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Pink is for Panzy's

Guest Redleg_24

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

If the OP is actually who Graham Gaunt was saying he was, then he has more issues than just those relating to the colour of the jumper.

What's this about Hardtack? please explain this comment

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I could not be prouder of the MFC at the moment,not only are they playing great footy but they have the guts to stand up and really support a cause they believe in.My mother died of breast cancer and she was one of the biggest Melbourne fans you would ever know.I am hoping she will looking down on the boys on Friday night loving the pink on the jumper and maybe even giving them a helping hand to get over the line.I for one know this in one of the greatest causes in society so support from all,no matter how big or small should be supported.I hope the people who don't like the pink jumper on here never get to experience the pain of seeing someone go through this disease as your views on this issue would do a complete 360

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I won't sit on the fence - I'd prefer the jumper remains sacrosanct in all cases but this one.

This move gives me great pride in my club and I think it is so effective BECAUSE it so drastically affects our club's image.

But in the end, it is only a colour change and only for 1 match. The emblem is still the same with the colours changed and a logo added.

We are still easily recognizable as the Melbourne Football Club.

This move clearly shows the field of women to be OUR initiative rather than that of the doggies, whether that is the truth or not.

(obviously it is)

Now it's about what we're gunna look like on Friday football while we fight the Bulldogs and cancer in front of millions.

All things considered, I want us to win those battles and couldn't care less what we look like while doing it.

Thanks lads, I'm off the fence.

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I have been away for a couple of days, and have missed the many posts on this.

Gee, I love the RED and BLUE as much as anyone, my desk at work is covered in it.

But to support a good cause I don't mind the club doing a one off.

I wouldn't care if we played in all Pink once a year, it is not as if Beamer has changed his name to Whiskas

Next week we will be back to normal.

Going to wear my pink bowtie tomorrow night.

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Our jumper has changed numerous times over the years, and to me is not what is sacred about our club.

It's our name, our colours, and most of all our history which is sacred and which will never change.

A jumper is just that, a jumper. It metaphorically represent what we love about this club, which is why I am pleased to see us change it for this great cause. I love this club because we won't change our jumper for an M&M promotion, but we will do it to support a cause that is close to everyone's heart, especially our president's.

The thing that disgusted me about the OP was the freak out over the idea of men wearing pink, and the complete disregard for the real reasons behind it. It's pink FFS, who gives a crap. It doesn't make our players any less masculine. Dear god!

Edited by Jaded
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I have been away for a couple of days, and have missed the many posts on this.

Gee, I love the RED and BLUE as much as anyone, my desk at work is covered in it.

But to support a good cause I don't mind the club doing a one off.

I wouldn't care if we played in all Pink once a year, it is not as if Beamer has changed his name to Whiskas

Next week we will be back to normal.

Going to wear my pink bowtie tomorrow night.

I don't mind that we are doing it, but geez it looks bloody ridiculous. Literally laughable. no wonder it raised eyebrows.

brett: you keep changing your argument mate. I think you should move on. You have gone from "No successful company tinkers with their main brand to bagging major and successful companies that do. It's OK, you're allowed an opinion. Is just that it's not the only legitimate marketing opinion to have.

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Huh, what are you on about? I have only ever asked one question at Before The Bounce and it was player related. Regardless, I paid the $200 and I'll ask whatever questions I like.

Pigheaded Collingwood may be, but I wouldn't mind being in their financial position despite the Hotel fiasco.

Do you consider their pigheadedness over their club colours to be a defining factor for their financial success..?

I think your desperation to use your field of expertise as an argument has clouded your common sense.

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I have just finished reading todays HUN at lunch and saw on the back page that we will trade our red and blue for pink and blue this weekend in support of the breast cancer awareness cause. Are we fair dinkum? I am by no means saying that this charity doesn't deserve all the recognition it can get, but for god's sake, we will be running around the park on our only friday night fixture in 2 years i BLOODY PINK JUMPERS AND SOCKS!!!!!!!

This is so stupid. We will be mocked by every commentator, fans and the football public in general. We are the Demons, not the bloody flamingos!!

Interesting to note that Beamer Moloney was sporting the strip in the paper. Goes with teh hair gel I guess. At least he and Col won't have to worry about getting changed after the game. The can saloon down Acland Street in there pretty pink jumpers and matching pink socks!!

I know I am getting fired up about this. But i truly believe this is a disgrace. We are on TV to a national audience on a Friday and we will fair dinkum be going aroundd in Pink jumpers. what about those people new to the game. How many you reckon will see us on the telly and say "Boy I sure like those guys in the pink...who are they?" - No one!!!!!!!!

Why couldn't we just go with Pink socks, pink numbers, a pink footy (which we did a few years ago) or Pink padding on the goal posts, pink 50 arcs etc. The jumper in our game is the greatest of symbols. Coaches talk about playing for the jumper. It what a club stands for. We have given it up and will look like twats on Friday. Good job. This is a charity BTW. So we don't get a penny for it. Unlike the Blues when they turned 'light blue' for M&M's. They still cop it.

Its a joke MFC. Shame

Wow, what a pitiful excuse for a thread. Wake up mate, you sound like a dinosaur.

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I don't mind that we are doing it, but geez it looks bloody ridiculous. Literally laughable. no wonder it raised eyebrows.

brett: you keep changing your argument mate. I think you should move on. You have gone from "No successful company tinkers with their main brand to bagging major and successful companies that do. It's OK, you're allowed an opinion. Is just that it's not the only legitimate marketing opinion to have.

Isn't that the point - to make people sit up and take notice??

Using a different coloured footy is not even close to having the same visual impact, let alone something like a coloured armband or laces.

