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Christian Petracca’s 2024 Season Ending Injuries

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1 hour ago, Billy said:

We’ll said, we’ve been bashed by the media & other clubs supporters relentlessly for 9 months, the club hasn’t handled it well, but the pile on has been horrendous 

I feel the same way as the earlier poster we have been subject to complete pile on. Everyone hates our club. However, when Goodwin said he wanted fans to feel “proud to belong” he dug his own grave, because since then they have trashed any legacy their were building. We are back to the laughing stock of old and we have given the ammo to the media, including his pathetic interview on SEN about culture. Still not a damn word from our phantom President. Is anyone going to address the [censored] the media is spinning? Making is very hard to feel proud to belong. Belong to what? A sinking ship that has ignored festering cultural issues ? 

I can’t believe we are back to this

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1 hour ago, Older demon said:

Reported tonight by Tom Morris. Trac was taken to the theatre in the early morning (no waiting around) at one stage a splenectomy was being considered, that's serious.

As previously mentioned, the radiology team manages the splenic bleeding to close the bleeders then surgical repair as the next step if step one doesn't stem the bleeding. Splenectomy (removal) is the absolute last option and is done as a last resort.

Removal of the spleen has lifetime consequences which I won't go into. The spleen is the most vascular organ in the body, it has a significant role in the immune function and other blood functions. The fact removal was even considered tells us how serious the situation was and how bad the laceration. 

I agree with Bruckner that the club did well to send him off to the hospital as soon as they did. I am sure it isn't a 6-week injury, and I hope Trac takes the time to fully recover.

Older Demon my understanding of the spleen is it helps remove bacteria from the body and keep things clean in the bloodstream. 

If one were to remove their spleen, what organ would perform this role?

Edited by layzie
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1 hour ago, monoccular said:

Must have been the terrible failure of a coach’s instructions that he get in Moore’s way. By the way he was in the forward line as I recall. 

Mason 😎 Cox say it is. 

These decisions are made after discussion between two adults, the doctor and the player.   If there was any imperative overriding danger the doctor would of course overrule. 
But that may not of course fit the narrative that the whole club is dysfunctional 

See my previous answer. 

Will the AFL have the guts to make a move on this?  Include knees in the back as “charging”.  I doubt it. 

See above. 

Unless it is cut and dried (as in failing concussion tests or a pneumothorax) then patient and doctor consult, discuss and decide.  That is how it works. Do you really think the doc said don’t go back out, and Tracc said no?  They are both adults. Have you never had a discussion with a doctor on a treatment plan and discussed options?  It woukd seem very reasonable for doc to say “no obvious serious injury, so if you want to try and see, ok. But we will review soon”. 

Its not a normal consult. You keep referring to things like these people are just going to the local doctor.... They are professional athletes who are firstly not trained to make a decision like this and secondly can and will continue to put themselves in harms way. You are literally a moron if you cant see that the duty of care lies with the club and not the player in an instance such as this. I mean just look at the feedback from the AFL medical association in relation to head trauma and them feeling helpless to do anything as players refuse to co-operate. I mean why else is the AFL looking to bring in independent doctors????? ohhh nah you are correct, its just normal everyday triage management. 

you went the early crow, clearly wrong with your assumption and now sitting in a hole with a shovel. 

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Looking at a reply, 2nd quarter at 15:57 mins remaining, I believe Trac shakes his head and says something along the lines he's okay on the boundary line to 2 staff members. Bit hard to lip read off a phone screen but I remembered it live yesterday. Less then a minute of game time later around 15:04, he comes onto the field. I think it's fair the medical team were concerned, but looks like Trac had the final say. Incredibly brave of him, the benefit of hindsight making it more look like a reckless decision. 

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25 minutes ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

I feel the same way as the earlier poster we have been subject to complete pile on. Everyone hates our club. However, when Goodwin said he wanted fans to feel “proud to belong” he dug his own grave, because since then they have trashed any legacy their were building. We are back to the laughing stock of old and we have given the ammo to the media, including his pathetic interview on SEN about culture. Still not a damn word from our phantom President. Is anyone going to address the [censored] the media is spinning? Making is very hard to feel proud to belong. Belong to what? A sinking ship that has ignored festering cultural issues ? 

I can’t believe we are back to this

Yikes. I hope the players don't roll over and play dead as quickly as some of the supporter base have. 


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Just now, DemonWA said:

Yikes. I hope the players don't roll over and play dead as quickly as some of the supporter base have. 


