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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/03/14 in all areas

  1. I like it. Shows all the fit KPFs in a visual format. Clever
    28 points
  2. All three were generals in the Roman army who served under Julius Caeser and then Marc Antony. They were banned from participating in all events at the Colliseum for 2 years from 64 to 66BC.
    11 points
  3. roosy would approve. you ditched the scoreboard
    7 points
  4. Give a Melbourne side 400 touches on the G and let's see what the result is. We have finally the makings of a midfield that can run with most sides, I am keen to see how they go this weekend. You can win without a forward line, you can't compete without a midfield.
    7 points
  5. Whilst I certainly wouldn't suggest the medical staff are not competent I do share your frustration. From the time Hogan was injured there was some prospect of him being ready for round 1. Now it's 2 or 3 weeks away and we approach round 2. Yet we've not heard of any setback. If my memory serves me correctly Dawes was also on track for R1 and the interview after the interclub was all positive despite several observers saying he was icing his calf. Guess what. He hasn't trained with the main group since, is occasionally sighted at training and has been sent to the AIS for special treatment. Clark's story is well known. Garland was hopefully going to be ready for R1 and despite "he's going fantastic" won't be there for R2 and who knows when. We've come off 7 years of crud. We've all looked forward to being competitive. That hope has be fed by positive injury reports. On not one but 4 players we've received reports of a positive nature but haven't seen them on the park. Of course it's hurt us badly. The start of the season for a fragile group was vital and it's been torpedo'd by injury. It's not the clubs fault that the players are injured but it's certainly the club's fault we've been fed bull in the weeks leading up to the start of the season. You can sit and talk about "contact sport" all you like but it's not surprising that many of the passionate amongst us are angry and disappointed. Dawes situation also raises the question as to whether he should have been recruited or was just a desperate get by Neeld. Injured when he came, not right since and Collingwood were seemingly glad to see the back of him. i wonder if the same due diligence was done on him as when we appointed Neeld. I wanted to at least not fear going to the footy this year. I fear Sunday.
    6 points
  6. There are six players on the 2014 list that are IMO are lead in our saddle bags. The reason is that for a number of seasons now they have given us very few games and are constantly injured. The prospects for them given much contribution this year and beyond are minimal. Jamar, since 2010 he has spent more time injured than playing. His contribution has been one good season in 2010. Gawn, two knee reco's he is into his fifth season and has 17 games to his credit. Now has hamstring tightness and will probably be out another x weeks. If you cannot get on the park you are useless. Dawes, the master of soft tissue injuries twelve games so far and god knows when he will front in 2014. Clark do I need to list the saga of problems? No Strauss into his sixth year for 24 games, broken legs and seemingly a major injury in four of his six years, ordinary player who is barely AFL standard. Tapscott into his fifth season for 45 games, came to us with a hip injury and has I don't believe had one injury free pre season. Plays the tough guy but does not seem to have the body to go along with it. Injured constantly and again is barely AFL standard. These players are chronic injury problems IMO will not get any better. As soon as possible these players should be replaced. I know it is easier said than done. As soon as contracts expire move them on. If we can negotiate early termination lets do it. If you cannot get on the park then all the talent in the world is of no use. We need players that can be part of playing side, the above are liabilities.
    5 points
  7. Can anyone else see the progress? We are now worried about how in the world we are going to kick a goal. It's a much better place than worrying how in the world we are going to get a kick... We may not win Sunday, but we can certainly continue on what we saw in Rd 1; progress.
    5 points
  8. Hirds attitude makes me wonder about his playing career. the Bumbers confirmed he used Shane Charter as his advisor during 2003 and 2004. The evidence of the ASADA investigation suggests that Hird has no problems with the injection of supplements and peptides etc, I mean he did it himself during 2012. Just to be clear Charter is reportedly a crook and was involved wth illegal drugs when Hird was associated with him and allegedly associated to organised crime persons. Why would Hird use Charter in the early 2000's? He had access to a miriad of club medical and support staff within the club who could advise and prescribe anything legitimately required. The only conclusion is that Charter offered Hird something that the club could not or would not provide. If you look at Hirds attitude to supplements together with his associations during his playing career and his steadfast belief he has done nothing wrong, I would say there is enough information to at least raise an eyebrow over his activities during his playing career. The Bombers have shown themselves to be morally corrupt and unable to put the interests of the Club, the players and the AFL above that of the golden boy. WTF was Little thinking asking the players??? This is his decision they not in a position to make the clinical decsions that he is paid to make. The club is in more shyte than a werribee duck. They have painted themselves into a corner where they canot get rid of Hird for a number of reasons and keeping Hird has is increasingly untenable and will continue to trash the EFC and AFL brands. I want this bloke out of football and hope ASADA and WADA come down on him like a ton of bricks.
