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In defence of Collingwood supporters...

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Eddie really had a bad day.

David Brent would be proud of that one .

Good one Eddie-you're officially the biggest [censored] in Melbourne .

leave the comedy to the funny guys at MMM-i.e the Janitor.

Reckon Eddie dipped a little too deep into the bag on that occasion. Not the words of a straight man.

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are you always such a prude? Lighten up pal, don't take life too seriously

Not being prudish at all... kids read this site as well as adults (my 11y.o often reads over my shoulder), and there are probably others including females on this site who find that offensive. So, what was the point of the image anyway? If it was supposed to be funny, in my opinion it failed miserably.

Edited by hardtack
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Many posters seem very intent on telling other people what they mean when they say something.

Many posters seem to believe there aren't words used to abuse white people for the colour of their skin/predominately white demographic (skippy, redneck, bogan, trailer trash, etc)

Actions speak louder. Much louder.

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Racism is not only about words but is also about power and how the words remove any feeling of worth. Posters who say that words meaning change, we are being overly sensitive and white people get called all sorts of names and its should be okay because its all fun and games/larrikinism don't seem to get this.

As an Indigenous male I have lived all my life as a minority in my own country so I roll my eyes to the heavens whenever I hear a member of the dominant majority say I should stop being sensitive. I have lived with constant barrage of racism both open forms and subtle forms pretty much all my life. You become conditioned to ignore the subtle digs and jibes because I learnt long ago that fighting each one just makes you very angry person and the reality is, the issue is not one I have, but the uneducated views of the person perpetuating the racism.

The last few days have been an interesting time for the sport and I think it has been a good to have discussion about this issue. It's a sad way to have to address this issue but often with racial vilification it's only going to be discussed when something negative happens.

Some may think the media have blown the issue out to be more then it should but I would rather have peoples comments and opinions as it means there is robust discussions about it. The worst thing Australians can do is sweep it under the rug again issues like these need to be always discussed. What would be interesting is to see discussion occuring when there are no flare ups of racial vilification going on.

The discussion has been a very interesting one and its been good to hear all your views on this except for yours DeeinWa having lived and worked in WA I am all to familiar with the attitudes of Rural WA towards the Nyoongar people comments like your mirror my own experiences in that part of the country. I wonder if you would have the audacity to call Buddy Franklin, Neville Jetta, Harly Bennell, Marley Williams, Louis Jetta, Jeff Farmer, Jamie Bennell, Ashley Mcgrath, Leon Davis, Chance Bateman and any of the other great Indigenous Footballers, who have come from Rural WA, an APE or monkey and then see if they think your funny. But I guess that's a bit harsh and I do apologise for that outburst as I certainly can understand that it must be hard living in rural WA as white male.

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I never thought I'd stick up for Collingwood supporters, and it may never happen again, but I will here.

I don't think I'm racist - maybe we all are to some extent, I haven't thought about it much. I have thought about what's fair. Calling someone a monkey, a baboon, a chimp, is a common childish insult. Our Prime Minister is frequently referred to as a "ranga" (orang-utan). This might be rude, but it is not necessarily racist. If it is said to imply that indigenous people are more ape-like than others, it is racist. But you'd need a lawyer to work that out.

Not the AFL. If Adam Goodes feelings are hurt, what more proof of racism do we need? I can't understand why the kid wasn't locked up immediately. Why bother with a trial or a fair hearing? Two hours of questioning by police is more than criminals are subjected to for some major crimes. Generally our society looks after the welfare of children, and I think this approach should be required of indigenous players as well, even if they are famous.

As for the bloke in the crowd, I heard a news report saying police were looking for him. Are Victoria Police now agents of Andrew D and the AFL? Are they arbiters of social policy? What was his crime? If I understood correctly, because his words seemed a bit slurred, he was addressing the umpire(s) and accusing them of racial discrimination. Was that his crime? or was it the suggestion that Adam Goodes was black? Neither seems remotely criminal. He suggested that because it was the indigenous round, the umpires were giving a disproportionate share of the free kicks to an indigenous player. I may or may not have agreed, but I don't see that its racist to raise the question. Sounds like they've tracked him down though, and he will be given counselling. I'm not sure what for, but its something no Collingwood supporter should be without.

