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Demon Dollar a Day


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Ideas like this have been thrown around but I emailed the club today with my proposal

here is the most part of my email...what do you think

My idea is called "Demon Dollar a Day" or "DDD" and the concept is that

when people receive memberships or even membership info before they have

actually renewed, they receieve a small money can with information inside


The idea is, the club encourages everyone to put in a dollar a day, or find

their own motivation, such as use it as a swear jar or say everytime people

buy a coffee, they put a dollar into the jar...

Then towards the end of the season, volunteers at the ground (I could

easily help find people to help if needed) collect the jars, or if people

have filled their jars they can get another one, or if they want, they can

take the money to their bank and change it into a cheque.

I know this may sound farfetched, but i think people are more likely to

donate this way than just by writing out a plain cheque...i know that if I

for instance had a jar in my car, i would chuck all of my loose change in

it and towards the end of the year would have collected quite a lot of


For extra motivation, I was thinking that maybe the top 5 DDD donations

receive signed bags/guernseys and maybe the top donation giver gets to toss

the coin/be the mascot for a day/go in the coaches box etc...

And for the less well off people, maybe the club could advertise that every

1 in 20 DDD donaters receive a signed hat.

Just throwing ideas around but everyone that I have talked to thinks this

could be a good start in decreasing our debt.

Thankyou very much for reading this, it means a lot to me

within 20 minutes i receieved a reply and was thanked for supporting the club and giving them ideas and that this idea will definately be thrown around

even if this idea never happens, i am very pleased with the current admin to reply very quickly

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even if this idea never happens, i am very pleased with the current admin to reply very quickly

Yes, that's good.

I sent in an email after the Club's weekly e-newsletter asked supporters to send in suggestions via the info@ address, and never received a reply.

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i PM'd you melbman

do people here think that they are likely to donate through this initiative?


Being a really poor student with more bills than income, I can't really afford to donate a big lump sum to the club and I'm sure many people are in the same boat. But if I put even 50cents into a jar everytime I buy a coffee (on average 2 a day, 5 days a week), I could end up collecting an amount of money that won't hurt my back pocket but can still help out the club.

I think it's a great idea, and it's especially good for kids who might get a few dollars a week pocket money. If their parents are Melbourne supporters they can put an extra few dollars in the jar each week... so that their kids can grow up watching Melbourne win premierships.

I hope the club takes this suggestion on board. It's certainly a good one!

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Being a really poor student with more bills than income, I can't really afford to donate a big lump sum to the club and I'm sure many people are in the same boat. But if I put even 50cents into a jar everytime I buy a coffee (on average 2 a day, 5 days a week), I could end up collecting an amount of money that won't hurt my back pocket but can still help out the club.

I think it's a great idea, and it's especially good for kids who might get a few dollars a week pocket money. If their parents are Melbourne supporters they can put an extra few dollars in the jar each week... so that their kids can grow up watching Melbourne win premierships.

I hope the club takes this suggestion on board. It's certainly a good one!

great idea. well done.

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There was a fairly long thread a few weeks back (maybe more?), and a similar plan was discussed. Someone said they were going to email the Club with the ideas.

A similar idea to this was mooted, but I'd focus on running a 'dollar a day' campaign as a direct debit thing - when you sign up for your membership, you tick the box offering to donate $30 p/month via direct debit.

Nothing stopping a loose change campaign running alongside it, ofc.

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Actually the best thing out of this...you got a reply in 20 mins !! Things must be changing !! Seriously..thats good...bodes well :)

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Here is an idea I posted today on another thread FYI.

"I know this is pie in the sky, but if every member pledged $100 to be paid before say the Grand Final we would wipe off $3million from our debt. That is less than a cup of coffee per week or a sunday paper over a year. I know it is still a lot for many members.

Combined with the planned large donor event on August 5 the debt would be wiped out this year. That would mean half a million extra to the bottom line next year as there would be no interest to be paid on the debt.

Together with new facilities and venues and recruits we would be off and running with hopefully no more talk of our lack of branding or belonging. Demetriou would then have to turn on another club. "

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I think it's a great idea Nugget. Had a guy call from the club today asking if I'd be interested in buying one $200 raffle ticket. As a uni student, I definitely cannot afford to spend so much in one hit but defs over a period of 6-12 months I think I could accumulate quite a bit just by saving my loose change.

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Actually the best thing out of this...you got a reply in 20 mins !! Things must be changing !! Seriously..thats good...bodes well :)

Yeh, I'm still waiting for a response to an email I sent 4 weeks ago (and another from 3 months ago), and I know members of the administration!

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Redleg, i like your idea...

however, i still believe that asking for 100 dollars straight up, even though in theory it is less than a cup of coffee per week, isnt going to get a lot of support.

people arent really going to set aside an amount of money each week unless they have something to put it into...for instance the DDD jar. i think we could get more revenue this way

i would have probably made about 100-150 in poo change this year if i had a jar there but if the club asked me upfront to pay that amount of money...or to pay that amount of money by a certain date, i would sit back and say "where are all the rich people? shouldnt they be donating the money?"

or "i buy my membership and go to every home game"

we cant rely on the suppossedly rich, snow goer melbourne supporters because even though they are out there, and im sure a lot of them have donated greatly to the club, we are still somehow sitting in debt

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Kind of like a demon swear jar?

Everyone on here could donate a dollar every time they slag off on a player who then steps up.

Colin Garland would be our biggest marketing player!

But seriously, building it up over the year and bringing it all in at the end would be a great feeling. Especially knowing that others were doing it too.

Lets say it worked out to just $30 bucks over a season each...

Lets say just one in ten supporters did it...


Adds up fast.

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thats my point

and some would make more than 30, some would make less than 30

the club cant keep saying, buy this for $200 to go in the chance for this

pay $500 for this

if people are persued to pay a little bit everynow and then, it all adds up fast

what if i kid put in a dollar of his pocket money once a month

he would earn 10 dollars for the club...if 10 kids did this, thats $100

that may not sound like a lot but its more than the cost of buying two MFC/MCC joint memberships

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thats my point

and some would make more than 30, some would make less than 30

the club cant keep saying, buy this for $200 to go in the chance for this

pay $500 for this

if people are persued to pay a little bit everynow and then, it all adds up fast

what if i kid put in a dollar of his pocket money once a month

he would earn 10 dollars for the club...if 10 kids did this, thats $100

that may not sound like a lot but its more than the cost of buying two MFC/MCC joint memberships

We need to organize small events regulairly-keep the money trickling in but reguliar. Much better than one big hit. More fun and more involvement.

Back in the 80's Hawthorn had a sausage sizzle every thursday night after training. They got big numbers there and would have made some healthy bucks. Sausages, white bread and Tom sauce are not expensive.

We got to do that sort of thing as well as the Top Dollar Stuff. So that we can all say in whatever way "We all helped win that Flag" and shall continue to help.

Be there tomorrow night at the Bowls club

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It used to be called a Money Box with a slit just big enough to take a two bob coin.

Given away free by every bank to encourage savings and then deposits. (There's a surprise.)

They were a totally sealed unit so breaking into your hard-gotten gains (like pocket-money and mowing the lawns money) was a job only for the Oceans 11 team.

Great idea though. I'd happily throw the loose change every day into a Demons Money Box.

The simplest ideas can sometimes yield great dividends.

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Guest melbman
do people here think that they are likely to donate through this initiative?

I'd definitely take a handy sized "Demons Donation Drum" where I could put coins in over the season and hand it in at the end. It'd be easier for me than handing out money in one hit.

They'd probably have to register each one I guess

Good idea

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