dial;

6. Suggest to the person that if they are so upset about the club, they should run for a position there, preferably on the board. Remind them that failure to do so removes any right to be critical;

7. If the conversation has progressed beyond this point, it's time to make this sh!t personal. Assure the other person that you lead a much more fulfilling life than they do.

And there you have it. 7 easy steps to being an insufferable git.

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Redleg do you think they have done a good job? On any evaluation they are a failure and should recognize that and organize a competent Board in their place. They are being burned by the supporters and media because we put our trust in them, gave them our money and it's all for nothing. They have got us to such a terrible position nobody will take over.

Not only that they are doing some window dressing by having a review of their performance by themselves. That may curry support from you but not from me. I don't want a review, it's a waste of time. Look at the financial bottom line and the second last line on the ladder, that will tell you. The fact that the review is by one of their own is an insult to the membership. Might as well get Wayne Swan to review the Labor Party performance.

This Board has sucked money and hope out of the members. It's sad. I don't question their motive or their commitment. I question their results and have for sometime. I've been pointing out here for so long that they lack independence and process but got abused from pillar to post.

And tell me this. How can Don McLardy sit on a Board that decides Neeld's future? Don selected him along with Jalland. They should stand aside and excuse themselves from any discussion on the coach's future.

Sadly they won't because to be honest, they just don't get it.

BB I don't think the Board have done a good job and have never said they had.

I have never commented on the review, so I am unclear as to why you suggest that may "curry support from me". As for asking me what I think of the review done by one of their own, well to be honest and if Trotter is, it may have more credence and relevance than if done by an outsider.

Trotter will have some idea of exactly what each member has done, said, voted for, contributed etc. I am unsure how an outsider can actually evaluate individual board member's performances. You might care to enlighten me on that.

My mail is Don will resign soon. He won't or shouldn't sit on a sub committee evaluating the Coach.

BB you seem to have taken a lot out of my last post which was:

"You don't really fire yourself when you are an honorary board member, you just walk away. You generally do that because you are sick and tired of being burned by the media and supporters. You think you should probably have kept all of the money you have donated to the club and then probably don't donate anymore, because of the way you were treated for trying to help.

Alternatively you get beaten in an election."

Not sure where your post in reply has come from.

PS. Do you really want such a failure of a board to pick their successors?

Edited by Redleg
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BB I don't think the Board have done a good job and have never said they had.

I have never commented on the review, so I am unclear as to why you suggest that may "curry support from me". As for asking me what I think of the review done by one of their own, well to be honest and if Trotter is, it may have more credence and relevance than if done by an outsider.

Trotter will have some idea of exactly what each member has done, said, voted for, contributed etc. I am unsure how an outsider can actually evaluate individual board member's performances. You might care to enlighten me on that.

My mail is Don will resign soon. Therefore he won't or shouldn't sit on a sub committee evaluating the Coach.

BB you seem to have taken a lot out of my last post which was:

"You don't really fire yourself when you are an honorary board member, you just walk away. You generally do that because you are sick and tired of being burned by the media and supporters. You think you should probably have kept all of the money you have donated to the club and then probably don't donate anymore, because of the way you were treated for trying to help.

Alternatively you get beaten in an election."

Not sure where your post in reply has come from.

PS. Do you really want such a failure of a board to pick their successors?

Redleg I know your past involvement and you understand better than me the scrutiny that goes on and I respect your support of Boards (in general). You've stated you either walk away or get beaten in an election but the Gardner Board did neither, they agreed to a dignified change over saving the club the energy, money and angst of a fight. This Board are failures and rather than have a silly internal review should, with the AFL's help, find a suitable replacement. FWIW Trotter, regardless of effort and intent, cannot independently evaluate a Board he has been part of. Ask Julia how you think she's gone!

IMO Don should not be denigrating Kennett's offer and he should let the members decide. In all probability Kennett would be strongly rejected anyway but it's not Don's decision.

The answer is I don't want Don choosing the next Chairman/Board but he's strongly behind his mate Geoff Freeman who is a brother insurance broker and salesman and to be honest I've little trust in that recommendation.

