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Meddling Clubs Get St-ffed


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It seems to me that we are seeing a perfect example of "kicking someone when he is down". The garbage that has spewed forth from the Presidents of some rival clubs is nothing short of disgraceful. I can't recall us attacking any other club, unfortunately that probably includes on the field recently as well, but we have generally seemed to act decently in regard to the other clubs. The comment of Kennett for example that " the AFL won't deal with Melbourne for tanking only because of the health of Jim Stynes", is one of the lowest I have heard in the AFL. He should be ashamed of himself and the fact that he probably isn't shows what a low life he really is. Garry summed him up well as being a bully and that most Hawks supporters will be happy to see the back of him.

Then however we also have David Smorgon and Mr. AFL himself Eddie ( Collingwood are the AFL ) McGuire chiming in for their 2 bobs worth. Smorgon attacked Garry for his new role but at least has recanted and wished him well while Eddie comments on everything we do. He hurts the club by starting the Scully is Gone story early in our season, without any regard to what harm it will do to us. He then will decide what compensation we get if Scully goes, if we should be investigated for tanking, if our adminstration is ok, who our Coach will be, who we can approach to Coach and any player breach he can get his grubby conflicted hands and mouth onto. I wish that Eddie would shut his mouth and keep it shut until my Eddie induced migraine dissipates. Who the hell does he think he is commenting on other teams but going beserk when the favour is returned. He is so conflicted it is beyond a joke. I don't need him telling my club how to run itself and when we need his opinion, after hell freezes over we can ask for it.

I am sick to death of the tanking investigation talk, as it is clearly all about the MFC, who are down at the moment and slightly vulnerable. Not only has every team that has received priority picks done exactly what we have, but we look like being the "only" club in AFL history to get 1 and I repeat 1 priority pick and then have him stolen in the first year of his AFL career. The Pies and Hawks won flags with their priority picks in the side and they are still playing with them while others like the Dogs got to Prelim finals and Carlton into finals with theirs, not to mention the Judd Visy employment. Who can forget the Kreuzer Cup and Fevola being dragged after kicking a few goals and Croft being dropped for the last game with the Dogs after booting 5 goals the week before and the Pies losing games they could have won as did the Hawks etc, etc, etc. If you want to investigate tanking then bloody well investigate it, but investigate all the clubs who profited form priority picks and maybe we could take back a few premierships.

Where is the discussion about Carlton's premierships won on the back of blatent year after year salary cap cheating and having them dealt with like the Storm, instead of losing a few draft picks, which incidentally they have never stopped bleating about.

What we need are a few more strong voices like Garry to set a few people back in their holes. I would like Don McLardy to come out and say we did nothing different to the others and that they should shut their faces beofre we dredge up their dirt.It is very easy to kick someone when they are down

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Bailey really threw the club under a bus with his response to the tanking question didn't he? Tweed Pig, E25 and a few others got that one wrong.

If he had refused to answer the reaction would have been exactly the same.

Mark Robinson got himself a few weeks work with those questions.

A rat Journalist.

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I concur Red...So much garbage...and hypocrisy.

Still, maybe at teh end of the day we'l lcome out of this better as a club. A voice such as Garry's has been needed for some time,a voice to tell a few others to get back in their kennels and off their roosts and shut the f..k up !!

Bailey didnt put us under a bus. I htought he was quite circumspect under the conditions. Certain hacks would have taken anything said and turned it into a story such is their feral nature.

Maybe this is the crisis we needed to have , to borrow from 'that' person. Obviously we havent been tracking nearly as well as weve been led to understand. Lets get all the gripes out and seen to.

What will be left wil lbe a stronger , more resilient club. A club that wil know exactly whos for and who isnt.

The current flavour of the Vox Populi may not be to our liking but it might serve a purpose.

Some clubs would do well to mind what they say lest it return doubly to bite a new one !!

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to be fair to eddie, it's not his job as a media commentator to have regard to how his stories will affect us. this is possibly different in his capacity as Collingwood's president, but he announced the Tom Scully deal on his breakfast show.

Apart from that though, I agree- every media commentator, reporter or person associated with football in any form is having a dig at the moment. Simply a matter of dealing with it and it'll go away on the course of time.

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Bailey really threw the club under a bus with his response to the tanking question didn't he? Tweed Pig, E25 and a few others got that one wrong.


Stop spouting rubbish.