    5 points
  9. Can we please make sure Cam Pederson gets a berth?
    5 points
  10. i am seeking help from all you Demonland demon worshippers, i have been looking up the ancient demon text, on breaking curses this monday is the 31s t of march and on this monday it is a new moon, in the ancient text if this chant is recited at midnight on a new moon if it will end a curse, And it will bring in a new era. So if many believe, and if many recite the chant at midnight on the 31st of march monday night, when the new moon is in the sky. oh the man of the underworld, oh dear spirit of norm smith, arise awaken at the sight of a new era,norm smith forgive the past, this is the present a new club, let it once again be great and mighty, let the demons football club rise above the football world, enough time has passed let the healing begin, enough time has passed So how many believe, so how many will join me and recite the chat.
    4 points
  11. What makes you think I haven't? I know what players and images I'm going to use I just haven't finished it yet. I also like the suspense. I wanted to do it before the season started but life got in the way.
    4 points
  12. I would have to say that i'm not always simpatico with Osiliks views but Dunn deserves a spot on our banner. In my humble opinion he is in our top 8 players and is arguably our most consistent player and perhaps our most underrated player. He misses few games through injury, hits targets by hand and foot, is good in the air and rarely gets beaten one on one. Seriously how many other players on our list could tick all those boxes.
    4 points
  13. I reckon we should close this thread it has all been said multiple times. The guy is a physical and mental wreck. Open it again in 2015 if there is something new to discuss.
    3 points
  14. How about we focus on what is, instead of what might have been?
    3 points
  15. How about people who have no idea what the injuries are and how serious stop taking pot shots. Every club in the league have multiple players injured like us. It's not always someone's fault or who we should sack. It just is...
    3 points
  16. The spirit of Norm Smith unfortunately can't make it - something about a calf strain - 4-6 weeks.
    3 points
  17. Refreshing to see someone looking at the facts rather than accepting the usual 'we do everything wrong' cry.
    3 points
  18. Keep pedo in, he owes us a good game, redemption is high on my list, keep bail, he's alright and not as bad as many think, Gawn in and my prediction is a 2 goal upset, dees to win, barman....same again thanks
    3 points
  19. THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD by Whispering Jack The lot of a Melbourne supporter in the twenty-first century is difficult and harsh. We do it tough year by year as the fickle finger of fate finds new afflictions to endure. Take the year to date and last week's opening round game against St. Kilda in particular. The Saints have lost three or four of their most talented midfielders and the best of what remains of that division in David Armitage is well held by Bulldog recruit Daniel Cross (an underrated performance if there ever was one). Other newcomers to the club's midfield, Bernie Vince and Dom Tyson come into the side and immediately have an impact, Nathan Jones is as prolific as ever and Jack Watts plays what many have describe as his best game ever, mainly on the wing. The last four mentioned players all pick up at least 27 touches and are joined on that number by Jack Grimes. The club wins most of the statistical counts with the exception of free kicks and the all important one on the scoreboard. So what went wrong? Well, it doesn't help when you kick 10 consecutive behinds. And it doesn't help that you've been forced by concussion to bring on your substitute (changing on of your tallest players for the smallest), your key defender suffers a corkie cutting short his role of quelling the opposition's leader and most dangerous player opening up the possibility of a match winning three goal haul and best on ground performance. Meanwhile, at the other end of the ground ... Melbourne's own forward line ... well, um, let's just say there is no other ground. Just a Southern Hemisphere Bermuda Triangle containing the bulk of Melbourne's forward line and tall ruck strength, the problem is that they're not really out there in person and, like the immortal Clancy in Banjo Patterson's epic poem, we don't know where they are. No wonder the coach wants to do consign the scoreboard to the Bermuda Triangle where it can familiarise itself with those who would normally contribute to the score. After all, who needs a scoreboard when you can't even trouble the scorer? So, having lost to a team that rivals them for the title of the worst in the AFL, the Demons face stiffer competition on Sunday at twilight. I've heard it said that the fans of the West Coast Eagles are already queueing up for grand final tickets for this September in the wake of their big win over the media's love child, the Western Bulldogs whose game was putrid last week but somehow, they managed to attract little criticism for their first round fiasco. You can let them get carried away as far as I'm concerned. Melbourne is coming, ever so slowly and imperceptibly but it should've done better (read "finished ahead on the scoreboard") despite the missing tall forwards and ruckmen and a solid defender in Col Garland. Unfortunately, there are likely to be more entries into the Triangle this week including the 195cm Jack Watts who is poised to be this week's mystery injury of the week. Mind you, the Eagles have not been entirely comfortable in their recent history at the home of football. Apart from two wins against the Dees, they have won only once at the MCG since they won the 2006 premiership. Still, with all that's happened in the past month to Paul Roos' charges, I can't see much light at the end of the Demon tunnel - especially as they're definitely walking in the dark side of the road at the moment.
