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Tippet is a talent though, would you trade Cotchin for a pick which could be Cotchin?

Thats irrelevant as this is a force trade. I am sure if Cotchin was 100% leaving then yes I would. I would also prefer

A. A Player whose a 75% chance to become the same talent + a player of similar build who could fill a gap while the other develops


B. A Player whose 90% chance to become the same talent.

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Guest KingDingAling

Glad Harrington is on the same page as most of us and we won't be picking Jack with 3.

Toumpas, Grundy, Whitfield are 3 players who have had a far better year than Viney.

Wines arguably has and Garlett will come into calculations.

Harrington states that he owes it to the fans, which if that's the case, Jack Viney is around 6-8 where most recruiters would have him - and we won't take him at 3.

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Thats irrelevant as this is a force trade. I am sure if Cotchin was 100% leaving then yes I would. I would also prefer

A. A Player whose a 75% chance to become the same talent + a player of similar build who could fill a gap while the other develops


B. A Player whose 90% chance to become the same talent.

You rate Martin very highly, i dont think he is a forward, has kicked 20 goals in what 5 years i imagine..... Can ruck i love him in the ruck but Jacobs is the best tap ruckman in the comp.

my point is i dont think either a pick around or after 10 and Martin will fill the hole of Tippet

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As much as the old 'special' draft pick out of nowhere is exciting, I suggest we stick with what we know (ie. the kid who positionally and talent-wise is exactly what we need, has been consistently touted as one of the absoute best in this draft crop, a born leader and one who last year was best afield in the GF with 38 touches as one of the youngest on the field). If in the extremely unlikely event we dont end up with Viney and I have to sit here and watch on helplessly for 14 years while the spawn of a Melbourne champion goes on to win Brownlows, Norm Smiths and captain some filthy heathen club to multiple premierships, I will be sending my membership back to the club in a hat box along with the severed head of the underachieving slob we select ahead of him, and a tersely worded letter of complaint.

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Glad Harrington is on the same page as most of us and we won't be picking Jack with 3.

Toumpas, Grundy, Whitfield are 3 players who have had a far better year than Viney.

Wines arguably has and Garlett will come into calculations.

Harrington states that he owes it to the fans, which if that's the case, Jack Viney is around 6-8 where most recruiters would have him - and we won't take him at 3.

We will take him. You can pull quotes and assumptions out of anywhere you like but we will take Viney at #3 IF we are forced to do that. We take him, then get one of the three you mentioned with #4, then another good player at #13 and so on, depending on trades and so forth.

We know we are getting a young gun in Viney. Why wouldn't you go with that? Some recruiters had Cale Morton as the #1 pick of the draft back in 2007. You might have been waffling on about him and how we should take him just because he had a better year. While there are no sure things in football, Jack Viney is as close as we will get. Big win for us no matter where we take him.

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Glad Harrington is on the same page as most of us and we won't be picking Jack with 3.

You flatter yourself. The majority are happy to take Viney at 3 if necessary.

And Harrington did NOT say that we wouldn't be taking Viney at 3.

Thank god we're not cutting down any trees for this thread, what a waste of space over something that's a foregone conclusion.

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All I know for sure is that 90% of the posts on this thread make a 17 year old kid sound like the second coming.

I hope for his sake that the young bloke is as good as some hope he is.

Fortunately we've had a stellar run with high draft picks called Jack. They've all lived up to their potential so far :-/

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We will take him. You can pull quotes and assumptions out of anywhere you like but we will take Viney at #3 IF we are forced to do that. We take him, then get one of the three you mentioned with #4, then another good player at #13 and so on, depending on trades and so forth.

We know we are getting a young gun in Viney. Why wouldn't you go with that? Some recruiters had Cale Morton as the #1 pick of the draft back in 2007. You might have been waffling on about him and how we should take him just because he had a better year. While there are no sure things in football, Jack Viney is as close as we will get. Big win for us no matter where we take him.

some just dont get the game being played. MFC will take JV at the best opportunity. its all smoke and mirrors.

