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Russell Robertson

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I've been calling for an end to his career for awhile now...

You would have been over the moon when he did his achilles last year?

Not a good day for Robbo but I have the utmost confidence that he, his teammates and the coaching staff will highlight the errors in his game. Personally I thought the games of Petterd and Miller were much worse and of greater concern given they are the 'future' of the club.

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Robbo is not the only selfish forward in the AFL. A part of an AFL forward's instinct is to play as best as they can and get the goal on the board, some times this involves backing yourself and perhaps putting yourself first. A good forward adds other attributes to their game and uses their head a bit more which is where Robbo struggles. Unfortunately in 2009 there are a lot more aspects in modern footy which are void with Robbo but lets not distort the issue here. This is the same Robbo we have had since day 1 so berating him now is kind of pointless. He quite simply stuffed up with the attempted goal whilst flat on his ass and there is no arguement that he let himself and more importantly the team down - it was simply stupid. He also had a poor day in general - yes, he played like a millionaire. Having said that he is still one of the few forwards we have who actually has a go at getting a goal in the first place. Perhaps if some other forwards had the same hunger at slotting them instead of offloading the footy at the nearest opportunity we would be more dangerous.

I have not lost perspective on why Robbo is not viable in modern footy for the things that he simply does not do but we are in a situation where his value for the remainder of the year and next year is taking a defender away from say a Watts or Jurah - if opposition teams don't pay Robbo respect as a forward they will pay. He has been in the wilderness for a while and an achilles is a big thing to come back from. He is in a forward line that is bereft of structure and ball delivery from the mids is not overly great and quite simply he does not know any other way of playing - it might look like selfish footy at times but common sense would dictate that he is trying in his way to help the team. His way is not the modern way but we have to understand that you can't teach an old dog new tricks - not completely anyway. He is not part of our big picture but still has his uses and I am sure he will work on some other aspects of his game after yesterday. He has been a good player for us and deserves a little more respect than what has been shown in this thread. He needs a little wake up call from the coach about other aspects of his game but some of the comments here are excessive.

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Personally I thought the games of Petterd and Miller were much worse and of greater concern given they are the 'future' of the club.

_Very_ much a concern, agreed. Nonetheless this is the Russell Robertson thread ;)

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Ahhhh they just showed that fumbled goal on Footy Classified! About to discuss it as potentially the dumbest thing to do on the footy field. Makes me cringe watching it again. GOOSE.

Get off his case! Yes, it was the wrong decision. I am sure he wont do it again. Spur of the moment decision and excited after his speccie.

I am sure you all would have loved it if he kicked it!

ROBBO YOUR A LEGEND! Keep up the excitement.

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It is quite clear throughout posters comments and opinions within this thread and the 'Changes this week thread' that Robbo's antics infuriate supporters. This latest episode of selfishness and sheer stupidity against team rules smacks of poor leadership and playing for himself. Casey is surely his calling for this week, despite being rightly dragged. Just last week he stared down Matthew Bate for making a skill error by not centering the ball into Robbo's direction. This however was far from a skill error.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

As much as it was one of the silliest things I have seen a Dee's boy do in a long time he has given me too many good memories over the years to write him off like that over one thing. The good he does out weighs the bad and hopefully Bails has a quiet, but hard, word with him and we won't do it again. Just remember how good he is, and how good he will be again.

(Damn shame though. The spekky was just gold)

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Robbo has the same selfish attitude to playing that Yze had

Wash your mouth out with soap. Yze not once displayed the 'look at moi' characteristics that Robbo has not been able to shake.

Yze was a quality player, very skilful, who played through injury. If he should not have played, then it was up to the coach to pull him out but players want to be out there and will play hurt if they can.

Yze went through a long form slump and I lost patience with the selection committee, but not him. Players need to believe that their form will come back. Without self belief they won't make it.

I am tired of reading about Yze getting bagged on this site by some posters I suspect are too young to have seen him at his best and who blame him for ND's failure to command.

Back to Robbo: this club does not have a lot of 400 goal forwards in its history and at his best Robbo is gold. But that effort Sunday was a disgrace. He should be utterly shamed. He'd have taken the kick directly in front at a time when no breaks were going our way and we needed to reverse momentum.

