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  1. Hi All. I just went down to Dees' training this morning at Gardens Oval. Conditions were obviously hot and humid but there was a nice breeze coming through, it would help that this oval is close to the ocean. They trained for a good three hours or so this morning. Training consisted of many full match simulation drills, including what looked like a full match of 10 minute quarters. Standouts in this match included Dom Barry - this kid is something else, smooth mover and beautiful kick, dominated, got the best GPS results out of everyone, very high numbers ... he reminds of a young and better version of Aaron Davey. Others included Nicholson - by geez he is quick and didn't stop running, Jeremy Howe, Jimmy Toumpas, Rory Taggert, Aaron Davey, Tom McDonald , Chip, Colin Garland, Dean Kent and James Strauss. Jack Watts' skills were outstanding however, he left training early and when I saw him last he had strapping around his shin/calf? I'm a Watts fan but he looks skinny - maybe suited to a wing than a backman's role? There were other full ground drills where there were stoppages on all four flanks then it turned into two balls going each way then Neil Craig would yell out and there would be only one live ball which had to get down the other end for a goal, hard to explain! Lots of ruck/midfield drills, one after the other. At the end guys were doing repeat 50m sprints, taking in turns, Nicholson dominated this not slowing up once. I had a long chat with Howie who with Dom Barry absolutely killed the GPS results, up and over 20km for a training session. Howie looks so fit!!! Davey, Nicholson and McDonald also did well here. They can't get away with anything with video cameras everywhere, getting tracked up to the second with GPS through laptops around the ground. I was asking Howie, Tom McD and Sellar how they were handling the heat and they just laughed and said it's different. Howie looked spent. Tom Mc said the benefits of training in humidity were not to do with breathing but to do with muscle stamina, kind of like they push there bodies to max out here in heat then in the cooler weather they can cope for longer at a time due to their core temp - something like that!! Tom Mc also said that some players have lost 5-6kg in a 40min session through fluid loss. A big chat also to Matt Burgan in the shade, seems quietly confident but doesn't let up much. I asked Dave Misson how the players were coping and he said Friday was tough but they've acclimatised much better, they've had to re adjust the program slightly due to the humidity. I met Jimmy Toumpas - bloody lovely kid. Would like to keep him as a pet!!! Just a great happy easy going guy and is absolutely loving being a part of the MFC. Players have been great to him and he loves living with the Vineys. He's had a good time up here, not liking the heat too much but said they've eased him into training which has helped. He too come off early, as did Jack Viney. You will laugh at this - I told Jimmy Toumpas don't you dare do a Scully on us or I will hunt you down!!!! He laughed and said we don't need to worry, he couldnt be happier! Also said he's looking forward to the 38km Kakadu trek. Jones trained all morning then while everyone was having ice baths he just kept doing laps!!! Freak. Sylvia looks very clim & trim, had a decent back rub before leaving. Anyway guys I'm off. Got to fly to Sydney but I'll be back Tuesday so will hopefully get one more training report to you before the Dees fly home on Thursday. Dark horses for this year: Taggert, Tynan, Dean Kent!, Barry. I must say our skills are the best and sharpest I've ever seen.
    20 points
  2. Us Demonlanders are truly being spoilt by the quality of the training reports we are getting this year ... but I guess we deserve it! (lol). Thanks Hells Gates.
    6 points
  3. They had the best draft Zone in the 70s and 80s. They have had a lot of success and have produced some absolute Champions over the years. They are a club that is starved of pain and failure and disappointment. Their supporters are generally arrogant tossers who expect a free kick every 5 seconds and whinge when they dont get it . I want to see them suffer for as long as possible. I despise them.
    5 points
  4. Thanks HG, interesting stuff as usual. I reckon Misson won't be looking to bulk Watts up at all and i expect that he will play a half back/quarter back role and occasional moving onto the wing. He is so far our best user of the ball its not funny and these roles take best advantage of his disposal skills. I expect him to be super damaging in those roles and will not be surprided to see him being tagged with forwards whose role is to take him away from the ball. As i have posted before the irony is that in looking for a KPF we have found the next Robbie Flower.
    4 points
  5. Seems Neeld has brought us a a bloody long way from where we were. From Cale Morton reportedly not even getting his game reviewed some weeks... to players being constantly monitored, provided with instant feedback, and having footage of every training session ready to review only hours afterwards.
