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Would be tough to dump him after a wet game where he was essentially playing as a leading forward along the wing.

Also, the delivery to him was shocking all game.

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How many trolls do we have on this thread.

I can't believe some of the comments on here are from Melbourne supporters.

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You mate have no idea open your eyes Modern football doesnt give u time There are plenty of 17 and 18 y.ear old skinny kids who have a go in their first season unfortunately Jack isnt one of them and probably wont.

You mate have no idea, modern footy does give you time it’s just that Jack Watts has this huge media / supporter hysteria around him.

Going by your logic Richmond should trade Vickery, the dogs should trade Ace Cordy and Rhys Stanley would be gone from St Kilda.

Why is it that these young forwards from the same draft don’t get the same pressure? Because they were not number 1 draft picks and have been given the TIME to develop!!

Just because Melbourne have been crap and Jack was thrown straight into AFL does not mean he won’t take the same amount of time to develop.

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You mate have no idea, modern footy does give you time it’s just that Jack Watts has this huge media / supporter hysteria around him.

Going by your logic Richmond should trade Vickery, the dogs should trade Ace Cordy and Rhys Stanley would be gone from St Kilda.

Why is it that these young forwards from the same draft don’t get the same pressure? Because they were not number 1 draft picks and have been given the TIME to develop!!

Just because Melbourne have been crap and Jack was thrown straight into AFL does not mean he won’t take the same amount of time to develop.

Blind faith! It doesnt explain why he doesn't have a go. How many tackles did he have in the 100 layed by the team? How many contested marks? how many times he got bumped of the contest? how many times he slipover to see the ball disapearing into the distance. He doesnt have a go and looks completely disinterested and he is not fit enough.

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You don't boo your own.

watts was the biggest blunder of recent draft history.

Except in here apparently......

Edited by QueenC
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Jack Watts last year lead our team for contested marks... Some people need to line up his and Michael Hurleys stats at the 50 game mark you will be pleasantly surprised.

PULL YOUR HEADS IN, he's a Melbourne player FFS.

Answer yourself this.. If we took Nick Nat at pick 1 do you think he still would be playing for Melbourne or back in Perth, how is Stephen Hill going? If you think Jack is soft than have a look at him squib it 10 times a game? Hamish Hartlett anyone? Injuries injuries injuries...

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I believe JW will play more than 200 games for this club and be decorated in his career with several awards .The Norm Smith medal will be one of them. Games 1 to 60 will be a byline .

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Except in here apparently......

The fact that you quote a self rightious biggotted warmonger says it all. Just accept the reality

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I believe JW will play more than 200 games for this club and be decorated in his career with several awards .The Norm Smith medal will be one of them. Games 1 to 60 will be a byline .

I really really hope you are right for the sake of the Melbourne Footy club iI for one am underwhelmed so far, let us all see what you say at the conclusion of game 61

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I reckon he reads comforting posts by weak minded, non demanding, ignorant pansies.

this says more about you than it does about the people whose opinions you disagree with. I'm surprised such abusive language is allowed on this site. it's a forum, not a redneck shooting gallery. isn't it?

Or, to put it another way, every morning the eastern sky has yet another, different, version of sunrise. If you watch it daily, it will impress on you the infinite diversity of our world. This can be applied to everything, including football. Jurrah, Flower, Jakovich, all the greats were players who "broke the mould" and brought a new thing to the game. They put Flower on the weights at one time, trying to bulk him up; tried to make a defender out of him at another. I remember Davey trying to play the hard man for a couple of seasons. But everyone actually is different. Watts is Watts. He tries and he cares and there are good things for us to love. Some of his game will improve, and he will do stuff we are amazed at - and not everything will go to the script we would like it to. That's life, SW, and we - in my humble opinion - miss the point if we throw around abuse when we don't see it play out the way we expected/wanted; especially, if we direct abuse at third parties. Surely, Neeld and Jack Watts are having an infinitely greater impact on Watts' development than any expressed opinions of Demonland bloggers. So, ease up, SW!

