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Cameron Schwab Resigns

Steamin Demon

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An interim CEO in the meantime..

As i mentioned last nite:

Adrian Anderson does something for Cricket Australia until mid year.. then..?

Id be talking to him now..

Exactly the wrong choice for us. Schwab lite and no CEO experience. Pass
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Exactly the wrong choice for us. Schwab lite and no CEO experience. Pass

Spot on, I think I mentioned Anderson's name for CEO when he left the AFL. It was not a serious suggestion, he carries way too much baggage at our club for our club.

I'm pretty sure the AFL will be involved in the process of getting the right person for the job.

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It never ceases to amaze me that some posters go on and on about an issue and express their own view in 20 to 30 different ways when most of the time they wouldn't have a clue.

Why was Schwab sacked; I don't know, but it seems as if its because of external pressure brought to bear on the club. Was he doing a good job; I don't know that either and neither would the majority of the posters on here, but that hasn't stopped a few from going on and on about the need for him to be sacked.

It's all guesswork and blind follow the leader stuff and the two that have lead the charge RR and WYL, if asked, wouldn't have one shred of evidence to back up their accusations.

This is a further nail in our coffin as it shows just how amateurish our club is.

I haven't watched the press conference and probably won't, it's been pulled apart enough on here already but if McLardy was as bad as it seems then he was probably under duress, because he's usually quite capable. Perhaps he's getting to the end of his tether and is over the constant pressure of running the worst club in Australia; maybe if it wasn't for his friendship with Jimmy he would walk away from it all, who knows, but if he did I wouldn't blame him.

If the dynamic duo can come up with a viable option then they may be taken seriously but their only aim is to tear down, death by a 1000 posts, not to come up with any substance.

If McLardy does step down then Geoff Freeman would be a good choice, he's put a lot of his own money in to the club, is a very successful businessman, in the same industry as McLardy and has a large network of connections.

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If I worked in a job that I absolutely loved that included many of my close mates, but had an absolute [censored] of a boss at the very top (not my immediate manager) that had screwed past employees just to satisfy his own vision and strategy, when it was clearly not working or was clearly in breach and hypocritical of his own bleating regards integrity, would I under perform in an effort to have him removed? Would my fellow employees assist me by also under performing in their roles just to compound the issues - but for the long term sustainability of the team and its efforts?


Whether this is a reasonable analogy or not does not matter. What matters is that after another 4 or so rounds, if we're still getting pumped then Schwab will indeed have been the scapegoat and our Coach will be firmly in the guns breach.

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Just so we can have this on the record - Cameron resigning will not change one thing on the field.

In the short-term, highly unlikely. In the longer term I think it will be seen to be the correct decision. A change in leadership was desperately needed at this club and the clean slate will help. The Board now needs to do the right thing and elect a new President.

In an ideal world, Jones would be captain, and Neeld would have til mid season to prove he has a clue and not lost the playing group entirely. But we can't have too much change at one time. That would be doing more harm than good.

The response from the players this weekend might say something about how much truth there is to the 186 protest theory. I would hope their effort isn't dictated by personal feelings towards our administration, but right now I don't care. Eventually something has to ignite the group and perhaps this will be it. I have my doubts.

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After 50 years and the emotion and passion running at the moment, I have now signed up to have my say. Got mixed thoughts on Schwabb going, has helped turn us around financially, and still struggle to understand how a CEO can direcly impact on playing performances. Never been a big fan of Neeld and the lack inspiration in his pre prematch address should be holding Neeld more accountable, not a CEO.

I have always thought that the little turd Chris Connoly was behind some of the back room stir ups, still think he had numbers on himself coming over and coaching us, thank god he never did, hopefully the new CEO will give him the flick.

Just had an interesting call from the MFC, I had another call coming in and had to cut short the person from the club short but suspect that they were chasing why I hadn't renewed my membership this year. Call what ever you like, but is my own personal protest on a $500k fine from the AFL when the club chose to cave in and accept it and not fight it, think what we could have done with an extra $500k ! Just thought the timing of the call was interesting in that it was not that long after Schwabb standing down, wonder if there has been a directive internally to start following up with non paid up members to see if attitude has changed now that the 1st sacraficial lamb has found the chopping block. Had the leaders called the AFL's bluff and challenged the handing down of the fine when the club was not found guilty we could have saved a lot of money.

Oh yeah and before I forget, looking through this website, which I think is great, I am intrigued about the 3 faces on the right hand side at the top of the website. The other 5 are all legends for Melbourne, and it is insulting to have 3 that have done nothing to prove themselves in such prominence next to legends. The Ox better deserves to be there before them, fighting back from 3 knee reco's becuase of his passion for the club and the game, just wish that some of that past passion would rub off on them.