What I especially don't want to see now is Robbo on some footy talk show like After the Game this week getting bagged and ragged about it either. He should keep his head down and let his game do the talking. That brain fade hopefully will inspire him but we'll all be judging him harshly from now on.

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Robbo is not the only selfish forward in the AFL. A part of an AFL forward's instinct is to play as best as they can and get the goal on the board, some times this involves backing yourself and perhaps putting yourself first. .

Rubbish. He had to get the goal on the board. It did not require him putting himself first at all. How do Geelong go when Mooney and Johnson put themselves first? They dont and Geelong are a far better outfit for it.

Ahhhh they just showed that fumbled goal on Footy Classified! About to discuss it as potentially the dumbest thing to do on the footy field. Makes me cringe watching it again. GOOSE.

But he was thinking of the team first when he was flat on his back. :lol:

i still dont think wat moss did was legal..

That figures. :wacko:

Wash your mouth out with soap. Yze not once displayed the 'look at moi' characteristics that Robbo has not been able to shake.

Oh dear. Yze was in the same mould as Robbo. At least Yze would not stoop to being as donwright selfish to do what was done on Sunday. Saying that Yze was a task master at blazing away for personal glory at the cost of the better option.

Yze was a quality player, very skilful, who played through injury. If he should not have played, then it was up to the coach to pull him out but players want to be out there and will play hurt if they can.

You are right about the quality and the skill. Its a pity it was marred by selfish unaccountable and lazy antics on the ground. His failure to take the contest when it was his turn undermined his contribution as player and leader. A flawed talent who went missing too often when the going got tough.

Yze went through a long form slump and I lost patience with the selection committee, but not him. Players need to believe that their form will come back. Without self belief they won't make it.

A cat has nine lives. Yze went through five times that until he was finally dropped. It was long overdue and the demands of the game were passing him by 18 months before.

I am tired of reading about Yze getting bagged on this site by some posters I suspect are too young to have seen him at his best and who blame him for ND's failure to command.

Gee, we have blame the coach and the selection committee for Yze's output. How about Yze is held accountable? Its ironic because ND and the selection committee gave more opportunity than at times his performance warranted.

Back to Robbo: this club does not have a lot of 400 goal full forwards in its history and at his best Robbo is gold. But that effort Sunday was a disgrace. He should be utterly shamed. He'd have taken the kick directly in front at a time when no breaks were going our way and we needed to reverse momentum.


What I especially don't want to see now is Robbo on some footy talk show like After the Game this week getting bagged and ragged about it either. He should keep his head down and let his game do the talking. That brain fade hopefully will inspire him but we'll al be judging him harshly from now on.

Why not? It was embarrassing. So selfish it would make KB blush.

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I can't believe so many are up about the "robbo" incident.

Football is faster the ever. instinct plays a big part in it. Did he think it was touched, did the ump not blow the wistle, did he not hear the wistle, did he want to get it through as quick as possible - all good reasons to play on.

What a great part of our game - the great unknown.

Its happened, get over it - robbo is currently the only forward who looks like even knowing how to kick a regular bag and people are calling for him to go?

Really intelligent!

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Why not? It was embarrassing. So selfish it would make KB blush.

Because it would be discussed in the context of what a wacky guy Robbo is - it would become a joke and would reward an attention seeker with what he is seeking all along.

At least Jeff Farmer had his whole career ahead of him to learn from handballing to the back of Garry Lyon's head. Robbo has not much time left and has to make the most of it as a footballer, not as a clown.

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Because it would be discussed in the context of what a wacky guy Robbo is - it would become a joke and would reward an attention seeker with what he is seeking all along.

At least Jeff Farmer had his whole career ahead of him to learn from handballing to the back of Garry Lyon's head. Robbo has not much time left and has to make the most of it as a footballer, not as a clown.

I cant think of one ex footballer who would think of Robbo's actions other than as stupid and selfish. He should get some ridicule for it and rightly so

Fair point about Farmer.

