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Food for thought....

Mallee Bull

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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

Do you wish the club to win Premiership Cups in the next Decade or just be a nice social Club?? Ask yourself this question and then re read your post.

Past Players would love to see 22 young kids win cups i assure you as would every MFC supporter.

So many posters on here cannot make or see the tough decisions. It suprises me greatly, some of you are a bit scared of Melbourne being on top. It's been too long.....

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Do you wish the club to win Premiership Cups in the next Decade or just be a nice social Club?? Ask yourself this question and then re read your post.

Past Players would love to see 22 young kids win cups i assure you as would every MFC supporter.

So many posters on here cannot make or see the tough decisions. It suprises me greatly, some of you are a bit scared of Melbourne being on top. It's been too long.....

I agree with what your saying which is why I said the delistings were correct decisions, what I'm trying to get at is whether the club could have possibly handled them better. You get the impression that some of the players have been genuinely shocked at the news, I know for a fact McDonald was. Morale is a huge thing with a team. Do you truly think axeing your captain and then having your vice captain walk out on the club isn't going to rattle morale?

To reiterate, I'm not against the de-listings, I'm querying the way they've been handled.

Edited by Mallee Bull
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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

This was done to a large degree with the trip to China.At least something to build upon.The recent loss of senior players will come around.It takes time.

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Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it.

All those guys you mentioned were back around the club last year, don't worry mallee the boys are fine

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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

I know this is your worry.

There is no perfect way to move stalwarts out.

We love to second guess the FD, and give them our 20/20 hindsight but they have been the one thing you need to be...


The rest is BS and double talk.

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Without being privy to the internal discussions connected to the player departures it's impossible to tell, but from where I sit as an avid supporter, I can't think of anything I would like to have seen done differently by the Club. All of the departures seem to have been handled very professionally. Sure, all of the players would have been disappointed, and a couple of them have said things in the media which reflected their disappointment, but that's not an in indication that the situation has been handled poorly by the Club.

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No player likes being handed their marching orders, and I suppose some players feel more entitled than others. For some, it was wrong place wrong time, because we were in a rebuilding phase. White, Yze, Robbo, Bizzell even Brown could have played another 2/3 years and would have if we were in a different position. But we had a duty to develop a list, and for every one of those departed senior players, came another space on the list for a youngster. When you consider that the likes of Bail, Bennell, Jurrah, Martin and so on were late picks, PSD picks or rookie picks, than you can start to understand how valuable those departures were to our current position.

It's a tough industry and these days it's not enough to be best 22 right now, you need to also be best 22 for the future or your position will always be vulnurable.

I have no issues with how we've handled recent departures, or indeed how we've handled our list building, trades and drafting. We are in a far better position now than we were 3 years ago when White, Yze, Robbo, Neita, Bruce and Junior were still on the list.

If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards, and that is pretty much suicide in football.

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Not sure how badly at all , these departures.

Unfortunates: Junior, Robbo, Ooze...Whitey. Neeta went over -time ( in hindsight)

There "comes a time"( so went the song ) ;

Oh, this old world

keeps spinning round

It's a wonder tall trees

ain't layin' down

There comes a time.

Times change and things have to change. Some may have thought their departure premature but hindsight is showing otherwise. To grow , you prune.

Please keep in mind fellow Dees . Bruce decided to go. The club didnt sack or delist him. This lays squarely on his shoulders. He had a choice and made it. How fair those choices is determinable from your place or stance. The club had its view, the player has his.

Without doubt when 'comes that time' there may be a bitter taste to a degree in the mouth but this is about the continual success and development of the club. The responsibility is the clubs for this. The ultimate responsibility for a players life is his own.

I would suggest in the spirit of the OP that there are far more of these older players about the club , NOW, than there were before we got our act together.

I sense it will only get better.

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the older players have had there chance to shine...whilst they may have been loyal to the club etc...a decision has been made to build a list from youth. the club is now debt free and we have climbed up the ladder. the melbourne footy club is moving in the right direction as a club. So i'm prepared to believe the club are making good decisions that the players should understand...bruce might not agree now but in 5 years time he'll be upset that he made the decision to leave...he's crazy to have left...now he's going to get a lot less money

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There has been plenty of people suggesting the club has handled departures badly over the last few years. Not 1 of those posters has had a suggestion of hoe it could have been handled better..

I would have hoped that with full and frank communication, Bruce's departure might have come to a head sooner.

