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Melbourne v. Kangaroos LIVE SCORE UPDATES from Casey Fields


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Yeah, there's a lot of development left in the likes of Neitz, Yze, McDonald, White, Holland and Robertson. Others such as Whelan, Wheatley, Green, Bruce, Carroll, Miller and Bell have gone beyond the development stage.

If the club isn't being upfront with it's supporters, there'll be a massive drop-off in memberships.

dear oh dear.. its all a bit sad isnt it.

We know ful lwell that the Likes of Neeta Oozey Buckets are on their last 'encores" .. we all know White , possibly Wheels and a hanful of others havent long for this jumper either.. not in the grand scheme of things.

But looking at it a little dispasionately..we took on how many at the end of last year ? plus a couple still coming up from previous years. There's a hell of a lot of development to be done yet.. This mob arent going to win a premiership..but quite possibly half or 2/3 of them might be wearing the red and blue come that marvellous day.

nah !! we are developing !! just too slowly for some...such is life. B)

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From Whispering Jack

Final Score

Melbourne 14.10.94

Kangaroos 24.14.146

Robbo kicked 4. Newton 2 (early on).

Report to follow. Scoop Junior, Redleg and Whispering Jack will fight it out and the loser will be writing the report.

It is actually 24.14.158.....

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I'll be interested to know whether the backline is as truly bumbling and feckless as a score of 24.14 would seem to indicate.

38 shots on goal to the Kangas. <_<

That's unacceptable.

No pressure from up the ground?

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Any injuries?

yeah some bloke called Op. T-Mism got belted behind play...unlikely to come up for a few weeks !!! :lol:

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We have to win 4 games or less this year and I believe if we do we get a priority pick, 9 wins in two years? That by the way shouldn't be a problem.

The club must delist at least 6 players at the end of the year Neitz, Jamar, Holland, Warnock, Yze and one of Junior Miller, Wheatley, Whelan, Robbo or one of the recruits that won't make it like a Bode or Garland. We cannot continue to half do the job we either rebuild properly or continue to struggle on and off the field.

The club cannot continue to serve up this garbage unless they have a plan and let the supporters know what the plan is.

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dear oh dear.. its all a bit sad isnt it.

We know ful lwell that the Likes of Neeta Oozey Buckets are on their last 'encores" .. we all know White , possibly Wheels and a hanful of others havent long for this jumper either.. not in the grand scheme of things.

But looking at it a little dispasionately..we took on how many at the end of last year ? plus a couple still coming up from previous years. There's a hell of a lot of development to be done yet.. This mob arent going to win a premiership..but quite possibly half or 2/3 of them might be wearing the red and blue come that marvellous day.

nah !! we are developing !! just too slowly for some...such is life. B)

Yeah, and the fruits of our development will be watched by the Gold Coast or West Sydney residents!

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Yeah, and the fruits of our development will be watched by the Gold Coast or West Sydney residents!

why...are they planning their holidays in the south already !! golly...they're showing a little more faith than you !! pmsl !! :lol:

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Nick Natanui must be standing in front of a mirror back in W.A. right now seeing how he looks in a red and blue jumper, because i have a feeling he's heading our way next year.

Are we the only team to have lost every preseason game this year?

What makes you so sure Naitanui will be the #1 pick?.....Daniel Rich will be the best player in the draft next year.....But i think we would take Naitanui over Rich because we need a nother gun ruckman to take over when White retires.

Daniel Rich has been playing in the WAFL since he was 16 and i have no doubts in saying that he will be a future superstar in the AFL.

I would love to have either of them on our list but in saying that i don't wanna finish low enough to get them...

Just my thoughts anyway :lol:

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Nick Natanui must be standing in front of a mirror back in W.A. right now seeing how he looks in a red and blue jumper, because i have a feeling he's heading our way next year.

Are we the only team to have lost every preseason game this year?

sydney have lost every game for 4 years... although this year they've had some close margin games, which we unfortnately haven't...

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sydney have lost every game for 4 years... although this year they've had some close margin games, which we unfortnately haven't...

We can only hope that "Practice matches" are not to our likening. ....bring on THE REAL FOOTY !!!!

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Just on Robbo's report, I had a perfect view and there was nothing in it. Kangas player (Swallow?) basically ran into him with his head down. Robbo was moving toward him but tried his best to pull out and dodge. Some hip contact with head and shoulder but it was minor considering the circumstances.

Would be safe as houses if there was video footage but if it comes down to the umpires word (who was in a bad position to see clearly) then he might be in trouble.

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While it was a lacklustre performance overall and North Melbourne beat us comfortably I think they were far more advanced and ready for the season than we were. We had quite a few players in their first or second practice match who appeared a little rusty especially in the hot conditions. Nathan Jones was fantastic in the midfied in the first quarter and Aaron Davey played well through the middle as well. But after quarter time there were used sparingly there and Jones seemed to be playing off half back. There was a fair bit of experimentation and changing that you wouldn't expect in a normal game. That's not an excuse for a fairly ordinary efort but as long as the four points aren't at stake, you can read what you will from performances like today. And we did at times look like a rabble.