Overall, I think Robbo's rise as an AFL footballer from rookie is a great one and to achieve what he has achieved over that time should hold him in good stead in retirement. It is a pity that such a record is blighted by a number of self orientated antics that have not put the team first over the course of that career.

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Its happened, get over it - robbo is currently the only forward who looks like even knowing how to kick a regular bag and people are calling for him to go?

Monty, had Michael Newton done the same thing, you would the first up in arms calling for him to be dropped.

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I can't believe how many posters seem to think that the missed goal is the issue.

The issue for me is the many times a game that he leaps high for a speccie, misses it substantially, falls on his backside then watches as his opponent runs it out of defence.

Sometimes he gives a half-hearted 'token' effort to chase.

How about in the last quarter (or it might have been the third) when he leapt for a mark, missed it, fell on his arse, and then sat up with his arms resting on his knees.

He sat still and watched for 5 seconds while the ball bobbed around on the ground no more than 3 metres away from him, in between his opponent and a couple of other hawthorn players as they fumbled and eventually ran it out of our forward line. He made no effort to even look like he was trying to get involved.

I lost my marbles at this point. You don't want to know what I shouted (or how much vitriol i left on the back of the neck of the hawks supporter in front of me)

Pathetic, selfish and WEAK.

Just because a guy comes out in the media and says he loves the club and bleeds for it does not instantly qualify him as the heart & soul of the club.

Nor or does it instantly turn him into the consummate team player who does the hard things and works hard for his teammates. Words are cheap.

Robbo might love the club, but its because it provides him with a spotlight.

Thanks for the memories robbo, but someone's about to tap you on the shoulder.

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Michael Newton isnt Russell Robertson.

Any player who would stupidly sacrifices the team's interests to be a show pony should suffer the same condemnation. The fact is that it happened to a 13 year veteran is inexplicable. Its part of the marshmallow culture that accepts such actions that has to change at MFC if it is going to be successful.

There are so many parts of Robbo's game that I do like. His selfish focus on GOD/MOD clown antics is not one of them.

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... falls on his backside then watches as his opponent runs it out of defence.

Sometimes he gives a half-hearted 'token' effort to chase.

How about in the last quarter (or it might have been the third) when he leapt for a mark, missed it, fell on his arse, and then sat up with his arms resting on his knees.

He sat still and watched for 5 seconds while the ball bobbed around on the ground no more than 3 metres away from him, in between his opponent and a couple of other hawthorn players as they fumbled and eventually ran it out of our forward line. He made no effort to even look like he was trying to get involved.

I lost my marbles at this point. You don't want to know what I shouted (or how much vitriol i left on the back of the neck of the hawks supporter in front of me)

Pathetic, selfish and WEAK.

That was right in front of me and I lost it too. He lay face down for awhile then sat up with the ball still in the area bobbing around then as the ball was leaving the area he decided to get up and chase it... horrible efforts. He continues to do this and Bails if he is teaching the kids like Newts and Maric etc about having defensive pressure then he sure as hell needs to do the same with the senior guys. Champion players you hear they always think they need to work on recognised problems in there games.

That being said Robbo is our best goal kicking fwd option he has 10 goals already... He looks better on the lead this year than he did last year before the injury.

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That was right in front of me and I lost it too. He lay face down for awhile then sat up with the ball still in the area bobbing around then as the ball was leaving the area he decided to get up and chase it... horrible efforts. He continues to do this and Bails if he is teaching the kids like Newts and Maric etc about having defensive pressure then he sure as hell needs to do the same with the senior guys. Champion players you hear they always think they need to work on recognised problems in there games.

That being said Robbo is our best goal kicking fwd option... He looks better on the lead this year than he did last year before the injury.

I think he needs to be called out infront of his teammates.

Whether it iss done by Bails or someone else (preferrably Brock) it has to be acknowledged and stamped as completely unacceptable.

Shame him and let it be known that this is completely unacceptable and no one is sacrosanct, no matter what else they bring to the table.

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Rubbish. He had to get the goal on the board. It did not require him putting himself first at all. How do Geelong go when Mooney and Johnson put themselves first? They dont and Geelong are a far better outfit for it.