"OK Cam this is our best offer... if your not going to take it we're prepared to help arrange a trade to the club of your choice .We don't want you to go - but if you must then the least we can do - in both our interests - is to work something out together. You don't want to be left in limbo at the whim of the draft - and we don't want to lose you down the track for nothing."

It sounds as though we just left him with a "take it or leave it" contract confident that he would sign. Did he indicate to us that he would probably stay with us - and that he just needed time to let it sink in? Did he then change his mind - without attempting lever a better deal?.Did Hawthorn's apparent interest increase after it took Kyle Cheney? Or did we just sit back .... and tell the media that we expected to see him at training ....as if we were taking him for granted?

Some posters seem to want to attribute all of the blame for this breakdown in communications to the player. I'd be very surprised if the club did all that it could to secure the best on-field and off-field outcomes

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White, Yze, Robbo all hoped to get picked up by another club after they were moved on, none of them were. I therefore think the club was more than vindicated with their decision. Bruce will probably play on somewhere else but that is his call and one that nobody will really care about in 12 months time.

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White, Yze, Robbo all hoped to get picked up by another club after they were moved on, none of them were. I therefore think the club was more than vindicated with their decision. Bruce will probably play on somewhere else but that is his call and one that nobody will really care about in 12 months time.

.... depending on the quality of Rookie pick no. 110 which is all we have got for a player who might be part of a Grand Final side in 12 months time..

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I would have hoped that with full and frank communication, Bruce's departure might have come to a head sooner.

"OK Cam this is our best offer... if your not going to take it we're prepared to help arrange a trade to the club of your choice .We don't want you to go - but if you must then the least we can do - in both our interests - is to work something out together. You don't want to be left in limbo at the whim of the draft - and we don't want to lose you down the track for nothing."

It sounds as though we just left him with a "take it or leave it" contract confident that he would sign. Did he indicate to us that he would probably stay with us - and that he just needed time to let it sink in? Did he then change his mind - without attempting lever a better deal?.Did Hawthorn's apparent interest increase after it took Kyle Cheney? Or did we just sit back .... and tell the media that we expected to see him at training ....as if we were taking him for granted?

Some posters seem to want to attribute all of the blame for this breakdown in communications to the player. I'd be very surprised if the club did all that it could to secure the best on-field and off-field outcomes

You are making your own assumptions are you not?

The facts are this:

We offered him a fair and reasonable contract in the reported region of $300k for one year.

Other club(s) came in at some stage and offered a contract.

He rejected our contract offer.

He decided to leave the club.

The Communication Breakdown (always capitalise Led Zep) was hardly a breakdown - we wanted him, we offered a reasonable contract, we waited for him to come to his senses and end the game of chicken, he decided to show us he wasn't bluffing.

We move on.

Or at least some of us do.

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.... depending on the quality of Rookie pick no. 110 which is all we have got for a player who might be part of a Grand Final side in 12 months time..

Whether he is or isnt part of a GF side in 12 months in no way vindicates or crucifies the Club stand. Its the wrong metric.

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Neita's 'retirement' is an interesting contrast against The Unfortunates...

Basically was the only one there allowed to exit on his own terms - granted he had more credentials being club captain and all, but maybe it was the lameduck manner in which he exited which prompted the "Whatever It Takes" Over 30 Policy!

The only issue i have with most The Unfortunates (mainly White, Robbo & Junior), is that the club could've definitely used a Ruck, Key Fwd, and Elite Tackling Midfielder in the years after their departure - ie massive upgrades over, say, PJ, Newton & Bennell - and given their desperation, likely would've played for dirt cheap performance-based contracts

(*I'll also admit Robbo's presence would've hindered Jurrah's growth, but we still haven't settled on a full fwd line (David Hale?!?) and also, when we have our regulation 14 season-ending injuries, always pays to have back-up!)

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I agree with what your saying which is why I said the delistings were correct decisions, what I'm trying to get at is whether the club could have possibly handled them better. You get the impression that some of the players have been genuinely shocked at the news, I know for a fact McDonald was. Morale is a huge thing with a team. Do you truly think axeing your captain and then having your vice captain walk out on the club isn't going to rattle morale?

To reiterate, I'm not against the de-listings, I'm querying the way they've been handled.

How else could you have handled them, Bruce was aware of his contract for weeks.

When a players time is up it is up. There's no nice way to do it, but it needed to be done. I thought it was all done with dignity myself.

Do you think the club should have had Lindt chocolate as a farewell?