Edited by robbiefrom13
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A few of you blokes have absolutely no comprehention of what a senior AFL player is required to do these days. Pathetic responses that I actually predicted would be written. When Watts plays 2 or 3 STRONG games in a row, without being tentative or timid and having some actual effect on the game, is when your petty little responses will hold any water.

I will say it all once again and hopefully you will comprehend what I actually say here...............he MIGHT become a good player one day. He SHOULD be more consistent player by now, or at least be demanding some respect from his peers. Just ask any player or supporter of opposition teams, what they think of Watts' image, across the League. He is treated with contempt by the opposition right now. He is still NOT influencing games to any real extent. Better judges than both you (BJ) and I are saying he is nowhere near his full development potential than where he should be. Senior coaching staff have said that, or can't you read or listen enough to what has been put out there? Four years ago he was the best young player in the whole AFL talent pool. Do you want him to have another 4 or 5 years to show us something akin to being a good regular player at this level? Fair dinkum mate, you need to set your sights a bit higher and get something real out of life. Plenty of losers in this life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop accepting lack of performance and start demanding positive steps forward. Toughen up or go play soccer.

Hopefully Watts will get a wriggle on and do what he is paid to do, but right now he is badly under performing.

PS, you need to pay more attention in your English lessons. It might help you when you get a bit older and smarter. Good luck !

Get off this forum and take some lessons in common sense and humility. I don't care about your opinion one way or another but I don't want to read this sort of drivel. When you set yourself up in such a pompous manner you invite negative responses. Don't drag us all down to your level.

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I cant believe how many so called supporters decide to boo their own players on this site:

"Hope he nevers pulls the jumper on again", "trade him" "why didn't we get (Darling, Martin NIk nat or whoever this week)".

The last one always makes me laugh because we didn't, just get over it.

Bagging our own is not going to help, the coaches will enforce elite standard and know more about each player then we do.

I trust them to do the right thing and change the culture of the club.

How about we enforce some elite supporter standards here.

Ps: Watts would be killing it in a more developed team.

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You have rocks in your head if you think they will trade him. The better we become as a side the better he will become. It's idiotic supporters like you that probably never player "high" level footy and don't realise that things don't happen over night. Dawes has been in the system for year and has only just started having an impact last year and look at the support he has around him. If we develop/pick up good on ballers you just watch the difference.

chris is a bad example coz chris dawes is an absolute spud and id rather have jack watts playing how he did on the weekend then chris dawes any day of the week!

i would love to see watts run, put hes head over the ball and have hes head smacked in!!! Now before you all jump down my neck im simply saying from experience, (obvisiously not afl standard but putting ur head over the ball still hurts at any level!) i reckon you need to get that first smahed in head come off get yourself sorted and you realize, geez it hurts but its not that bad, i wanna go hurt someone now and thats where you can start getting a bit of mongrel about yourself! he needs to focus on going hard, you CAN be taught how to be hard at it you just got to want to do it, this is where the leadership group needs to pull him a side and say 'mate, you need to have more of a dip, this [censored] weak slamming on the breaks before getting to packs or not putting your head over it is not good enough'! Mitch needs to give him the tap on the shoulder. at this point in time id rather see him run back with the flight not take the mark get cleaned up but get up and have another crack then these soft touches he gets around half back/wing!

Jack still has lots of up side!!!!

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this says more about you than it does about the people whose opinions you disagree with. I'm surprised such abusive language is allowed on this site. it's a forum, not a redneck shooting gallery. isn't it?

Or, to put it another way, every morning the eastern sky has yet another, different, version of sunrise. If you watch it daily, it will impress on you the infinite diversity of our world. This can be applied to everything, including football. Jurrah, Flower, Jakovich, all the greats were players who "broke the mould" and brought a new thing to the game. They put Flower on the weights at one time, trying to bulk him up; tried to make a defender out of him at another. I remember Davey trying to play the hard man for a couple of seasons. But everyone actually is different. Watts is Watts. He tries and he cares and there are good things for us to love. Some of his game will improve, and he will do stuff we are amazed at - and not everything will go to the script we would like it to. That's life, SW, and we - in my humble opinion - miss the point if we throw around abuse when we don't see it play out the way we expected/wanted; especially, if we direct abuse at third parties. Surely, Neeld and Jack Watts are having an infinitely greater impact on Watts' development than any expressed opinions of Demonland bloggers. So, ease up, SW!