    4 points
  6. Probably right....In fairness it is hard when your head is up your clacker...
    3 points
  7. I wrote to Emma and she has replied that even she is amazed at the preparation that is now going into training. She said that it is now understandable given the effort required to succeed, why some players with talent but without the necessary dedication are failing and being moved on by their clubs. She wrote a lengthy reply and I appreciate it.
    3 points
  8. Worse Bub....she`s a pom and into union, but she is now a big fan of the Dees and allowed me to call our 1st baby Jack! I guess she still hasnt figured out that the only enjoyment us Demon fans have is the pre-season and any reading material that is actually positive and interesting to read. Thanks for the marital advice too WYL, taken onboard lol
    2 points
  9. It's the jumper manufacturer who should be offering this not the club. I doubt it would even be any more expensive than just using standard sizes.
    2 points
  10. Found out some interesting information today via an ex employee of Southern Cross Austereo..SCA. The interview was pre recorded 2 days before it went to air...was completely cleared by their legal team.. This in my eyes completely changes the dynamic....a live off the cuff phone call ala Tony Martin Mick Molloy is one thing..this is another SCA could be in huge trouble over this...they would have known the risk... Southern Cross have been lowering the standard of radio for years, maybe this will be their swansong...?
    2 points
  11. yes it is funny how both teams have "RED" and have never changed it and always looks red. It beggars belief the number of attempts we have had on this subject.
    2 points
  12. I also received a reply from Emma which I was not expecting considering the amount of correspondence she must get. Good on her
    2 points
  13. [snip!] Who would want to be an AFL footballer nowadays? Every breath is measured and analysed....it's tough.
    2 points
  14. Just been to the ground with the boys, watched the first game then everyone, except flash took off at 1/4 time in Tiwi v St Marys game which Aussie is playing. The guy still has all the skills but just not the fitness. I was only there for an hour sitting with flash, Mitch, Dom Barry & Rodan. Flash was so happy to be back home, havent talked to him much before but hes a very nice fella. Who looks fit: Grimesy Frawley - Looks ripped Jamar - Fittest Ive seen him Tom McDonald Taggert - I dont know if spotted the wrong guy but god he looks big in the chest & arms, definite midfield role looms if injury free. Tynan Dean Kent - not sure what his numbers are but hes a ripped young lad, barrel chest & a swagger to go with it. J Viney - hes a solid kid. Rodan. I didnt see Jonesy anywhere, probably went for a run the freak. Who looked unfit: Bare in mind the heat. Watts - looked stuffed & skinny, also been ill. Sometimes I want to wipe that smirk off his face. McKenzie Matt Burgan Neeldy had bark off his knees, I asked him what happened & he just laughed. Dawesy looked a bit tuckered out. Anyway not much just a little info. A lot of new faces, will get around to meeting them all soon. Dees did a training session with kids between games.
    2 points
  15. smartarse is not funny. hospitals are not fair game. hospitals do important life-and-death stuff, while smartarses contribute nothing but a dumbing-down consumerist attitude to other people and stuff that matters. funny is funny and I like it, but there are a lot of very unfunny "comedians" who can only push abuse, denigration and mindlessness mockery - the "humour" of cruelty - that has a lot in common with bullying - it tears down the innocent, and makes a public spectacle of others' discomfort, etc. I am inclined to think it is motivated by the desire to highlight how someone else is even dumber than they are themself. Why on earth would our culture see merit in giving such people a public platform from which to mould the attitudes and sense of humour of others?
    2 points
  16. Anyone know if Seve has a broomstick? If not, he can always borrow Kero's.
    2 points
  17. You do realise that those members tend are often staffed by volunteers, and that it is a big cost and effort for the club to do these things. On line membership costs the club nothing on staff costs and is available all the time, no lines, and the couple of staff we do have are fantastic if you call them up. Your attitude is appalling and selfish. If you are truly a club supporter, support them, and realise that you are one of 35 thousand people whose details and money they need to collect in the space of a few months and that there is probably only 10 hours of membership tent time per year.