Honestly some of the nuff nuffs here must live in dreamland. Any which way we get a gun of a player. Why are people quibbling ?? In the past weve used picks 1's and 2's on gambles...here we can use ( if needed ) a 3 of a guaranteed absolute club changing beast.....and theres argument wtf ??

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some just dont get the game being played. MFC will take JV at the best opportunity. its all smoke and mirrors.

Honestly some of the nuff nuffs here must live in dreamland. Any which way we get a gun of a player. Why are people quibbling ?? In the past weve used picks 1's and 2's on gambles...here we can use ( if needed ) a 3 of a guaranteed absolute club changing beast.....and theres argument wtf ??

I can understand it - our fans are greedy. We have been poor for so long that we feel we MUST take as many supposed guns in the draft as possible and that we must not take someone who may not be the clear cut third or fourth best player in the draft, even though he bleeds red and blue, is the best in and under player in the draft and will be a walk up start in Round 1. He will be another player who will help to change our culture and he has leadership written all over him. Why do we overlook him? Because we are greedy and we feel we must take a Grundy or a Toumpas because others say we should. It's ridiculous.

Look at how we've gone up this end of the draft in recent years. It's not flash. We all know that. Yet we are still sucked in to this thinking that we have to overlook Viney for someone else because Viney may not be rated at 3, but instead be rated at 6-8. Morton was taken at 4. Dangerfield 10, then Rioli 11. That's only one example but proof that a Top 4 selection will not always become what we want them to be. We have as close to a sure thing as we will ever get in Viney. Melbourne will know this and take him at 3 IF we are forced to do it, and we as fans should be jumping for joy that we have landed exactly the player we need.

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Glad Harrington is on the same page as most of us and we won't be picking Jack with 3.

Toumpas, Grundy, Whitfield are 3 players who have had a far better year than Viney.

Wines arguably has and Garlett will come into calculations.

Harrington states that he owes it to the fans, which if that's the case, Jack Viney is around 6-8 where most recruiters would have him - and we won't take him at 3.

People here really dont read the play very well - overt statements in the media do not equate to fact. Anyone here who thinks Viney isnt worth pick 3 to a team with a weak and leaderless midfield are delusional. Also you have to made to think that our recruiters will be seduced by skinny kids again who have shown some talent against kids verse manchilds who have shown they can play in the vfl against afl players and gather 28 disposals. Its all bluff. Just like Gold coast threatening via the media to bid for Viney - like we were going to bid for Luke Ball...

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Here is the only fact ive been guaranteed by a club source - take it or leave it but this guy said he'd bet me his car on this:

Viney will be a demon. Period. What ever it takes. Does anyone here honestly think we will risk another skinny kid over the son of a club heart-n-soul type? A player who is top 6 and rated as the best hard-at-it midfielder in the draft? A player who could walk in and play round 1? Viney is less risk than most of the potential top 10, has emotional connection the club which is a factor after losing Scott Thompson and then Scully. Gold Coast wont risk it because they have already got too many players wanting to go home. The Scotty Thompson/Nic nat factor. Wont happen - as much as we bid for Luke Ball. its all bluff. Gold coast would dare incase we call their bluff and actually let him go knowing he might come back in two years (which I doubt he will btw because it will be harder than taking him now). There will be no risks this time. Could you imagine us picking up another Cale Morton while Viney carves up 28 disposals each week at Gold Coast? No chance!!

remember we are in the box seat with the best options for Josh Caddy. Burn us on Viney and gold coast will effectively lose Tippett to Brisbane (where he'd rather go from what I hear).

As if anyone would trade pick 2 for Tippett. Joking...

