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  1. Dropped by training for 30 minutes this morning in beautiful sunny and calm conditions. Neville was running laps endlessly with Crossy, OMac running laps as well and AVB walking around a little. Viney showed up late and did some close in ball work with Hannan but not much else. Didn’t sight Lever while I was there. The others were going hard at it with numerous drills moving the ball by foot, kicking low 30m passes to a player on the lead. It wasn’t perfect but I thought most players were hitting their targets. These 30 meter passes are the ones we seem to be over cooking on the few occasions that our mids lower their eyes when delivering to a target in our forward line. There were also numerous drills where a player had to move through heavy traffic to get the ball with other players armed with the big pads,so there were some heavy hits as players tried to crash through. Harmes, JKH, KK, Stretch and Jeffy were involved in all the quick ball movement drills, moving well and delivering to targets. There was a lot going on around the ground so it was hard to take it all in. Training finished with the usual freestyle goal kicking practice at the northern end where players practiced whatever they needed to I suppose, set shots from 40 m for some, running snap shots for others. i have mentioned previously that given our abysmal set shot accuracy this year why aren’t our forwards working on technique and routine with a specialist coach to iron out their issues. So it was interesting when at the end of training Brendan McCartney came over for a chat and said he was not happy with the standard of training, that there is still a lot of work needed if we are to improve and the playing group, although young had to understand this. I asked him about our goal kicking yips and shouldn’t we be working on our technique more and developing routines. His response was interesting, yes they are spooked on setshots but no we have done all that technique stuff, it will only turn around when they stop thinking about it. By which I think he means to stop thinking about the mechanics of it all because that is self defeating. This makes sense when I think about it because no matter what level of sport you played you will at some stage executed something well above your normal level and I bet when you did you were not thinking much about technique, more likely you were thinking of outcomes and the rest was just happening subconsciously.
    24 points
  2. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE ( Where is the DRILL) Training finished with the usual freestyle goal kicking practice at the northern end where players practiced whatever they needed to I suppose, set shots from 40 m for some, running snap shots for others. MORE GARBAGE ( Even more so) I asked him about our goal kicking yips and shouldn’t we be working on our technique more and developing routines. His response was interesting, yes they are spooked on setshots but no we have done all that technique stuff, it will only turn around when they stop thinking about it. By which I think he means to stop thinking about the mechanics of it all because that is self defeating. Well ... my response to this is ... We really DO have our heads in the sand.. Goal kicking is an art and needs SPECIALIST instruction. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE under Match conditions "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT... SERIOUSLY???? THINK MORE ABOUT IT AND FIX THE PROBLEM Nup GARBAGE, And the worst is the Club STILL STILL cannot see and remedy a problem!! Hnmmm Thanks for Observations Earl Hood!
    5 points
  3. I have no problem with Crowd Violence at all. What i do object to is some no name Behavioral Officer telling me to stop yelling loudly for my team, which i do and have done for 48 years so far. I will not put up with that under any circumstance
    4 points
  4. May is old and slowing in the same way that Gawn is old and slowing. Mays 'limited' future takes us through to 2023-2025 depending on his health. There's a lot of water to go under the bridge between now and then. Brian Lake only played 3 years for Hawthorn... May won't be our games record holder but he is more than capable of helping us get some silverware.
    4 points
  5. The Melbourne thing to do would be win the next 9 on the trot then lose R23 to North to fall short on %age.
    4 points
  6. Geez, I hope this situation leads to segregation of opposition fans at footy matches. For years I haven't wanted to sit next to some ill educated boofhead supporting the opposition, especially ill eductaed Magpie or bomber fans. Bring it on !!! If my wife brings in the Behavioural Awareness Officers into my lounge room when I'm watching the footy, I'm stuffed !!!!
    3 points
  7. I had to explain to my 10 year old what the C bomb was after a game sitting next to @Bitter but optimistic. Most unpleasant, though he claims his presence is "educational"...
    3 points
  8. I must admit I drop the occasional f word, not directed at anyone, but just in frustration at missing the easy goal, or missing the team mate who is 30 metres in the clear by 10 metres.