I didn't say that one act was acceptable, I was answering to the comments in general about selfish players - people in this thread all of a sudden want to rite off his career as one big selfish act. You know full well from my post that I said it was a stupid act to take that kick - it was unprofessional and unnecessary and he was rightly dragged. I agree with others that even if he had kicked the goal he still should have been dragged. The thing to understand however is what was going through Robbo's head when he did it - obviously it was an opportunist instinct similar to a player running around the mark to catch an opponent off guard. Unfortunately he was blindsided to the player and when he kicked the ball he looked like an absolute spud, now he should rightly wear it.

I notice that you didn't mention Ablett after his latest criticism about being selfish. Throughout the time Robbo has been a footballer there have been heaps of forwards for many teams who have played "selfish" football in order to optimise their personal performance - whether this be good or bad. It is a trait that many forwards have needed to be their best. What can not be tolerated is lazy or unaccountable football from a player and that is what was the problem with Robbo on the weekend. The fact he had a brain fade on the goal line didn't help him but his instinct is still one that we want forwards to have albiet with common sense. Johnson hasn't always been a squeaky clean team player for Geelong either. Robbo just needs a kick up the ass about being a senior player and accountability. The fact that he goes for hangers and the ball is back out of defense by the time he gets back up has infuriated most of us and hopefully Bailey will address this but chastising his career now is the issue I am taking. In the context of the game he may be dropped this week and I would understand why but is it necessary for some posters to bag his whole career?

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If the leadership group wanted to be pro-active and wanted to be seen to be on the front foot with regards to team discipline, they would have already addressed this issue. I would be most disappointed if they haven't yet discussed this with Robbo in the weekends match review.

PS. Rusty, of course Robbo isn't Michael Newton. There's no 'credits' for anyone when it comes to breaking team rules.

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I notice that you didn't mention Ablett after his latest criticism about being selfish. Throughout the time Robbo has been a footballer there have been heaps of forwards for many teams who have played "selfish" football in order to optimise their personal performance - whether this be good or bad. It is a trait that many forwards have needed to be their best. What can not be tolerated is lazy or unaccountable football from a player and that is what was the problem with Robbo on the weekend. The fact he had a brain fade on the goal line didn't help him but his instinct is still one that we want forwards to have albiet with common sense. Johnson hasn't always been a squeaky clean team player for Geelong either. Robbo just needs a kick up the ass about being a senior player and accountability. The fact that he goes for hangers and the ball is back out of defense by the time he gets back up has infuriated most of us and hopefully Bailey will address this but chastising his career now is the issue I am taking. In the context of the game he may be dropped this week and I would understand why but is it necessary for some posters to bag his whole career?

If Robbo's output was as stellar as Ablett's I would cut him some slack. However his clown act was the worst example of trait throughout his career where he has unduly focussed on GOD/MOD showmanship to the detriment of the team things. Its been a symptomatic habit throughout his career.

You are right about Steve Johnson. Up to 2007, he was a talented but selfish and lazy footballer who could only see the word "ME" in team. Its a measure of the culture at Geelong that they would not tolerate his antics further. He changed in 2007. He changed big time. And boy were Geelong better for it. I dont think Robbo is as good as Johnson but he could still offer so much to Melbourne if he focussed on team issues. Pity is the Robbo will wax about how he loves the Club. He does but he does so on his terms. In his 13 season if he does not get it he wont now. If an 18yo player did it you would hope it could be worked out of him. But at 30/31, come on. Its embarrassing.

And I think its years of accepting those antics from Yze, Robbo and TJ that many think its acceptable or natural for forwards to be selfish above the team goals to be self focussed and times lazy and unaccountable. For successful teams it isn't. You just cant compromise on it. The sooner MFC gets to the next generation of footballers that understand the importance of the unwavering commitment to the team ethic the better the club will be.

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Any player who would stupidly sacrifices the team's interests to be a show pony should suffer the same condemnation. The fact is that it happened to a 13 year veteran is inexplicable. Its part of the marshmallow culture that accepts such actions that has to change at MFC if it is going to be successful.

There are so many parts of Robbo's game that I do like. His selfish focus on GOD/MOD clown antics is not one of them.