Edited by e25
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Lets not forget, it's all media spin. Who can say the right thing when they're not 100% sure. It's all a "I told you so, I was right. I have the bigger penis" approach. You never brag when you gamble unless you have a win.

I do love how everyone is entitled to thier opinion. Eddie has a MMM broadcast to run. It's all about getting a rating, so he can stuff his pockets with more money. I have been feeling down, as most of you would have over the last week, about the negative publicity we have recieved. It will make it all better when we start winning and hopefully achieve the ultimate prize.

Right now, I am looking at the bigger picture, it will make the club stronger. The players and the club are at rock bottom. We have another 5 games to play and it's a chance to rebound.

I think we did tank, but we did not cheat. There is nothing in the rules that say you have to win. It's sad, yes. In poker you fold many a hand to gain advantage and win the big prize. Bailey handled the question with dignity. He must have been [censored] at the time, but did not disrespect the club in any way.

Also, I think many supporters and officials from other clubs have short memories. We are a strong club and rewards will be payed. Mark our words!

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Guest hangon007

Bailey really threw the club under a bus with his response to the tanking question didn't he? Tweed Pig, E25 and a few others got that one wrong.

No its "list management" which is fully sanctioned & approved by the AFL. :wub: :wub: :wub:

"Tanking" is reserved for the Blues, Tigers, Bombers, Eagles & the Pies ... but they called it "list management" toooooo B)

heheheheheheh ...

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to be fair to eddie, it's not his job as a media commentator to have regard to how his stories will affect us. this is possibly different in his capacity as Collingwood's president, but he announced the Tom Scully deal on his breakfast show.

Apart from that though, I agree- every media commentator, reporter or person associated with football in any form is having a dig at the moment. Simply a matter of dealing with it and it'll go away on the course of time.

I note James Brayshaw is far more even handed and doesn't bag other clubs.

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to be fair to eddie, it's not his job as a media commentator to have regard to how his stories will affect us. this is possibly different in his capacity as Collingwood's president, but he announced the Tom Scully deal on his breakfast show.

Well, so what. He's president of the pies 24/7. He can't pick and choose when he is and isn't president. A point that he has never grasped.

In general, it's been a feeding frenzy for the media, other clubs, talkback radio, etc.

The media in particular love it. They don't realise how rabid and frenzied they've become.

Fortunately, their weak minds have short attention spans and another issue will crop up soon and this one will be consigned to the dustbin of history. We simply have to wait it out.

Meanwhile ... GO DEMONS!

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The media in particular love it. They don't realise how rabid and frenzied they've become.

Fortunately, their weak minds have short attention spans and another issue will crop up soon and this one will be consigned to the dustbin of history. We simply have to wait it out.

Lets hope it's not another player defecting to GWS and this time he wears red and blue.

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Fantastic OP Redleg!

to be fair to eddie, it's not his job as a media commentator to have regard to how his stories will affect us. this is possibly different in his capacity as Collingwood's president, but he announced the Tom Scully deal on his breakfast show. Apart from that though, I agree- every media commentator, reporter or person associated with football in any form is having a dig at the moment. Simply a matter of dealing with it and it'll go away on the course of time.

I note James Brayshaw is far more even handed and doesn't bag other clubs.

To be fair to Eddie my arse. Any job he has in the media is what is most commonly known as a conflict of interest, and by choosing to do his job in the way he does, he makes said COI even worse. As Redleg says, James Brayshaw seems to be perfectly capable of fullfilling media and club duties without crossing the wires too much, even to the point of not putting in a tip on TFS for Roos games, because he has a bit of self respect and integrity. Eddie has no integrity whatsoever, and therefore has no issue with not only having, but also exacerbating his conflict of interest at every opportunity.

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The garbage that has spewed forth from the Presidents of some rival clubs is nothing short of disgraceful......


Amen to everything Redleg, well said......

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If he had refused to answer the reaction would have been exactly the same.

Mark Robinson got himself a few weeks work with those questions.

A rat Journalist.

I wouldn't knock Robinson. He's not only doing his job but he's also been quite good to Melbourne questioning some of the scuttlebutt about the club being pushed by some segments of the media. I've noticed that some unsubstantiated rumours, when repeated often enough, become accepted by some as the truth. Robbo has questioned some of these rumour as fact allegations on television and radio whereas others have accepted them as gospel and used them as the basis for 1 + 1 = 3 conclusions.

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I believe that if the AFL is going to investigate tanking then it should start, not with Melbourne which was probably the last club to be subjected to the allegation, but with the clubs that made it an art form in the first place.