I think you may find, if your observant enough to care, & look for a replay of the Pre Pre-game address, If I'm correct it was said, that this 'pre address' was 1 1/2 Hours before the bounce...

think that would mean this is an address before the players even warm up...

Do you expect him to have them bouncing off walls, a whole half game before the opening bounce?

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It never ceases to amaze me that some posters go on and on about an issue and express their own view in 20 to 30 different ways when most of the time they wouldn't have a clue.

Why was Schwab sacked; I don't know, but it seems as if its because of external pressure brought to bear on the club. Was he doing a good job; I don't know that either and neither would the majority of the posters on here, but that hasn't stopped a few from going on and on about the need for him to be sacked.

It's all guesswork and blind follow the leader stuff and the two that have lead the charge RR and WYL, if asked, wouldn't have one shred of evidence to back up their accusations.

This is a further nail in our coffin as it shows just how amateurish our club is.

I haven't watched the press conference and probably won't, it's been pulled apart enough on here already but if McLardy was as bad as it seems then he was probably under duress, because he's usually quite capable. Perhaps he's getting to the end of his tether and is over the constant pressure of running the worst club in Australia; maybe if it wasn't for his friendship with Jimmy he would walk away from it all, who knows, but if he did I wouldn't blame him.

If the dynamic duo can come up with a viable option then they may be taken seriously but their only aim is to tear down, death by a 1000 posts, not to come up with any substance.

If McLardy does step down then Geoff Freeman would be a good choice, he's put a lot of his own money in to the club, is a very successful businessman, in the same industry as McLardy and has a large network of connections.

The Failure of The Red & Blueprint as a template for sustained success is a good start.

The mistake was it didn't happen in 2011.

I am not leading any charge RobbieF. Just my opinions and what i see on the park.

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Good discussion.

Some very classy people on this board and I hope it is a reflection of what will happen in the ensuing months; we require new leadership but we need to have it done with the full blessing of the one to be replaced and with the stability of maintaining most of the current board.

Schwab was a true Demon today and I hope his negotiated severance reflects that.

Don and Cam have been great in trying circumstances but there does come a time for fresh eyes.

A Demon to pull us together for President that gets an industry leading CEO in September/October.

The players will ultimately decide the fate of Neeld, for good or bad and with rhyme or reason.

And the world keeps revolving.

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Good discussion.

Some very classy people on this board and I hope it is a reflection of what will happen in the ensuing months; we require new leadership but we need to have it done with the full blessing of the one to be replaced and with the stability of maintaining most of the current board.

Schwab was a true Demon today and I hope his negotiated severance reflects that.

Don and Cam have been great in trying circumstances but there does come a time for fresh eyes.

A Demon to pull us together for President that gets an industry leading CEO in September/October.

The players will ultimately decide the fate of Neeld, for good or bad and with rhyme or reason.

And the world keeps revolving.

Excellent piece rpfc

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Well, he has made it easy for us to move on from what happened a few years ago.

He should never have been given an extension but that isn't his fault.

For him to resign is the best outcome from our clubs perspective as Boards can be challenged but executives are expensive to remove.

He is a Demon despite his shortcomings and I hope we don't make the mistake that we seem to always make and that is make an enemy of a Demon who had the best interests of the club at heart.

He moves on.

We must move on too.

Well said, sir.

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You have me mixed up with Jack 7 as he jumped ship to Richmond last year, not me, couldnt think of anything worse, well maybe a few teams. Sorry but there is a concept as 50 years a demon cause that's how long I have followed them, just realised that next year will 50 years since we have won a premiership, but who's counting, sadly I reckon GWS will be holding up silverware in September long before we ever do again.

My apologies 50. Will you ring the Club back tomorrow 1300 Demons :mellow: If I am who you hung up on I hope your wife is feeling better!!

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Good discussion.

Some very classy people on this board and I hope it is a reflection of what will happen in the ensuing months; we require new leadership but we need to have it done with the full blessing of the one to be replaced and with the stability of maintaining most of the current board.

Schwab was a true Demon today and I hope his negotiated severance reflects that.

Don and Cam have been great in trying circumstances but there does come a time for fresh eyes.

A Demon to pull us together for President that gets an industry leading CEO in September/October.

The players will ultimately decide the fate of Neeld, for good or bad and with rhyme or reason.

And the world keeps revolving.

I like this new rpfc

Edited by longsuffering
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Not sure what time frame you're talking about JR, but if we're talking '09, '10 and '11 then shouldn't the club have acted on Cameron then?

Why now? If he meddled, you make a decision on him then, you don't not do that and then in spite of all those previous 'possible' indiscretions, offer him a 3 year contract in August last year. And then because of our current predicament and possible pressure from the outside, make a decision now based on those previous 'possible' indiscretions. (is this sounding a bit 'Yes, Prime Minister(ish)?)