    3 points
  9. So let's have it for the draft this year from all you hindsight wise arses. Please provide your player draft order 1-25 for this year's draft so that we can judge you in 12 mths time. Player and number taken please. And don't spew out the "I'm not a highly paid employee who does this for a living" rubbish. If you are good enough to confidently judge Jason Taylor's performance (as if he solely makes the call on picks!!!), you should be good enough to supply your ranking of players in the upcoming draft. Any fool can be wise in hindsight, as evidenced in this thread.
    3 points
  10. You wrote in another thread - Hore is a quality recruit. I think he keeps Jetta out of the first choice back six. Quicker and better in the air. Love Nev but Marty is an upgrade moving forward. Baker looks very promising. Has the speed and evasive movement needed to play in wide positions at AFL level. Really like his change of pace and can find the footy, too. With more confidence there's a place in the side there for the taking for him. Could become a 150-gamer or a bust but the upside is significant. Lockhart looks promising and needs to be given chances ahead of Garlett now that finals are out of the equations. Boy you've got to be good if you're a small guy at this level. So let's see. Sparrow I can't form an opinion on yet based on what we've seen. Certainly looks to have solid physical attributes and the courage necessary. Skill in close and ball winning we don't really know yet. We need another inside mid to come on with Jones reaching the end. If you could answer the question - how do you reconcile comments like these with your thesis on Jason Taylor
    2 points
  11. Thanks for the report. Wanted to avoid turning this in to a goal kicking thread but I think that's the way it will go anyway, so here's my two cents. Players have to have a routine and they have to have a workable repeatable technique. It doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to get the basics right - namely the ball drop has to be smooth, as low as possible and consistent with the motion of the kick. It's probably not practical to have every goal kicking session slowed down to feature a coach working with the players. At some stage they need to just practice goal kicking by themselves and not be coached through it. As long as it's monitored to make sure they are sticking to a routine and keeping their technique that's fine by me. And yes, when it comes to game day you have to be in your routine and in a clear head space. Focusing on technique never works, just ask any golfer. The focus has to be on the routine which should be a series of mental and physical processes.
    2 points
  12. He struggled at the start of this year playing forward, it's only when they swapped him and Libba that his form took off. Good player but not what we need based on the cost. Yeah he'd be great for us but it would mean moving Brayshaw or Viney and I'd rather just get those guys right. Viney hasn't been nearly as bad as some around here think and Brayshaw should come good even though I'm not a huge believer in him as a superstar. 2018 might be his peak but it's a matter of getting him back to that level with a better defensive game and cleaner kicking. In terms of improving midfield and high half forward depth we should develop Kyle Dunkley, Sparrow and Spargo. James Jordon played forward/mid for Casey before the bye as well and had some nice moments. And I still want to see Lockhart with a preseason up around the ball more. Trade for needs, draft for depth.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. We are the “Special Needs” Club. Look at The Filth last year, Backline decimated by injuries, but they make the GF and were very stiff to lose, and in 2019 where are they? after starting a week later than us, they are again well entrenched in the 8. We just make up F$&@ing excuses....
    2 points
  15. Demonland has changed a lot recently.
    2 points
  16. We must win as many games as possible to lead us into next season in a good spot. Also needed if we are to continue increasing membership next year. And finally if players are playing hurt then give them extended rests and have a look as more of the kids to see if they can cut it for next season.
    2 points
  17. I would like to see Preuss in like I have for the last 3 weeks but I ain’t holding my breath.
    2 points
  18. Because we are playing like 5hit!
    2 points
  19. Not that it matters now, but Carlton would have picked Weed before Curnow as well FWIW
    2 points
  20. Seen some people trying to tie criticism of the heavy handed over zealousness by the AFL with the policing of violent fools who start fights at matches. They are obviously two separate issues. Everyone wants violent thugse kicked out of stadiums. If I had my way they would be banned for life. It is a totally separate issue to the policing of speech and cheering supporters who may or may not say some rude words and shout loudly at games. Violence, physical intimidation, serious threats etc etc = automatic eviction and ban Screaming loudly, yelling at incompetent umpires, booing opposition players etc etc = normal crowd behaviour
    2 points
  21. For full clarity though, let's remember the full trade scenario ended up being: OUT: Hogan, Pick 65 (which they didn't use) IN: May, Kolodjashnij, Sparrow
    2 points
  22. Let's not be too depressed. Though some will doubtless improve, in the nature of things some will also go backwards. Other clubs just have to look at us and say Richmond to see this is the case.
