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My Email To The President

Guest demonhouse

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Well justifying the boards position on why DH didn't follow Essendon when he had the chance & that it's a good thing Jimmys no longer alive to see this, particulary in this forum is a good start. I agree with some of the response but let's say that maybe a reality check should be directed to the board and whether they wish to pass this onto the players which I think they should and that we as supporters should start to speak up more and even provide reality to the situation from our standpoint in it's action isn't such a bad thought.. Do you go with passion to the footy, I certainly do, can you honestly say the players do at present...? I don't agree with burning the flag ( refer my creed below) but if brethren like DH cannot speak his mind on this forum and is then ostacized from the same forum he speaks his mind in then we are spineless in not understanding or speaking up our mind. I'll be there Sunday but I won't hold back if a player doesn't back another, or a tackle isn't laid or someone pulls away from a contest

Flippancy??!!??? Please show us where there was so much as the smallest trace of flippancy in the OP's email. It was an ill considered and blatantly unfair assessment of McLardy and Neeld. It deserved the responses it got.

Flippancy??!!??? Please show us where there was so much as the smallest trace of flippancy in the OP's email. It was an ill considered and blatantly unfair assessment of McLardy and Neeld. It deserved the responses it got.

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I didn't find to much wrong with it factually!

What about this then?

"I loved Jimmy Stynes but gee I am glad that he is not round to see what you and the board have done to this club. Our club was screaming out for a tried and proven coach and look at the poor excuse you have delivered to the members and supporters."

Jim Stynes was still the President and on the board when Neeld was appointed on September 17, 2011. In fact on November 3, 2011 Stynes said:

''It looks like we have a coach now that is really serious and he is not going to relax''. He is not going to sit back and let it all happen. He is going to create it - it's good.''

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I'm not going to argue over this. You are 100% entitled to feel this way and to hold this opinion. Personally I don't agree, but I haven't been supporting the team (or alive) for anywhere near as long as you and obviously have a somewhat different perspective. All I can say is don't burn your bridges. You feel this way now, but if, as so many of us hope, Mark Neeld manages to turn the team around and make them a serious contender in the near future, don't let pride keep you from coming back.

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I think the OP has got it wrong. McVardy and his board have done a terriffic job of bringing the MFC back from the brink. Jimmy may of had the impetus to get things going but dont think the rest of the board sat on its arse and did nothing. Financially the MFC is quite strong now and has allowed more resources to be put into the football dept. The OP should of acknowlege this in his reply to be fair. To walk away from a club due to the decisions its administration have made is a pretty cheap cop out. The Board may of made some bad decisions (Re: new coach) but that is not yet to be fully realised. On the whole they have done far more good than bad at the MFC.

On the on field side of things too many posters are too quick to dispose of players. A few years ago it was get rid of all the old blokes, now we scream for Veterans. I for one would not dump the likes of maloney and sylvia who have been in our best in the last few seasons. Maloney is the hardest and toughest we have and a bad start to his season does not mean we need to get rid of him.

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I always thought personal correspondence was just that. But I guess people just HAVE to know what they sent to the important person who will SO take the great advice they are professing...

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Guest demonhouse

OK, I have seen all replies during the day, some people I have offended, others probably half half understand my frustration. To put my frustration in perspective, the last time ran onto the MFC exitied about about a demon premiership was an excited 17 year old in 1970 as a member of the cheer squad when we won the reserve premiership with players like Paul Callery, & Ray Biffen. This was 6 years after our last senior premiership and 42 years on there is no positive sign of one being immenent. As the years go by one of the things on my bucket list (A Demon Premiership) is nothing more than a dream rather than any form of sound possibility in the foreseeable future.

Was my email appropriate in terms of some of its content and who it was directed to - probably not.

Was it appropriate that I air the email on a public forum - probably not.

But unlike others who appear to enjoy taking cheap shots I am man enough to admit that it was the wrong thing to do and am sure that more than a few of you have done things that in reflection or hindsight you would have either not done or handled differently.

As you get older sometimes emotions get the better of you and in this case, the current plight of the MFC is probably the lowest it has ever been even in some dark years when we ended up with the wooden spook. Probably the only other time I been nearly as frustrated was at the MFC meeting many years ago when Tiger Ridley at Dallas Brooks Hall tried to encourage us to merge with Hawthorn, thank god that never happened.

