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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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You've got to be joking surely? If the kid wanted to stay at the Demons do you really think he would need to go up north to check out the GWS facilities? He knows what their offer is, if he was going to stay he would be sitting down with the MFC and working out the particulars on his next contract.

If this was a similar situation but involving say Adelaide or West Coast instead of the new franchises would you still maintain the belief he was only "making up his mind" if he went over there to "check out their facilities after a year of solid speculation on his future.

Face it, the kid is just a mercenary who is whoring himself out for the bigger paycheck. If he had half the integrity and character everyone has been spouting about him since draft day he would have signed earlier in the season or at least begun negotiations with the MFC.

My only query is why didn't we offer him a solid third party deal? Do you think Carlton or Collingwood would have let this happen? Do you think Murphy and Thomas signed on for the amount on their official contracts? Do you really believe Hurley is any chance to disappear up there this time next year?

I've been prepared to wait and take Scully at his word all year but this "travelling up to check out the facilities with mum and dad" is the nail in the coffin and an absolute slap in the face to the founding club of the game and those who decided to bless him with our most famous number.

Anyone blaming this on Demetriou, Sheedy, Allen, the MFC or any other party is delusional and missing the point. The only one to blame in this situation is Scully who has shown himself to be nothing but a money-hungry grub. Say what you will about the likes of Judd or even Barassi but at least they had already given great service to their clubs in the form of premierships and in the case of Judd at least made sure that his club was given sufficient compensation for leaving. All Scully will leave is a massive hole in the salary cap.


Its a bit harsh on Scully mate! I would question his character if the money is the underlying factor, but its the system thats allowed this to take part not Scully. Give MFC & other clubs who have/will lose players the same level playing field to compete. Lets not forget that they have extra room in the CAP to pay more. My question his who created this?? My next question to you is would you not consider a job offer paying 200-300 k more a year?? I dont agree with the whats happening & the MFC are getting shafted again! But dont take it on the kid, should we have a crack at Judd, he took the money, Ablett, sure they achieved flags etc

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Guest Darren Lamb

Speaking of farces, I suppose nobody thought to ask how it transpired that Hutchy and Channel 9 camera crew just happened to be on the spot at Tullamarine Airport for the exclusive interviews.

I doubt Scully had anything to do with it considering his obvious discomfort.

I wonder though if he realises how GWS is manipulating this situation to push him into their arms?

And palpable laughter, Sydney?

You're not mincing metaphors are you?

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I watched the Hutchy interviews twice today.

The first time was on the Sunday Footy Show and the second was on TAC Cup Future Stars. On both occasions the laughter from the panel after hearing Scully and his father claim that no decision had been made was palpable.

Do they realise how farcical the situation has become?

Pretty funny stuff..lol

So Tom... made up your mind ? Nan Na just going to have a look around

So Tom... biggest decision.. ah yeah..just going to have a look around

Toms father ...Just going to have a look around

Toms bootlace...nah nah..just going with Tom to have a look around

Tom, Tom , whats for lunch.. Nah nah ...just going to have a look around

So Tom... Mate...just going to have a look around..K !!

So Tom..just having a look ? No mate...Im just here to have a look around !!

So Tom....... Look around Look aroundddddddddd !!!

Totally convinced me :rolleyes:

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Speaking of farces, I suppose nobody thought to ask how it transpired that Hutchy and Channel 9 camera crew just happened to be on the spot at Tullamarine Airport for the exclusive interviews.

Maybe he got onto some sources at the airlines, who knows? Seems a little suss though

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Guest Darren Lamb

You've got to be joking surely? If the kid wanted to stay at the Demons do you really think he would need to go up north to check out the GWS facilities? He knows what their offer is, if he was going to stay he would be sitting down with the MFC and working out the particulars on his next contract.

If this was a similar situation but involving say Adelaide or West Coast instead of the new franchises would you still maintain the belief he was only "making up his mind" if he went over there to "check out their facilities after a year of solid speculation on his future.