What a load of drivel. Did you hear Mark Neeld in his first meeting with the players ? He stated that players could look at the player next to them and know that when it's their turn to go they'll go or they soon won't be in the team. There are some non-negotiables in footy and I don't care how different some players are if they can't or won't put their body on the line they're useless to this club. Do you have any idea of the intensity required in finals ?

I've never booed my own and never will, but I do recognise that Watts' efforts in the physicality stakes are often poor. Put simply, he's soft. I keep reading that he's only 21, etc, but they're just excuses from supporters that spend their lives making excuses for their little darlings. Nathan Fyfe is a skinny 189cm/86 kilo footballer that exemplifies courage. His attack on the contest and efforts in dangerous marking situations puts Watts to shame. The same with Jeremy Cameron from GWS who's in his first year. He's 196cms - the same height as Watts, is 89 kilos, is over two years younger, has played only 4 games, yet throws himself at marking contests in a fashion that I'm yet to see from Watts and already has a 5 goal haul.

Footy is a brutal sport and some don't cut the mustard. That's life. It's not too late for Watts, but if you can't see that he's a mile off where he needs to be take up watching another sport. Btw, did you call Jakovich and Jurrah "greats" ? Oh dear.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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What a load of drivel. Did you hear Mark Neeld in his first meeting with the players ? He stated that players could look at the player next to them and know that when it's their turn to go they'll go or they soon won't be in the team. There are some non-negotiables in footy and I don't care how different some players are if they can't or won't put their body on the line they're useless to this club. Do you have any idea of the intensity required in finals ?

I've never booed my own and never will, but I do recognise that Watts' efforts in the physicality stakes are often poor. Put simply, he's soft. I keep reading that he's only 21, etc, but they're just excuses from supporters that spend their lives making excuses for their little darlings. Nathan Fyfe is a skinny 189cm/86 kilo footballer that exemplifies courage. His attack on the contest and efforts in dangerous marking situations puts Watts to shame. The same with Jeremy Cameron from GWS who's in his first year. He's 196cms - the same height as Watts, is 89 kilos, is over two years younger, has played only 4 games, yet throws himself at marking contests in a fashion that I'm yet to see from Watts and already has a 5 goal haul.

Footy is a brutal sport and some don't cut the mustard. That's life. It's not too late for Watts, but if you can't see that he's a mile off where he needs to be take up watching another sport. Btw, did you call Jakovich and Jurrah "greats" ? Oh dear.

Not that I noticed.

Glad to hear you don't boo them. Calling Watts "soft" and a "little darling" undermines that virtue a bit, though.

And, I wonder why Neeld has Watts still in the team, given that he was so clear about it from the outset - is it possible that he doesn't share your assessment of Watts? Or he is pleased enough with Watts' progress even though he isn't the AFL benchmark in physicality? Neeld too soft too, is he?

Not booing is a poor boast for a supporter.

Edited by robbiefrom13
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Ha ha ha, I don't give a fat rats clacker about what you think of me. Pretty amazed though that a few on here continue to accept what in other forms of adult life, are absolutely unacceptable efforts. It seems these comments might be from those who have failed to achieved very much in life. If you were fair dinkum about success, you would not accept what has been tabled so far by a "superstar in the making". I said on here 3 years ago that Bailey and Watts will not be involved in our next premiership success. My opinion stands, in fact it is even 1/2 true already. Where are all of those who said Bailey was a sensational coach now? By the way ,Watts can still turn it around but just training hard aint gunna do it . He needs to have an amazingly brutal look at himself. He has a few mates in that area too. He has ability though, and some of the other underachievers are just good ordinary players! When the whole club and supporter group toughens up massively, then just maybe, we will move forward once again. Harden up all you "leather patch on elbow", supporters!