    2 points
  18. I wonder how much this costs to send to 37000 members? Honestly I would be happy with an email or the info on the web site. Now don't accuse me of being negative but do we need a book like this sent to us via snail mail? Last century method of communication is what I see. I would rather the club spend the money on the FD or somewhere else I will still be a member wether this book comes or not
    2 points
  19. Gday Fellow Dee's. As some of you might be aware I'm based in Darwin for work and have been for 8 years now. I went out for dinner with the boys up here last night and it was great to see Col as I wont get home for Xmas. All the boys seemed pretty happy & nervous from what I could gather. Everyone was joking around, especially about their 5 star (1star) accommodation!! Robertson Barracks is situated about 20kms from Darwin out the road in the middle of kinda nowhere I guess. They do have quite a full range of facilities there from what i could see. Now....the weather.... What I can tell you is the last 5-6 days are the hottest for humidity I have ever experienced. Yesterday was Darwins hottest December day in 36 years. The mercury peaked at 36'c, while that may not seem too hot it is very hard to explain the hidden heat of the humidity, the bureau up here says add 8'c generally to get a feel for what it feels like, for eg: 36'c actually feels like 44'c. This time of year is called "the build-up", it is a build of heat,pressure and humidity where it will be stinking hot all day, threaten to rain but never does until one day it will finally let go and officially kick start the wet season, this is called the knock em' down rains. We have had a little bit of rain which has only made it more humid. It is by far the hottest "build-up" Ive experienced since 2004 & all locals would agree. Sorry I havent got much footy news but it was just good to see everyone and not talk footy, if that makes sense?! Everyone is gutted about Trenners also. They are catching up with Aussie while they are here also. Now I'm not au fait with the benefits of training in humidity so if theres any doctors or sports science gurus who would like to inform us??? I just find it odd that Misson says it takes 3 years to reap the rewards of training up here but we only train once a year for 3 years up here...how does that work!!!? He's the expert though so I'm sure hes correct. They will certainly lose some weight! Anyway guys, thats all I have, sorry its not much but thought you might find the weather interesting at least. Hope you all have a great Xmas & New Year. The jungle drums are a beating & the Dee's are a comin! Cheers, Hells Gates.
    2 points
  20. Not disrespectful but certainly unrealistic in expectation.By the time Robbie Flower was Jack Watts' age, he was already a champion. In the words of the great James Taylor, if Jack is ever going to be considered in the same stratosphere as Robbie, he has 10 miles behind him, 10,000 more to go. Great work HG!!!
    1 point
  21. At the risk of offending you hooplaHave you read any of my posts over the last 6 months? I have never said the following - That any player was told not to try - That we should be punished - That we did any more or less than Carlton or a number of other clubs. However what I have said and will continue to say is that the FD in 2009 and particularly the Richmond game made every effort to not win that day. Now you can give it any name you like but that is the situation IMO. What annoys me is the number of Dees supporters that are in denial on this subject. Oh and just a parting shot hoopla Youth does not necessarily make you a genius any more than the ageing process make you a fool.
    1 point
  22. Wasn't so long ago Mathew Lloyd was using the Dees as an argument on footy club spending saying the poor old Dees didn't even have GPS units.. Hey Mat....get (^&%$##(^*__ed!!!!!
    1 point
  23. the upmaket version is the ironing board..
    1 point
  24. I don't understand how Essendon can get red so well. I also can't understand why Melbourne is so afraid to go down the dark jumper route it had in the 50s and 60. Who cares if it's too dark compared to Essendon? You make sure you're the dominating and popular club. I think that the club is underestimating the high definition televisions, and it appears like it's going against the stream. It made a red that looked pink on television. Would an even darker red, and a dark blue look light on television and still have a distinctive red and blue look? The club has failed terribly in that regard. Those jumpers were pink and blue to 97% of football lovers that would only see Melbourne on television.
    1 point
  25. Hi all - first post! Hannath did go to Darwin with the Dees. From what I've heard he's been pretty much guaranteed by Melbourne that they'll take him
    1 point
  26. get a new wife immediately. That behavior is unacceptable.
