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Schwab re-signs for three years


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Healy / Sheahan / McLean / Tanking conspiracy to get him sacked worked well.

Yes, didn't it...

Who knew that if you barrage a club with accusations about an individual and implicate that club as well, you entrench said individual at the club...

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Well, he must be doing something right.

It sounds like most material matters of our financial statements could be looking promising - heres hoping anyway.

Excellent appointment. Now time to concentrate on the on-field stuff which is of more concern
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The only issue I have with Schwab and sponsors is that he came on here and was particularly bullish about the EnergyWatch deal.

Even before the racial rants of Polis were revealed, there was always something dodgey about EnergyWatch with ACCC investigations and the fact that they were sponsoring so many sporting clubs for a small company was a concern.  Then of course the mysterious Chinese sponsor never eventuated.

Therefore, Schwab had no choice but to get two sponsors in a month, and it must be said that the value of these sponsorships has never been revealed.

Biscut, I semi-agree with this but it's one topic that's always touched a nerve with me too. 

Schwab didn't go completely out there, on a tangent and find a ludicrous company for the big $$$ let's also remember that both the Melbourne Rebels, Melbourne Storm and the Stars 20/20 team were all also sponsored by EW. 

In my opinion in disputes the fact that some make saying Schwb didn't do his due diligence. I think he did I think in hindsight all 4 of those CEOs will now start with somewhere like Facebook as a character reference. 

We are talking about 4 highly credentialed CEOs all making the same mistake - yes a mistake but as I was just telling a mate hours ago, people best judge you on how you bounce back not on your mistakes.

Cam bounced well.

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Not long after Jim Stynes took over from the previous Board, journalist Charles Happell wrote an article in Crikey entitled Chairman Jim Stynes puts the Hollywood back into Melbourne

I felt at the time that the source of Happell's article was most likely a disgruntled former board member or employee and that there was no love lost for Jimmy or his appointee for the CEO job who just happened to be Cameron Schwab.

"Former chairman Paul Gardner was never one of the boys and became a victim of the Stynes putsch. Then Paul McNamee was given precisely 106 days as chief executive before the freshly-installed Stynes board decided last week his time was up.

Now Stynes is looking at bestowing patronage of another “mate”, Cameron Schwab, whom he has openly urged to apply for McNamee’s vacant position."

At the time I posted this on Demonland Interesting article on crikey.com.au:-

A shameful article that's typical of Crikey. I get the feeling that someone dictated the story for the writer and he obediently wrote it all down. The first comment on the Crikey site was no surprise either - naturally a supporting piece from someone whose interest lies in destabilising the new Stynes board.

Mates, Hollywood Boulevard, nepotism and all of the things that someone believes we should we be terribly frightened of, except for one thing - we've had a dozen years of non Hollywood types running the show & we're bottom of the ladder and $5 million in debt.

On that basis, Hollywood trumps Bollywood and bring on the mates!

Well now Happell has reared his ugly head again on Back Page Lead in Footy's Great Survivor and why am I not surprised that he is scathing of the club's re-appointment of Schwab while ignoring all the good things he has done?

Anybody want to play a game of connect the dots?

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Nice pickup Freddy.

Gee ...three years ago already . How time flies.


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Most of the great leaders in history have made big mistakes, have at times been bastards and often have been on the brink of disaster and recovered to go on to great things. In common they have been prepared to take risks, back their judgement, be creative and push the limits that others would shy from.

What do you want in a leader? Someone who is whiter than white, dots the i's, crosses the t's, takes no risks and is everyone's best friend?

You should weigh up all these things when you judge Cameron Schwab's record.

I'll stick with Cam.

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Some conspiracies don't prosper. But it's good to see that at least you're acknowledging that they do take place.

Yes rpfc and I are conspiring to debunk your crackpot conspiracy theories.

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Yes rpfc and I are conspiring to debunk your crackpot conspiracy theories.

Jerry Fletcher says hello :)
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Dr there are more than CW believe me.

I have a media contact that informs me he is the most disliked GM in the AFL.

I was talking to a Director of the club a couple of weeks ago and he told me at the time that the MFC hate the media, they are sick of being told that a story is going to be run even though they have told the journo that the story is a fabrication.