    2 points
  20. What were you thinking? 2.2 to 3.7 in the last quarter. Bad kicking is bad football. Great intensity in the game - lucky the Tigers got up, getting to the G could've been tough on Sunday without a train station and with martial law in place.
    2 points
  21. Actually you didn't make any point - all you said was WTF.
    2 points
  22. I have waited 50 years I can wait a couple more.
    2 points
  23. Hamstring Tightness - that's Mr Elite Fitness speak for 4-6 weeks and even maybe a trip to Germany for a second opinion from an ex KGB pharmacist.
    2 points
  24. Satyricon live ! Do they speak to all the Melbourne players on stage ?
    2 points
  25. I like Watson as a player, but if guilty he should lose the Brownlow. PS. I also liked Hird as a player. Now I would't trust him with the neighbors cat. (I hate that cat)
    2 points
  26. LOL The club was more than empathetic with Jurrah, even long after it became apparent that he wasn't ever going to pull on a red + blue guernsey ever again.
    2 points
  27. Yes - why not blame Neeld for these two as well. Seriously - the stuff that Neeld did do was bad enough without having to saddle him with this extraneous nonsense as well.
    2 points
  28. Sorry, you have got it wrong. It is not the Norm Smith curse. A few years ago I was talking to a bloke from Bonnie Doon and funnily his name is also Norm - seriously. He said he was there in 64, towards the end of the game he said, "I don't care if we never win another flag just give us this one". Maybe he got his wish? I will take a chook to his place on the way to the match on Sunday.
    2 points
  29. this was done before the socceroos qualified for the 2006 world cup....
    2 points
  30. I have watched very few videos apart from Speeches since "Whiteboard Wednesday". It is spin. It has to be at this stage. Don't watch. You will feel better.
    2 points
  31. Call me a cynic but I place no credibility in FD fitness reports. Its been shown o be consistently erroneous. Ppl are surprised now ? Anything emanating from the club now just smacks of damage control spin. A hopeful season cut off at the knees etc. They cant really tell you what they dont know either so they spoonfeed the general populous with sanitised shlt. Wholly surprising. ..not Whats new I ask ?
    2 points
  32. Well the angry wrist slitters with all their negativity have not done much either..... Take the best three forwards out of any side and they too would struggle.... It would probably best to take a leaf from Freo...besides Pav most of their goals are kicked by small to medium forwards and midfielders.... Because posters try to take something positive out of the game, is no reason to bag them as cheerleaders It's only the first game and our play appeared to be a lot better than the past 2 years Small steps
    2 points
  33. The teams are announced days before the match. The rumours of inclusions and exclusions come days before that. There is no tactical reason that makes any sense to not tell us. Right now I'm paying a membership as a charitable donation to a basketcase with ambition. I want and as a member demand better bloody information - especially given it is of no loss (tactically) for the club to reveal it. I want to know what to expect. Then my expectations (at least in this regard) have a basis in reality. Saty, your defending of the club had bordered on quite silly in the past; it is now genuinely unnecessary.
    2 points
  34. Could we get a picture of Satyricon (or Satyriconhome) on the banner? He turns up to more training sessions than the players.
    2 points
  35. It always makes me laugh when people here pick at players we've dismissed who are getting regular games at other clubs. Reading this thread it seems Bennell would be lucky to play for the school thirds but guess what? He's playing for West Coast in a team that I'd confidently predict will make the finals. He might just sneak into our team. Petterd another playing in a team that played finals last year. Of course Moloney is not good and Rivers is holding down a position with those pitiful [censored]. Then there's Brock and Col, but they're not good enough for us, in fact we're lucky they are playing elsewhere. That's only 6 players or about 30% of the team. But we are so rich as to be glad we don't have them. Like most I don't think many would make a significant difference but they are good enough. Here's a message. If they can get a game at another club they could probably get a game with us. Well done Jamie, I always liked your skill and the excitement you brought to us. Those picking at your MFC carcass are making themselves look silly. Edit: Heaven help me, "pussssies" is censored. Well FMD.