Its just as well Collingwood supporters can give and take a bit, or the AFL would be sending Victoria Police to find me.

Calling a red headed person a "Ranga" is racist actually. red headed genes come from the celtic people who originated in the british isles and the north of spain. So many people seem to think of racism as a white against black issue. racism exists in every society and against every type of person. White people in parts of teh world are vilified terribly and black on black racism has netted disatrous results in Africa.

People are happy to call red headed people rangas and tell them they dont have souls etc etc but gee dont dare give a dark skinned person a name.

i dont condone vilifying aboriginals or blacks but the double standards in this whole argument are ludicrous

Edited by Munga
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I agree vilification should be stamped out but where does this stop? police tracking someone down?!! he didnt swear. yes he suggested the umpires were favouring two aboriginals. he didnt vilify them. he called them black but they are arent they?? yes i get that his conotations could be perceived as racist but i feel his comments were more of a attack on the umpires performance than goodes and jettas genetics. What exactly wil he be charged with?? accusing an umpire of being [censored]? really??!

if he accused the umpires of favouring them because they are indiginous australians instead of "blacks" , how is that racist? they are indiginous australians. the comment is directed at the umpires not doing their job properly. had he used derogatory language and insulted the players i agree that he should be banned. but he didnt. perhaps have a chat to him but call the police and have them look for him???!!! thats so far over the top

it was indiginous round and goodes and jetta are black. perhaps he should have called them indiginous people but [censored] , after a few beers thats a pretty hard word to pronounce.

where will this stop? 80,000 people at the ground all too scared to make a passionate comment beciase of sme do gooder with an iphone in the next aisle. a knock on the door in the middle of the night becuase i accused an umpire of favouring players?

lets not let this swing too far the other way

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I agree vilification should be stamped out but where does this stop? police tracking someone down?!! he didnt swear. yes he suggested the umpires were favouring two aboriginals. he didnt vilify them. he called them black but they are arent they?? yes i get that his conotations could be perceived as racist but i feel his comments were more of a attack on the umpires performance than goodes and jettas genetics. What exactly wil he be charged with?? accusing an umpire of being [censored]? really??!

if he accused the umpires of favouring them because they are indiginous australians instead of "blacks" , how is that racist? they are indiginous australians. the comment is directed at the umpires not doing their job properly. had he used derogatory language and insulted the players i agree that he should be banned. but he didnt. perhaps have a chat to him but call the police and have them look for him???!!! thats so far over the top

it was indiginous round and goodes and jetta are black. perhaps he should have called them indiginous people but [censored] , after a few beers thats a pretty hard word to pronounce.

where will this stop? 80,000 people at the ground all too scared to make a passionate comment beciase of sme do gooder with an iphone in the next aisle. a knock on the door in the middle of the night becuase i accused an umpire of favouring players?

lets not let this swing too far the other way

Some of the most frustrating and obtuse form of derogatory comments I hear stem from this attitude that Indigenous people get it easy because we are indigenous. We get free cars, houses and everything laid out for us. Apparently the fact that I have worked since I was 16 years old, built a house for my family with the money that wasn't just given to me but I had to work hard for does not matter because I have it all easy. To top all this off I spend every other fortnight going to the funeral of a family or community member.

It's the attitude that we are lazy people who just sit at home getting the dole that this type of comment stems from. If the person in the stand had said the umpire was blind and was favouring the opposition side because they are the umpires favourites then that would be fine. But to say that he is being favoured because its indigenous round and he is indigenous is an obvious attack at the fact that the player is indigenous.

It's used to easy to stand in the a crowd of people and Racially vilify people but understand today that if you choose to do that and someone reports you or films you then expect to be asked to explain your behaviour to the AFL.

People complain that it's political correctness gone wrong but I see it as a lack self control and really sloppy thinking to continue to belittle someone because they are different.