Ive been reading and visiting this site for a while and for whatever reason seem to have previously agreed with most of what u have to say Rhino. I believe what we're discussing is symantecs. Im gonna have one last say on it and you can respond, or not as you feel. Like you, I can prob go all day but this topic doesn't deserve the time.


Which players took the bumps and the hits, did the hard running, made the contests for the ball to go inside 50?

In honour of the hard work of other players in the team who are seeking to claw there way back into the game, what did Robbo do?

He thought he would be a hero. He thought he would do something he thought was spectacular. He was thinking about Robbo.

Did Robbo think about rewarding the hard work of his teammates and making sure he kicked a valuable goal? No he was thinking of Robbo.

How do you think his teammates felt when Robbo had blown an opportunity to kick a goal from 1 metre out because he was prepared to sacrifice the teams aims and goals...for Robbo?

That's why its selfish and all the things you said it was. Its terrible example of a trait of Robbos throughout his significant career since starting as a rookie. You understand as little as Robbo does. Figures.

I.. I just thought it deserved some attention.. cause I shed a tear mate, did you? :lol:

What melodramatic over-sensitive drivel, mate you sure know how to work the heart-strings: -In Honour of the hard work.. -Did Robbo think about rewarding the hard work.. -How do you thinkhis teammates felt..

-Which players took the bumps an hits...


You like to pull out bits an pieces of phrases or quotes from people, and lay it out all nice to suit your arguement(s). But i am conditioned to that, so i read the WHOLE thread.

Let me tell ya, your saying the same thing over and over and over..

Ive been re-constructing the 2 lowest discs in my back, since July 06.. (I'll give everyone a free tip, 'take care of your back' :blink: ).. Nearly a year in bed (june 07) and from then up till now, constant rehab..

The last 3 years of my life, besides the rehab, has been watching footy, watching footy, oh and some more watching footy. I have seen every game played, by every team- obviously dees games I watch more than once, sometimes 3 times..



EDIT: oops, forgot about steve johnson very public situation from 07'.. still thats 2 yrs ago and was quick recified

Yesterday i described robbos actions as 'a brain-fade' and 'stupid'. Last night on the footy programs Quartermain said, "robbos been great this year since returning, but that was just a 'BRAIN-FADE' and then brocky continued claiming that the actions were 'STUPID'..

Hmmm, no mention of selfish from anyone tho..

Anyway, just thought I'd add to the topic since its gone from 'robbos stupid incident' to 'robbos stupid' and i think anyone that wants to bag out any player, should STFU and get out there an do better themselves.

-Personally, I'd say to robbo:

thanks for all the passion- thanks for after 12-13 years, getting up an not letting a serious injury stop your drive and dedication. Look forward to the next year or 2 when you actually have a decent team around you to help out!

My guess is- that in the coming weeks and as we contninue to improve, the very same people bagging Robbo now, (and J Mac and Brocky,) will be rejoycing in the fruits of their labour later on. I'll be there to remind you.

Oh, and stop using that silly buzzword 'god/mod'??

(Can i also mention- SHAME HIM Enforcer?? You just SHAMED YOURSELF mate He's the heart an soul of the Dees-its your words that are cheap.)

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Ive been reading and visiting this site for a while and for whatever reason seem to have previously agreed with most of what u have to say Rhino. I believe what we're discussing is symantecs. Im gonna have one last say on it and you can respond, or not as you feel. Like you, I can prob go all day but this topic doesn't deserve the time.


Which players took the bumps and the hits, did the hard running, made the contests for the ball to go inside 50?

In honour of the hard work of other players in the team who are seeking to claw there way back into the game, what did Robbo do?

He thought he would be a hero. He thought he would do something he thought was spectacular. He was thinking about Robbo.

Did Robbo think about rewarding the hard work of his teammates and making sure he kicked a valuable goal? No he was thinking of Robbo.

How do you think his teammates felt when Robbo had blown an opportunity to kick a goal from 1 metre out because he was prepared to sacrifice the teams aims and goals...for Robbo?

That's why its selfish and all the things you said it was. Its terrible example of a trait of Robbos throughout his significant career since starting as a rookie. You understand as little as Robbo does. Figures.