I was asking him at the time why we hadn't come out more strongly about the tanking issue and his response caught me by surprise. There appears to be dislike from both sides of the fence.

Remember that the last two coaches have been media favourites so that could be part of it.

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Poor Cam. He gets 2 sponsors in a month under intense pressure and he doesn't get squat for it.

This is the take I don't understand. It's not mentioned anywhere in his achievements in the article. It's my understanding that CS was not central in the gaining of those sponsors. On the Webjet front, their CEO and Marketing Director ( ? ) stated on national television that they saw an opportunity and that they approached the club. Opel I'm fuzzy on. Eddie seems to get lots of hushed mentions, for whatever little that's worth.

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Does this question of sponsors get asked of any other club....How they get them????....No .....Are their CEO ever questioned about how sponsors have come to them???....No......I don't see how important it is, how you get them as long as you GET them

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Most of the great leaders in history have made big mistakes, have at times been bastards and often have been on the brink of disaster and recovered to go on to great things. In common they have been prepared to take risks, back their judgement, be creative and push the limits that others would shy from.

What do you want in a leader? Someone who is whiter than white, dots the i's, crosses the t's, takes no risks and is everyone's best friend?

You should weigh up all these things when you judge Cameron Schwab's record

I'll stick with Cam

Attila made a few blues in his time but I'm sure every night when he got home his wife said "Hey Hun".

Life was no Rose Garden for Genghis either-but at least he gained respect in the end .

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Attila made a few blues in his time but I'm sure every night when he got home his wife said "Hey Hun".

Life was no Rose Garden for Genghis either-but at least he gained respect in the end .

British Paints and Rolfie Harris must have liked Genghis - "Sure Kahn"

“With Heaven's aid I have conquered for you a huge empire. But my life was too short to achieve the premiership" (Genghis Kahn 1225ad)

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British Paints and Rolfie Harris must have liked Genghis - "Sure Kahn"

“With Heaven's aid I have conquered for you a huge empire. But my life was too short to achieve the premiership" (Genghis Kahn 1225ad)

Why dost thou cast thy pearls upon swine ,oh phantom.

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Does this question of sponsors get asked of any other club....How they get them????....No .....Are their CEO ever questioned about how sponsors have come to them???....No......I don't see how important it is, how you get them as long as you GET them

But retention of those sponsors that is a question. Seeing Kaspersky on Buckley's jacket the other night I nearly threw up...

I quite like it that the Gardner clan hate Schwab and the current Board, but there's not much they can do.

Other than [censored] and moan in the odd thread in here. Hahaha

Can you give me a run down of that? Which posters? And they are Gardner family?

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The thing that the Melbourne Football Club needs the most is unity and consistency at the top and the Board has decided to offer Cameron Schwab an extra three year contract.

This constitutes a fairly strong endorsement of a man who, as CEO, presided over a club whose financial position has improved from being in debt to the tune of $5m to a point where we are in a positive asset situation in excess of $6m.

I've never quite known why the angst about Cameron Schwab. His critics speak in whispered tones of his interference in football matters leading to the disasters of late July 2011. I still don't know if, in the end, he deserves to be damned or praised if this is in fact the truth.

We have a CEO who by all accounts is well respected by those high up at AFL and club level and on that basis, congratulations go all round on the appointment.

To those who don't like it, get over it - it's time to move on.


You missed the point. Nothing I wrote detracts from the fact that club officials need to be accountable and that's a given.

The fact is that despite heavy scrutiny and a strong campaign by his detractors in both the media and among some who call themselves supporters of the club, Cam has the support of the Board and apparently the endorsement of the AFL and accordingly, has been appointed as CEO for the next three years.

He now needs to be allowed to do his job if we're going to succeed at our core business which is to ultimately produce a successful football team.

My point is that we need a unified club and strong leadership at the top to move forward and make that happen.

Here are the points I was able to identify from your post:

  • Unity is the most important thing for the MFC

To which I replied: Unity is not always a good thing (e.g. boys club). Accountability is more important. Schwab does not inspire unity but is, in fact, divisive.