    1 point
  27. Is there a watermark on the photo or is there a faint MFC monogram on the jumper?
    1 point
  28. No.. Just the mag , rest comes later Horrible woman lol
    1 point
  29. Dom Barry > Flash II I need a cold shower !!
    1 point
  30. By "coffee table" we're talking about the milk crates in their living room, yeah?
    1 point
  31. don't forget the false teeth spares
    1 point
  32. I agree mate. Those boys were standouts in match simulation. Kent played on the wing and owned it, fast and accurate, was great to watch. In fact the skills have picked up remarkably.
    1 point
  33. I'm very excited about the big Kent. If Barry, Toumpas, Viney and the big Kent can fast track themselves to regular best 22 players the dynamics of the whole side will change quickly.
    1 point
  34. Caro's boat is sinking fast. Its gone from pre-meditated, organised and systematic tanking from the top in the official "vault" to a discussion in a tin shed and finally to a joke between two people. What happened to all those sources, what happened to all those facts, what happened to the presumption of innocence? Somehow after all of this I know she will manage to weasle her way out of any wrong doing, and will never admitt that she was wrong and we always tanked. but I dont think Anderson leaving is connected, he was a necessary evil, and now there is nothing more for him to do.
    1 point
  35. You thound like Carowhine Wilthon.
    1 point
  36. Wow, the last article I read about the Dees training day was when Baliy was coach. Everything sounds a lot more professional now, they are now training not only to be better footballers but also better athletes. We will defiantly be seeing the results if they keep on training this hard in the off season.
    1 point
  37. Yeah I have to agree. I rang the membership line up on Monday last week to update some of my details, and also to donate $100 dollars to player development and recruiting (wasn't sure if this could be done online). The guy I spoke to was terrific, and very helpful. I certainly think that the quality of our membership service has improved over the past few years.
    1 point
  38. Try pronouncing those names with half a carton under your belt Jack!!!
    1 point
  39. Notwithstanding Wilson, I expect nothing less from a senior sport's journalist. I think the plaudits for Emma are a little over the top, but in part it's due to an industry that's let its standards drop. When the Herald Sun appoint a journalist to the head football role who can barely speak the Queen's English and regularly uses the term "youse" you know it's an industry in trouble.
    1 point
  40. Tidy message management by the Demons.
    1 point
  41. Surprise surprise. The club awards more votes to the players that do their jobs. Fancy that. That should make Sylvia very nervous given he has NEVER finished inside the top 5 in a B&F in 8 years..... Trapper was similar 2 top 10 results in 10 years!! A first and third. The Blight story about looking at players who consistently perform poorly when team's get beaten is still the best gauge I reckon...
    1 point
  42. It's an insightful article, but I give more credit to the club than the journalist. The author is simply relaying what she's been exposed to by a very generous MFC.
    1 point
  43. Love the hard copy. I have years of them. Just great to pull one off the shelf, if you are sitting around talking Melbourne footy with friends. Perhaps a check box on the M'ship form if you don't want a hard copy
    1 point
  44. Lucky we managed to offload Morton and Gysberts. they would have disappeared!
    1 point
  45. The slander against my good name is preposterous.I have seen photographs and it is impossible for me, a dark, handsome and well bred Spaniard to make ficky, ficky with this person. Could I suggest this is a case of mistaken identity? Perhaps, my very good friend Manuel from Barthelona?
    1 point
  46. Trengove signed a contract extension at the end of his first year knowing full well that GWS were circling. Shoe on the other foot suggests that he wanted to stay demon no matter what.
    1 point
  47. You are RR trying to make an arse-about point? I don't know if Trengove would have left if someone gave him $6m to - that an unknowable hypothetical or an 'unknown unknown' as Don Rumsfeld would have said. What I do know is that he agreed to stay, during 2011 when it all was turning to sh!t, till 2015. Loyalty in footy maybe dead, but that doesn't mean there are not good people playing for the MFC.
    1 point
  48. Are you saying that the MFC Top End trip is like going to war? (As I slowly leave this thread to avoid any injuries from what is thrown at me...)
    1 point
  49. I will be extremely happy if young Jack is picked up by us as a rookie.... The kid can play! Living over here in Adelaide, I am a massive Norwood/SANFL follower and have seen a fair few of his games live... Perfect rookie draftee... Has really started to bulk up over the last 12-18 months and will continue to do so.... Very impressive for Central Districts this season.... And we are all forgetting one important thing..... His name is JACK.... It's a lock!
    1 point
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