I wasn't having a go at you and my reference to "curry support with you" was really directed at this community although I recognize it could and should have been better expressed. Heavens this situation has us on edge doesn't it. No offence meant and apology offered if it was taken.

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Then he should resign as the results under his guidance have been a complete failure. If we were a public company we'd be broke.

Can you name them? They reduced debt by calling on members and then presided over a $500,000 AFL fine and a payout to the CEO who they reappointed 6 months earlier. And our on field performance under their guidance is just terrible.

Redleg do you think they have done a good job? On any evaluation they are a failure and should recognize that and organize a competent Board in their place. They are being burned by the supporters and media because we put our trust in them, gave them our money and it's all for nothing. They have got us to such a terrible position nobody will take over.

Not only that they are doing some window dressing by having a review of their performance by themselves. That may curry support from you but not from me. I don't want a review, it's a waste of time. Look at the financial bottom line and the second last line on the ladder, that will tell you. The fact that the review is by one of their own is an insult to the membership. Might as well get Wayne Swan to review the Labor Party performance.

This Board has sucked money and hope out of the members. It's sad. I don't question their motive or their commitment. I question their results and have for sometime. I've been pointing out here for so long that they lack independence and process but got abused from pillar to post.

And tell me this. How can Don McLardy sit on a Board that decides Neeld's future? Don selected him along with Jalland. They should stand aside and excuse themselves from any discussion on the coach's future.

Sadly they won't because to be honest, they just don't get it.

Yes, I could name the achievements of this Board. But really, like with Neeld, no-one is interested in being fair or balanced.

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Redleg I know your past involvement and you understand better than me the scrutiny that goes on and I respect your support of Boards (in general). You've stated you either walk away or get beaten in an election but the Gardner Board did neither, they agreed to a dignified change over saving the club the energy, money and angst of a fight. This Board are failures and rather than have a silly internal review should, with the AFL's help, find a suitable replacement. FWIW Trotter, regardless of effort and intent, cannot independently evaluate a Board he has been part of. Ask Julia how you think she's gone!

IMO Don should not be denigrating Kennett's offer and he should let the members decide. In all probability Kennett would be strongly rejected anyway but it's not Don's decision.

The answer is I don't want Don choosing the next Chairman/Board but he's strongly behind his mate Geoff Freeman who is a brother insurance broker and salesman and to be honest I've little trust in that recommendation.

I wasn't having a go at you and my reference to "curry support with you" was really directed at this community although I recognize it could and should have been better expressed. Heavens this situation has us on edge doesn't it. No offence meant and apology offered if it was taken.

BB I can live with the members deciding who they want but I also want those who stand to tell us what they are going to do to move forward. You also don't want to burn all the bridges that tho old board have build up so everyone needs to just settle down and think it through. As for JK as much as a lot of supporters want him there are the same amount don't want him so this will cause just as much division as we have now, as for me I do not want this muppet anywhere near this club!!

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BB I can live with the members deciding who they want but I also want those who stand to tell us what they are going to do to move forward. You also don't want to burn all the bridges that tho old board have build up so everyone needs to just settle down and think it through. As for JK as much as a lot of supporters want him there are the same amount don't want him so this will cause just as much division as we have now, as for me I do not want this muppet anywhere near this club!!

If JK is to succeed it will be with the members support because judging by Don's comments he won't stand aside for Jeff. If he is to succeed he will have to tell us his policies.

I don't necessarily support him but I don't want Don making the decision for me.

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Don is a good bloke, loves the Dees, but is not the president to lead at our darkest time.

Mark Neeld is a good bloke, great assistant coach, but is not the coach to lead at our darkest time.

Trenners and Grimes are good blokes, love the Dees, but are not the captains to lead at our darkest time.

There's a pattern somewhere....

There is, and it indicates that you don't know how to identify an apple tree before it bears fruit.

Look, I understand your frustration, but it's clear from this post that you have no idea what the problem is, or how to solve it. You're not alone on that, mind you, probably 99% of the posters on this forum don't know either, but your entire opinion seems to based on the premise that "We currently suck. Therefore everyone currently doing anything must suck".