  • The appointment is good because Schwab is good with club finances

To which I replied: Schwab has had very little to do with any of the financial improvements and those financial areas he has had control of have performed poorly

  • You don't know whether or not Schwab deserves blame or credit for the 186 debacle

Which I ignored because I didn't think it deserved a serious response

  • A vague assertion that Schwab is respected by “those high up at AFL and club level”

To which I replied: This is not a compelling argument for a three year appointment

  • People who disagree with you should “get over it”and “move on”

Which I refuse to do because, unlike Schwab, I am a lifelong Melbourne supporter – not just an employee

The only other point I could identify that I did not directly address was that the Board's decision to extend Schwab's contract is itself proof of Schwab's abilities. This is clearly nonsense.

The Board's appointment of Schwab could only be considered an endorsement of Schwab's abilities if you could show that:

1. the Board is competent

2. the Board is well informed

3. the Board will always put the interests of the club before the interests of themselves and their mates

Each of these points have serious question marks over them which I would be happy to expand on if you would like.

In any case, I think I have already given enough reasons to doubt Schwab’s competence. Given that you appear to have conceded my points, this leads me to conclude that at least one of the above assumptions about the Board is incorrect.

Please indicate:

  • Which points you have made that I have missed

  • Which of my responses you disagree with and why

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You have valid concerns

Thank you

but you lose credibility with misguided and petty inclusions like the above:

Am I to assume that you agree with me on the other points that I have made?

Also, I noticed that you accused me of being petty (twice) and bitter. You may have something you want to get off your chest but it doesn't do anything for your argument.

What 'bloated off-field department?' We had one of the smallest footy depts incl. pro-recruiting, drafting, and sports science in the AFL and it showed. We were amateurs in these areas.

The off-field department I referred to now includes 41 non-football operations staff. Three of these people have “Chief” in their titles and another 19 have “Manager” in their titles – it would seem that half of them are managing the other half. The total salaries for this area of the club have more than doubled during Schwab's tenure for no appreciable benefit.

Not including Schwab himself, we have nine people listed under the Partners & Corporate area on the club's website. I'll admit I have no idea what these people do all day but here is a list of things that they do not spend their time on:

  • Identifying sponsors like Kaspersky

  • Maintaining good relations with sponsors like Hankook

  • Conducting due diligence on sponsors like Energy Watch

By the way, I have no objection to the continued increase in spending on football operations and I actually give Schwab some credit for this. Of course, I would prefer that this was done on a sustainable basis.

What 'waste?' Is this just repeating the 'bloated' idea above?

Yes, partly. It also overlaps with other pints I made such as the time spent on the logo and blazers and Shwab's poor financial management. Basically, this was a catch all for the fact that Schwab is frittering away the money that supporters have poured into the club with donations that they have not been called upon to make previously and that will not provide income on a sustainable basis. Do you deny that Schwab has been wasteful?

The 'stupid logo & blazers' line is just pettiness.

No, it is relevant. Schwab and his team should have better things to spend their time on. The logo and blazer also lend support to the rumour that Schwab is more interested in his personal legacy than the good of the club.

And, finally, the poisonous culture is not something that a CEO can create and cultivate by himself - far from it. If we are talking why 186 happened then that is the domain of the senior players and the coaches before it is the CEO. And what was it like under Harris and McNamee? How was our culture then?

Do you deny that the club has serious cultural problems and that Schwab has contributed to these?

This is just bitter. [re: payout of three year contract]

No, it is a valid point. If Schwab was a player I would have delisted him by now. I certainly wouldn't have locked the club into a three year deal. I suspect that even many Schwab supporters would agree that his latest contract is irresponsible given that the Board almost sacked him last year. It smacks of cronyism to me.

Schwab had an awful 2011 with most of the club enjoying a similar time. The dysfunction was caused by competing interests in the club, a CEO looking for a sacrificial lamb and a coach trying to save himself - as Warwick Green pulled from Jim's notes.

Is this supposed to be an excuse? You seem to agree that Schwab was part of the problem.

But events have given him a mulligan because his destructive behaviour was on the right side of history and the fact that he is the last one standing from that mess.

No, his mates gave him a mulligan which is why he still works for the club.

I hope he does very well, because I support the Demons and so does he.

I hope the Demons do well and I think we would be better off without Cameron.

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