My argument is about the principal of how the club might have acted. The parting of the ways may be the best way forward but the timing of it is a little baffling.

Being found guilty and realising the potential for closure may have been the release valve the Club needed.

There could have been a real pressure cook situation and the Club would not have been a nice place to be around.

Divided players, divided coaches, divided administrators.

The CEO may have been the instigator of this environ....let's see what unfolds.

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Well it's what a lot of people on here wanted so I hope this makes them happy.

Personally I will try to remember Schwab as one of the men responsible for saving our club when we were at our direst position.

This next appointment we HAVE to get right.

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A very dignified exit.

Can believe how well Schwab performed, not surprised at all. But am surprised at how good he was to Don and how good he was for him.

McLardy on the other hand was a disaster. His claims of this has been discussed for months don't exactly add up when he signed Schwab for 3 years in August, when he tells us how brilliant the business side is, when he tells us there will be no knee jerk reactions and how stability is the most important thing at a club.

This bloke has no credibility at all after that performance.

That said, I'll just have to avoid discussing Don for the remainder of the year as I have nothing good to say from what I have seen (and that's not just today) of him in action, but at same time we need unity so will be refraining discussing him for the rest of the season (well will try to, we all know I can't help myself sometimes).

My voice will be my vote later in the year.

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Having left the Dees last year as a member and also a supporter for over 50 years and gone over to Richmond, I can't believe that Schwab is the root cause of MFC's problems.

I always said it is a cultural thing in that there are no MFC demographics. There was one forum member on here recently who said the club needed an urban or suburban supporter base where the club and players could reach out physically to that base. I agree, but how that could happen I don't know.

In my last year on this forum before being suspended from it for 12 months as Dees Dayz, Oct 2011 - Oct 2012, I was dead against the club going after Malthouse or any other Collingwood coach. Reaching out to Collingwood for football smarts was not very smart. Traditional MFC supporters should not have to cop that.

Chasing Clarkson was the right thing to do, otherwise an ex MFC stalwart was needed. After Stynes united the club, the club should have awarded the coaching position to a Demon and closed up and tightened, a la Hawthorn. And have a look at the current assistant coaching staff... you have to be kidding me.

Then to shaft Junior Mac, then toss other senior players for the likes of Rodan, Gillies etc.... well, is that an ex Collingwood coaching death squad approach? Any wonder the players have no heart to play for the MFC. Any wonder there is no on-ground leadership. That cannot be paid for or drafted. It has to be nurtured in a tough and uncompromising way.

I was always shouted down on this forum when I doubted the benefit of tanking for draft picks. Especially with MFC's previous ten year or so record of poor picks and their inability to turn high draft picks into successful players, like Sylvia, Morton as a couple of examples.

The term "winning culture" became dirty words on this forum through 2009 onwards. Poo-Poo'd by people I no longer see posting on this forum. This forum is lucky they are currently in hiding.

Anyway, not my problem. I am now a Richmond Football Club member. An old-aged one, not prepared to waste my life further with MFC.

But on the other hand, I wish MFC every success if they can extract themselves from this [censored]. The AFL does really need them to be successful.

I hope that when I get old, I don't become a piece of [censored].

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I said I am not totally letting the players off the hook, but do you really believe MFC has 40 players (out of the 800 in the AFL) all of whom are no good? Also, remember MN has now brought in a large percentage of those players. MN was a midfield coach, Craig was initially successful, but then became boring which lead to his demise, Rawlings was a fill-in coach (but you mentioned him, not me). Players are human and usually very young - they need good coaching, not dictatorial coaching, but coaching which they can relate to. Look at the Scott twins, Hinkley, Sanderson, Macartney - they represent the new breed of coaches who are demanding, but understanding - look to the future.

Accept where you are coming from, we both see the issue in the football dept, you have a greater weighting on the coaching than on the players and that's our point of difference. In the end the buck will rest with Neeld and the coaching staff because as you say they have been directing traffic .

I do not believe we have 40 poor players, far from it and I understand we have some fantastic young, eager, impressionable kids. My gripe rests with the senior members of this team ( I exclude Frawley and Grimes from this by the way) and it seems I'm not completely alone on this.

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Accept where you are coming from, we both see the issue in the football dept, you have a greater weighting on the coaching than on the players and that's our point of difference. In the end the buck will rest with Neeld and the coaching staff because as you say they have been directing traffic .

I do not believe we have 40 poor players, far from it and I understand we have some fantastic young, eager, impressionable kids. My gripe rests with the senior members of this team ( I exclude Frawley and Grimes from this by the way) and it seems I'm not completely alone on this.

That's a pretty fair summation D.

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