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POSTGAME: GRAND FINAL vs Western Bulldogs


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I'm not sure it has FULLY sunk in for me yet either. I feel Euphoric but also relieved that the Monkey is finally of our back.

Its great walking around the street EVERY day wearing my Melbourne Jumper with NO 13 on the back. My wife actually snuck it out and washed it when I wasnt looking and I felt like Linus without his blanket. Shameful for a grown man to behave like this..... NOT🤩

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If memory serves me correctly I think Bob Rose said when the Pies finally saluted in 1990 : Is this it?

Thats not me.  So happy from when ANB kicked us to a 42 point lead. Party party party.  Extended family on Whatsup or what ever went delerious. My last thoughts at night are game higlights and guess what I am thinking of when I get up. Feel great towards all past players and the MFC family.

Though I have stopped yelling PETRACCA.

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6 hours ago, Jibroni said:

It’s a fair bit of a stretch to tie this to the GF loss.

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10 minutes ago, adonski said:

Won't watch the replay, scared the result will change

Haha, I was going to crack that joke. Kept it to myself. BTW, I finally rewatched on Thursday night - and we still won!!!

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1 hour ago, Return to Glory said:

I was numb and probably disbelieving the night we won the Premiership. It's only some time down the track that the enormity of it has sunk in. I wonder, was anybody else slow to take it in?

Yes, very slow to fully absorb it, and loving every second.

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3 hours ago, bringbackthebiff said:

- Dont reckon one broadcast mentioned Johannisen put both hands in the back when he took that screamer


1 hour ago, Allus Monk said:

This annoys me no end as well. It wasn’t even hands in the back, it was hands on each shoulder and pushing off to elevate himself. Textbook free kick. 


1 hour ago, jnrmac said:

That is legal. You can use your hands to 'climb' the other player. If he dropped the mark it would have been a free.The AFL are trying to promote the speccy by allowing this.


Well, of course our old friends the AFL have created another grey area here.

First, the rule defining a Mark has no mention of infringements ... it's all about whether the ball was controlled, travelled 15 metres, whether it was out of bounds, etc. Now read on ....

18.3.1 Spirit and Intention
A Player who makes the football their sole objective shall be provided every opportunity to do so.
18.3.2 Free Kicks - Prohibited Contact
A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player when that Player makes any of the following Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player:
(a) executes a tackle that is not legal (refer to the definition of Legal Tackle);
(b) pushes or bumps an opposition Player in the back;
(c) makes high contact to an opposition Player (including the top of the shoulders) with any part of their body;

So Johannisen gave away a free under 18.3.2 (b) or 18.3.2 (c)


18.5.1 Spirit and Intention
The Player whose sole objective is to contest or spoil a Mark shall be permitted to do so.
18.5.2 Free Kicks - Marking Contests
A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick in a Marking contest against a Player where the Player:
(a) holds or blocks an opposition Player;
(b) unduly pushes or bumps an opposition Player;
(c) deliberately interferes with the arms of an opposition Player;
(d) makes contact to an opposition Player from front-on and whose sole objective is not to contest or spoil a Mark; or
(e) makes an unrealistic attempt to contest or spoil a Mark which interferes with an opposition Player.
18.5.3 Permitted Contact
Incidental contact in a Marking contest will be permitted if the Player’s sole objective is to contest or spoil a Mark.

So, Johannisen didn't give away a free kick because there's nothing in the definition of a marking contest to say he can't give himself a boost upstairs.

And what's "incidental contact in a Marking contest", you may ask? Not defined. The only mention of the phrase "incidental contact" is in the quoted text. Leaving it up to, you guessed it, "interpretation".

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On two occasions I’ve actually dreamt that something happened and the premiership was taken away from us. Bona fide nightmares, right there.
In one of the dreams, it was shortly after the final siren and Joe Biden got on the P.A. and announced that we were disqualified and they were awarding the premiership to Footscray. (Joe Biden was there because…dream.) The disqualification was due to us having too many players on the field, it was after Tmac’s goal when the guys on the bench ran onto the field. I was yelling and screaming that the siren had gone and the goal had been kicked so the game was over. But no, according to Joe Biden, the game’s not officially over until the goal umpire waves the flags. I’ve never been so happy to wake up and realise it was just a dream. 

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7 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

On two occasions I’ve actually dreamt that something happened and the premiership was taken away from us. Bona fide nightmares, right there.
In one of the dreams, it was shortly after the final siren and Joe Biden got on the P.A. and announced that we were disqualified and they were awarding the premiership to Footscray. (Joe Biden was there because…dream.) The disqualification was due to us having too many players on the field, it was after Tmac’s goal when the guys on the bench ran onto the field. I was yelling and screaming that the siren had gone and the goal had been kicked so the game was over. But no, according to Joe Biden, the game’s not officially over until the goal umpire waves the flags. I’ve never been so happy to wake up and realise it was just a dream. 