Face it, the kid is just a mercenary who is whoring himself out for the bigger paycheck. If he had half the integrity and character everyone has been spouting about him since draft day he would have signed earlier in the season or at least begun negotiations with the MFC.

My only query is why didn't we offer him a solid third party deal? Do you think Carlton or Collingwood would have let this happen? Do you think Murphy and Thomas signed on for the amount on their official contracts? Do you really believe Hurley is any chance to disappear up there this time next year?

I've been prepared to wait and take Scully at his word all year but this "travelling up to check out the facilities with mum and dad" is the nail in the coffin and an absolute slap in the face to the founding club of the game and those who decided to bless him with our most famous number.

Anyone blaming this on Demetriou, Sheedy, Allen, the MFC or any other party is delusional and missing the point. The only one to blame in this situation is Scully who has shown himself to be nothing but a money-hungry grub. Say what you will about the likes of Judd or even Barassi but at least they had already given great service to their clubs in the form of premierships and in the case of Judd at least made sure that his club was given sufficient compensation for leaving. All Scully will leave is a massive hole in the salary cap.

I can't logically argue any of these points when you have such a narrow-minded view.

They'd be wasted words.

Best of luck to you.

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I can't logically argue any of these points when you have such a narrow-minded view.

They'd be wasted words.

Best of luck to you.

I just hope he can't get hold of any weaponry.. sounds like a future Mark David Chapman or something.

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Possibly a little birdy told someone..or a Seagull...or a Martian :unsure:

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Speaking of farces, I suppose nobody thought to ask how it transpired that Hutchy and Channel 9 camera crew just happened to be on the spot at Tullamarine Airport for the exclusive interviews.

Hutchy's abrasive but not that dumb - he'd have spotters everywhere. Any baggage handler or check in clerk could be a friend and it's only a 20 min drive to the airport once the call's made......

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I don't get it.

He said from the start he'd wait to the end of the season to make a decision.

He is now taking a week from the end of the season to do that, as he said he would.

I think for a kid in his position being offered what he has, its perfectly reasonable.

If it were my son I'd want him to take his time and make the most informed decision.

He hasn't deviated from what he said he'd do, either.

I think there's still a very good chance he could decideto stay.

What this whole process reeks of to me, is professionalism.

On the outside, nobody is looking at MFC as a mockery - that's a perception put on the club by it's own insecure supporters.

The reflection is on GWS and the player alone.

Great post. Though I'd say it reflects more on Demetriou and Anderson than anything- it's the environment they created.

If the deal is indeed done I can only hope the AFL is prompt in naming the deservedly generous compensation picks.

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And palpable laughter, Sydney?

You're not mincing metaphors are you?

Definitely not Mr. Lamb

"palpable = readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident: a palpable lie; palpable absurdity. 2. capable of being touched or felt; …"

Sitting in my lounge room I could not only hear the laughter from Dermie, I also felt it and not only that but his explanation as to why it was such a crock of bulltish was entirely convincing.

Then on Future Stars, the guys were almost rolling over with laughter.

I suppose if you're sitting on a little gold mine that's going to guarantee a million bucks for the next few years then a smattering of personal humiliation on the GWS circus bandwagon is a small price to pay.

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Now everyone take three deep breaths and calm down..

I just watched the video of all this HERE and I can't what all the fuss is about;

  1. Firstly we all knew he was going to Sydney on Sunday to tour the GWS facilities as that was reported days ago.
  2. Damien Barrett says "he believes" he has signed and GWS believes" he will sign up but this is not a definitive he has signed. Barrett also says also says MFC still believe they have a chance of retaining him. At no point does Barrett say Scully has signed with GWS.
  3. Hutchy interview tells us nothing other than that Tom has not made a decision. All the crap people will say about his body language and the shiftiness of his eyes etc. is subjective. Also why would TS tell Hutchy in the middle of an airport that he has signed if he hasn't told MFC.
  4. It is easy for Brereton to sit there as a 40something year old man to pontificate about the fact TS family is going along and he should man up and decide for himself. When has being family orientated made you less of a man.
  5. If TS goes by himself he is not signing with GWS (and he is a MAN) but as he is taking his parents that means he is signing with GWS as he wants to show them where he will be playing next year. If this is true then the following is also.
  6. If TS goes by himself he is signing up with GWS (and he is a MAN) but as he is taking his parents he is not signing with GWS as he needs the support of his family to resist GWS offer and remind of the support he loses if he leaves Melbourne

I don't know if he has signed and I am waiting I see him sitting down in front of a MFC or a GWS sponsors signs saying I have signed with [insert Club Here] before I start running him down...