They already have…you just have missed the month. Take the blinkers off. The cliff has come quickly. We are rooted

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1 minute ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

They already have…you just have missed the month. Take the blinkers off. The cliff has come quickly. We are rooted

We need to get back to basics no doubt, but I think even the pundits like kingy can see it's a confused game plan that has rocked the players confidence and instincts, not that the players skill has fallen off a cliff. 

Feel free to bump this thread in 3 months time and tell me I was deluded. 

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3 hours ago, Monbon said:

No-one's talking about 'nice'. I'm talking about a game that has been forced bit by bit to rescue itself from a very violent history. Just as the Dippers, Leigh Mathews and Don Scotts and Dermies, and other fundamental violent on-field criminals have been weeded out - mainly because the VFL/AFL could no longer afford the monetary repercussions - it's also time to remove the other legalized acts of violence and thuggery to protect those who simply want to play a sport called AFL. Just about every other code has removed the risk to life, limb and organs, when will the AFL follow suit?????  Or maybe, you just like sticking your knees into another human being who happens to play for an opposing 'sporting team'? 

Australian Football is a contact sport, always has been.

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40 minutes ago, david_neitz_is_my_dad said:

Wont be long until the Pies PR campaign gets into swing and publishes info about Moore bringing Trac flowers

If Maynard brings alcohol after giving Gus the worst concussion imaginable, my guess is Moore will bring a book of jokes and riddles for Trac's broken ribs

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1 hour ago, layzie said:

Older Demon my understanding of the spleen is it helps remove bacteria from the body and keep things clean in the bloodstream. 

If one were to remove their spleen, what organ would perform this role?

The spleen is a bit of a dumping ground but you can live without one but more care is needed

. It stores and filters blood and makes white blood cells that protect you from infection. It removes and clears red cells as they age. Patients are indeed susceptible to certain types of bacteria and simplifying all the protocols basically have to take antibiotics daily for the rest of their life (or have antibiotics in their travel bag at all times) and need to be vaccinated.

If my memory serves me I think Mathew Lloyd nearly died the night of the 96 prelim after he ruptured his spleen. He was rushed to hospital suffered severe blood loss and spent days in hospital (Google it).

Once removed no other organ replaces it. Hence the lifestyle changes and probably wear a medi-alert bracelet

Edited by Older demon
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2 hours ago, monoccular said:

So did he have a full laparotomy (abdominal exploration through a big incision) or a laparoscopy (keyhole surgery).

If the former then I doubt he will be playing again in 2024, and quite likely not even if a laparoscopic repair.


That I don't know and would be confidential. When fully recovered the size of the scar will give it away

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13 hours ago, The Stigga said:

Indeed...we can question, and discuss...

Sycophants like you though support whoever, whatever are there...you sit on the fence, weak as [censored].



Out of curiosity, what was censored?

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Started reading this thread just after it started, got as far as one poster saying he would be out for 2/3 weeks. Was happy to be in denial. Now that I’ve returned it seems most posters have move on to the anger stage. 
Take your time and recover well Trac, this season is done, no point rushing back. 

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10 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

Australian Football is a contact sport, always has been.

It is not the only contact sport. My understanding is that Rugby has taken huge steps to decrease the possibility of head and organ injuries. My question is what does the 'legal right' to knee someone in the back or head or any other part of the body because one is 'taking a mark' have to do with 'sport'?

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10 hours ago, DemonWA said:

We need to get back to basics no doubt, but I think even the pundits like kingy can see it's a confused game plan that has rocked the players confidence and instincts, not that the players skill has fallen off a cliff. 

Feel free to bump this thread in 3 months time and tell me I was deluded. 

I would be delighted if we could bump this post if we are still in it in 3 months. 

9 hours ago, Older demon said:

That I don't know and would be confidential. When fully recovered the size of the scar will give it away

I guess when he next appears  in public we will tell from his gait. 

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12 hours ago, Watson11 said:

The AFL should be getting some heat.  In the NFL, every stadium has medical imaging, and some teams bring their own.  X-Ray and ultrasound mainly. With ultrasound, a doctor can pick up internal bleeding with 90% accuracy and punctured lungs with 97-100% accuracy.  And a portable x-ray would find broken ribs in 2 minutes.

If any good should come of Tracc’s incident it should be that the AFL makes it into the 21st century. They have enough money to make sure of players welfare. 