Better than the dream I had once where I’d been drafted to Hawthorn for some reason.

I woke up in a similar manner to Axl Rose at the end of the ‘November Rain’ music video. 😱

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3 hours ago, bringbackthebiff said:

After another week of watching GF TV/radio calls, some random observations/thoughts:

- Was the so called “master coach” move of putting Treloar in the centre the beginning  of the end? Probably a big call, but it really bit them when our midfield took over - with Jackson in the centre bounces it was basically 5 versus 3

- Was it a tactic for the demons to keep crunching Macrea at every opportunity? Seemed to wear him down 

- Dont reckon one broadcast mentioned Johannisen put both hands in the back when he took that screamer

Brown did the same when he marked Petracca's clearance when the slaughter began...It seems it's 'allowed' if a player takes the mark.

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3 minutes ago, dieter said:

Brown did the same when he marked Petracca's clearance when the slaughter began...It seems it's 'allowed' if a player takes the mark.

You can place your hands on a player back, but not obviously extend or push them is my understanding

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On 10/10/2021 at 8:46 AM, BDA said:

Trac joked about it in an interview when the Daniel Gawn sling was mentioned. Said he told Gawn not be so soft or words to that effect. Gawn definitely over egged it

 That is  rubbish, gawn did not over egged it, once they went over line max put his hands up and Daniel's decided to throw him to the ground.

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1 hour ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

On two occasions I’ve actually dreamt that something happened and the premiership was taken away from us. Bona fide nightmares, right there.
In one of the dreams, it was shortly after the final siren and Joe Biden got on the P.A. and announced that we were disqualified and they were awarding the premiership to Footscray. (Joe Biden was there because…dream.) The disqualification was due to us having too many players on the field, it was after Tmac’s goal when the guys on the bench ran onto the field. I was yelling and screaming that the siren had gone and the goal had been kicked so the game was over. But no, according to Joe Biden, the game’s not officially over until the goal umpire waves the flags. I’ve never been so happy to wake up and realise it was just a dream. 

Something similar happened to me WCW at the '87 Prelim. The Phukkenara 15 metre penalty happened right in front of me. I had that experience where everything slows down. Like being in a car accident. I knew I was watching a monumental cluster-phukk that would haunt me for the rest of time and there was nothing I could do to stop it. But at the same time, I was also in denial . . . "no this is not happening . . . they can't take this game, and a place in the granny, away from us. No, noooooooo". 

As the players ran off the ground I was just sitting in my seat - shocked. Then I thought, I'll turn on the radio . . . 3LO that day. Peter Booth was broadcasting and was talking from the Melbourne room. Something like, "there's a lot of noise and confusion down here . . . people are shouting and screaming." I remember thinking, and totally believing, there's been a mistake. The VFL will reverse the result. At worst, they'll come out and play the last few minutes again. I can't go home . . . the game's not over yet". 

I only officially got over the trauma of that day three weeks ago. 

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1 hour ago, Mazer Rackham said:




Well, of course our old friends the AFL have created another grey area here.

First, the rule defining a Mark has no mention of infringements ... it's all about whether the ball was controlled, travelled 15 metres, whether it was out of bounds, etc. Now read on ....

18.3.1 Spirit and Intention
A Player who makes the football their sole objective shall be provided every opportunity to do so.
18.3.2 Free Kicks - Prohibited Contact
A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick against a Player when that Player makes any of the following Prohibited Contact with an opposition Player:
(a) executes a tackle that is not legal (refer to the definition of Legal Tackle);
(b) pushes or bumps an opposition Player in the back;
(c) makes high contact to an opposition Player (including the top of the shoulders) with any part of their body;

So Johannisen gave away a free under 18.3.2 (b) or 18.3.2 (c)


18.5.1 Spirit and Intention
The Player whose sole objective is to contest or spoil a Mark shall be permitted to do so.
18.5.2 Free Kicks - Marking Contests
A field Umpire shall award a Free Kick in a Marking contest against a Player where the Player:
(a) holds or blocks an opposition Player;
(b) unduly pushes or bumps an opposition Player;
(c) deliberately interferes with the arms of an opposition Player;
(d) makes contact to an opposition Player from front-on and whose sole objective is not to contest or spoil a Mark; or
(e) makes an unrealistic attempt to contest or spoil a Mark which interferes with an opposition Player.
18.5.3 Permitted Contact
Incidental contact in a Marking contest will be permitted if the Player’s sole objective is to contest or spoil a Mark.

So, Johannisen didn't give away a free kick because there's nothing in the definition of a marking contest to say he can't give himself a boost upstairs.