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FFS weve worn worse jumpers than this pink creation. Its not that far removed..at least they arent those pyjamas of a few years back. Theres a greater context and aspiration here and full marks for the club for gettting right behind it. Misplaced homophobia has no place today. Pink wouldnt worry a real man !!

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Our jumper has changed numerous times over the years, and to me is not what is sacred about our club.

It's our name, our colours, and most of all our history which is sacred and which will never change.

A jumper is just that, a jumper. It metaphorically represent what we love about this club, which is why I am pleased to see us change it for this great cause. I love this club because we won't change our jumper for an M&M promotion, but we will do it to support a cause that is close to everyone's heart, especially our president's.

The thing that disgusted me about the OP was the freak out over the idea of men wearing pink, and the complete disregard for the real reasons behind it. It's pink FFS, who gives a crap. It doesn't make our players any less masculine. Dear god!

Yeah, touche'. Thats exactly it.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

I didn't catch channel 7 or 9 news last night, as I had my own football training, but I did see channel 10 news and saw no mention of our Pink Jumpers I did however notice a story on The Swans 'rude shirt' wearing cause. Not sure what the cause is, but seemed to get more airtime than what we were doing. Similiarly, Hawthorn's Kokoda jumpers. I am sure we will get a pump up tonight on TFS. Exepect Sam to have a dig. But like you guys keep saying, who cares. Was there any coverage on the other news services last night/?

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Pink wouldnt worry a real man !!

No it wouldn't! In fact Pink is the new black for many Latte sipping, Geebung Polo Club going metrosexual males these days. Many of whom obviously frequest this forum. Popped collars and all!!!

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What's this about Hardtack? please explain this comment

According to a GG post on another thread on this site, he was greeted when logging into this site, by a message from yourself in which you are allegedly identified as Redlegs, formerly of Demonology (not the same one as posts here). If that is a fact and you are said person, having seen the damage that was done to Demonology at that time, I think my comment would be fairly easily understood.

If you are not that person, then apologies.

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No it wouldn't! In fact Pink is the new black for many Latte sipping, Geebung Polo Club going metrosexual males these days. Many of whom obviously frequest this forum. Popped collars and all!!!

A lot of what is considered "metro" annoys the hell out of me, but I'll tell you one thing, I'd prefer to chat with a metro than a narrow-minded bigot, who still thinks they're living in the 60s.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

According to a GG post on another thread on this site, he was greeted when logging into this site, by a message from yourself in which you are allegedly identified as Redlegs, formerly of Demonology (not the same one as posts here). If that is a fact and you are said person, having seen the damage that was done to Demonology at that time, I think my comment would be fairly easily understood.

If you are not that person, then apologies.

Hardtack - YOU ARE VERY MUCH MISINFORMED MATE. If you would like to read the Ricky Petterd's injury thread and see the continued conversation between GG and I you are more than welcome. AT NO TIME did I, in my PM to GG, identify myself as Redleg_24. If GG has good sense he will inform you as such. I sent him a PM after he went bananas over at 'Ology and then took it upon himself to start an entire thread based on himself.

I detest you arrestions and raising this issue on the forum.

I expect an apology.

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Mate it's just a colour.

If commentators and others wanna slag us off for wearing it, shame on them.

I judge the toughness and courage of a Melbourne player by whether or not they stick their head over the pill and go hard at every contest.

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Hardtack - YOU ARE VERY MUCH MISINFORMED MATE. If you would like to read the Ricky Petterd's injury thread and see the continued conversation between GG and I you are more than welcome. AT NO TIME did I, in my PM to GG, identify myself as Redleg_24. If GG has good sense he will inform you as such. I sent him a PM after he went bananas over at 'Ology and then took it upon himself to start an entire thread based on himself.

I detest you arrestions and raising this issue on the forum.

I expect an apology.

Ok, for starters the conversation with GG that you say I should have read (in the Petterd thread) actually took place AFTER you asked me to "please explain".

Secondly, GG in no way categorically stated that you were not who he originally thought you were... he merely stated that if, as you claimed, you didn't know him, then it was out of order to send him an abusive message.

Thirdly, if you took the time to read carefully, I 1) started my original post on this matter with the word "IF" because I was not making a definitive statement and 2) in my "please explain" response I stated that if you were not the person in question, "I apologise"... so for your benefit I will say it again - I APOLOGISE (in caps this time so you don't miss it).

So, I will retract what I said about you having issues and will simply say that you are somewhat of an anachronism.

Edited by hardtack
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Mate it's just a colour.

If commentators and others wanna slag us off for wearing it, shame on them.

I judge the toughness and courage of a Melbourne player by whether or not they stick their head over the pill and go hard at every contest.

Well said sir, apart from the two posters who are having a little spat between themselves, most posters couldn't care less what we play in as long as 'we play'

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Ok, for starters the conversation with GG that you say I should have read (in the Petterd thread) actually took place AFTER you asked me to "please explain".

Secondly, GG in no way categorically stated that you were not who he originally thought you were... he merely stated that if, as you claimed, you didn't know him, then it was out of order to send him an abusive message.

Thirdly, if you took the time to read carefully, I 1) started my original post on this matter with the word "IF" because I was not making a definitive statement and 2) in my "please explain" response I stated that if you were not the person in question, "I apologise"... so for your benefit I will say it again - I APOLOGISE (in caps this time so you don't miss it).

So, I will retract what I said about you having issues and will simply say that you are somewhat of an anachronism.

It's him.

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And what is your evidence Destroy All??? Love to hear this one.

They don't call me Mall Cop for nothin'.

But I'm not bringing 'Ology problems over here.

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