I'll try to do a report over the long weekend but let me add the real good news - Paul Wheatley, Jared Rivers, Clint Bartram and Matthew Whelan played their first practice games for Sandringham today and as at half time I was pleased by what I saw. Lynden Dunn, Mark Jamar and Dutchy will also put pressure on the selectors for round one. On what I saw a few of thiose blokes are certain to be selected and to add an extra dimension to the team. Most of the above, can play in defence and the impact of Rivers as a tall marking, spoiling defender will make a world of difference. So will Bartram and Whelan although I'm not sure that the club can bring in a lot of players who have had little game time in the practice matches so far.

Robbo's report was pathetic. The umpire wasn't familiar to me and could be from the VFL. He showed inexperience in the way he handled the incident - there was absolutely nothing in it. t least it stirred Robbo into action because he kicked three goals in the space of about five minutes.

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Any injuries?

Matty Bate came off in second quarter and re-emerged after half time with strapping from below his knee to half way up his quad. He spent the rest of the game on the bench in shorts and polo shirt. Also I saw Jared Rivers wandering around the changerooms topless just before full time and he looked a million bucks..... MAN DO WE NEED HIM BACK BAD

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From Whispering Jack

Final Score

Melbourne 14.10.94

Kangaroos 24.14.146

Robbo kicked 4. Newton 2 (early on).

Report to follow. Scoop Junior, Redleg and Whispering Jack will fight it out and the loser will be writing the report.

I wouldn't waste the time.

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Rivers, Whelan and Wheatleys first quarters for Sandy in particular were cause for real optimism, they jumped out of the blocks and looked cherry ripe early on. In the first 7 or so minutes alone Riv had taken a couple of marks and performed some of his customary amazing spoils that he manages to make look easy. He did pull up wincing and very ginger after one contest, I thought it might be bad, but he soldiered on. They tapered off a bit in the 2nd quarter as Casey came right back into the game, but still looked a class above all others on the ground. Bartram off a half-back flank was fairly quiet. Bodes decision making even at this level was sub-par. Valenti was on fire, after playing in the heat of an AFL midfield against Geelong, this VFL stuff looked a soda for him, we need to get this guy into Red and Blue. Warnock was just OK. Stef Martin was very good, this kid has a really great football brain, but you can tell at times the size of his body doesnt allow him to do everything he wants it to. Definitely one to look to play seniors around mid year. Lynden Dunn has had the rudest of rude haircuts, he's shaved it all off basically in his best Ezra Poyas impersonation, but his stuttering efforts in the middle were rather underwhelming. Jamar as usual dominated at this level, taking marks and kicking goals, using his considerable bulk well, the slower form of the game in the VFL suits his plodding style perfectly. Meesen again ran around not really knowing where he should be playing, this guy is a rover trapped in a ruckmans body, but to me has no real idea how to play the game. Will be a curiosity to watch and see how he develops during the year, most likely in the yellow and black stripes. And Dutchy at full forward was vintage Dutchy, taking some fantastic marks, kicking good goals, and then also missing sitters. As only he can. Cheney and McNamara were fairly quiet what I saw, and Marric ran around not really knowing what his role was either on the half forward line.

As for the curtain raiser match, I think it was late in the last quarter when we took our first mark inside 50 if my perceptions were accurate. This was our 'best' forward setup we could field, yet Neitz, Robbo and Juice were horrible. Awful. Neitz looks old and slow, he did cop a 'dead arm' in the 2nd quarter but continued on after a brief spell. Juice got 2 goals, both from free kicks. Robbo probably had 2 posessions upto 3/4 time, and yet somehow got 3 soft goals in 5 minutes to make the scoreline suggest he was a good player. He was far from it, he looks fat and slow. Give the showboating on the Dancing show the flick, and knuckle down at training, or its back to Penguin for you, son. Weetra is not physically capable at this level, he looks scared and timid. Will slot nicely onto a half forward line for Sandy for 17 games this year and nothing more.

Austin showed glimpses of real talent, but again cannot handle the tempo at this level for a sustained time, and is also overweight. Bate had about 2 touches before he went off injured, he started at CHF.

I'm not a Col Sylvia fan, for a top 3 draft pick he has been an absolute bust so far (dont give me the injuries excuse), but he really impressed me today. His work ethic looks to have improved, and his strength and speed and agression really put him in good stead to have a cracker of a year. Same with Moloney, this guy only knows one way, and thats hard and straight down the line, hoofing the ball as far as he can. If he can stay fit he's a readymade midfield recruit. Jones continues to amaze, this guy is only 20 but plays like a 28 year old in his prime. An unbackable early favorite for our B&F. Brock McLean is still reading stories of his heroics in the St Kilda final, his decision making and perception let him down countless times today, but he did improve as the game went on. Green cost us at least 3 goals directly with his appaling decision making, his quest for redemption back into the leadership group remains a longshot when he puts in performances like today. Same goes for Chris Johnson, trying fancy snaps around his body to hemmed in teammates deep in defence. Careless and unforgivable, he will be playing for East Perth this time next year. Yze looked flat footed and disinterested at times, but a bit happier once he moved forward. Colin Garland was invisible until late in the 3rd quarter when most of the sting had gone out of the game, and all of a sudden he bobbed up and got a few nice touches, but you cant really be that anonymous in the heat of the early game, he still appears too raw.

