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2008.. the year of advertising ??


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I dont know about some of you but it has always irked me that we dont try to position ourselves better in the market place. We are a unique brand in this land..and we all but put it in the cupboard.

Team melbourne is a good start, Melbourne 150 is good too. The China connection.. great lateral thinking. Then we come down to good ol brand advertising of our club. For me there have been some namby pamby efforts.. some downright comical ( in amatuerishness ) and one that was even by myleft of centre standards...a little out there...and I think its still there having never hit home !! lol.

Is 2008 the year we fianlly get some sort of ballsy effort at branding our team. We are after all DEMONS !! you know...that ferocious thingy from hell !! Some past advertising would have us the Bambis or something equally as nuetered.

Cant we have some Fire and Brinsmstone imagery with flashes of hard playing Demons displaying flair and daring.. maybe set to Doors "come on baby light my fire " or something..cant we please..

or everyday weekday people morphing into full on Demon supporters to the tune of "Devil Inside "

The chance to sexy it up and give some street cred is there...why dont we do it ? :huh:

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I dont know about some of you but it has always irked me that we dont try to position ourselves better in the market place. We are a unique brand in this land..and we all but put it in the cupboard.

Team melbourne is a good start, Melbourne 150 is good too. The China connection.. great lateral thinking. Then we come down to good ol brand advertising of our club. For me there have been some namby pamby efforts.. some downright comical ( in amatuerishness ) and one that was even by myleft of centre standards...a little out there...and I think its still there having never hit home !! lol.

Is 2008 the year we fianlly get some sort of ballsy effort at branding our team. We are after all DEMONS !! you know...that ferocious thingy from hell !! Some past advertising would have us the Bambis or something equally as nuetered.

Cant we have some Fire and Brinsmstone imagery with flashes of hard playing Demons displaying flair and daring.. maybe set to Doors "come on baby light my fire " or something..cant we please..

or everyday weekday people morphing into full on Demon supporters to the tune of "Devil Inside "

The chance to sexy it up and give some street cred is there...why dont we do it ? :huh:

What a top idea, best I have heard for a while, send that to the club, damm singing it already!!!

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A classy, elegant (Queen) style invitation card opens up saying "U're cordially invited to our 150th birthday". Classic soft music playing in the background.

Then cuts to action shots of Rivers, Mclean, Jones, Petterd, Sylvia, Bartram and our youngsters in full flight. All upbeat and all action. Bumps, marks, tackles etc. Crowd cheers, excitement everywhere.

MFC 08. You'll think you've died and gone to hell.

Insert gay new logo and Phone number to become a member.

I'm not sure MFC can afford TVC's but they should be doing more ambient stuff and target to kids. Stickers, badges to kinder kids.

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A classy, elegant (Queen) style invitation card opens up saying "U're cordially invited to our 150th birthday". Classic soft music playing in the background.

Then cuts to action shots of Rivers, Mclean, Jones, Petterd, Sylvia, Bartram and our youngsters in full flight. All upbeat and all action. Bumps, marks, tackles etc. Crowd cheers, excitement everywhere.

MFC 08. You'll think you've died and gone to hell.

Insert gay new logo and Phone number to become a member.

I'm not sure MFC can afford TVC's but they should be doing more ambient stuff and target to kids. Stickers, badges to kinder kids.

That is a great idea for a commercial.

Need to have Rivers' crazy mark a couple of year ago when he was going back with the flight of the ball, McLean's first shot on goal in the final against the Saints last year, Petterd's spoil infront of Hall, Bartram tackling someone to the ground, Bell's goal-saving tackle against Adelaide, Newton's screamer, a massive goal from Bate and Sylvia's 'don't mess with me' against the Pies this year.

Like you've said though, TV advertising is incredibly expensive.

I'm doing some promotional costing at the moment for an assignment, and even the smallest magazine ad will cost you about $20,000.

The cost of advertising on TV will be at least 10 times that, probably much more.

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A classy, elegant (Queen) style invitation card opens up saying "U're cordially invited to our 150th birthday". Classic soft music playing in the background.

Then cuts to action shots of Rivers, Mclean, Jones, Petterd, Sylvia, Bartram and our youngsters in full flight. All upbeat and all action. Bumps, marks, tackles etc. Crowd cheers, excitement everywhere.

MFC 08. You'll think you've died and gone to hell.

Insert gay new logo and Phone number to become a member.

I'm not sure MFC can afford TVC's but they should be doing more ambient stuff and target to kids. Stickers, badges to kinder kids.