I.. I just thought it deserved some attention.. cause I shed a tear mate, did you? :lol:

What melodramatic over-sensitive drivel, mate you sure know how to work the heart-strings: -In Honour of the hard work.. -Did Robbo think about rewarding the hard work.. -How do you thinkhis teammates felt..

-Which players took the bumps an hits...


You like to pull out bits an pieces of phrases or quotes from people, and lay it out all nice to suit your arguement(s). But i am conditioned to that, so i read the WHOLE thread.

Let me tell ya, your saying the same thing over and over and over..

Ive been re-constructing the 2 lowest discs in my back, since July 06.. (I'll give everyone a free tip, 'take care of your back' :blink: ).. Nearly a year in bed (june 07) and from then up till now, constant rehab..

The last 3 years of my life, besides the rehab, has been watching footy, watching footy, oh and some more watching footy. I have seen every game played, by every team- obviously dees games I watch more than once, sometimes 3 times..



EDIT: oops, forgot about steve johnson very public situation from 07'.. still thats 2 yrs ago and was quick recified

Yesterday i described robbos actions as 'a brain-fade' and 'stupid'. Last night on the footy programs Quartermain said, "robbos been great this year since returning, but that was just a 'BRAIN-FADE' and then brocky continued claiming that the actions were 'STUPID'..

Hmmm, no mention of selfish from anyone tho..

Anyway, just thought I'd add to the topic since its gone from 'robbos stupid incident' to 'robbos stupid' and i think anyone that wants to bag out any player, should STFU and get out there an do better themselves.

-Personally, I'd say to robbo:

thanks for all the passion- thanks for after 12-13 years, getting up an not letting a serious injury stop your drive and dedication. Look forward to the next year or 2 when you actually have a decent team around you to help out!

My guess is- that in the coming weeks and as we contninue to improve, the very same people bagging Robbo now, (and J Mac and Brocky,) will be rejoycing in the fruits of their labour later on. I'll be there to remind you.

Oh, and stop using that silly buzzword 'god/mod'??

(Can i also mention- SHAME HIM Enforcer?? You just SHAMED YOURSELF mate He's the heart an soul of the Dees-its your words that are cheap.)

haha!! that was a beautiful post. I really wish that i had the time (however not in your terrible circumstances) to dedicate to writing a long a meaningful post such as this one. there have been some hurtful and remarkable comments made about a club legend over teh past 24 hours, and all totally un warrented.

You have hit the nail on the head, as I feel a few of us have, but it has fallen on deaf ears to alot of angry people around here. I would suggest you brace yourself for whats to come next.

Hope your back gets better mate.

Go Dees, and go Robbo. :lol:

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    REMATCH by Meggs

    The Mighty Demons take on the confident Cats this Saturday night at the recently completed $319 million redeveloped GMHBA Stadium, with the bounce of the ball at 7:15pm. Our last game of 2023 was an agonisingly close 5-point semi-final loss to Geelong, and we look forward to Melbourne turning the tables this week. Practice match form was scratchy for both teams with the Demons losing practice matches to Carlton and Port Adelaide, while the Cats beat Collingwood but then lost to Essendo

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    WELCOME 2024 by Meggs

    It’s been hard to miss the seismic global momentum happening in Women’s sport of late. The Matildas have been playing to record sell-out crowds across Australia and ‘Mary Fowler is God’ is chalked onto footpaths everywhere. WNBA basketball rookie sensation Caitlin Clark has almost single-handedly elevated her Indiana Fever team to unprecedented viewership, attendances and playoffs in the USA.   Our female Aussie Paris 2024 Olympians won 13 out of Australia’s all-time record 18 gol

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 3

    EPILOGUE by Whispering Jack

    I sit huddled in near darkness, the only light coming through flickering embers in a damp fireplace, the room in total silence after the thunderstorm died. I wonder if they bothered to restart the game.  No point really. It was over before it started. The team’s five star generals in defence and midfield ruled out of the fray, a few others missing in action against superior enemy firepower and too few left to fly the flag for the field marshal defiantly leading his outnumbered army int

    Demonland |
    Match Reports 6
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