Edited by Still Waiting
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Ha ha ha, I don't give a fat rats clacker about what you think of me. Pretty amazed though that a few on here continue to accept what in other forms of adult life, are absolutely unacceptable efforts. It seems these comments might be from those who have failed to achieved very much in life. If you were fair dinkum about success, you would not accept what has been tabled so far by a "superstar in the making". I said on here 3 years ago that Bailey and Watts will not be involved in our next premiership success. My opinion stands, in fact it is even 1/2 true already. Where are all of those who said Bailey was a sensational coach now? By the way ,Watts can still turn it around but just training hard aint gunna do it . He needs to have an amazingly brutal look at himself. He has a few mates in that area too. He has ability though, and some of the other underachievers are just good ordinary players! When the whole club and supporter group toughens up massively, then just maybe, we will move forward once again. Harden up all you "leather patch on elbow", supporters!

All class my friend. How does it feel to know everything? It must be really comforting to know that you are your best friend. Get over yourself and enjoy what is going to be a great ride. The building blocks are being put in place and the framework will be built over the next few years. Be a supporter not a white ant. If Watts doesn't make it, so be it. Football is littered with those who didn't quite get there. It's about survival of the fittest. If Neeld is happy to play Jack Watts, I'm happy to trust him. I suspect he knows a little bit more than you and me put together.

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You don't boo your own.

watts was the biggest blunder of recent draft history.

Except in here apparently......

The fact that you quote a self rightious biggotted warmonger says it all. Just accept the reality

Oh for pitys sake, read the bloody post again and maybe you will have some undertanding of this reality.....

You don't boo your own (original quote), accecpt apparently those that think calling him a blunder is perfectly accecptable (second quote). I don't (last quote)

Get it now, and I would appreciate not being mis-represented so massively.

Edited by QueenC
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Not that I noticed.

Glad to hear you don't boo them. Calling Watts "soft" and a "little darling" undermines that virtue a bit, though.

And, I wonder why Neeld has Watts still in the team, given that he was so clear about it from the outset - is it possible that he doesn't share your assessment of Watts? Or he is pleased enough with Watts' progress even though he isn't the AFL benchmark in physicality? Neeld too soft too, is he?

Not booing is a poor boast for a supporter.

Calling Watts soft is a simple fact. Neeld knows it and Watts knows it. If you don't see it you're a terrible judge of football.

They're counselling him and working with him. Confidence is a massive issue with Watts, as it is with many young players, but even then if he doesn't change aspects of his game I've no doubt he'll get dropped. You'll note that I said "or they soon won't be in the team".

Saying that I don't boo our players is merely a clarification, so that cretins on here don't lump me with others.

And finally, I didn't call Watts a little darling. I referred to Melbourne supporters as having little darlings. This may be a little subtle for you as comprehension clearly isn't a strong suit.

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Calling Watts soft is a simple fact. Neeld knows it and Watts knows it. If you don't see it you're a terrible judge of football.

They're counselling him and working with him. Confidence is a massive issue with Watts, as it is with many young players, but even then if he doesn't change aspects of his game I've no doubt he'll get dropped. You'll note that I said "or they soon won't be in the team".

Saying that I don't boo our players is merely a clarification, so that cretins on here don't lump me with others.

And finally, I didn't call Watts a little darling. I referred to Melbourne supporters as having little darlings. This may be a little subtle for you as comprehension clearly isn't a strong suit.

"I've been watching crap players at this club for 40 years. The fact that some "give their all" leaves me a little underwhelmed. I may remember some players quite fondly once they've retired, but either improve, or pizz off.

"I accept that not all players can be stars, or even very good, but I just about have apoplexy when you're about to be given the ball, such is your diabolical usage, then I have little sympathy for the unpleasant comments that may be directed your way." So you said on April 30.

You say Watts' softness is a "fact", and Neeld knows it. Watts'll be out of the team "soon", because Neeld said this would happen to players who weren't as they ought to be (as you said in your previous post). But Neeld said that before the pre-season, before the NAB cup, before rounds 1-5. What's holding him up from getting this "crap player" out of the team? C'mon Mark, get with the facts! You're holding us back! Why do they counsel Watts and work with him, when his softness is a "fact"?

i guess you and I don't see the football the same way. I'm so ignorant, I enjoy it. I tried on your sneer for size and found that Watts isn't my "little darling" - as far as I in my inadequate comprehension can tell, it just doesn't describe how I think of any player. I wonder which supporters' thoughts you had access to, justifying that subtle comment. And, I wondered whether you would feel the need to sneer if there was a player at Melbourne who was an acknowledged star and loved by the supporters? Would it ever be ok to overlook imperfection in our enthusiasm for what a player was doing? If you've followed Melbourne for 40 years, that takes in Flower, Stynes, Lyon, quite few good players - was it really true of you all that time that "I may remember some players quite fondly once they've retired, but either improve, or pizz off"? Robbie often got under 20 possessions in a game...