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Here is the follow up article on the interview on channel 9 website Here

Scully, family meet with new AFL team

15:42 AEST Sun Sep 11 2011

Young Melbourne star Tom Scully and members of his family flew from Melbourne to meet with AFL expansion side Greater Western Sydney.

But Scully again strongly denied speculation that a deal with the Giants is effectively done.

"I'm just going up to have a look around ... I'm going up with an open mind, just go up and meet a few people and see what happens from there," he told Channel Nine's The Footy Show.

"No, I haven't (signed) - just go up and have a look."

An announcement on Scully's future is expected in the next few days.

Scully's father Phil was among members of their family who also went up to meet with the club and tour their facilities.

"We support Tom, whatever he does," Phil Scully said.

Scully is the No.1 recruiting target for GWS and they are offering him a five-year deal worth more than $5 million.

But Melbourne have not given up hope that they can keep Scully, who was the No.1 pick in the 2009 national draft.

The Giants have already confirmed that they have signed fellow uncontracted players Callan Ward (Western Bulldogs), Phil Davis (Adelaide) and Rhys Palmer (Fremantle).

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Guest Darren Lamb

Definitely not Mr. Lamb

"palpable = readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident: a palpable lie; palpable absurdity. 2. capable of being touched or felt; …"

Sitting in my lounge room I could not only hear the laughter from Dermie, I also felt it and not only that but his explanation as to why it was such a crock of bulltish was entirely convincing.

Then on Future Stars, the guys were almost rolling over with laughter.

I suppose if you're sitting on a little gold mine that's going to guarantee a million bucks for the next few years then a smattering of personal humiliation on the GWS circus bandwagon is a small price to pay.

Thanks Mr. Pennski.

I knew what "palpable" meant, I just thought "audible" probably fits better.

I'll take your word for it that you could hear the panels laughing, but I also saw both and didn't notice the sound of laughter either time.

You sure that's what they were laughing at?

On these footy shows they do tend to take turns acting the fool quite a bit.

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Dont agree that the longer this drags the more likely he will stay ect is, all i think is that id he decided in 5 days post season then he had obviously made his mind up pre-season finishing, if he drags it to 10-14 days then he looks "credible"

Anyway im still hopeful, but not confident, the fact that he needs to go "look" at the GWS facilities tells me atleast that the MFC doesnt mean enough to him. Even though we all know he probably isnt looking at anything.

If he "wanted" to remain a MFC player like Trengove ect it wouldnt be difficult

The only thing filling myself with any confidence on this issue is Blease's Frawleys comments ect of recent times, and rpfc of course haha

edit mainly Blease's

Edited by Jordie_tackles
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......and for a really good laugh get onto bomber blitz match day thread....http://www.bomberbli...0....esp the spelling lol.

Even better news for the Bombers. Hurley to GWS

Looks like we will be handballing the megathread over next year. Maybe some could offer some advice for the Bomberblitz members.

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What is wrong with you people??? Money money money!!! I too last week accepted a job that will pay me double of what I was earning. Should I have stayed at my old workplace on half of what I was offered? NO!! Screw loyalty, its not about that...Its about looking after number 1, its about setting up your life, your family, being able to educate your children and giving your loved ones the best life possible. Being able to live comfortably. You lot arent going to pay Scully's bills or buy his house for him. Gee whiz dillusional lot you are!

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Tom at the airport said he hasn't made a decision as of yet, and that he was just having a look, as you would with any offer.

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