Carroll was easily the pick of the defenders, one of the few willing to run out of the backline and find a target, was very happy with his game. Bell was towelled up by Edwards the leading goalkicker on the ground, but still tried hard with rebound. Miller was terrible to begin with, but got better, not necessarily posession wise but with his spoils and agresssion, he did almost kill Chris Johnson in a contest late too. The fact that Nathan Thompson only got 1 goal was testimony to the fact he had a passable game.

Buckley continues to improve with each game, he still has no left side whatsoever, and his decision making needs work, but his ability to run lines and take opponents on and create attack is something sorely lacking in a lot of his teammates, he's a shoe-in for a starting wing spot in Round 1. Junior was as anonymous as he's ever been, but I'm sure if there were stats available he still had 20 odd. That doesnt mean he played well though. Jeff White got absolutely slaughtered today, he was an embarrasment at times. At least another positive was Paul Johnsons game, he really had a dip and provided a presence around the ground in the 2nd half. He's just cemented a round 1 game too I'd think.

I think thats covered just about everyone, apologies for the lack of any decent structure to the above paragraphs, just had to get my frustrations off my chest!

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Brock McLean is still reading stories of his heroics in the St Kilda final, his decision making and perception let him down countless times today, but he did improve as the game went on.

Great summation, Dave. I don't think I disagreed with one word.

And geez McLean was disappointing. I love the bloke but he'll be in the overrated category very soon. Jones knows how to get first hands on the footy and Brock doesn't. Our midfield looks very pedestrian. It's where games are won or lost and currently my biggest concern. Our forwards had no chance today despite often having a pretty open area. There's no doubt that Bailey's plan is to open up our forward line, which was so congested last year, but the lack of skill and too many handballs lost that advantage. Then we get slaughtered on the rebound.

Buckley at least adds some size, pace, and a strong leg.

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Moloney, this guy only knows one way, and thats hard and straight down the line, hoofing the ball as far as he can.

That sums up Moloney perfectly. He was sorely missed last year.

I pretty much agree with your entire analysis.

EDIT: I'll just quickly add that what you said about McLean was 100% spot on.

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Did anyone see the photo (on bigfooty-melb board) of Sylvia landing a blow to a North bloke in that fracas on the wing. Obviously Bailey's 7am wake up last weekend had nil effect :rolleyes: Anyway I hope the channel 7 cameras didn't capture it.

Also special kudos to the umpire (well actually the rules commitee) who decided to ping Brad Miller a 50 metre penalty for literally tapping his opponent for 0.000001 seconds to hold him after a mark. Meanwhile 2 quarters later we took a mark and some North bloke pretty much knocks our bloke into next week- but no 50.

The major things that concerned me yesterday were:

Our gameplan. Just too much handball, sideway, chip etc. There was one play in the second quarter where we managed to [censored] fart the ball from 35 mtrs from goal back to the wing and finished with a North tunover and probably a goal. Don't know what Bailey is planning, but it looks slop.

Yze's finished - sadly. Will play for us the first few weeks, but he doesn't inspire, can't stick a tackle, and misses too many targets these days. Stick him in the foward pocket where he can at least jag a couple of goals. The experiment of Yze in defence failed in the Freo final in 2006 and it's failing now. I suggest Bailey check out some video.

Not only has our crap skill level consolidated from last year, it's actually plummeted to new depths. Our fundamental skills are just laughable.

Would love to see Moloney, Sylvia and Davey play full games of footy. They were used sparingly, but were my highlights of the day. Oh and Jones could get a game for any side at the moment, could anyone else :unsure:

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Our midfield looks very pedestrian. It's where games are won or lost and currently my biggest concern.

to me that's what is soo strange about our lack of performance to date. first of all i put my hand up and say i haven't been to a game as yet, but, from all reports the midfield players are generally going ok. i saw the nab cup game on tv and buckley was good, silvia has been one of our best in all games and jones has been great also. moloney, davey, mcdonald, valenti......all going well. why does it seem that they are performing well individually, yet as a group getting pumped? is it purely disposal? or are we at that stage where they are going well but adjusting to a new style of play? if it is just an adjusting issue, i actually think the signs are fairly good.

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to me that's what is soo strange about our lack of performance to date. first of all i put my hand up and say i haven't been to a game as yet, but, from all reports the midfield players are generally going ok. i saw the nab cup game on tv and buckley was good, silvia has been one of our best in all games and jones has been great also. moloney, davey, mcdonald, valenti......all going well. why does it seem that they are performing well individually, yet as a group getting pumped? is it purely disposal? or are we at that stage where they are going well but adjusting to a new style of play? if it is just an adjusting issue, i actually think the signs are fairly good.

I think it's because we overrate many of our players.

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