Is the level of frustration adequate justification for what I published - probably not, but trust those anywhere near my age and length of support for the Dees may deep down partially understand..


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Do you go with passion to the footy, I certainly do, can you honestly say the players do at present...?

We are upset, of course, but that doesn't justify being irrational. Obviously we are not in any position to say with honesty (or dishonesty) what the state of mind of the players, or of any individual player, is. Honesty only comes into play where one already knows, and we do not know what the players either individually or collectively are thinking. We really should stop holding forth as facts - or as "honesty" - our imaginings of what the players are thinking.

Two reasons why:

1. it is disrespectful to the players, many of whom continue to say they are gutted, they are trying, they back the coach, etc. Dismissing what the players say, on the basis of our disappointment at the results each week, is tantamount to calling the players liars: and if they knew we were saying it, presumably this would only add to their shame and self-doubt and exposure. Disrespectful to those we profess to support.

2. it clouds the serious thought aired on this forum. Tempting for some perhaps to kick the walls or the cat when you are upset, but it doesn't help serious analysis or the search for possible angles that could help. Which is what I thought the forum existed for.

So, how about a bit of self-regulation - or, if you prefer, a bit of discipline and following the game-plan of the site? (Might find out how hard that would be...)

Edited by robbiefrom13
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OK, I have seen all replies during the day, some people I have offended, others probably half half understand my frustration. To put my frustration in perspective, the last time ran onto the MFC exitied about about a demon premiership was an excited 17 year old in 1970 as a member of the cheer squad when we won the reserve premiership with players like Paul Callery, & Ray Biffen. This was 6 years after our last senior premiership and 42 years on there is no positive sign of one being immenent. As the years go by one of the things on my bucket list (A Demon Premiership) is nothing more than a dream rather than any form of sound possibility in the foreseeable future.

Was my email appropriate in terms of some of its content and who it was directed to - probably not.

Was it appropriate that I air the email on a public forum - probably not.

But unlike others who appear to enjoy taking cheap shots I am man enough to admit that it was the wrong thing to do and am sure that more than a few of you have done things that in reflection or hindsight you would have either not done or handled differently.

As you get older sometimes emotions get the better of you and in this case, the current plight of the MFC is probably the lowest it has ever been even in some dark years when we ended up with the wooden spook. Probably the only other time I been nearly as frustrated was at the MFC meeting many years ago when Tiger Ridley at Dallas Brooks Hall tried to encourage us to merge with Hawthorn, thank god that never happened.

Is the level of frustration adequate justification for what I published - probably not, but trust those anywhere near my age and length of support for the Dees may deep down partially understand..


Kudos to you, Demonhouse, for making the effort to make your feelings known to the club, and double kudos for this ^ retraction. I can't help but respect you for those things.

As for your actual email, it totally misses the mark in so many ways. I don't think I can add much of anything to the pasting it has already received.

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Surely sending a reply email doesn't even get read considering it comes from a mass mailing program.


I received a response the next morning saying thank you an the mail would be passed on to Don.

Hardly the response of a non caring president or club.

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I think the OP has got it wrong. McVardy and his board have done a terriffic job of bringing the MFC back from the brink. Jimmy may of had the impetus to get things going but dont think the rest of the board sat on its arse and did nothing. Financially the MFC is quite strong now and has allowed more resources to be put into the football dept. The OP should of acknowlege this in his reply to be fair. To walk away from a club due to the decisions its administration have made is a pretty cheap cop out. The Board may of made some bad decisions (Re: new coach) but that is not yet to be fully realised. On the whole they have done far more good than bad at the MFC.

On the on field side of things too many posters are too quick to dispose of players. A few years ago it was get rid of all the old blokes, now we scream for Veterans. I for one would not dump the likes of maloney and sylvia who have been in our best in the last few seasons. Maloney is the hardest and toughest we have and a bad start to his season does not mean we need to get rid of him.

I know it's not the done thing to dump on name misspellings but 'McVardy' is funny.

And I see you followed up with a 'Maloney' for good measure!