I love it now make it happen MFC

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I was hoping that while the club uses our 150 anniversary as a marketing campaign, i think this is also a chance to re-invent the club, give us a bit more of an edgy look. We're meant to be the demons, but we're looked at as though we're the bunnies, we should try and appeal to a younger market of about 12-22. Get 'em while they're young, because right now i don't think we're an attractive club for the kids, like the footy team we should be building around the youth and ensure the future rather than retain same old.

Maybe we should publish a comic book! Where a demon sent by the (footy) gods comes to earth to take it back from the evil magpies, tigers, cats etc. of the (footy) world!

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I dont know about some of you but it has always irked me that we dont try to position ourselves better in the market place. We are a unique brand in this land..and we all but put it in the cupboard.

Team melbourne is a good start, Melbourne 150 is good too. The China connection.. great lateral thinking. Then we come down to good ol brand advertising of our club. For me there have been some namby pamby efforts.. some downright comical ( in amatuerishness ) and one that was even by myleft of centre standards...a little out there...and I think its still there having never hit home !! lol.

Is 2008 the year we fianlly get some sort of ballsy effort at branding our team. We are after all DEMONS !! you know...that ferocious thingy from hell !! Some past advertising would have us the Bambis or something equally as nuetered.

Cant we have some Fire and Brinsmstone imagery with flashes of hard playing Demons displaying flair and daring.. maybe set to Doors "come on baby light my fire " or something..cant we please..

or everyday weekday people morphing into full on Demon supporters to the tune of "Devil Inside "

The chance to sexy it up and give some street cred is there...why dont we do it ? :huh:

Devil Inside is fantastic, this should be on the agenda, you should email the club with this!!

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A classy, elegant (Queen) style invitation card opens up saying "U're cordially invited to our 150th birthday". Classic soft music playing in the background.

Then cuts to action shots of Rivers, Mclean, Jones, Petterd, Sylvia, Bartram and our youngsters in full flight. All upbeat and all action. Bumps, marks, tackles etc. Crowd cheers, excitement everywhere.

MFC 08. You'll think you've died and gone to hell.

Insert gay new logo and Phone number to become a member.

I'm not sure MFC can afford TVC's but they should be doing more ambient stuff and target to kids. Stickers, badges to kinder kids.

thats brilliant. I can see it in my head already

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  • 1 month later...

this is the only half relevant topic i could find to post this in,

i have just been looking through the apparel in the megastore for next year and am surprised by how little 150 i saw on clothing. indeed, the only one i could find was on the team jumper. i'd have thought it'd be on evey cap, every jacket every singlet. does anyone else find this strange or can offer any insight?

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Ive just about given up on this club having any promotinal skills what so ever. This despite our leader supposedly a guru in his industry.

Honestly this club couldnt sell a hot dog to an eskimo !!!

its all way to oback seat....all the time... always some conservativley placed crap.

imagine if we had like a Branson tpe aboard this club ??? Then People would firstly KNOW who we are and what we're about...and god knows night even want to join the party

what do we do...take theh F'n Demon away

Excuse the french but I do wonder at times if our club has sh!t for brains when it comes to promotion !!

we've got the potentially biggest brand in Footy.....you'd never know it would you.

I applaud efforts to get China happening...but Mfc... lets get Australia and more particular Melbourne happening fisrt !!!

FFS .we're supposed be be fearsome Demons ...not nancy pancy red/blue things !!

The promotions dept must be run by a couple of granny's with left over cucumber sandwiches I reckon !!

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the demon will not be lost...dont worry about that, it just may be overshadowed in 08 by the new logo and the 150th crap going on, but i think a more fiersome approach to our club and its advertising will be back in a couple of years. the demon is not going anywhere, dont you worry about that..

in terms of television advertising, it is too expensive and not effective enough...i think we need to start looking at the internet and newspaper/magazines, making it a lot easier to become a member..is it still 13 DEMONS??

also, i think our websight should put more emphasis into setting membership goals with a thermometer graph and make sure that the first thing you see when you enter the websight is "how to become a member"

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I would have thought for all the hot air on this thread the best way to attract and retain members is sustained on field success. That where the fire and brimstone should be not in some forgettable 30 sec take on late night TV that is instantly forgettable and you can easily mute.

Has anyone done the cost/benefit on the various Club advertising splurges? Its an expensive plunge for questionable outcome.

Unless we improve on the field, any serious advertising campaign is going to be of negligible value.

The Club is limited in its resources and has spent additional funds on more developmental coaching and staff and that is to be applauded as a way to improve on the field.

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Perhaps a better option would be sausage sizzles and kicks with kids at training? It would mean much more to the kids and the parents. Perhaps adopting a local school team etc. not as costly, but I don't know if these things are already done. Perhaps a Demon of the week during the year, any thoughts?