Since both David Smorgon and Eddie McGuire have come out so smugly and self-righteously in opposition of the AFL on tanking/list management, their clubs should come under the microscope first, Redleg has alluded above to the strange case of Matthew Croft who played his last game ever against North Melbourne in 2004 and booted five goals only to be dropped the following week against Essendon. The Bulldogs lost the last game and, as a result, won a priority pick. A Doggies fan told me at the time that there was no way Croft should have been dropped from the side for the last game unless the club was tanking. Another good player was also dropped for the final game but his name escapes me ATM.

The following year it was Collingwood's turn. Hawthorn also brilliantly tanked to get a priority pick in 2005 and the Hawks did well in this era enabling them to pick up Franklin and Roughead. Then, Carlton made an artform out of it for three years in a row enabling them to not only get three number ones but putting them in poll position to get Chris Judd (the other factor was the third party deals which I understand are now banned for all clubs with the exception of GWS).

Who could forget the Blues' stunning finish to 2007 when they went from 4-7 to 4-18 to scrape into a #1 priority pick position? The club that routinely ignored Brendan Fevola's long list of indiscretions suddenly suspended him for a week so he wasn't going to play the Blues' first game against Melbourne, then mysteriously ended his season prematurely a few weeks before the Kreuzer Cup game in Round 22. Imagine if the Blues had Fev at full forward instead of Lance Whitnall spraying shots from 20 metres out and straight in front that day.

Had Melbourne lost that day, it could have used the extra draft pick that year to secure, say a Callan Ward and then be eligible the following year for picks 1 & 2 rather than 1 & 19. No offence to Sam Blease but I think I would have preferred Nic Naitanui in my side any time of the day.

My point is why pick on a club like Melbourne which demonstrably didn't tank in 2007 and then investigate 2009 when all it did then was follow the lead of other clubs that employed list management and experimentation with player positions etc. when all chances of making the finals were gone following precedents set by other clubs and openly condoned by the AFL? In attacking Melbourne whilst it's down this week, McGuire, Kennett and Smorgon have demonstrated that they are nothing more than unprincipled hypocrites.

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I believe that if the AFL is going to investigate tanking then it should start, not with Melbourne which was probably the last club to be subjected to the allegation, but with the clubs that made it an art form in the first place.

Jack, good stuff. I think an investigation into tanking would be farcical. I've thrown in my two cents worth on the topic over the last few days, but rather than look to the past (where clubs did nothing wrong under current guidelines), if the AFL wants to put this issue to bed then they can start by eliminating the priority pick system. Then down the road, if they're still concerned about the way clubs are going about their late-season affairs, look at introducing a draft lottery.

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I agree. Bailey has been lauded for his class and I for one thought he'd say nothing to damage the club. I was wrong.

Eff off Bailey. You were a [censored] coach and got your just rewards. ****

That is an interesting one. He could have said much more but didn't. He may not have said anything if not asked the question. He did try and be honest while at the same time using the accepted argument of player development at the end. When quizzed by Anderson he put an end to it when he could have completely put us in. He said no more than the whole footy world knew and in fact said less. If we hadn't sacked him and instead given him the chance to stand down or see out his last 5 games, he may not have said anything and we could have ensured that by a termination arrangement. It could have been far worse and it could have been much better.

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Paul Roos now telling us who to appoint .FARK orf .

Actually he is part of the press giving his opinion and whether you like it or not that is his job......

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bugger...there was I thought a bloody good post here by Red ?...and then it went... A thouroughly good swipe at Mr Football ( eddie everywhere )

Shame...I enjoyed it :)

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Fab post Red (and Jack).

In the short term we've got Garry who's a good defender/voice it would seem, however, he wont be around long enough and everyone knows it.

Lets hope Jimma recovers pretty quickly but i still think we're lacking in this area even if he does.

I wonder if Garry will have a change of heart once in there. But at this point we have to take Garry on his word re the length of his stay.

A head kicking leader/strong voice for this Club is likely to be missing post Garry IMO.

I realise CEO's/Presidents/Directors don't win games. But it helps to have a strong voice/leader at the top.

Any suggestions?

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I don't see anything wrong with what Bailey said in answer to Robinson's question.

He didn't admit "tanking" - that is all in the interpretation of the listener.

What he said perfectly fit with the company line of development, but people choose to view it in a different light due to their prejudices.

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