I think you're spot on @Watson11 and the AFL will be right on to this as soon as the work out how to "leverage a revenue stream for their broadcast and corporate partners"

They could have the diagnostic equipment sponsored by someone like NIB or Medibank and have boundary riders like Campbell Brown and Joel Selwood in the rooms interviewing the injured players reminiscing about the tough ol days when they or their team mates just played through it.
They could ask the injured players insightful questions like "gee that must hurt a bit" player x "Yeah Brownie it does a bit yeah" then cut to an "NIB injury of the week award" or "Nurofen numbed up player of the week" 

For concussions, I'd recommend each suspect player just does a short 3 minute interview with BT, if they can stay in the conversation for more than 2 minutes without looking bewildered, they're obviously concussed
(Note: This method may not work for Hawkins).

Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood, it's been tough watching our season sink and watching what's happened to Tracc. Quite horrible really.

So, yeah, if the AFL won't fix goal line technology, what's the chances they'll spend dollars on player welfare? - they bloody well should.

And yep I'm not a doctor, and yep hindsight makes everything clearer,  but with 4 broken ribs around his kidney and spleen area the poor bugger really should not have got back on the field.

Lot's of players at the club seeming to play through injuries or underdone that you've got to query, May, Clarrie, Petty, Lever, Kozzy a year or two ago  etc etc. (yes I know that's football)

It's all very sad and I hope Tracc has the rest of the year off to get himself right.  
What horrible outcomes from the last two Pies games. Feels like Norm's back.

Edited by Brownie
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54 minutes ago, Monbon said:

My question is what does the 'legal right' to knee someone in the back or head or any other part of the body because one is 'taking a mark' have to do with 'sport'?

In that case you are going to have to rule out the good old ‘speccy’, as in most cases that does require the lifting of the knee in order to get purchase on the player in front’s back.

How about everyone stop trying to find a villain (in this case, Moore), as this was purely a footballing accident involving a player leaping in order to effect a spoil, in a marking contest.  

Edited by hardtack
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23 hours ago, dl4e said:

Take a look at the incident carefully and I don't think there is much doubt that Moore deliberately put his knee "hard" into tracs back.

Barrett reinforces that opinion by articles that say the Club has not looked after Trac. What a scum they are.

And to show the old man and acolytes after is very offensive. Hope the Club asks for a please explain from the AFL re targeting of VG players by individuals AND Coaches This has happened to us twice now by the same mob.

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4 minutes ago, Willmoy1947 said:

Barrett reinforces that opinion by articles that say the Club has not looked after Trac. What a scum they are.

Please quote the lines from that article that suggest that Moore deliberately knee’d Trac in the back. He was referencing the decision to allow him back on the field and suggesting that he could suffer more damage.

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Sick of the media with their biased, toe the line reporting.  Sick of all the talk. Sick of the innuendo. Sick of the compromised AFL  organisation.

Gutted for Trac. He is heart and soul. Hope he makes a full recovery.

Really don’t see a lot of positives going forward this year but hope as always I’m wrong.

Decades of hating Collingwood lives on but unfortunately can’t help having some begrudging admiration for how Moore conducts himself. Unlike the media darling Maynard scum don’t believe Moore went out to injure a player.

Am way too invested in the fortunes of the MFC.

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7 minutes ago, DeeMee said:

Sick of the media with their biased, toe the line reporting.  Sick of all the talk. Sick of the innuendo. Sick of the compromised AFL  organisation.

Gutted for Trac. He is heart and soul. Hope he makes a full recovery.

Really don’t see a lot of positives going forward this year but hope as always I’m wrong.

Decades of hating Collingwood lives on but unfortunately can’t help having some begrudging admiration for how Moore conducts himself. Unlike the media darling Maynard scum don’t believe Moore went out to injure a player.

Am way too invested in the fortunes of the MFC.

I hear ya. I just wish i didn't care so much..its mentally draining. 

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3 hours ago, hardtack said:

In that case you are going to have to rule out the good old ‘speccy’, as in most cases that does require the lifting of the knee in order to get purchase on the player in front’s back.

How about everyone stop trying to find a villain (in this case, Moore), as this was purely a footballing accident involving a player leaping in order to effect a spoil, in a marking contest.  

So what happened to Petracca is simply one sad aspect of the Speccie?????

I'm not making Moore out to be a villain: I'm simply pointing out the inanity of a 'sport' that allows incidents like this to occur regularly. 

Oh, so I ruptured your spleen, punctured your lung, broke your ribs, put you in an ambulance, well, it's part of the game, I was only trying to take a speccie.

So 'speccies' is part of the game: as once was what Maynard did, as was once what Mathews and his ilk got away with week in week out. As were sling tackles, 15 metre penalties, one umpire etc. In other words, even AFL, or, Aussie Rules needs to reassess dangerous aspects, just as it has done with 4 umpires, etc etc

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