All the players Bailey had to get rid of will be welcomed back to the club at the next premiership.

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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

bruce was not de listed, we offered him a 1 year contract

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Neita's 'retirement' is an interesting contrast against The Unfortunates...

Basically was the only one there allowed to exit on his own terms - granted he had more credentials being club captain and all, but maybe it was the lameduck manner in which he exited which prompted the "Whatever It Takes" Over 30 Policy!

The only issue i have with most The Unfortunates (mainly White, Robbo & Junior), is that the club could've definitely used a Ruck, Key Fwd, and Elite Tackling Midfielder in the years after their departure - ie massive upgrades over, say, PJ, Newton & Bennell - and given their desperation, likely would've played for dirt cheap performance-based contracts

(*I'll also admit Robbo's presence would've hindered Jurrah's growth, but we still haven't settled on a full fwd line (David Hale?!?) and also, when we have our regulation 14 season-ending injuries, always pays to have back-up!)

What was the point of hanging on to White, Robbo, and Yze et al. when all they could do is make us th 3rd worst team rather than the worst team?

And you not only have romanticised this period of failure, but the output of these players at the end of their careers.

No club decided any player that we had discarded at the end of their careers was worth another go until Miller and Bruce. And one of those players we didn't discard, but we actually offered a contract, while the other will be on the Rookie List only.

I enjoyed watching those players too, but they know the game - you don't deliver, you're in trouble.

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After the de-listing of two of our best players this year, I've been thinking about how some of our recent players must be feeling about the MFC. I remember when Jim Stynes became president and brought Schwab back to the club they spoke about how the club had lost touch with alot of its past players and there was not much sense of community at Melbourne. They made a real effort at bringing back past legends of the club (flower, barassi etc.) and trying to get them involved with the club.

Melbourne under Bailey has made some tough calls of late (I believe correct calls) in axing players that for the better part of the 00's have been our better players. The way White, Yze, Robbo and now Bruce and Junior have left has been less than desirable, although necessary, I'm concerned that a lot of these players must be quite disillusioned with the club and their place within it. Do you think that the FD could have managed these situations better? It seems that Bruce left because he sensed that he would be blindsided in a similar way that way Junior was. I would hate to think that some of our other players could walk out in years to come due to what has happened over the past couple of years.

I totally agree with this. Fact of the matter is that regardless of what transpired behind closed doors with these guys (which is all speculation), each of these champs were basically shoved out reluctantly and do feel disgruntled now, which is not a great way for their careers to end. Whilst Yze & White I can understand based on form, I thought Robbo & Jmac would certainly be in our top 10 for another year and Bruce for another 2 at least, not the paltry '1 more & then seeya' contract he was offered (thanks for the faith coach, he's not exactly injury prone).

Yeah sure you've got to turn the list over, keep it fresh etc - but these 3 guys were not exactly liabilities and after their service they deserved to share in a few more wins - and hopefully finals next year...and if we don't make that far then the jury's out on these decisions.

Seems most people on here aren't exactly sentimental - I wonder who will everyone bash now Bruce is gone? Step up to the plate Cale Morton you're in big trouble next year son.

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I totally agree with this. Fact of the matter is that regardless of what transpired behind closed doors with these guys (which is all speculation), each of these champs were basically shoved out reluctantly and do feel disgruntled now, which is not a great way for their careers to end. Whilst Yze & White I can understand based on form, I thought Robbo & Jmac would certainly be in our top 10 for another year and Bruce for another 2 at least, not the paltry '1 more & then seeya' contract he was offered (thanks for the faith coach, he's not exactly injury prone).

Yeah sure you've got to turn the list over, keep it fresh etc - but these 3 guys were not exactly liabilities and after their service they deserved to share in a few more wins - and hopefully finals next year...and if we don't make that far then the jury's out on these decisions.

Seems most people on here aren't exactly sentimental - I wonder who will everyone bash now Bruce is gone? Step up to the plate Cale Morton you're in big trouble next year son.

The real facts are much simpler. Bruce was OFFEREED a contract . He didn't take it up. Your suggested speculations are the facts and your 'facts' speculation.

You want to embrace refreshing lists but not if that means churning anyone ?

What we can deduce from the facts is that 1) Bruce wanted guarantees of some sort to be playing in 2012. 2) it was Bruces decision to leave as is his prerogative.

You suggest these players aren't liabilities but if a player is affecting progress then that's exactly what they are.

This is NOT social footy

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