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I know it's not the done thing to dump on name misspellings but 'McVardy' is funny.

And I see you followed up with a 'Maloney' for good measure!

good pickup rangey, sheriff's badge in the mail :)

just 'cos we are shyte at the moment it's no reason to drop our standards

A joke i received today (it would be funny if it wasn't us)

Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked

the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical

answers came up -- fireman, policeman, salesman, etc.

David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher

asked him about his father.

'My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes

in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he'll go

out to the alley with some guy and have sex with him for money.'

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set

the other children to work on some colouring, and took little David

aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?'

'No,' said David, 'He plays for Melbourne, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.'

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I received a response the next morning saying thank you an the mail would be passed on to Don.

Hardly the response of a non caring president or club.

And that's clearly not the automated reply they had set up for anyone who replied to said email..... *rolls eyes*

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I loved Jimmy Stynes but gee I am glad that he is not round to see what you and the board have done to this club. Our club was screaming out for a tried and proven coach and look at the poor excuse you have delivered to the members and supporters.

Way way way too soon for that.

This wasn't a team that was a few minor tweaks away from playing finals, the last few rounds of the 2011 season definitively proved it.

Neeld was the man identified to make the big changes and turn this particular club that hasn't won a premiership since 1964 into the one he envisions getting the job done.

Basically he is trying to coach a particular brand of football to a group that don't seem overly accommodating. There are a lot of issues with the list and even though it's loaded with high draft picks, it doesn't automatically mean it's good. They couldn't get it done for Bailey or Viney and they aren't doing much for Neeld so far.

I say give Neeld a year at the very least before making any sort of judgment.

Yes this season is a wash-out and it's no fun for the supporters but it's not the list he designed. He deserves the chance to clear the personnel that can't be worked with and to find the guys necessary to adequately showcase why he is the man who was chosen for the job.

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Was my email appropriate in terms of some of its content and who it was directed to - probably not.

Was it appropriate that I air the email on a public forum - probably not.

But unlike others who appear to enjoy taking cheap shots I am man enough to admit that it was the wrong thing to do and am sure that more than a few of you have done things that in reflection or hindsight you would have either not done or handled differently.

i rate the this! Club sucks at the moment...lets hope we can slowly turn it around again start to gain some ground in the last 2 thirds of the season to launch into a tough pre-season.

I was wondering who Mark Neeld is going to Delist at the end of the year and i truly thought that it would be a tough decision, this year i think it still migh tbe tough but from a perspective of not too many standout performers.

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Fearful, spineless, weak-kneed tripe.

We are not a "business measured by financial success". We are football club measured by the strength of our resolve in adversity.

If any other 'supporters' share the same view feel free to stand up now and exit the room.

I hope D-Mac wiped his butt with your 'email'.

+1 Well said.

Just printed off my copy and heading off to the toilet!

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DH I was one who kinda knew where you were truly coming from...but I question my urges of getting my 2 1/2 yo son to follow us in the future, and to that I say [censored] yea, good times ahead..... ' I remember that yr son when MFC were dismally horribulus and we couldn't win a game until Round 9 of that yr in 2012, it twas a pleasure to knock over Carlscum at there home game but our home ground..'

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Mark Neeld is the right man for the job,it's the pissweak players who don't like hard work,they all should don their skirts and play for the Vixens next year,they'll have nothing to fear as there's no tackling in Netball.

Under Bailey,yes we won 8 games last year but we'd win by 100 and lose by 100,we'd beat the bottom 8 teams and lose to the top 8 teams,we'd never win a final under Bailey with his one way game style.


Under Neeld,it's all to hard for the senior players and they don't have the heart for it,apparently some of the younger players have adapted well and i'll take a guess and say Jones & Magner,these guys are tough and love hard work but they can't carry Moloney and Sylvia,who must be dropped this week.

We have weeded out Dunn,Bate,Bail,Joel Mac, and we only need to get rid of Moloney,Green ,Sylvia and Davey and play the kids who could be our future,the above 8 aren't our future and should never wear the Demon jumper again.

Mark Neeld is tough and most of our players are weak,it's so simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said J7 - your response is the kind of message that should be posted to anyone with a smidge of interest in the state of the MFC.

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