    2 points
  36. I didn't see him duck his head, he just wanted the ball more than anyone else and got rewarded What Selwood does i classify as borderline staging and manipulating a poorly worded rule, which in turn hinders the respect i have for him as a player, i don't see why diving forward to fake a push in the back and getting done for staging is any different to dropping your knees.
    2 points
  37. We'll be talking about this win for years to come.
    2 points
  38. Dunn was playing well before Roos arrived. Stop making out that he's the messiah. Roos is under no illusions about the amount of NQRs on the list - he will systematically weed them out and recruit those that can go.
    2 points
  39. but malcolm doen't have to put up with a dame for a mother in law - lol
    2 points
  40. I think you expect a magic wand. It was announced this morning at Carlton that Judd's resumption has been put back 2 weeks as his recovery had not come on as quickly as anticipated I am not sure what you mean by ."As soon as the fixture came out, it was obvious this seasons first round was pretty much make or break." . Are you suggesting that programs are not tailored to get all players available for round one ? Are you suggesting that Dawes niggles were mishandled or that every effort was not made to get him ready for round one. I find that extraordinary. If you are suggesting that Dawes/Jamar have bodies that can't cope with the rigours of AFL anymore then this can be debated. All Misson is doing is giving the latest known assessment ( you do realise also that Dawes did play half a practice match and it was anticipated that his load would step up but the calf gave him trouble again ?). I think the expectation is way too high that medical staff can give an accurate assessment on a highly tuned athletes injuries. The expectation that a body will always heel to a stated timeline is just not the case. I found it interesting hearing about Jesse Hogans injury that the assessment can only made by symptoms - meaning MRI's/scans and the like won't give an indication as to how the injury is going. It will purely be based on how his back is feeling. Try and make an accurate prediction of when he will back based on that !
    2 points
  41. Desperately...nail on the head. Fingers croseed..
    2 points
  42. Pedo will be needed down back. It will be a disaster to go in one tall defender short against WCE. Seems there's some talk about going small and fast in the forward line. But that's what the Bulldogs tried, with better "small & fast" players than we can muster, and they got blown away. Admittedly that was at home, and Eagles may not be as comfortable on MCG, but they had no trouble countering small fast forwards. Another option would be to go small and tough - I'm thinking Terlich, Clisby, Viney, M. Jones, Cross (who will surely tag Hurn), even Jetta or Tapscott. Many of these guys have played as defenders, and they'll know what it is that defenders hate their forwards to do against them. So that's how they should play - man-on-man, stick close, niggle & harrass, go in hard, tackle unnecessarily often - in other words, play their defenders as defenders would, not as forwards would. Remember that game we won against Essendon in 2011 (was it?) where we had a massive number of forward-50 tackles? So aim to kick into the spaces in the forward-50 - not to contests, but away from contests, and make their defenders have to turn and run - play the game at ground level as much as possible, and push our best contested ball winners forward. We also really have to interrupt the flow of ball to their forwards. The mids too will have to collectively be really good defensively, and man up when they have the ball, because they won't be able to rely as much on the half-forwards coming back to help them. If we get smashed in the midfield, we'll lose badly whatever else happens.
    1 point
  43. Love this jumper, still wear it to the footy each week.
    1 point
  44. If we dont have enough talls then work on a game plan using smalls and keeping the ball moving and low to the ground running the big fellows around. just need to be thinking abit more about how we play and not try to play the way we would if we have a decent tall and functioning forward line.
    1 point
  45. We should wear dark socks/shorts and our normal top when we play the Saints, and they should wear their normal top and white bottoms.
    1 point
  46. Viscount Hood!!! How good does that sound? I am up for it. Do we all get a chance at it?
    1 point
  47. I think your faith might a little misplaced nutbean.
    1 point
  48. Laxative in the WCE drinking water I believe is our only hope
    1 point
  49. Had an acai berry smoothie yesterday. They are meant to be really healthy. Funny, I still feel sh-thouse.
    1 point
  50. Mitch Clark is obviously facing significant mental health issues and is doing the right thing and getting the help he requires to help him deal with those issues. As his employer the Melbourne Football Club is doing the right thing and standing by him and supporting him as he seeks to get well. That makes me proud of my football club. You don't,
    1 point
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