I enjoy watching them all, even feeling some fondness for them before they have retired. I certainly don't think of guys in a Melbourne jumper as "crap players".

What I don't like about knockers is that they just wait, and often enough they get their day, when they can crow and say "I told you so!" I hope Jack Watts keeps getting picked, and keeps improving. I will be enjoying it, in my ignorance and stupidity, while you wait and guard yourself from feeling any fondness for any player. I love the footy, and barrack for my team and all of its players. Frustration and disappointment doesn't ruin my pleasure in it or my loyalty to the club and its players; I certainly don't ever run the risk of apoplexy over the game. Stupid me, I just can't get my head around the notion that the thoughts you express sum up what ought to be meant by "a supporter".

I can see you are right about one thing though - the limits of my comprehension. That last sentence of yours that I quoted from April 30: I just can't get the thread of it. You appear to me to slide off criticising the player onto reacting to what people are saying about him, and the sentence derails at the word "sympathy": what you have written says that you are so disgusted by the player's poor performance that you cannot agree with criticisms of him. You sound confused in your misery. What I can't comprehend is why you have tormented yourself for 40 years; and I also can't comprehend why you can't see the enjoyment there is in going to the footy and getting behind your team.

I'm sorry I spoke. This is just about the point of exit for me from Demonland. Footy is a good thing for me. This just feels nasty and sad.

Edited by robbiefrom13
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Don't go Robbie

Watts is a gun

Not all on here are baggers and whingers of the club all of the time.

Just some of it.

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I'm as frustrated as many here when it comes to our draft picks but I have come to realise that if I am to speculate on how someone will be at 23 I will be searching around in the dark until they are 23.

Ben-Hur (with very Hannabal like posts when it comes to Watts) is right, he is soft and he doesn't look like he will be a star performer when we need him to be - when he is 23-30 and when we are in our window (to bring up a tired cliche).

But I would have said the same about Goddard and Hawkins if they were Demons and they are/were/will be star performers.

Putting it together won't be easy, but his skills and footy IQ are mouth watering and if we are in the position to assemble the kind of midfield we should assemble with Viney, a top 5 pick, Trengove, Gysberts, Bail, McKenzie, et al. then Watts won't need to be a a world beater to be extrememly effective and dominant as a complement to the hair-raising, aggressive, 'defenders are about to get a knee in the back' forward play of Mitch Clark.

So I am cool to wait.

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Watts efforts last Saturday night were a significant move in the wrong direction, highlighted by the efforts of his team-mates in the right direction. Any progress he may have shown in the first four weeks was completely negated for me.

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i guess you and I don't see the football the same way.


I have no love or interest in rubbish players just because they wear red and blue. I don't enjoy losing, or supporting a crap club, but I continue in the hope that one day I'll see the only success that matters - a flag. It's hope that keeps me going - and a genuine love of the game. My 3 favourite players in footy are Joel Selwood, Lenny Hayes and Jimmy Bartel. I like class and players that put their head over the footy. One day I'll hopefully love a Melbourne player. I barely tolerate some.

You and I are different beasts. I'm cool with that. But if you don't see that Watts is as soft as butter you and I have very different expectations and standards when it comes to AFL footballers. He doesn't compete hard in the air, which takes real courage, and he doesn't compete hard when the ball is on the ground, although to give him credit he's improved in this area marginally this year. But contested marking takes the most courage in football and he's a mile off. Neeld has noticeably softened his early hard-line approach and I feel he recognises that encouragement is important for Watts and the group in general, hence a more forgiving attitude, but it won't last forever. I suspect Neeld has been mentored to do this by Neil Craig.

You mentioned you're done with Demonland. Bye.

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