Edited by FerdDaDee
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Calling a red headed person a "Ranga" is racist actually. red headed genes come from the celtic people who originated in the british isles and the north of spain. So many people seem to think of racism as a white against black issue. racism exists in every society and against every type of person. White people in parts of teh world are vilified terribly and black on black racism has netted disatrous results in Africa.

People are happy to call red headed people rangas and tell them they dont have souls etc etc but gee dont dare give a dark skinned person a name.

i dont condone vilifying aboriginals or blacks but the double standards in this whole argument are ludicrous

And here I was thinking that the term "ranga" was initially a reference to the colour of someones pubic hair, based on the colour of that of the orangutan. That you could find racist overtones in that beggars belief.

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I just hate the hypocrisy of O'Brien, that he thinks it is acceptable to discriminate against someone for being overweight.

I think you'll find there is a bit of a difference... that is sledging. Unacceptable maybe, but hardly on the same level as racially motivated comments (and I doubt you will see an AFL player who is genuinely overweight these days - so it was obvious that is was a taunt and it certainly was not a public statement heard by thousands).

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I think you'll find there is a bit of a difference... that is sledging. Unacceptable maybe, but hardly on the same level as racially motivated comments (and I doubt you will see an AFL player who is genuinely overweight these days - so it was obvious that is was a taunt and it certainly was not a public statement heard by thousands).

I don't disagree but discrimination is still discrimination.

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I don't disagree but discrimination is still discrimination.

I would argue that racial discrimination has far more sinister undertones than calling a fit person fat.

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Post of the year.

Why is that post of the year mate? Demons 32 has just given an out to people not to change their views. "You lot are an utter disgrace" " White people will never really get it"

What incentive is there to change or to become educated if they are going to be lumped into the same group anyway.

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Stopped reading at comment 9....

You lot are an utter disgrace who clearly have no concept of what racism is and are proof of what is wrong with this country.

Go out in the world, meet some people of another race and educate yourselfs, find out the true relation to the word ape and black people...

I don't blame you all for the subtle racism, the fact is, white people will never really get it as they have been white their whole life.

My beloved Australia, maintaining their name around the word as one of the most racist places on earth....

"oh it's just a joke", "I wouldn't care if someone called me an ape", "he does look a bit like an ape, thats not racist", "you pay your money you can say what you like".... Total garbage.

In the interests of education. Google Irish and ape like cartoons.

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The more we single out racism as something that requires extra punishment and attention, the more we proliferate the relevancy of race in general. Do we really want that?

Unfortunately I think it's a double edged sword in that regard... if you ignore it, it will not go away, and if you name and shame it, it becomes a divisive issue... but when it comes down to it, nothing will change if it is swept under the carpet.

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I don't think anyone has the right to tell Goodes to harden up unless they have been discriminated by the colour of their skin.

I haven't and can't imagine how it would feel.

I would love to take you to a Tasmanian Aboriginal Protest rally as I have passed by one and been called "white trash" !! Had more than a dozen witnesses.. Didn't bother me much, but it seems we must accept that calling a Tasmanian Aboriginal "Black Trash" would most likely have us arrested.. Goes both ways ???? Not over here .. I have never and will never be a Racist.. My Partner is not originally from this country by the way....

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Reckon Eddie dipped a little too deep into the bag on that occasion. Not the words of a straight man.

OR a self proclaimed INTELLIGENT one !

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I have it on very good authority that the girl allegedly used words towards Goodes other than the word "Ape" on Friday evening guys. It would appear Goodes has gone the extra mile here in order to protect this minor. This guy is a true champion, both on and off the field. I only wish we had him at our club and he deserves to be commended for how he's handled this episode.

Just as what was allegedly said (but reported otherwise) was completely unacceptable, so is The Sun's treatment of her here.

A minor in this situation needs education and good guidance/counselling. Not shaming, naming and a front page spread. Disgraceful act by this paper and its editors.

Well if she called Goodes "more than what was reported" what's the point of all the comments referring to her if we allegedly have not been told the truth... ??? Sounds like the way the MFC Board treats their Members ...Just saying ! :blink:

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