    2 points
  23. That's a wildly inaccurate interpretation of what I said. I'm not even sure how best to correct you. I said judging a selection should be done, at the earliest, half-way through a player's career. But Taylor makes selections every year, so every year there will be players whose careers are starting, finishing and somewhere in between. I can't see how that morphs into a performance appraisal of Taylor every "half a dozen years or so". I should add, I'm not defending Taylor. I'm not saying he's doing a good or bad job. It's the process of assessment I'm talking about.
    2 points
  24. This is my worry.... We need 'another this' and 'another that' - tell me, whilst all this is going on, the other clubs remain stagnant?
    2 points
  25. Michael Gleeson, whom I respect greatly as a footy journo, put it really well in this section of his article this evening: "Fans are thus now better prepared to accept the word of the thrown-out loudmouth when they protest (very quickly on social media replete with videos of the incident and just as quickly on talkback radio) that they did nothing, than they are to accept the assurances of the officials that the person deserved to be thrown out. The loud and ejected have been allowed to be turned into the victims because the AFL has allowed itself to be cast as the aloof bureaucracy trying to take the game away from the people. If you are going to do it, be honest and tell people why. People want to be condescended to by officials about as much as they want to sit near an offensive supporter behaving badly." 4 Points: How the AFL alienated its fans
    2 points
  26. An excellent question to which the answer is " I have no idea".
    2 points
  27. Dunkley to debut this week is my take!!
    2 points
  28. Be better not to now in my opinion. Similar to the Swans in 2017, I think we'd use up all our tickets getting there and it would end up a pointless endeavor. We'd then be starting behind again, just like last preseason, with worn down players needing surgery/rehab and we'd be staring down the barrel of an underprepared 2020. I personally think we should treat the rest of 2019 as a preseason for 2020. Get the surgeries done now, be extra conservative with rehab and fitness, workshop our game plan and structures, and make some hard decisions about senior players who may need to be dropped to work on weak areas of their games. All about 2020 now. Get a head start so we can have clear air going into preseason.
    2 points
  29. Of course I did. Don't be so condescending. And I watched his impressive 2016 finals. Stats are incredibly useful, clubs put a lot of time into gathering them. Do you not take any notice of numbers? Josh Dunkley is only 22. Had a ripper of a finals series in his first year at 19. He's a tackling, goal kicking mid that is still learning and from what I understand is very teachable. He averages nearly 6 tackles in his short career, ffs! He certainly wouldn't be our best mid, but offers more than many of our mids/small forwards, perhaps except Clarry, Gus, Harmes, Melk and Trac. Based on this year's form, it could easily be argued that he has more to offer than Viney. Of course he's different than Viney, not apples with apples. Dunkley would get a game in 2019 above Jones, Spargo, Jeffy, ANB, Stretch, JKH and Hannan. If he had more time in the f50 he would kick goals, something our mids and small forwards are not doing. His brother being at the club is of little relevance, other than a drawcard should we sound him out
    2 points
  30. Dunkley and Melksham are nothing alike as players. This joint is as much of a shambles as our side atm.
    2 points
  31. Hogan has 72. Melksham alone has 48. Then Tom Mac 43, Hunt 40 etc. etc. Just nonsense.
    2 points
  32. I'm sure Buckley would've been near the bottom of such a ridiculous list before last year. Does a person's IQ change that dramatically over 18 months? Does it matter? Yeah, nah... Fagan has a brilliant football mind, whatever his IQ. I'd be much happier with the former rather than the later. Rating coach IQs is the ultimate in fan vanity. Nothing surprises me, though.
    2 points
  33. Pathetic thread, Hysterical supporters of a football club trying to gauge a coach's IQ.
    2 points
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