And what's "incidental contact in a Marking contest", you may ask? Not defined. The only mention of the phrase "incidental contact" is in the quoted text. Leaving it up to, you guessed it, "interpretation".

you don't get it mazer

the written rules are irrelevant.......it's all about the interpretation

it's the only way to guarantee controversy, more media coverage, more satisfied stakeholders and naturally more dosh for the afl treasury

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Run into a Carlton supporter today. Said "g'day mate". He paid a backhanded complement about our win. I said "it's our third anniversary today". "What?", he says. I say, "three weeks since we won a flag". He says something about having to wait another 57 for the next flag. I said, "and it's also only 49 weeks to go". Again, he says "what?". I said, 49 weeks until our 14th. 

He didn't like it at all.

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9 hours ago, Jibroni said:

Dunno what happened but reckon he'd attract some attention.
Good and bad.
Tough gig learning how to deal with it in the public eye when ya 20yrs old.

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2 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

On two occasions I’ve actually dreamt that something happened and the premiership was taken away from us. Bona fide nightmares, right there.
In one of the dreams, it was shortly after the final siren and Joe Biden got on the P.A. and announced that we were disqualified and they were awarding the premiership to Footscray. (Joe Biden was there because…dream.) The disqualification was due to us having too many players on the field, it was after Tmac’s goal when the guys on the bench ran onto the field. I was yelling and screaming that the siren had gone and the goal had been kicked so the game was over. But no, according to Joe Biden, the game’s not officially over until the goal umpire waves the flags. I’ve never been so happy to wake up and realise it was just a dream. 

Gawd ... What a terrible dream 😱😭

Biden wouldn't have known what he was there for either 😂

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4 hours ago, Return to Glory said:

I was numb and probably disbelieving the night we won the Premiership. It's only some time down the track that the enormity of it has sunk in. I wonder, was anybody else slow to take it in?



I remember us winning that joke AFLX premiership a few years ago and thinking this is the first time in 30 years of following the club that I ever saw the red and the blue hold up some sort of silverware - although the aflx trophy was more of a crappy pale copper bronze shade … anyways even though I’ve watched the GF replay many times now I don’t think the enormity of this has truly sunk in yet. Also the fact that we absolutely owned Geelong this year too and won a game after the siren down at the cattery - I don’t think I really took that in at the time as I thought it wouldn’t mean [censored] if we didn’t end up winning the flag , ditto the prelim pantsing of the cats. But we did it , minor premiers and the flag !! Very comprehensive and very Un-Melbourne like … all this attention and focus on us now being the competition benchmark of professionalism and success now will take a bit to get used to!

But am looking forward to getting back to the G and to see the team in person holding the cup up - I hope this is before xmas it would be really awesome highlight to this extraordinary crazy year and I think then it will really hit home that we have now reached the promised land !


Edited by Delusional demon 82
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4 hours ago, sue said:

This is another of the unwritten rules of AFL. If he didn't mark it, it would be a free. If he marks it, it is mark of the year.

All started with what they let Wawrick Capper get away with.
I didn't have a problem with Johaniesons other than the fact I was going into a dark tunnel at the time.
The AFL doesn't want to lose the spectacular mark.
They're not as regular as they once were due to the way the game is played so they let abit more go.
A big mark is advertising gold to the americans for eg.

As for Browns.
He's allowed to hold his ground, reckon the timing of the Bulldogs jump was bad for him.
And I've watched Hawkins get away with that week after week so ..... "YES BROWNY, C'MON DEMONS!!!! " 

Edited by Fork 'em
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9 hours ago, Jibroni said:

Would anyone on the Gold Coast even know who he was?  In civvies he would like another bogan especially around midnight!

Edited by Premiers
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37 minutes ago, Delusional demon 82 said:

I remember us winning that joke AFLX premiership a few years ago and thinking this is the first time in 30 years of following the club that I ever saw the red and the blue hold up some sort of silverware - although the aflx trophy was more of a crappy pale copper bronze shade … anyways even though I’ve watched the GF replay many times now I don’t think the enormity of this has truly sunk in yet. Also the fact that we absolutely owned Geelong this year too and won a game after the siren down at the cattery - I don’t think I really took that in at the time as I thought it wouldn’t mean [censored] if we didn’t end up winning the flag , ditto the prelim pantsing of the cats. But we did it , minor premiers and the flag !! Very comprehensive and very Un-Melbourne like … all this attention and focus on us now being the competition benchmark of professionalism and success now will take a bit to get used to!


Was lucky a few weeks before the end of the season a swans supporter mate asked me how I thought we'd go in the finals.
Told him I was nervous, been playing some good footy but dropping a few games we shouldn't etc, etc.

He told me when the swans won their 1st flag on '05 he didn't actually think they were any good till it was all over.
I made the decision there and then to just relax and enjoy the ride.
And what a ride it was.
Apart from that spooky quarter and a half they were brilliant.

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