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Here is the only fact ive been guaranteed by a club source - take it or leave it but this guy said he'd bet me his car on this:

Viney will be a demon. Period. What ever it takes. Does anyone here honestly think we will risk another skinny kid over the son of a club heart-n-soul type? A player who is top 6 and rated as the best hard-at-it midfielder in the draft?

This is all you need :)
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Glad Harrington is on the same page as most of us and we won't be picking Jack with 3.

Toumpas, Grundy, Whitfield are 3 players who have had a far better year than Viney.

Wines arguably has and Garlett will come into calculations.

Harrington states that he owes it to the fans, which if that's the case, Jack Viney is around 6-8 where most recruiters would have him - and we won't take him at 3.

It's not about a year with injury in the 18's it's about what he offers. If you look at it your way we would have missed Darling because he had an average final 18's year, wait a minute we did miss him.

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Guest KingDingAling

Please god, let this stop.

It won't stop, theres plenty of games to be played between clubs involved.

The closer it comes to the day - the more speculation there will be.

Regardless of where we do take Viney - if we do - the benefits of taking him in the second round are massive.

We have to talk about something in the off season, my Nathan Jones for captain threads not cutting it, lol.

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Guest KingDingAling

It's not about a year with injury in the 18's it's about what he offers. If you look at it your way we would have missed Darling because he had an average final 18's year, wait a minute we did miss him.

We aren't the only side that missed Darling.

Recruiters rate jack around 6-8, probably around where Kennedy is rated, I think thats a fair assessment.

If GWS or GC want to throw their pick 1 or 2 at him, good on them.

If we take Viney at 3, we take him at 3, I personally wouldn't and I find it hard to make a case as to why our club will.

Stringer had a worse injury than Viney and has had a far better year.

On top of that, he was probably even more highly rated than Viney, prior to injury.

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We aren't the only side that missed Darling.

Recruiters rate jack around 6-8, probably around where Kennedy is rated, I think thats a fair assessment.

If GWS or GC want to throw their pick 1 or 2 at him, good on them.

If we take Viney at 3, we take him at 3, I personally wouldn't and I find it hard to make a case as to why our club will.

Stringer had a worse injury than Viney and has had a far better year.

On top of that, he was probably even more highly rated than Viney, prior to injury.

No mate, Viney hasn't been playing TAC cup so how can you say that. His couple of games at Casey have been good and I don't know how (or even if he has been playing) he has been performing at Carey, do you?

I know everyone passed on Darling, part of it was because of off field stuff but a big part was has final 18 year was not up to what he previously delivered, was the man child being brought back to size. Well, we know the answer to that now and would like that pick again, as would every other club bar WC.

Selwood slipped to pick 7 because of an injury plagued final 18's year but would you take Gibbs who all the recruiters marked as the number one pick or Selwood now?

Viney has been on the radar since he was 8 years old, if the club pick him at 3 which I expect will happen then they should have a good handle on what he is worth. To me he seems to be a cross between Mitchell and Selwood, not bad I reckon.

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god I love the sh!t proffered by armchair experts here,Some profess the expertise in their execution of selection of such amazing finesse that the Belgies would be lining up to have them cut diamonds !!

The truth is its not about cutting selections tot he 1000th of a millimetre like some here seem to think but its about matching needs with opportunities..

Common sense says you go with what you know. Not what you summise. That may enter calculatons after but if you know a diamond to be a diamond why bother reinventing the fact. You dont. you move on to the next requirement and what you know

Its been mentioned here at times and probably not understood for what it really means : Viney is a known entity. . What does it matter that some only think him a pick 5 or 6 . if we have to take him at 3 and he plays round 1 and carves it up how have we lost ?? We have after all picks taken far earlier that havent returned that much ( By comparison....and yes I do rate Watts ...but )

Its like arguing over Gale, Kerr , McPherson, Hinze etc. ALL amazing. but each to their own.

So it is with Footy clubs..you take what suits.

How can anyone argue that Jack Viney doesnt suit the MFC like a tailored suit ?? c'mon !!

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