I'll note publicly that Nathan Jones is now officially a Captain, with absolutely no discernible improvement in results. Where are all the posters that were saying he should definitely be the Captain now? Where are the results they promised?

I'll tell you where they are, if there are any... they're two or three years away. Just like any improvement that Neeld might bring to the table would be. We have no idea if he is the coach to lead us through these dark times, because we know nothing about what's happening at the club. All we know is, we've got a tree with no fruit.

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Redleg I know your past involvement and you understand better than me the scrutiny that goes on and I respect your support of Boards (in general). You've stated you either walk away or get beaten in an election but the Gardner Board did neither, they agreed to a dignified change over saving the club the energy, money and angst of a fight. This Board are failures and rather than have a silly internal review should, with the AFL's help, find a suitable replacement. FWIW Trotter, regardless of effort and intent, cannot independently evaluate a Board he has been part of. Ask Julia how you think she's gone!

IMO Don should not be denigrating Kennett's offer and he should let the members decide. In all probability Kennett would be strongly rejected anyway but it's not Don's decision.

The answer is I don't want Don choosing the next Chairman/Board but he's strongly behind his mate Geoff Freeman who is a brother insurance broker and salesman and to be honest I've little trust in that recommendation.

I wasn't having a go at you and my reference to "curry support with you" was really directed at this community although I recognize it could and should have been better expressed. Heavens this situation has us on edge doesn't it. No offence meant and apology offered if it was taken.

Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

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Surely the problems are on field problems

Andrew Leoncelli left the Board soon after Bailey was appointed . Jim wasn't well enough to fill the void ......... and all of a sudden the non football people on the Board found a player/coach/footy ops/CEO split

Gary Lyon stood in long enough to sanction some critical appointments before hurrying away to the comforts of his media career. At Xmas Greg Healy joined the Board as Football Director despite the pressures of being CEO of a major Asia Pacific corporation ( Quiksilver). How often has he been to training?

Now Peter Jackson points out that reporting lines through the CEO to the Board make no sense. Where has our Football Director been through all this? Shouldn't he have seen that the reporting lines were not functional?

We were going OK financially until our dysfunctional on field management and performance bit us through the tanking investigation- and pitiful on-field performances.

Let's not just tear down every facet of the club - when our approach to player selection and development over some years has clearly been the problem

Edited by hoopla
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An internal review of the board by a board member ..

That's a bit like George Pell sorting out the Catholic Church isn't it??

What a joke.

A review of the MFC, footy dept' & board, by the AFL's friend & highly qualified CEO, Peter Jackson, to get this ship sailing high & proud. An thoughtful report should follow, inspite of any white noise.

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I'll tell you where they are, if there are any... they're two or three years away.

We've been 2 or 3 years away since 2007. And we'll be 2 or 3 years away in 2017.

We can't fix this. We are dysfunctional from the board, to the FD, to the coaches, to the players, to the supporters.

Don picking a successor is the worst of all possible outcomes.

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Yes, I could name the achievements of this Board. But really, like with Neeld, no-one is interested in being fair or balanced.

It would be if you named both achievements with their overwhelming list of failures.

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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

At the moment I don't see another ticket of impressive people ( MFC members ) offering to lead the club. Why are you criticizing the current board for not abandoning their posts when there is no alternative ready to take over? I don't understand that position. Only a coward or quitter runs away. It would be different if a viable alternative was ready willing and able, that is not the case.

To be perfectly honest, other than perhaps someone like Kennett, I don't give a damn who runs this club. All I want is a competitive football team to watch. I haven't got one.

I was close to tears on monday. I actually went to the fence and shouted at umpire number 6 from about 4 feet away over the Watts free kick which robbed us of any impetus and led to the onslaught of Pie goals. I have never done that before. Incidentally the umpire turned to me and shrugged as if to say he made a mistake. Mc Burney just smiled. This is what this debacle is doing to me.

I am devastated at the poor decisions, made by my club that has led us to this calamity. None more so than BP. I can't believe again I am saying this, but I actually feel like I hate the guy. That is not my usual character.

I feel for every supporter of our club. I understand every angry Demonlander venting their spleen. They have every right to do so.

I feel sorry for my kids. My son is a fanatic beyond belief and I actually believe he would make a better President than most we have had recently.

