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Sammy on SEN now


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Sammy in negotiations now and definitely wants to play on next year. Schwarta asking about Skulldog. He said I'm not Tom Scully. Neeld and Club is going in right direction and his contract will sort itself out. He is not going anywhere. Speaks well and giving an insight into how his broken leg played on his mind and had to consult a psychologist to help him overcome his fear of rebreaking his leg. Looking forward to having a full preseason to be able to push up forward. Yes!!


Didn't hear it, but sounds like its heading in the right direction for him and the Club. Hope he signs for 3 with incentives for B&F results, goals per season, etc.

Love ya to put pen to paper soon, Sam.


I wasn't convinced. I thought he said what most say. "I am letting my manager sort that out". I heard similar sentiments last year. Me being wrong here would restore my faith in humanity.


I wasn't convinced. I thought he said what most say. "I am letting my manager sort that out". I heard similar sentiments last year. Me being wrong here would restore my faith in humanity.

I thought the same, didnt give to much away but what i did like was the im not Tom Scully im Sam Blease comment, maybe he thinks going to GWS will mean he is still seen as toms mate ect rather than his own footballer. The interview was good and i think he will sign imo talks very highly of the coaching staff atm


i was onto that rat Scully early on. Blease is a different situation entirely.

The only reason people are even discussing Blease leaving and going to GWS is because he's mates with Scully. Thats it. No preseason 'jungle drums', no drawn out saga's with GWS confirming an approach etc. Basically if Blease wasnt mates with scully then he would fit into the same catogory as Jones and Howe - Talented footy players whom other sides would have shown interest in. MFC signed them up.

Blease will stay.


i was onto that rat Scully early on. Blease is a different situation entirely.

The only reason people are even discussing Blease leaving and going to GWS is because he's mates with Scully. Thats it. No preseason 'jungle drums', no drawn out saga's with GWS confirming an approach etc. Basically if Blease wasnt mates with scully then he would fit into the same catogory as Jones and Howe - Talented footy players whom other sides would have shown interest in. MFC signed them up.

Blease will stay.

I like your thinking DemonWA

I didn't hear the whole interview but I am confident he'll re-sign.

If he does move on, after what was said my confidence in the club will be a little shaky


I like your thinking DemonWA

I didn't hear the whole interview but I am confident he'll re-sign.

If he does move on, after what was said my confidence in the club will be a little shaky

another factor is that GWS have a heap of talented, young, pacey mids. If any of our players will be leaving then i'd think Sylvia and Moloney are more likley.

If blease does go it wont be to GWS


FFS scaremongers & paranoid supporters, take it as fact he is staying ball is in our court unless we do the wrong thing which we wont


I heard the interview all through while wrestling those maniacs on the Burwood and I can tell you there were some maniacs!

I thought he said that people were saying that he was leaving for GWS because he was Scully's mate (as in people had approached him in public to say that) but that he was not Tom Scully and was his own person, liked the direction of where the club was heading under Neeldie and Craigie (as almost to suggest that perhaps he wasnt as impressed previously) and that he saw his future at the club.

By the end of the interview I was 100% convinced he was staying. Unlike Sculldug...


Bloke who I pump for info says to be confident. So im convinced he's staying.


Need to get over our MFCSS on his one. Sam Blease aint going anywhere. Plenty of clubs would like to have him but we are in the best position to make sure he stays put. Listening to him speak aout the club and himself there is not a bit of hesitancy about them going forward together. Saying he's letting his manager sort it out in this case was the honest truth.


Didn't hear the interview so I will wait to hear rpfc's opinion, if he thinks he is going he is definitely staying and vice versa. :)

Not to bring up the past here, but all I said was...

I'd take his word on it.

And I was wrong, but you can believe all kids are dishonest simpletons or you could be a healthy individual like Robbie here.

Oh, dear! Let's not start this again.....

There is nothing wrong with trusting a young Demon when he talks about how much he likes the direction of the club and how he is his own man and not behoven to follow simple friends.


Should just find all these kids love interests in Melbourne. Looks like its gonna work on Boak


When I read the contents of the interview I thought I'd post something like "definitely gone" for a laugh, but it seems demonoid and jumbo already beat me to the joke. :(


The guy gives good interview. I think he handled himself really well. The discussion of how his broken leg affected his mindset was interesting, as well as the value of seeing a psych about it. On the contract, he didn't seem to be ducking the question. He simply said that his manager was looking after it for him and left it at that. He also seems to genuinely like being coached by Neeld and Craig. He said some good things about them and the way they've worked with him, and also that he is looking forward to improving his fitness and moving more into the midfield next season. Rates his fitness as about 75-80% of what it needs to be.


Just watched a funny show on ABC called, "Would i Lie To You" where the guests quiz each other on seemingly implausible scenarios and then have to guess whether the person is lying or telling the truth. I think Sam does really play for the MFC but he has only just started displaying his wares. Was once a mate with a club legend and is about to throw in his lot... with Melbourne.


Well, I would like to hear him say he will be playing for us next year and not leaving this big decision to his manager. He can wax lyrical about us but it means rats arse until his manager anoints us. I hope the hold up is just fine print stuff on trivial details.


I think he'll stay but purely as a result of agreeing to terms, nothing more simister than that


Well, I would like to hear him say he will be playing for us next year and not leaving this big decision to his manager. He can wax lyrical about us but it means rats arse until his manager anoints us. I hope the hold up is just fine print stuff on trivial details.

That's garbage, adc. He isn't leaving any decisions to his manager; who would do that? "Mr Manager sir, I'll play for whatever club you tell me to next year". Please.

He clearly meant that he was leaving the contract negotiation to his manager. That's a long way from leaving the decision to his manager.


I am once bitten twice shy so as to my opinion on whether Blease will sign I will now opt for the Ronald Reagan directive to the Navy when being quizzed on whether certain US warships carried nuclear weapons.

"I will neither confirm nor deny"


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