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This'll sound weird, but I've been making all sorts of scribblings about 'community mobilisation', 'building networks' and such stuff. It's a big part of my skills background.

It'd be a massive post, even for me, but it wouldn't take me long to put together from what I've got so far.

Maybe I could send it in to a mod, or something?

Get it picked apart here and whatever is left that looks good gets sent to the club?

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yep, all and sundry ...throw all things up.. Thats what brainstorming is about..

I think we all just want a better result for the club.. thats the imortnat thing...who what or why...not so much relevant..

So all ideas to the fore :)

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I would have thought for all the hot air on this thread the best way to attract and retain members is sustained on field success. That where the fire and brimstone should be not in some forgettable 30 sec take on late night TV that is instantly forgettable and you can easily mute.

Has anyone done the cost/benefit on the various Club advertising splurges? Its an expensive plunge for questionable outcome.

Unless we improve on the field, any serious advertising campaign is going to be of negligible value.

The Club is limited in its resources and has spent additional funds on more developmental coaching and staff and that is to be applauded as a way to improve on the field.

Every year we have a new group of people come onto the site and start bagging the club for not running TV ads like Hawthorn and North and probably Richmond will. And every year the answer is the same....as Rhino has pointed out.

It simply is not worthwhile financially!

As others have said, they are extraordinarily expensive to make, and then even more expensive to run. For what?

It actually doesn't convince those who will be a member to join up, because they will do it regardless.

The membership phone ins that the people from Demonland-Demonology have produced far more membership renewals for the club than any TV ad.

The club did some research years ago about the response rate to a TV ad programme. It produced only a minimal return at the aforementioned extortionate cost.

The club has only limited resources ( as do all clubs ) It has to use them wisely, so it targets members in manners that get the results, not that make people feel good.

And finally credit again to Rhino.....the best way to get people through the gate and signing up is on-field success.

So I hope that this year we have a serious crack at things like the NAB cup, because it has not been on our radar for the past 10 years, and we still have nothing to show for that strategy.

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and thats why Hawthorn and Tigers continue to have such Low memberships huh ?? lol

there is far more to all this than simplifying it , but if it works as your rebuttal.. so be it.

There are such things as brand awareness and brand reinforcement. Yes..the die hard will renew their memebrships regardless. But its the equivalent of the swinging voter thats up for grabs. there are those that might be contemplating a mebershipfor the fist time. Hey..there always has to be a FIRST time !!

Strangely its not necessarily new folk sayinghtis.. some of us have been highlighting our clubs inadequacies in this regard for years..

There is no doubt on filed success helps to steel people towards that decison , but have some of thee other clubs had that much ?? No.. but they know the lessons of marketing.

yes the club may have limited resources... so often does many a business thats why the inventive ones getlateral and try to compound any effect of their advertising. Do you think Branson always had squillions ?? NO.. but he was very clever at leveredging any publicity he got ...or made !!

We have OUR 150th coming up...but youd never really know it as the MFc has all but allowed the AFL to hijack it.

Littel things liek possibly showing a public face to its annoyance etc would get free publicity, help bolster the image of a club prepared to stand up for itself etc. This when combined with normal avenues of advertising and publicity help show a no nonsense attitude , soemthting many might like to associate with etc.

mbership and promotion are not sjust about the obvious things. There are many peripheral elements which go towards all of this.

But hey we can all sit back and roll out the tired old excuses of why we are so good at NOT doing something.. or we can try others. Im all for at least firstly suggesting ideas, looking at them and possibly trying new tacts.

Thosee that want to survive evolve !! those that dont become extinct.

where would yo uhave us?

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its not a whinge..its an xplanation

I tell you what... all those that have nothing to add in a construcive maaner to this effort...go stand >>>>>>>>>

everyone else who wants to contribute..please go ahead

if it only results in one idea coming off to the benefit of the club then its worth the effort ..surely

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before I got much busier. Years ago I was thinking that a train carriage of demon faithful could unite at spencer st from all points of victoria on our match days. This would be conducive to support groups and now it would be much cheaper than it was then. We had a supporter group based in Albury when I lived in Wangaratta, unfortunately it died we thingd turned bad in our odd year 97 0r 99 and folded. The DEEtrain! Supporters could meet the train at Albury/Wodonga, Wang, Benalla, Euroa, Seymour. Petrol costs are huge now. At the time I was looking at making group bookings to lessen the cost. Last yr my daughter and I went down to see us [censored] Adel Yessss. our 1st win 4 07. and it cost just $60 from Albury to Melb return! we could not have taken a car for less than that!

Mod edit: Type in large font is unnecessary. But your point is valid about the impact of petrol. Thanks

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