I feel sorry for my wife who WAS in tears over what has happened to us. Our family is but one of many that has given and invested so much into this club over so many years.

You know me well and you would know how much this hurts me, but I actually told my Pies supporting son in law, that he could join my 2 grand daughters up as Pies members, so that they could have a chance of success with their team. They will however probably be members of both clubs.

I wish I could cuddle Jaded who I have never met and tell her hang on, don't give up we will come good. I wish I could cheer up Old Dee and Why You Little. I wish I could make Stuie and JnrMac happy. I wish I could do something to make us better.

What we must all do however, is not eat our own. I accept that the mistakes are just that, not deliberate.

We must pray for PJ that he gets it right and that he screws the AFL for everything he can get.

We must just keep faith in our club and when we are successful, we will enjoy it like nothing else, because of our suffering and we will tell the rest of the AFL footy world to go to hell, we are back.

A very good post Redleg. I could quibble with a few areas where I don't totally agree with you, but that would only detract from what I think is overall a very heartfelt addition to the discussion :)

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Thanks for the apology but you don't need to, as you and I know each other well enough to know, that we wouldn't intentionally offend the other.

I believe that as I said Don will stand down and I think others will too. I don't think all of them need to go as we may lose some real talent. For example what if 3-4 talented board members were against all of the bad decisions, raised arguments for their views but were simply outvoted, Do you suggest they should go?

As for the Gardiner Board they stepped aside for another Board, that was ready to take their place and made up of on the face of it, by some pretty impressive people and headed by a former Demon great.

Yes the Gardiner Board could have refused to go and fought an election. Who do you think would have won that fight? Maybe they saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing.

Redleg I've not read the Kennett thread so I don't know your stance but I just don't think Don should be telling him, on my behalf, that he's not wanted. He should merely have said he (Kennett) didn't have his support but was welcome to offer himself to the membership and leave it to us. His backing of his mate Geoff (Freeman) doesn't sit well with me either, but so be it.

As for the Gardner Board all you say is right but they acted with dignity and I hope Don does the same. I just think it's an insult to say they are having a review and a Board member will carry it out. I think one of the major reasons they failed is their lack of understanding of governance and independence and the decision to get Trotter to evaluate them shows they've learned nothing.

Redleg I don't think I know a better MFC supporter than you, hang in.

Edited by Baghdad Bob
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Too much change, too quickly, can be counter productive. Stay the course until the season end. McLardy (as alot of supporters) is weary of a man, who was in a position of power at the time, advocated for the destruction of our geat club. To me it's only natural to be suspicious of JK's motives.

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Surely the problems are on field problems

Andrew Leoncelli left the Board soon after Bailey was appointed . Jim wasn't well enough to fill the void ......... and all of a sudden the non football people on the Board found a player/coach/footy ops/CEO split

Gary Lyon stood in long enough to sanction some critical appointments before hurrying away to the comforts of his media career. At Xmas Greg Healy joined the Board as Football Director despite the pressures of being CEO of a major Asia Pacific corporation ( Quiksilver). How often has he been to training?

Now Peter Jackson points out that reporting lines through the CEO to the Board make no sense. Where has our Football Director been through all this? Shouldn't he have seen that the reporting lines were not functional?

We were going OK financially until our dysfunctional on field management and performance bit us through the tanking investigation- and pitiful on-field performances.

Let's not just tear down every facet of the club - when our approach to player selection and development over some years has clearly been the problem

There is no 'the' problem...there are many things that have caused the major problem, on field success and at the top of the list is the management of the club.

The Financial ok that you talk about was always an illusion to start with and more so without on field success.

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A review of the MFC, footy dept' & board, by the AFL's friend & highly qualified CEO, Peter Jackson, to get this ship sailing high & proud. An thoughtful report should follow, inspite of any white noise.

But the review is being carried out not by PJ but by Trotter, a current board member.

No offence at all to Trotter, who having seen at the walk to the G is no doubt a proud and passionate team, but it is not possible that a board member can independently and objectively review a board he is part of.

That said, all comes to nothing if they just ignore the bulk of the report. But they wouldn't do that would they..........

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